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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 102

by Michelle Love

  She insisted on buying a few things with her own money, holding onto the small bags with a big smile before she hugged me. “I couldn’t do this without you, Damon. You’ve helped me so much.” Elisa looked around slowly before she kissed me and I heard the whispers across the room of the wealthy women that had been eying me for most of the afternoon. “Thank you. I’ll be eternally grateful.”

  I looked like I belonged with the other women in my clothes, some of the most expensive items that money could buy. That had been a part of my entire life but in this moment, I thought that I could give it all up for an average life like this. Even Elisa was dressed in fine clothes right now thanks to our stop, but she looked young and beautiful with her clean face and smile. She would never fit into that world. “It’s a pleasure to see you smile, Elisa,” I assured her as she blushed and looked away. We left that shop and I didn’t even acknowledge the women with a look as I led her out of the door.

  They’d never hold a candle to her.


  The day was magical. I finally admitted to being hungry and watched as Damon led me to a beautiful restaurant that probably had a beautiful view of the water during the day. It was a seafood place that was very classy and elegant. I felt under dressed as we walked to the table, following the hostess but Damon walked with his head high and confidence oozing from his pores. The table was round and intimate by the window and a beautiful fireplace, and Damon ordered wine immediately as someone arrived to take our drink order.

  I didn’t eat in places like this. For Mom and me, Red Robin was a treat, and this was beyond my wildest dreams. When I thought about the night as a whole; the room and being here, it seemed surreal. I never thought I’d be the kind of woman to enjoy that with a man. I never thought I’d be the kind of woman to sit here and enjoy a fine meal with a man that looked like Damon and I wasn’t sure I’d ever be confident in that role.

  I didn’t think I was the kind of woman to keep him.

  The wine arrived and there was a process to the entire thing. I sipped it once Damon seemed to approve the selection, gazing at him across the table while I searched the menu. I loved seafood but wasn’t too familiar with it and I asked Damon what was good. He suggested shrimp or crab since it had a few options of how it was cooked and I blushed as I selected a platter that offered both. There was no price on the menu and I assumed that meant it was expensive, trying to fight the urge to add everything up in my mind. Damon had money that he was willing to spend and I needed to feel comfortable with that fact.

  The food was amazing even as I struggled with cracking the crab legs. It was well worth it as I pulled the meat out and enjoyed the light, sweet taste. “This is delicious,” I told Damon as he smiled calmly at me. He offered me a bite of his steak and it melted in my mouth as I chewed it, moaning while his eyes darkened. The shrimp was cooked in butter and garlic and quite strong, but good as well. They offered bread in a tray and I ate eagerly in between sips of wine.

  I leaned back as I set my fork down, full and sleepy. The sky was bright with stars and a sliver of a moon as I looked over the ocean. I wanted to stay the night and wake up here with Damon and I nibbled on my lip as I considered asking him about the idea. I could wear the same clothes tomorrow since they were so new.


  What would we do tomorrow? Would he drop me home and that would be it? I knew that I had to tell my roommates that I was moving out since I’d accepted the apartment, but I didn’t want it without Damon. I felt so selfish as we walked to the car and he opened the door.

  “Have you ever stayed here?” I asked softly as he started to close the door.

  “A few times. It’s a great place to spend the weekend,” Damon replied as he leaned into the car. “Did you want to?”

  “We don’t have clothes or anything at all. We don’t have to,” I said, counting the money in my bank account as I decided what I could afford.

  “We’ll sleep naked so clothes aren’t an issue. We can wear these on the way home tomorrow and stop at the store for anything you need for the bathroom. There’s a great bed and breakfast with an amazing view of the sunrise in the morning. We can see if they have any free rooms. It won’t be a long stay but we can make the best of it.” Damon walked around and got in the car before he finished his thoughts and reached for his phone in his jacket. He dialed and greeted the person at the other end, securing us a room and starting the engine.

  We did stop and get some products so I could look human in the morning before we drove to the inn, called the Lamb and Lion. Damon explained that it was a mix of bed and breakfast and hotel, wishing that we could stay longer to enjoy all the perks that they offered.

  He checked in and led us to a room around the building and I gasped when I saw it. There was a fireplace, a claw tooth tub, in a big bathroom and a gorgeous bed. It was beautiful. I walked to the window even though it was dark and could make out the waves in the dim light as I smiled. It was going to be amazing tomorrow. “How much is it to split the room?” I asked as I turned back to smile at Damon.

  “Split the room?” He asked as he walked towards me. “You have an extra month of rent to pay, Elisa. I got this.”

  “Will you always?” I asked as I stared at him.

  “Let’s take a bath and relax. I’ll start a fire,” Damon suggested as pain crossed his face. He went to get some logs from the balcony and lit a crackling fire while I ran the hot water for the bath, adding a little of the lavender bubbles from the counter. I didn’t know how much he’d want so I kept it light, enjoying the scent in the air. “I wish they made that in the scent that you wear. I’m addicted to it.” I turned to look at Damon as he smiled at me. “This isn’t a competition, Elisa. I like spoiling you.”

  “I just want to help, I think. I am not used to being taken care of.”

  “Let’s get you settled in your new apartment and we’ll go from there,” Damon said gently as he pulled the jacket from my shoulders. “For now, let’s relax in style.” He stripped me of my clothing, folding it and placing it somewhere in the room before he walked back in naked. I blushed as he slid into the hot water, sighing happily. “Get in.”

  I stepped in and moved into the water, feeling his eyes rake over me. Once settled, I leaned back against him as Damon kissed my neck, telling be how beautiful I was. “Thank you,” I replied as I closed my eyes and let my body relax.

  “What are we going to do Monday?” I asked him in the dim light of the candles that I’d lit before turning off the lights.

  “We are going to work and keep this between us. I can’t say that it will be easy but for now, it’s the only choice. I want to keep seeing you, Elisa.” I smiled as the steam and scents filled my nose. “I want you to let me spoil you.”

  “I know. I’m trying,” I admitted as his hands slid down my body. “I have been on my own for so long, Damon. I’m scared to get too comfortable and the fact that we work together…it scares me.”

  “I’ll keep this between us so nobody will know in the building. I prefer to keep my private life under wraps to begin with. We can stay at my apartment at night and just stay in. Perhaps I can get you a job at another location or with a colleague, where we can be together out in the open. I know a lot of people.”

  A tear slid down my cheek. I had my dream job right now, earning it with my hard work. Damon told me how he tried to talk everyone out of hiring me but they’d insisted. I didn’t want a job as a favor to Damon and at this moment, I didn’t even want the apartment. Love had never been an option for me and as much as I thought I was falling for Damon, I didn’t want to give up my dream for him. Not yet. “Maybe I can just work with my team from now on and keep my distance. We can say that you didn’t need me anymore or something.”

  “Are you pulling away from me?” Damon asked as I shook my head slowly.

  “It’s a thought, Damon. It would draw less attention to us.”

  “I don’t want to not see you at the office. It’s t
he best part of my day,” Damon told me as I smiled weakly.

  “We’ll have time to see each other after work. I just feel like I need some space from everyone’s prying eyes. I don’t know.” I babbled as he pulled me close to him.

  “Stop this, Elisa. Relax,” I heard pain in his voice as he stroked my arms and tried to calm me down.

  I shut up and tried to let the hot water and lavender soak in and do what it was supposed to do. I knew that there was a fire in the other room with a big bed, and I wanted to use it. I wanted to feel Damon over me, inside of me and every way possible even as I felt myself trying to find a way to sabotage everything.

  I felt a little better when the bath was over, rising to dry myself off and drape the robe hanging on the hook on the door over my body. Damon was doing the same and I walked into the main room to hear the crackle of firewood and a big, cozy bed. Maybe I was being stupid with my thoughts. This was a wonderful life.

  Damon took my hand and led me to the bed slowly. “I don’t have a lot of experience in trying to keep a woman around, but I want you to know how much I want to make you happy. I want you to relax and smile, give yourself to me.” He pushed me gently down on the bed and stared into my eyes before he kissed me. Damon pulled my hair down carefully, even as I cringed with the knowledge that it was salty from the ocean air and probably looked awful.

  I forgot all of that as he skillfully deepened the kiss, pulling him over me. We moved onto the pillows and made out slowly and sweetly for a long time, and I felt all my doubts slipping away as he pulled the robe away from my body. Damon worshiped me, kissing every inch of my skin as my body heated up for him. His robe was untied and I felt him hard against me as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. “Damon, I need you.” His hands slipped down between my legs, finally touching me where I needed it most as I cried out.

  Once he was naked and sheathed, Damon plunged inside of me as I gasped. “Let yourself go, Elisa. Don’t hold back…not tonight.” He drove his cock in deep and slow and I got lost with the movement. I rocked against him, desperate to come around him as I reached around his body with my hands and legs to pull him closer. “Baby, you feel so good. I don’t want to lose you,” he murmured as I felt him harden further inside of me, close to coming.

  We both cried out as we came seconds away from one another, and he dropped beside me as I stared into the fire. Nothing would ever feel this good, no man could ever make me feel so complete. I yawned, tired from the day as he pushed the covers down and we settled under the blankets. “I feel like we should stay up or something,” I murmured, fighting the urge to close my eyes.

  “Nonsense. We had a big day and we’re both tired. All I need is you here beside me to make me happy.” The fire crackled again and I snuggled close to Damon, feeling his warmth envelop me as I took a slow breath.

  I woke up frightened at first, not knowing where I was. I looked around and felt Damon pressed against me as I stroked his hair and remembered the night before. I looked towards the closed curtain and got out of bed, walking softly across the carpeted floor to crack it. The ocean was choppy and I looked at the horizon where the sun was just starting to come up, in colors of pink and orange. My breath caught in my throat as I heard my name across the room. “Come look. It’s beautiful.” Damon yawned and walked over to join me, pulling me into his arms as we watched the sky brighten together. “This is amazing.”

  Damon pulled me back to bed once the sun had risen completely and we kissed under the covers as he ran his hands over my body. “I loved that with you. I want to taste you and feel you again, doze off and check out at the last possible minute.”

  “I like that idea,” I murmured as he slipped down, over my breasts and stomach before ending up between my legs. I learned how incredible an orgasm was first thing in the morning when the room was dim with the morning light. I learned what it felt like to have someone inside of me when I was newly awake and cried out his name both times that Damon made love to me.

  We fell asleep tangled together for another couple of hours before we made love again. I never wanted to leave this room, since everything was frozen in time here. We didn’t have to go to work or even back to Boston if we stayed here. I reluctantly showered in the huge tiled space as he joined me, washing my hair carefully so I could do something with it today. I left it down in curls and kept a band around my wrist as I smoothed some moisturizer on my face. I took the clothes from the dresser, pulling them on as I watched Damon dress. He seemed quiet and we looked around the room before we made our way down to the lobby. I helped myself to some coffee while he dealt with the bill before joining me. “Want to eat in the restaurant or find something in town?”

  “What’s better?” I asked as I looked out of the windows and let my eyes rest on the ocean waves.

  “There’s a nice place on the corner. Good food and an amazing view of the water. Sound good?” I nodded as he took my hand and led me to the car, opening the door so I could settle in. Damon was right. The cafe was small but offered everything he promised and I added some cream to my coffee as I looked out of the windows. We were both on the quiet side today, eating and wandering around for a bit in town afterward. Damon started back towards the city just after noon and I leaned back on the comfort of the leather seats. I could fall asleep as we drove with the radio playing softly in the background.

  We arrived to Boston too soon and I felt his eyes on me. “Home or my place?”

  “I should deal with the roomies,” I said slowly as he beamed at me.

  “You’re taking the apartment?”

  “I am but we’re going to be discussing a rent payment,” I warned him as he headed to my side of town.

  “When do you think that you’ll be moving in?” Damon asked as I shrugged. I thought they might be eager to fill the space once I broke the news though I wasn’t sure. He drove to the curb as I looked at the run-down building, missing everything about the weekend.

  “Thank you for everything,” I told him as I turned to look at him. I did pay for our breakfast today after he put up a fight, but compared to everything he did, it seemed like nothing to me. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “It’s your day with me. I’ll try to keep my hands off you,” he promised me before leaning in for a kiss. Just being in his car was risky but the brush of his lips against mine could start a lot of rumors.

  “See you tomorrow. Thank you,” I told him again as I slipped out of the car with my small bag of belongings. I walked through the complex as I imagined the new place, clean and beautiful.


  I walked through the door to see the room empty. I walked back to the tiny shoebox of a bedroom and found Melody studying. “Hi,” I greeted her softly as she glanced up with tired eyes. “Where is everyone?”

  “You know that I hide in here all of the time. I have no idea. Why?” Melody asked with curious green eyes.

  “I found another apartment. I’ll have it all to myself. I wanted to tell everyone together.” Melody looked jealous as she pushed a hand through her hair. I could write a check and leave with the few things that I had tonight, running to Damon. I settled for putting my things down and sitting on the bed as I looked around.

  “I’m jealous. I’d love to live alone. How did you find it?” Melody asked as I smiled.

  “A friend from work,” I told her as I slipped off the Henley, leaving the thermal on. We talked about school for a bit before I put on my headphones to sleep, covering my eyes. I slipped the jeans off but left the shirt, wishing that it smelled like Damon.

  I had an early class and I got up and put the jeans on with a smile, changing into a sweater from my closet before I headed to the campus. I got coffee and sipped it as I took my seat. I had three classes today before I needed to change for work, hoping that I could talk to everyone in the apartment tonight at dinner.

  When I came out of my apartment, I noticed a familiar car on the curb as Mark smiled at me. “He wanted me to bring you to the

  “Oh. Thanks.” I let him open the door, blushing as I slipped inside and licked my lips. “Is he like this with a lot of people?”

  “Damon is selective on who he chooses to help, so I’d say no. I haven’t seen him the way that he is with you before, to be honest. I worry that…someone will end up hurt.” Mark spoke carefully as I stared into the front of the car, where he’d left the window down.

  “Him or me?”

  “Both,” Mark replied as he kept driving towards the office, letting me out at the curb as I told him I’d get out on my own. The car was enough without the grandiose display of a driver. I smiled at him and walked up the curb in my favorite heels and a simple black skirt and white shirt as I heard someone call my name. I turned my head to see Autumn as she ran over to me with a bag in her hand.

  “Nice ride. Do you have a driver or something?” She asked as I blushed and forced a laugh.

  “No, of course not. That’s just a friend that saw me leaving and offered a ride. It beats the bus,” I laughed as she nodded and we walked in together.

  “How was your weekend?” She asked in a friendly tone as I realized I could say nothing about it.

  “Nothing special. Just hung out around the city,” I replied as she told me about how she saw a band at a club and loved them. I nodded and smiled in all the right places as we took the elevator upstairs. I decided to hang out with the team for a bit, since I was too nervous to see Damon just yet. We walked in together and Autumn handed out some sandwiches to everybody, offering to split hers with me. “I ate at school, but thank you.”


  I glanced at the clock, knowing that Elisa would be arriving soon. I missed her last night and I sighed as I heard my cell ring. Glancing at the screen, I saw that it was my attorney and I answered with a frown. “James. Is everything okay?”


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