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Charlie's Whiskey

Page 19

by Harlow Brown

  She caught my eyes, and my heart and dick jumped all at the same time. She was all oiled up and had her megawatt smile meant only for me. There she was, oily, kissed by the sun, with her hair in one of those messy bun things on top of her head that only she could make look so sexy, staring at me through her large black, blingy sunglasses. That smile and the little wave got me right where it counted. I knew I had a proposal to plan, and that golden goddess laid out on the beach was going to get the best one ever.

  An hour passed, and then I heard Magnum talking with someone. I regretfully left the view I was enjoying to see who was there. Much to my surprise, it was Briar and Jazz, considerably earlier than I expected.

  "Hey, man. You’re here early."

  "Yeah, Jazz was anxious to get here. She was missing her girl."

  "Trust me, she's in good hands."

  "Speaking of, where is she?"

  "Out on the beach in the back. Wanna see her?"

  "Yeah!" Jazz exclaimed, clapping her hands.

  "Good. I kinda have something I need to run by you anyhow. Come with me."

  Briar went to unpack their things, and I took Jazz out to see Charlie.

  "Jazz, I don't know how to ease into this, so I'm just going to say it. I proposed to Charlie."

  She stared at me in disbelief. "You what?"

  "Yeah, took me by surprise too. She said yes but told me I had to come up with a better proposal, and I agreed. "

  "What do you mean 'took you by surprise'?'"

  "Just that. It came out, and I hadn't planned it. I was thinking out loud, I guess, but I swear I meant it. I want to marry her yesterday. Hell, if I could turn back time I'd marry her three years ago so she wouldn't have had to deal with Hensley."

  "Okay, we'll figure something out. So what are you thinking?"

  "The sooner, the better. I've never been surer of anything in my life.”

  She stepped towards the railing to look at Charlie, a giddy grin on her face.


  "I have an idea, but I'm going to have to involve the Regulators."

  "You wanna run this by me? You know, seeing as I'm the one carrying it out and all?"

  "Oh, Whiskey, it's perfect. Trust me, yeah? I know my girl, and you'll be her forever hero if you pull it off."

  Charlie rolled over to her back to get some sun on her front again, and Jazz looked her over. "Wow, her bruises are almost gone. You can barely see them, at least from here. That's amazing."

  "Yeah, they are a bit more noticeable up close, but they do look a whole lot better. Her scars are still there, though. I wonder if those will fade," I said sadly, not because I thought they were ugly but because I figured she thought that about herself.

  "Stop it. Charlie doesn't think of her scars like that. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't like them, but she’ll wear them as a reminder of how strong she is and that she can and will overcome anything."

  "How'd you…?"

  "I could tell that's what you were thinking," she said softly.

  "Jazz, I want our forever to have started long ago. If it could’ve begun early enough, maybe we both wouldn't have been put through hell."

  "Whiskey, the fact that you said that, and the look on your face as you did, makes me believe you. I believe everything happens for a reason, and there’s a reason you came along when you did. We just don't know it yet. Time will reveal the real reason."

  "I know my reason. Without her, I'd be strung-out again. She makes the cravings somewhat easier. I need her like I thought I needed my next fix. She's my everything."

  Magnum came around and said, "Seeing as they’re here early, you want to get this meeting over with?"

  "Sure, I'll call the guys and see if they want to come on over."

  Jazz turned to the beach and yelled at Charlie, "Hey, you going to come give your bestie love, or are you going to soak up all the sun?"

  She popped up on her elbows and leaned her head around to see what was going on. "Jazz, you should come down here with me. It's amazing."

  "I will, I promise, but Chief and Fury are on the way. Get up and let's get this over with."

  An almost panicked look washed over Charlie’s face, but she gained her composure quickly and popped up like a boss. She knew it had to be done. If she was on club property, they had the right and privilege to know what could happen.

  "Babes, it'll be okay. Let's just get this out of the way. Then we can drink some beer, and you can call your other girls and see when they’re getting in." I hoped throwing her teammates in the mix would calm her nerves some.

  She had made her way up to us by that point. "I'm fine. It's just Fury kind of sounds mean. I'm kinda nervous about him."

  "He’s good, just cranky. Truthfully, he probably won't say too much. I'll be right there beside you."

  "I'm holding you to that beer you speak of," Charlie said as she walked past me to hug Jazz.

  AS I LOOKED around the room, there was an odd peace that surrounded me, totally consuming me, letting me know that it would all be okay. There were also strange men I didn't know staring at me, waiting to hear my story and wondering why I wanted their support. It was a bit unnerving, to say the least, so I drank a bottle of courage and said, "Well hell, let's get this over with, shall we?"

  "Damn. You don't pussyfoot around, do ya?" Chief said with no trace of humor.

  "Look, Chief, I appreciate you and Fury dropping everything to hear me out. I know you only did it for Whiskey and Briar, so thanks. I just don't like reliving it all, so I'd rather get it out of the way so we can move on. I’d like to drink beer and have fun with my girl, and I can't do that if I'm rehashing my past."

  "A woman who doesn’t waste time. I like you already," Chief stated with somewhat more enthusiasm.

  I guzzled the rest of my beer, slammed the bottle down on the bar, and took a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I felt the gentle squeeze of Whiskey’s hand on my shoulders, giving me the encouragement I needed to go on.

  "I dated a guy for three years. The sorry bastard raped and beat me most of the time we were together. He told me that if I ever said anything he would make good on all the threats he made, and that the next time it would be worse. You know, typical douche bag stuff. I finally had my fill and shot him in the shoulder. I was at Briar and Jazz's when Whiskey came into the picture. Hensley has since slashed the tires on my Mustang, written threatening letters, and put tracking devices on my car." Without much more thought, I raised my shirt so they could see the scars. "This is what’s left. He scarred me up, and I want revenge. I need help. I will pay whatever you need or ask, but I need this fucker to die by my hands."

  Silence overcame all of us.

  "Though she be but little, she is fierce," Fury muttered in total awe, quoting Shakespeare.

  "She’ll take and take, but when she’s done, she's fucking done," Briar chimed in. "I’ve known Charlie for a long time, and she means business. No bullshit.”

  Whiskey cut in. "She’s my girl and she ain't going anywhere, so I'd appreciate the club backing me on this. I'm all in too. He's fucked with her for the last time."

  Fury looked at Chief, and they both nodded.

  "Fury and I will call church to vote it. Shouldn't be a problem, though," Chief stated plainly. Then he turned to me and said in a cold, rigid tone, "The Chosen Legion votes this in and it's carried out, you'd better not bail. We'll find you, and you'll join Hensley. Dig it?"

  I bounced over to the life-sized bastard after he struck that nerve. Whiskey rushed over—probably to keep me from popping Chief in the nuts—in time to hear me say, "That's the last goddamned thing that will happen. I will never join that cocksucker anywhere ever again. I'm here for the long haul, like it or not. Whiskey is mine, and I'll follow him to the depths of hell. I'll support him one hundred and ten percent, which means supporting The Chosen Legion. You all are his family. I get that. Another thing you should know is I'm loyal to a fucking fault." I paused to rip off my shirt and throw it to the
ground., "This should be proof enough. I took three years of beatings and rapes so he wouldn't hurt anyone else I loved. Bailing is not an option."

  I faced Whiskey and said, "I love Whiskey, and therefore, in time I will love all of you. Let this be the last time my loyalty is questioned. I ain't fuckin’ leaving. Not a snowball’s chance in hell." I turned my eyes away from him and back to Chief. "Am I clear?"

  "I believe you've just made yourself a part of this family, Charlie. It takes balls to talk to me like that. The fact that you did proves you are the real deal," he said as he picked up his chin off the floor and gathered himself, "But, I don't advise doing it again. You'll show respect to me as long as you are here."

  "Fury was right, she is fierce,” Magnum chimed in. I couldn't tell if he was trying to lighten the mood or if he was serious. Perhaps both.

  Briar and Jazz didn't seem too phased that I’d just told Chief how shit was going to be. Whiskey looked over at Briar in sheer disbelief that I went that far in his defense, who said, "That's my Charlie girl. Fearless. She’s back. This is the real thing. Have fun with that. She's a firecracker."

  "I dig it," was Whiskey’s response.

  A weight was lifted off me; I now had confirmation that I was in. Apparently, a little attitude went a long way with bikers. I had it in spades when I needed it, but what I told Chief was not just attitude. I meant it. Every. Last. Word.

  After putting my shirt back on, I walked away to find a beer. I passed Briar and Jazz, and she followed me. "Charlie, I'm proud of you. You did amazing. I know it's not easy to bare yourself to strangers, especially big, scary, pissed-off-looking ones, but you did it in true Charlie fashion. You should have seen their faces. Fucking priceless. Especially Magnum and Fury's."

  I reached into the fridge for a Shiner and immediately popped the top and chugged it, making it bubble.

  "Jazz, thanks for coming. I didn't realize how much I needed, or wanted, you here."

  "Me either. Thinking about not seeing your championship was eating a hole in my soul. I can't believe I almost missed the most important games thus far."

  "Hey, life happens. No big deal. You're here now, and that’s what matters. Now you get to watch me kick ass while you take names." I winked at her.

  "Conceited much?"

  "Nope, confident. Big difference."

  "It sure is a good thing you can back all the shit you talk." She shook her head at me.

  "I have three things going for me that I'm just as sure of as the sun will rise tomorrow. I have amazing hair, my eyes are… well, unique to say the least, and I play ball like a boss. I dominate that field and anyone who tries to stop me. Those three things I do well in life."

  "You love with all your heart, you are a phenomenal friend, you are selfless, and you have overcome so much adversity in your life, way more than most. You are more than you think you are. Do you understand me, Charlie? I wish you could see what we see in you. You’re a fucking rock star and you don't even know it."

  "Thanks. Perhaps in time I’ll feel that way, but truthfully, the only opinions I care about are yours, Briar’s, and Whiskey’s. You’re the ones who matter to me. Now I'm gonna call the girls to see when they’ll be here."

  I took a step away so I could dial the number and catch a breath. "Hey, Raige, when do you think you’ll be in Destin? I'm ready to see y'all. We have a little partying to do and some ass to kick on the field."

  "Should be there tomorrow. I'm ready to kick it with you too."

  "Who’s coming with you?"

  "Haze, Rumor, and Gypsy. The rest will get there the day after.”

  "All right. Be careful and get to me safely. I'll see you tomorrow."

  I had the urge to do something unexpected, something edgy. I wanted a tattoo. I’d wanted one for a long time, and there wasn’t anything holding me back anymore.

  "Jazz, I want a tattoo. Think Whiskey will take me?"

  "Probably. What are you going to get?"

  "‘For Love of the Game,’ but I want the letters in the infinity shape with a softball at one end of the symbol."

  "You've thought about this for a while, huh?"

  "Yes. It symbolizes so much for me. The infinity sign signifies that I'm forever grateful for it. Softball was and still is my safe haven. I had ball to fall back on when I was dealing with Hensley and after the accident. I could come to the field and completely wipe my mind of all things bad for however long we practiced or played. No bad juju is ever at the field. It's almost as if it's sacred or something. It's strange, I know. Not everyone wants a sport permanently put on their bodies, but for me it’s more than that. It's a way of life. It's a passion."

  "Do it, Charlie girl."

  I headed outside to where the guys were still hanging out. "Whiskey, come here please."

  He strutted his fine self over and bent down to kiss me. "Yes, dear?"

  "I want a tattoo. Will you take me?"

  His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hell yeah, I’ll take you. That's fucking awesome and hot as hell. I didn't think you’d ever get inked. What are you getting?"

  "‘For Love of the Game’ in an infinity shape with a softball at the end."

  Magnum turned and scrunched his face up. "That's sounds kinda gay."

  Whirling around and glaring at him, I said, "You're kinda gay. And it isn't going on your body so shut your trap. There’s meaning behind it that’s deeper than any of you will ever realize."

  Mag looked sheepish. "Sorry, Charlie, I didn't realize how deep it was with you. You’re so good at being normal that I—"

  "Forgot that I'm fucked up? Go ahead and say it. You know what? Just tell me where you get your ink."

  He looked at me like someone had shot his puppy. I knew I’d made him feel bad, but I didn't care. He needed to think before he acted.

  "Sunset Tattoo."

  I asked Whiskey if he was ready to take me for a ride.

  "Yes, ma'am. Let's go."

  We jumped on the bike and roared out of the driveway, pulling up to the little tattoo studio about twenty minutes later.

  "Let's do this." I beamed at him, my excitement written across my face.

  There was a cute girl seated at the desk, with the most gorgeous red hair and piercing green eyes. She looked cold, though—like cold to feeling, cold to the world. I knew that look all too well. Her face said she was numb. Numb to emotion, numb to feeling, numb to it all.

  "Hi, I'm Roxx. How can I help you?" she said in monotone.

  "Uh, yeah, I want to get a tattoo. Where’s your artist?"

  "You're looking at her."

  "Not often you see an artist with no ink."

  "Haven't found anything worth putting on my body permanently yet."

  "Fair enough. You think you can hook me up?"

  "Sure, just let me tell my partner that I'm busy for a while." She walked a few steps before yelling, "Sully, I have a customer." Her face lit up as she got excited about marking my skin.

  She sat down at her station and patted her chair. "Come on over and sit down. Let's get this started."

  I took a seat, and Whiskey followed.

  "So what are we doing?" Roxx asked.

  I pulled out a sketch that I had doodled a long time ago, having kept it in my softball bag in a pocket on the inside. I handed Roxx the paper. "Kinda old and wrinkly, sorry about that."

  "No problem, I can work with it. So, where is it going?"

  "I think I want it on my wrist."

  "You sure?" she asked as she gathered her materials and got the ink gun ready. "Once I start, there's no turning back," she half joked as she prepped my skin.

  "I'm more sure of this than my next breath."

  On that, she gave me a slight nod and the needle started. Much to my surprise, it didn't hurt like I thought it would. The constant buzz was soothing, and the pain was minimal. Now I understand why people get addicted.

  Roxx was in deep concentration when Whiskey said in my ear, "I gotta go take a leak." H
e kissed my head and went off in search of a bathroom.

  The buzzing stopped for a minute. "Girl, you got yourself a hottie," she said, her eyes following Whiskey.

  "Yeah, he is pretty sweet eye candy," I replied, a smile creeping across my face as I also watched him walk away.

  There was a noise from what I assumed was the back of the studio. In the door stood a dude I hadn't seen before, and Roxx all but froze.

  "What do you want, Sully? Don’t you and Jay have some business to attend to?" she said with no emotion, no tone to give anything away.

  He walked over and stared at Roxx and me. "Both of you at the same time would be fun."

  "Excuse me? Who in the blue bloody fuck do you think you are? No one talks to me like that." This douche bag is going to end up hurt. Bad.

  "I'm the one everyone in this town answers to, especially little women like you and Roxx here. I suggest you learn some respect or I'll—"

  Whiskey rumbled, "You lay one finger on her and I will put you six feet under so goddamned fast it’ll make your head spin and think nothing of it." Rage was rolling off him in tidal waves.

  "Really? And you are?" Sully chuckled.

  "Your worst fucking nightmare. I would suggest you never speak to my girl like that again. Consider yourself officially warned," he stated as calmly as he could, but I could see that his self-control was strained. He looked at me and I winked at him, earning a cockeyed grin in response. He knew that meant I would handle it from there. "Though she be but little…."

  Sully howled with laughter, and I asked Roxx to hang on another second. As he was in the middle of his cackles, I walked up to him with rebellion in my eyes. He opened his just in time to see me kick his knee out of place; we heard it pop and everything. He tumbled immediately to the floor.

  "I take orders from no one, and I'll be damned if I start with you. Take some advice and tell your puppet Jay that I now know who you are and who he works for. I will see to it that your supply of moonshine is officially cut off. I'd listen to what Magnum told him and find a different supplier. "


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