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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 36

by Michelle Love

  The other strap is pushed down and her tits pop free as the silky thing falls to her waist. “Please, Cyprian. Let’s just forgo the condoms. I’d love to feel your silky skin inside of me again.”

  “Damn it!” I shout as my cock springs to life with her words.

  “Don’t you want to feel me again?” she asks as she bites her bottom lip and looks all cute and sexy.

  Her hands move like stealthy spies as her eyes hold mine. The deep blue back to them. It took months for the color to come back to them. It took a solid year for her body to come back to what it was before the hard pregnancy and she wants to go back to that hell?

  My pajama bottoms pool at my ankles as her hand moves over my cock. “Cami,” I moan as she strokes me.

  She stands up and her nighty falls all the way off. “Cyprian,” she moans back at me.

  Moving slowly down my body until she’s on her knees in front of me, I tense as her mouth moves over my cock and her fingers tickle my balls. “Baby. Don’t make me do this to you.”

  She moans as she takes me into her mouth and runs her tongue along the underside of my throbbing dick. I’m putty in her hands before I know it. Just before I pour myself down her throat, I pick her up and toss her onto the bed.

  A growl fills the air as I turn animal and find myself feeling lusty and hot for her. “You just remember, you asked for this.”

  “I will,” she says as she holds out her arms. “Come to me, baby.”

  So, I do as she says and thrust my unsheathed sword into her and hope I don’t kill her this time around…



  Watching Cyprian swing our twin daughters as Colton pushes his new baby brother in his stroller, I think about how different things turned out. The first pregnancy was a nightmare and the next two were easy as can be. Even with the twins.

  Cyprian was worried for nothing and he’s already talking about trying for another baby in a couple of years. His fear is long gone, as is mine. Seems things ended up working out.

  Funny how that happens. As for the rest of our family, we all were shocked when Cyprian’s father told us he’d gone to Vegas and gotten married. We were really shocked when the woman he brought to meet us turned out to be Cyprian’s mother, Coco.

  It seems the two found love for one another as they came one long weekend to watch our kids for us, so we could take a bit of a vacation alone.

  No one was happier than Cyprian to see them happy together. He always had an empty spot inside of him, thinking he was conceived not out of love, the way our kids were. To find his parents did have love, eventually, made him feel a bit more whole.

  The man Cyprian was before he and I began this dance of a life, is no more. There are tale-tale signs of him now and again. But only in the bedroom. His sexual antics never get old.

  The gym in our home was replaced with a toy room. He still exercises but nowhere near as vigorously as before. With the kids taking so much of his attention, he found hours-worth of exercising took time away from them.

  He’s a devoted father and husband. His head never turns when other women walk by, the way I see some husbands do. His mind never seems to wander to a place that asks him, what if.

  My husband sewed more than his fair share of wild oats. I’m not sure how to feel about that, exactly. Am I happy I don’t have to worry about him skirting around behind my back?

  Of course.

  Am I happy my husband has such an extensive collection of former lovers?

  Not really.

  However it all happened, it all worked out in the end. My husband isn’t the man he was when we met. He’s evolved into a real man. A man of substance. A man I know I can count on for anything and everything. A man I can devote my life to and have.

  Cyprian is my world and I believe he always will be.


  Another baby on her hip and our latest daughter makes us a family of seven. With five kids, Cami and I have decided to stop there. But who really knows how things will go?

  Life with a family is so much more fulfilling than the life I had pre-Cami. I barely remember that life. A lot of disco lights and heavily made-up women are all I can recall about that time.

  “Look, Dad,” Colton calls out to me as he tosses his little brother a baseball.

  “Great job!” I call out to Camden when he catches the ball.

  He holds it up like it’s a trophy and beams his bright smile at me. “I got it, Daddy!”

  Cami comes and sits next to me on the swing I hung up on one of the large oaks on the property. The kids love to play outside and we spend the majority of our time out here. Her shoulder brushes mine as she places the baby on my lap. “Go see Daddy for a minute, Candace.”

  A blur of pink feather boas flashes past us as the twins, Callie and Caylie run away from little Cody as he chases them with a frog. “You girls better hurry,” I tell them. “He’s gaining on you.”

  They squeal and pick up their speed as their little brother makes a diabolical laugh. “I’m coming to get you two!”

  “He can be so creepy,” Cami says as she leans against my arm and tickles the baby’s chin, making her laugh.

  “Can’t they all?” I ask with a chuckle.

  My family is large, loud, boisterous, and I wouldn’t have them any other way. Times have changed for me. For the better.

  When I look in the mirror, I don’t see the man I was, I only see the father and husband Cami molded me into. A man I can say I’m proud to be. A man, my family can depend on.

  It seems things did turn out happily, after all. I got things I never knew I wanted. I got a life I never wished for. I got it all and I never had to ask for it. Not even once.

  And that has me wondering what else lies in store for me. What other kinds of miracles might occur? What other things could happen that I’ve never thought about before?

  The world is an odd place. Full off different ways to live and love and I was fortunate to get to experience this life, with Cami and the kids. A thing I never knew would make me so damn happy.

  Looking at the family I have, I have to thank the Lord above for the happily ever after he gave me. He knew what I didn’t, all along. I was made to be a father and husband over anything else. I have evolved into a man I didn’t know resided within this body of mine.

  I have been reconstructed, and I couldn’t be happier about that!


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  By Michelle Love

  Chapter 1


  “Rod? You home?” I call out as I come into the little apartment we rented last week.

  After only a few months of dating, we decided to take it a step further and move in together. To say my parents were pissed would be an understatement.

  Try furious!

  But what Rod Manning and I have is as real as it gets. Even if I am just eighteen. A thing my parents tell me is a real issue. Though it’s not really.

  Rod’s a few years older than I am. Okay, five of them, but that’s not a big deal to me. My father made me wait until I turned eighteen to date, Rod or anyone else for that matter.

  Rod’s been after me for the last couple of years, but being underage had him waiting for me. Dad threatened all kinds of hell on the poor guy if he touched me before I turned the legal age.

  The funny thing is Rod’s mother has cautioned me about their oldest son as well. At a senior party, my graduating class had at one of my classmate’s ranches just before I turned eighteen I saw R
od’s mother. She was helping chaperone the party.

  She had no idea of Rod’s interest in me and took me aside then asked me if I knew her son, Reed. I knew of Reed, of course. We all live in a minuscule town in Jerome, Arizona.

  Reed is only two years older than I am. And I was shocked when she told me he and I would make a perfect couple. He was away at college at that time but would be home for the summer and she wanted to know if she could give him my phone number when he got home.

  Her dismay when I told her it was her son, Rod, who was interested in me and me in him, confused me. She was very open about him being a difficult person. Which I found crazy.

  He doesn’t seem difficult to me, at all. Quite the opposite. He seems so rugged and manly and tough as nails, but in all the right ways.

  His job as a mechanic keeps his muscles tight, and he keeps a five o’clock shadow thing going on his handsome face.

  I’ll admit it. The man does have this dangerous edge to him. But I find it exciting as hell.

  The way he handles me is so hot!

  And he’s told me he has a surprise for me tonight when he gets home. Which I thought would be by now.

  “Hey there, Baby,” his deep voice calls out from our bedroom.

  I go that way, turning down the short hallway that leads off the living room. There he is, leaning his tall body against the door frame.

  His dark ash blonde hair hangs to his shoulders in waves. His steely blue eyes running up and down my body give me chills. “Hey, Rod.”

  Clad in only his tight black underwear I see he’s taken a shower and rid himself of the grease of the garage he works in. The smell of his soap fills my senses.

  My insides are already melting as he looks me over. “I brought home that surprise I told you about, but we have something to talk about first.” He pulls me into his strong arms as I come to him.

  His mouth covers mine as he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. The way it moves like he has a purpose to touch every place in my mouth makes my knees weak and I lean against him.

  A handful of my ass he grabs and squeezes it as he growls. My body is hot and now I’m wet and can hardly wait to get out of these clothes and into our bed.

  His other hand moves up my arm then over my shoulder and he grabs a handful of my long hair and pulls it back hard. His mouth leaves mine and his teeth graze over my neck then he bites it hard.

  The noise I make has him pulling back, and he looks intense.

  I love that look. Like raw power.

  “I want something permanent with you, Jenna.” His words make my heart pound.


  A grin creeps across his handsome face. “I haven’t told you what it is yet and you answer already?”

  I nod and he smiles. “Permanent is what I want too. I love you, Rod.”

  “Love is for the weak, Baby. What did I tell you about all that love shit?” He lets me go and moves away from me. “Life is about other things. Life is hard, Baby. Love is fleeting. Commitment isn’t though. I want that from you. A real commitment.”

  He moves to the bed and sits on the edge and pulls a pack of cigarettes out of the bedside table. A long neck bottle half full of beer sits on top and he takes a drink then lights his cigarette.

  That’s the one thing I hate. I hate the smell of cigarettes and he knows it. Yet he’s not about to do as I’ve asked him repeatedly to, smoke outside.

  But I think he might be about to propose so I’m not going to bring that up right now. Instead, I go to sit next to him on the bed. “So what is it you want, Rod?”

  From under the pillow he sleeps on, he pulls a sheet of paper. I can see the large words at the top, ‘Dom/Sub-Slave Contract’ my heart stops and my eyes go wide.

  I pick up the sheet of paper and look at it, then at him. His face is sterile.

  No emotion. Not a thing.

  “Slave? Why is the word, slave, on this paper? And what is it all about?”

  His strong hand moves up my arm and tightens around my bicep. “I want you. I want all of you. I want to own you, Baby.”

  My heart starts to pound in my chest. “Own me?”

  He nods slowly and I can’t think. Then one thought floods my brain. “My father will kill you, Rod.”

  “This has to be our little secret. This town is too small to let this kind of thing out.” He takes a drag off the cigarette and the smell intensifies and I cough.

  “A secret?” I look around the little bedroom. My eyes fall on a hook that’s on the wall near the closet. A hook that wasn’t there before.

  Then I look back at the paper I hold in my right hand. It’s shaking and I hold it with my left to steady it so I can read what he wants from me.

  Words pop out at me. Punishments. Sexual tortures. Expectations.

  “Rod, is this a joke?” I look into his eyes and find no humor there.

  He shakes his head slow and easy. “It’s no joke, Jenna. It’s what I want. And I always get what I want. You know that.”

  Smoke encircles his head as he taps the ashes off the cigarette into the clean ashtray on the night stand. “This doesn’t look like a thing I want to be a part of. I thought you were talking about marriage, Rod.”

  A low laugh comes from him. “Marriage? Nah. I’m not into that. That can end in divorce. What I’m asking from you can’t end. It’s forever, girl. Isn’t that better than a marriage?”

  “This says, you want me to stay available for your every need.” My eyes move to his and find them squinting as he takes another puff of the cigarette. “My job, though.”

  He shakes his head. “That little job ain’t making you no money, anyway. See, the way I’m thinking is it’s better for me if you can come to me or I come home and you’re here and you can take care of whatever I feel I need at that time.”

  “Sex?” I stare at him. “Are you saying I don’t give you enough already?”

  “You don’t. But that isn’t your fault. It’s your job’s fault,” he says as he grinds the cigarette butt into the ashtray. “Like this afternoon I wanted a piece of ass so bad I nearly went across the street from the shop and found one at that little bar.”

  My heart stops. “You didn’t though, did you?”

  “No,” he says with a shake of his head, sending his wavy locks swinging around his broad shoulders. His eyes move to mine and pierce me. “But, as you’ll find in the contract, that is a thing I can do if I see fit and you aren’t meeting all my physical needs. And you have to take it, Baby. You can’t leave me over it.”

  My stomach hurts all of a sudden and I bend over and place my hand on it. ‘No! No, Rod! No, fucking way!’

  Okay, I said that only in my head.

  My voice is shaking as I say out loud, “Why do you want to have sex with other women?”

  “I don’t want to. But if I can’t do the things I want with you then I’ll have to. I have certain desires and if you won’t let me do those things with you then I’ll get that elsewhere with someone who will.” His hand runs over my shoulder and down my arm. “But I really want to do that stuff with you, Baby. Only you. But I’m a little afraid you’re too vanilla to do any of it.”

  I turn my head slowly to look at him and my age and experience or lack thereof hits me. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I’m no child, Rod. I can be everything you want. If I lost you, I don’t know what I’d do. And I can’t stand the thought of you with anyone else.”

  “Here’s the thing, Baby. You can’t tell a soul. Not only would your dad kick my ass but mine might do the same damn thing to me. He’s told me as much.” He looks away and rubs his jaw.

  “You’ve talked to your dad about whatever it is you like to do sexually?” I look at him with a face full of confusion.

  I don’t even talk to my mother about the things I find arousing.

  “Nah, I didn’t talk to him about it. He found some of my literature on the subject. He told me when he found out you and I were a thing that if I ever tried
to bring you into that dark world he’d hold me down while your daddy beat my ass then he’d beat my ass himself.” His arm goes around me and he kisses my shoulder.

  “God! What kind of literature are we talking about, Rod? That doesn’t sound like your average porn.” I watch him as he peers at me through his thick lashes.

  “It isn’t average. I’m not an average man. A bit above, you know?”

  I nod then say, “I think you’re the smartest guy I know, Rod.”

  He laughs. “Not like that. Like the way I feel. I feel more than some. I want more than some. Fuck, Baby. You don’t know how bad I want you to come down to the shop and suck me off in the men’s room.”

  My face heats. “Rod!” I laugh and look at him and see he’s dead serious. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I want to fuck you in the alley behind the grocery store during the rush hour. I want to finger fuck you in the small café on the square while the people we know eat their lunch without a clue as to what I’m doing to you. I want your panties to be soaking wet when we walk out and I want you to hand them to me when I ask. With no hesitation.” His eyes go light and sparkle.

  “That’s really bad, Rod. Really bad. We could get caught and then everyone would look at us and think bad things about us. Oh, no. I can’t…” His mouth slams into mine.

  He presses me back on the bed and moves his body over mine, pinning me to the mattress. “You can. You will. I will train you. I will show you how to give me everything I want.”

  “You think you can train the morals out of me? I was a Sunday school teacher last year, Rod. Not a porn star.” I turn my head and he takes me by the chin and pulls me back to look at him.

  “So, Sunday school teacher, what do you think it means that you gave your virginity to me? In the Biblical sense, you already belong to me.” His words hiss from his mouth. “You are already mine, Jenna Foster.” He kisses me hard again. So hard our teeth clash. Then he looks at me as he continues to hold me down. “Or do you want me to do what I have to with another woman? I can keep you too. Only you will always know I’m fucking someone else.”


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