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I Want You Back

Page 3

by Thayer King

  Yes, he wanted her as much as ever. Maybe more. But that was only lust. How long would it take for that to wane? A week? Two? Four at best.

  Jeremy grinned. “You’re going to do it, aren’t you? Opportunities for revenge this sweet rarely come along in life.”

  Revenge. The spice that would sweeten the pot.

  Chapter Three

  Dallas Marks wasn’t what Stephen was expecting in a private investigator. He was of average height, slightly shorter than him. A middle aged dark skinned African American man, he leaned towards being pudgy. According to Jeremy, his work was exemplary. They placed their orders before getting down to business.

  Dallas opened his briefcase and removed a notepad. “I’ll need basic information about the individual you’d like researched. Let’s start with the basics. Name?”

  “Ashley Dominica White.” He gave Dallas her birth date and her parents’ names. “She told me that she was a teacher in the North Carolina school system but was recently let go.” He racked his brain for the name of the town she was raised in but couldn’t recall it. “She’s from a small town in North Carolina. I don’t remember the name, but I think it was maybe an hour outside of Raleigh.”

  Dallas wrote for a few more moments. He was left handed and wrote with his arm curled around the pad. Their meals arrived. Stephen was stabbing at his baked potato when next the other man spoke. He wasn’t comfortable with this. Part of him kept saying that this was Ashley, the beautiful girl he’d loved. The more sensible, adult part of him reminded him that this was Ashley, the woman who left him for cash. “Seems you know a great deal about this woman already. What additional information are you interested in discovering?”

  “About seven years ago, she came into a large sum of money. A million dollars to be precise. I want to know what she did with that money.”

  “Do you know how she came into this money?”

  “Yes. That’s not my concern. I want to know how she spent it and if there’s anything left. I want to know the current state of her finances.” Stephen went back to eating as Dallas scribbled for several minutes.

  “I should have a dossier prepared for you by the end of the week at the latest.”

  “Thank you, Dallas.”

  “Well, isn’t this a happy coincidence.”

  “Ashley,” Stephen exclaimed. He sent a significant glance at Dallas before standing. The other man took the hint and put his papers away. “What are you doing here? Are you following me?”

  She laughed. “Don’t you know the meaning of the word coincidence? Of course not.” Her dark brown eyes sparkled. She was gorgeous in a plum blouse and black suede miniskirt. “But I won’t lie. I’m happy to see you. I’d hoped to hear from you...”

  “I’ve had much to consider.”

  “We should talk. Maybe lunch tomorrow?”

  “My schedule is tight.”

  “I can bring lunch to your office.” She gave him the once over, clearly approving of what she saw. Lust hit him like a kick in the gut. He shouldn’t still want this woman. Knowing what type of person she was, he needed to steer clear of her.

  He nodded. “That sounds good.” When she looked at him like that, he could deny her nothing.

  “Well, I was on my way out. Enjoy the rest of your lunch. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kissed him on the corner of his mouth, giving him a tantalizing taste of her lips and making him hunger for more. He watched her walk away, her stride sensual and confident.

  “The Ashley White, I presume?”

  Stephen cleared his throat and straightened his tie. He took his seat. “Yes, that’s her.”

  “Very lovely young lady.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  Stephen tilted his head to the side and studied the canvas before him. It didn’t make any difference. The geometric shapes still didn’t align with the artist given title of Day at the Beach. Sighing, he glanced at his watch and wondered how much longer they would have to stay for the sake of being polite. Aster had dragged him to this fundraiser and then promptly disappeared with one of the artists. He couldn’t even recall what charity this event was in support of.

  In many ways, Aster reminded him of his mother. She had a college degree but no real ambition. She was content to fill her days with shopping, hobbies, clubs, and various charities. The business their fathers had built together held no interest for her. She was polite and always said and did the right things. Her clothing and her views were all conservative. If she ever disagreed with anyone about anything, she was too well mannered to voice an opposing opinion.

  A hand skimmed his shoulder and the nape of his neck, sending a shiver racing down his spine. Ashley. Before he could stop himself, his eyes swept over her body, missing nothing. She wore a glittering bright red cocktail dress that stopped about five inches above her knees. A deep V displayed the plump cinnamon curves of her breasts. Dragging his gaze back up to her face before he could start drooling, he saw that she studied him with the same intensity, desire darkening her brown irises. She ran the tip of her tongue over ruby red lips so glossy that his cock jerked in his pants. She’d arranged her short hair into curls that fell over her brow.

  His first instinct was to drag her off to a dark corner and discover if she wore a bra beneath that slip of a dress. Instead, he cleared his throat, made sure his jacket covered his hard on, and removed her hand from his shoulder. “Is this a coincidence as well, Ash?”

  “Sort of.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “What do you want to hear?” she asked, her tone provocative.

  He refused to rise to the bait. “I’m here with Aster.”

  She nodded. “I expected as much.”

  “Then you know nothing is happening between us tonight.”

  Her lips curled up in a sexy grin that made him wish it could be otherwise. “Can’t I simply enjoy your company?”

  He looked away from her. He’d always enjoyed being with her. It didn’t matter if they were so tied up in studying for exams that they couldn’t speak or if they were dancing on the beach during Spring Break, he’d just been happy to have her at his side. Until she wasn’t anymore. And he’d thought she never would be again. Losing her was like losing part of himself. God, how it had hurt.

  “This painting reminds me of the summer we rented the beach house in Florida,” she said, bringing him back to the present. She’d shifted over to a more traditional landscape of white sands dotted with colorful umbrellas and bikini clad sunbathers.

  He read the title out loud, “Saturdays.” He grunted. “I wonder if the titles are mixed up.” He gestured at the previous painting.

  Ashley studied the red, blue, and white shapes. “Maybe not. I think it’s a kite.”

  Stephen grunted. She was probably right. She’d always been more creative than him. He tended to view the world through a more constrictive lens. Ashley had a way of opening him up to his emotions in a way that he’d found addictive before. When she’d left, he’d closed the door to his feelings and built a brick wall in front of it. He’d been a playboy when they had met. But none of the women before her meant anything. They were conquests and thus, quickly forgotten.

  He recalled the first time he’d caught a glimpse of Ashley. He’d been surrounded by friends and a few girls that hoped to be more. Ashley walked by, her eyes glued to a notebook, barely paying attention to where she was going. He’d stopped mid-sentence, captivated by her beauty. She’d never looked up. He’d made excuses to his friends and tried to follow her, but he’d lost sight of her in the crowd. When next he saw her, she was working in the local movie theater and he hadn’t let the chance to introduce himself escape him. Ashley had been less than welcoming, but his persistence wore her down. She’d been a sophomore and he’d been a junior. Almost from the beginning, he knew that she was the one. Other girls didn’t exist for him anymore. There was only Ashley.

  Ashley grabbed his hand and led him to another painting. “Oh, look at this one. It
reminds me of when you drove us through the Blue Ridge Mountains to watch the leaves change colors. It’s beautiful.”

  Stephen tore his gaze from her face to glance at the painting. A tree-lined road twisted up the side of a mountain. Colorful leaves in shades of gold, red, and brown floated to the ground like large snowflakes.

  “I miss going for rides with you,” she said wistfully.

  He missed it, too. They used to just get in the car with no destination in mind and ride. He didn’t do that anymore. Taking a drive out alone wasn’t as appealing. Besides, he had work.

  “Why are you doing this?” he finally asked. He knew what he should do. Don’t question this. Take his revenge and move on, but falling under her spell again was a dangerous possibility that he couldn’t ignore.

  She looked up at him. Her honeyed skin glowed in this lighting. Her dark eyes were mesmerizing and full of love. It was all he could do not to cover her full lips with his own. “You know why,” she whispered. “You feel it, too.” She reached up and stroked his jaw. “I could never stop loving you.”

  “I wish I could believe you,” he said before he could stop himself.

  She smiled. “You can. I never stopped believing in what we have. You’re the only one for me.”

  He leaned into her touch for a fraction of a second before strengthening his reserved and pulling away. “I should go.”

  “In a minute. I want your opinion on this painting I saw in the other room.”

  He knew it was just an excuse to keep him at her side. She trailed her fingers down his shoulder to the palm of his hand before curling her palm beneath his. She was at once submissive and seductive and he found he couldn’t find the resolve to say no. Stephen resigned himself to fact that he would be fucking Ashley sooner or later. He was powerless to resist. Only resignation had never felt quite like this.

  “You seemed to enjoy yourself tonight,” Aster said mildly.

  Stephen cut a quick glance over at her before returning his attention to the road. He could sense no rebuke in her expression or in her tone. He had enjoyed himself. Thanks to Ashley. While Aster worked behind the scenes to make tonight’s fundraiser a success, he and Ashley had toured the art gallery. When the auction began, he found himself bidding on the autumnal road painting Ashley had admired. When he won, Ashley had thrown her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

  “I did,” he replied and tensed awaiting the scolding he deserved.

  “I’m glad. What will you do with the painting?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe put it in my study.”

  “It will be lovely there, I’m sure.”

  Stephen waited for her to say more. The rest of the drive to her home passed in silence. He knew she was annoyed with him but she refused to say so. Perversely, her polite reserve was pissing him off. He didn’t bother trying to engage her in further conversation. At her house, she allowed him to walk her to her door. Once there, however, she was quick to kiss him on the cheek before disappearing behind her door without another word.

  He groaned and made a mental note to send her flowers tomorrow.

  Chapter Four

  “Ms. White,” the receptionist called. “You may go in now.”

  Ashley nodded at the young lady and stood. “Thank you.” She picked up the bag of food she’d picked up from The Cheesecake Factory. You can do this, she thought to herself even as she had horrible flashbacks about the last time she’d entered this office. It was when she’d come to pick up the check for a million dollars. Denton had been at his most smug and condescending best. She’d had to swallow her ire and think of her parents to get through the distasteful meeting. Just the memory of her father, ashen and gray in his hospital bed had been enough to make her forge ahead.

  Stephen had done much to change the décor, she was glad to note. The walls were painted white and decorated with framed maps. Only the large wood desk was the same. The gray carpet was new. As were the white sofas and chairs that sat in one corner of the room.

  Stephen was on the phone and he nodded her towards the sofa. She placed the bag on the coffee table and removed the plates from the bag. Glancing around, she spotted his mini-fridge. She put their slices of cheesecake inside.

  “That smells delicious,” he said, joining her on the couch a moment later. He wore a dark gray suit with a black shirt and a tie that swirled both colors together.

  “Wish I could take the credit. I never thought I’d say it, but I miss cooking. Staying in a hotel has its downsides.” She handed him his silverware and kissed him full on the mouth. He stiffened but didn’t pull away. She licked her lips. “Mm, you taste good.”

  They ate in silence for a few minutes before he said, “Ash, the other day at my house went too far and I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.”

  “And what impression would that be?” She twirled noodles around on her fork and ate them.

  “That I’ve forgiven you and that we can resume our relationship where things ended before.”

  “And I told you that I’d be willing to do anything to get you back. Have you given that any thought?”

  “Too much,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly.

  She squeezed his knee and trailed her hand up his thigh. Their eyes met as she closed her hand over his erection. She wasn’t playing fair and she had no intentions of doing so.

  He groaned and slid out of reach. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  She smiled. “Just what you’d do if you wanted me. I’m seducing you.”

  His brows rose. “Is that so?”

  She nodded. “Remember I didn’t want to date you because I didn’t think you were serious? You and Jeremy had quite the reputation.” She followed him down the sofa and before he could react, she swung one leg over his thighs so that she straddled him. “But you wore me down, showing up at the movie theater where I was working, calling me every night, sending me flowers.”

  “Am I going to start receiving roses?”

  “No.” She took his hands and put them over his head, crossing them at the wrists so that she could hold both with only one of hers. Her fingers were stretched to the max and he could easily break free if he tried. He looked surprised and aroused. His irises appeared completely black. She leaned forward so that her lips touched his. “Stephen, remember what it feels like to be inside me?”

  “Shit,” he breathed out.

  She traced his lips with the tip of her tongue. “Your mouth makes me so hot and wet. My panties are soaked.”

  “This is inappropriate.”

  “Why? I’m not fucking you.” She bucked against him and moaned. He was a solid bar beneath her. “Though I could be. You must be so uncomfortable. At least I’ve had a release while you’ve had none. Should I unzip you and relieve some of that pressure?”

  “Ash, don’t.”

  She undid his belt. “That has to feel better. Remember the first time you took me? How you fucked me all night? Oh, it was glorious. I want to feel you again, stretching my pussy, taking me hard and deep.” He bucked against her and she gasped. Nibbling his earlobe, she whispered his name. “Don’t you miss it? Don’t you want my pussy? Feel it.” She took one of his hands and worked it under her long flowing skirt. Further instructions weren’t needed. His fingers pushed aside her damp panties and buried themselves with hungry intent inside of her pussy lips. He circled her clit until she was pumping her hips against his hand. “Oh, Stephen, please.”

  He penetrated her with first one and then two fingers, both of them groaning at the more intimate contact. Ashley kissed him, mostly to muffle her gasps as Stephen finger fucked her pussy without mercy. He was rougher than she ever recalled him being but her body couldn’t stop responding to him. Gripping his shoulders, she rode his fingers.

  She hadn’t intended to take things this far but with him she should have predicted that the fire between them would blaze out of her control. Her belly tightened, signaling her impending orgasm.

withdrew his fingers. The abrupt change had her moaning in disappointment. “Stephen, why-”

  “Not again. We shouldn’t be doing this. I’m having dinner with Aster tonight.”

  “You belong to me.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Yes. Forever.” She took his hand, the fingers still glistening with her dew. “And I’m yours. I like Aster and I wouldn’t be doing her any favors by letting her marry a man who will never love her.” She pressed his fingertip to his mouth. “Taste it. Taste your wet pussy.”

  Groaning, he opened his lips and sucked his fingers. His eyes closed as though he were savoring her flavor. When they opened again, they burned with anger and desire. Holding her hips, he repositioned them on the couch so that she lay beneath him. He pushed her skirt up to her waist, exposing her panties. “Is this what you want, Ash?” He gripped the pale pink triangle of her underwear and twisted. Lace stood no chance against his strength. He discarded the torn material over his shoulder and then spread her thighs wide. The lips of her pussy parted as though in recognition of their owner returning. The sweet smell of her heat reached her nose. His hands slid beneath her buttocks. “Answer me. Is this what you want? You want me to go to Aster tonight with the taste of your pussy on my lips?” His warm breath tantalized her sensitive flesh.

  She arched her hips. “Yes,” she hissed. Then, “Yes,” again in a near shout as his tongue made contact with her clit. He teased her, circling and flicking her flesh before sucking. She buried her fingers in his hair and arched into his mouth. Dimly, she heard the sound of him unzipping his pants. The thought that he might fuck her, that she might feel him filling her again, had her pussy clenching as the waves of her climax seized her.

  A deep, rumbling growl emanated from Stephen’s chest. He crawled up over her until the thick bar of his arousal was before her. Pre-cum ran down the sides. “Clean me up,” he ordered. She didn’t hesitate. Curling her tongue around him, she licked him from base to tip, moaning at the taste of him. She suckled the head, delving her tongue in the middle to get more of his flavor. He groaned. “That’s right, suck it.” He thrust against her, fucking her mouth. “Take more. Don’t you want my cream?”


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