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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 101

by Michelle Love

  I wanted to hold onto Damon, and taking a step into his world was going to be necessary for that to happen. It might excite my otherwise dull life as well.

  I stripped off my clothes when Damon ordered me to in a soft voice with a firm tone. I was shaking as I dropped them onto the floor and turned my gaze to him, seeing his eyes hungry as they took me in. He strode to one of the cabinets, removing some rope from it and turning it in his hand. “Get on your back and spread your arms and legs,” Damon told me as I complied, blushing at the way I was exposed. Damon focused on the knots, keeping them comfortable and allowing me enough room to move around. I knew that I couldn’t touch him, though, and the idea bothered me and excited me all at once. I saw him slide his eyes up my legs to take in my glistening pussy as he secured my feet, taking away any control from me as I trembled.

  I was quiet as he stripped, proudly displaying his muscled planes and stunning body before he sat down on the bed between my legs. “We’ll start slow, Elisa. I want to make you enjoy this but if you don’t, just tell me to slow down. I don’t want to scare you and doing it this way is testing my control.”

  “Okay,” I said as he nodded and looked over my body slowly. My nipples were hard and achy while I felt my core growing wetter with the intensity of his eyes. It was almost too much, and I struggled against the binds as he rested a hand on my calf. The slight touch made me jump, and he stroked my skin as he told me to calm down, that I was safe. Damon took something in his hand and dimmed the lights a bit, creating a calm sensation in me as he stroked my leg, his hand rising higher and higher. The combination of desire and contentment was overwhelming to me, and I jerked as he slipped his fingers over my pussy.

  “So wet for me,” he murmured as he stroked my clit, smiling at my low moan. “This is your spot, Elisa. This is your center.” I nodded as he moved his hand slowly over me, just teasing my swollen nub. One finger slid inside of me, stroking my inner walls firmly as I squirmed and bit my lip. I never knew my own sensitivity before Damon and it was killing me that I wasn’t going to be able to come soon. I wanted that. I wanted to coat his fingers and scream his name in this room, followed by me begging him to fuck me hard. I was ready, but I suspected that he knew that.

  “Damon,” I cried out as he found a place that made me nearly explode, moving away from it with a smile on his face. “That’s not fair. It felt so good.”

  “I know,” he teased me as I lowered my gaze to meet his eyes as he stroked my slick inner thighs that I knew had to be pooling onto the bed by now. We stared at one another for a long moment as he seemed to consider his next move, looking dangerous and sexy as sin.

  He moved to sit beside me, his eyes circling my nipples as they seemed to reach to him. “Fuck, they ache,” I said as he reached out and smoothed his hand over the skin just underneath my breasts. His finger slid up, stroking the right one as I closed my eyes and memorized the feeling. I could come from this in my unsettled state, but I was aware that he knew that and would prevent it. “How can you stand this?”

  “I am hard as a rock right now, Elisa. It’s not easy but we need this step,” his voice was low and I could hear him controlling it as he plucked at me, causing me to jerk again. “When I do fuck you, you are going to be wet with all the orgasms that I allowed you, tight for my cock.”

  “Oh, God,” I moaned as he lowered his mouth to kiss my stomach, moving slowly up to take one of my nipples into his mouth. Damon used his mouth on me, drawing me close to an orgasm before he pulled away. Slowly he added light clips to my nipples and teased my clit with a dildo with the vibration on low, pulling away every time I got close. I was hoarse when he finally slipped two fingers inside of me, stroking me hard as I rocked with him.

  “Come, Elisa,” he whispered in my ear as I screamed. My body rocked forward, every nerve ending in my body feeling this orgasm. It was worth the torture in that moment, even though it felt like hours’ worth of it. I whimpered at the end as he stroked me slowly, prolonging the pleasure. “How did that feel?”

  “Amazing,” I panted as I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Every muscle ached with it, and I felt him move from the bed, returning quickly. Something was placed against my mouth, and I cracked one eye to see a bottle of water in Damon’s hand. I sucked and found it to be the kind of lid that I could control, drinking gratefully from it as I smiled.

  When I was rested, he moved between my legs and teased my pussy with his mouth. Damon cleaned me from the previous orgasm, drawing me closer to another before he’d pull away and nibble on the soft skin of my inner thigh. I played back the previous one in my head, telling myself that it was worth it as he dragged my clit between his teeth and made me moan. I was closer to having him inside of me, fucking me raw as I begged him for more.

  Damon was taking away all of my will power as he pleasured me to the edge, pulling away too many times. I cried out with it, begging him before I told him that I hated him. When he finally told me to let go and took me between his teeth again, I screamed and flooded his lips. Damon drank me in, stroking my clit with his thumb as I felt my body go through the intense process all over again.

  I opened my eyes as he released my feet and told me to get on my knees. “I love how tight a woman is after I’ve tasted her,” he said as I tried to find the strength to move. It was too much, and I groaned as I flipped over, moving to my knees. I suddenly found something inside of me as I heard the tearing of a wrapper and Damon was driving himself inside of me. I knew how much everything got to him as he moved rough and fast, and I rocked with him. I was soaked with need and needed this, as he slapped my ass as he pulled back, making me cry out.

  Damon came with a roar, gripping my hips as he filled the condom and I came for the third time that night. I didn’t know how long we’d been in here, but it felt like days at this point. He moved away from me on shaking legs and grabbed the water, offering it to me before he took a long sip. “It was so hard not to just shove you on your stomach and do that in the beginning. Was it worth the wait?” Damon asked me as I considered my answer for a few moments, in part because I was having trouble breathing.

  “Yes,” I replied in a hoarse whisper as I felt him kiss my shoulder before untying the ropes.

  He rested for a few moments before lifting me into his arms and carrying me to another room. It was a bedroom, as big as the other but more like a master bedroom. It had a huge bed, a fireplace that took up the entire wall and a big screen television on the wall that we were facing. I felt him set me on that bed, naked and probably a hot mess and looked into his eyes from the lamp in the corner of the room. “I prefer to sleep in here.”

  “I’m staying?” I asked as he shook his head.

  “You might never leave at this point,” Damon assured me as he pulled down the comforter and sheets before lifting me and setting me near the pillows.

  “I’m a mess, Damon,” I told him as he licked his lips.

  “I can wash the sheets tonight if you want.

  No, I want your scent on them and in my room. I want to be reminded of everything that just happened,” Damon told me before he kissed me. “I want to feel you around me again in here, slower. More intimate.”

  “I’d like that,” I told him as he moved beside me to kiss me slowly. It was passionate but didn’t feel rushed. It felt perfect. I wanted to please him to show him my gratitude for the events in the other room, and Damon allowed me to push him to the mattress and crawl down his body to his cock. I wanted to taste him now.

  He held my hair as I bobbed over him, my mouth tight and greedy. Damon gave me control now, groaning as I increased the pace and beginning to rock with me. He came with a grunt, filling my mouth and throat as if he knew that’s what I wanted.

  It was.

  He had to pull me from him as I tried to swallow every last bit of his essence. “What have I done to you?” Damon mused as he took in the wild look in my eyes with a soft gaze. “I am turning you into a monster.”

nbsp; It wasn’t long before he was hard again and we were pressed together, him above me as he slid in and out of me. It was slow and bordering on sweet as I held him close and wrapped my legs around him. Damon’s mouth drifted down to my nipples, my neck, and my lips even though I was previously filled with him. He didn’t seem to care, making me wonder about him.

  I came a moment before he did, feeling his lips in my hair as he jerked above me. I was overwhelmed, wondering what I’d ever go back to when this ended.



  Elisa fell asleep before I did, curled up in a heap after everything I’d put her through tonight. I watched her as I allowed myself to relax, covering her with the blankets and stroking her hair back. She was innocent before me but so open to my ideas and I craved her again as I took in her beautiful face. I knew that she was perfect. The unpleasant idea of my preparing her for another man crossed my mind and I slipped under the covers with a frown.

  We had a lot stacked against us, Elisa and me. There was the fact that I was her boss and this was against company policy, to begin with. There was the chance of gossip, which could be cruel and heartless, hurting her in the end. There was my past, which could threaten us at any time and possibly frighten her off.

  I could give her the world if she wanted it. I already gave her an apartment for her and her mother, but I sensed that Elisa wouldn’t want to stay home while I covered the rent and every other expense in her life. She had too much pride and worked hard to rise above her life for so long now that it was in her blood.

  I could count the women that begged me for that on two hands as I frowned. Why was I falling for the stubborn one?

  I settled close to her body, sliding my arm around her as I drifted off to sleep. It was Friday and we could sleep in tomorrow, maybe leave the city, and spend the day together. I could stay in bed with her and be happy, but Elisa deserved to live after all her hard work. I wanted to show her the other side of life.’

  When I woke up in the morning, I could see the fog thick in the air through my wall of windows. Elisa was pressed against me, hot and bare as I felt my body react to her skin. I wanted to take her quietly, slipping inside of her as she opened her eyes but I moved slowly between her legs and spread them as she moaned in her sleep. I slid up to her pussy, still covered in her juices from the night before. I liked a dirty girl in the morning and I pressed my mouth over her and licked slowly with my tongue. “What?” Elisa moaned as she moved against me and I raised my eyes to see her staring at me. “I was afraid that it was all a dream.” I continued to lick her, separating her to find her clit hard for me as I stroked it firmly. “Damon, you feel so good.” I licked and sucked, even using my teeth as she just watched me.

  Without my urging, Elisa held onto her release with her eyes wide and bright before she cried out and jerked against me. “The student learns,” I noted as she looked at me with a big smile. Elisa looked beautiful with her cheeks flushed and glowing as she reached down to pull me up towards her.

  “She does. Get up here and reward me,” she mumbled before claiming my lips in a kiss, tasting herself on them as she kissed me slowly and hungrily. I reached for one of the condoms on the night stand beside the bed and managed to get it on one-handed as she held me close. I heard her giggling as I dropped between her legs and eased the head of my cock inside of her, causing the giggles to turn to moans. We moved together, slow and hard, both of us needing the other to give us the release that we craved.

  I knew that I was addicted to this woman as I came crying out her name, and I fought the nagging thoughts telling me that it wouldn’t work out. It was difficult but I’d make it work somehow. “How would you feel about going to the coast today?” I asked her as she looked across the room through the windows.

  “It looks pretty cold to me,” Elisa replied warily as I smiled. “I don’t have any clothes but the ones I brought here.”

  “We’ll get you something, hit a diner on the way for breakfast and just drive. I want to get out of the city.” I looked at her as she smiled and nodded. “Shower with me?”

  That took some time since things heated up under the water and I was inside of her, pressing her against the blue tiled wall as she wrapped her body around mine. Elisa dried her hair with a towel and pulled something out of her purse before she ran something through it. “Frizz,” she said simply as I watched her, not used to a woman being around in this way. They were usually gone after the condom was off, and not from here. Not too many women saw this side of my life or even my bedroom. She pulled it up on the top of her head and asked me if I had a toothbrush, tilting her head as I produced a new one in the package. “I hope that you don’t have a lot of those.”

  “I buy a few at a time so I don’t run out. They don’t get used by anybody but myself and now you, unless a friend or family visits.” I stepped out of the bathroom to dry off, sensing that she was uncomfortable. Everything this morning had been extremely intimate, which was something that Elisa wasn’t accustomed to. I needed to allow her space as well as myself and I strode to the closet to find clothes for the day. I selected some jeans and a dark grey Henley that I planned to cover with a thick jacket. This trip was not about a walk on the beach but more the drive and just getting away. There were some fabulous restaurants to eat at as well and shops that I thought Elisa might love.

  I finished with boots as Elisa stepped out of the bathroom, wearing the clothes from the day before. The best part was that I knew her underwear were ruined from the night before, but I pushed that thought away and pulled an extra jacket from the closet for her.

  I took her to my Range Rover and opened the door before starting the engine and pulling out onto the main road. We stopped at a department store as she balked at the name, where the grudgingly allowed me to buy her some jeans, a thermal, a Henley to wear over that and some sturdy boots that would keep her feet warm. “You do too much for me,” Elisa told me as we stopped by a bathroom so she could change into her new clothes.

  “I like that, Elisa. I like that I’m able to,” I reminded her as we went back to the car together. We got out of town, and I found a hole-in-the-wall diner on the freeway when we both felt hungry, sipping strong coffee, and eating greasy bacon and eggs as I watched her carefully. I asked her what she liked to do on a road trip, making her giggle as she admitted to not having been on too many in her life. That led to her asking where I’ve been and I felt guilty when I responded that I’d traveled the world, hoping to someday show her the best places.

  We hit the road again, driving towards Cape Cod. I knew that there was enough there to keep us busy there, bad weather or not and I watched as she seemed to let go of the chip on her shoulder from breakfast. Elisa was beautiful when she smiled. She needed to relax more. We got closer, and she stared out of the windows at the ocean and sandy beaches, hopeful since the sun was coming out through the fog. “Maybe we can walk a little bit?” She asked as I grinned and nodded.

  I parked and we got out and strolled along the sand, the waves were strong and the wind was cold as she pulled my jacket closer around her body. “What do you think?” I asked her, stopping her so I could zip her up and looked her over. “I should have bought us hats. I didn’t even think of it.”

  “You don’t date, right? Typically, I mean?” Her question came from nowhere and I looked at her for a moment before nodding. “Why not? You’re great at this…all of this.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve avoided it for so long and focused on work, but…this is comfortable. I think it’s you more than it is the situation.” I turned to stare at the sea for a moment as confusion swirled through my brain. I knew that this was moving at the speed of light with the apartment and spending the night together and I tried to make sense of it. I’d been all over the world, never wanting the company of a woman unless it was just for a night for a quick fuck. I had party girls over the years as well but I never let my walls down with them like I was with Elisa. There was just someth
ing about her.

  “I think you’re great. I have no idea why you’re with me, but I’ll take it,” She said as I looked in her face. “I don’t know what I’m doing either, but we can figure it out together.”

  I took her hand and led her down the beach after we shared a long kiss, talking about some of the other beaches in the area and further away that I loved. I pointed towards the shops and restaurants in the distance and she smiled as she looked all around, reminding me of a child on Christmas morning.

  That thought sat in my stomach in a knot. I’d never considered marriage or kids before. I was all about work but things were shifting now and I was unable to stop that. The problem was that to keep Elisa, I’d have to rip her dreams of a good job and future for herself away to do so. I didn’t want to take away her fierce independence but I also knew that she wouldn’t want to be taken care of. There had to be a compromise and I had no idea what it was other than hiding this during the week. I didn’t think I could do that too long after being here with Elisa in the open air, holding hands and laughing.

  We spent hours on the beach, collecting a few shells until we were both freezing. I opened the car door for her and got everything warmed up as we headed somewhere for some hot coffee, listening to Elisa’s teeth chattering as she sat beside me. “Isn’t it warming up enough?” I asked impatiently, knowing how many bells and whistles this vehicle offered.

  “I think it’s the difference in temperature, Damon. I’ll be okay.” I smiled at her as I found a drive through coffee shop, ordering two coffees and parking with the car running to keep us warm. We sipped the drinks and looked at the late afternoon sky as the clouds began to roll in again.

  “Want to look at some of the shops?” I asked as she finished her coffee and nodded. We’d been sitting for a while and didn’t have a lot of time left. I drove to park in the middle of everything and let her lead the way, learning about her love for art even though she didn’t think that she could paint. I learned that she collected moons since she was little girl and her grandmother taught her to wish on the one in the sky at night instead of the stars. Elise was a very animated girl when she let her walls down, and she led me from shop to shop as I tried to remember what she liked the best in each one.


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