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Charlie's Whiskey

Page 20

by Harlow Brown

  Whiskey could see where this was going and intervened as soon as he could.

  Sully slowly stood and put his weight on the opposite leg. He wouldn't be walking on it for a few days at the very least. "Oh sugar, I could make you obey me and make you like it."

  Whiskey didn't even think twice about pushing me aside. "You've done plenty, Charlie. This dumb fuck needs a beat down. You go back to Roxx and finish your tattoo, and we’ll get out of here as soon as possible."

  I did as he asked only because I knew he was about to handle Sully. He walked up to the asshole evenly and with purpose. "I told you not to talk to my girl like that. You got a hearing problem or something?"

  "Nope, I just don't give a damn about what you say. I run this town, and you answer to me. Who the fuck are you coming in here with your cut and colors on, thinking you can talk shit to me?"

  Smack, Smack, and Crack, followed by a Thud were the next things we heard. Whiskey had knocked Sully out, and he had fallen to the floor. Whiskey ambled over to him and started in again, pulverizing his face.

  He picked the limp Sully up and shook him till he opened his eyes a little and regained consciousness. Through clenched teeth, Whiskey said, "That's who the fuck I am. I told you I was your worst nightmare. I'll put you in the ground and won't even give you a second thought. I suggest you remember that, because I don't make empty threats. If you ever speak to my girl, or any girl, and I'm around to hear it, it'll be your dying day. I'll make sure your funeral is a closed casket because your face will be unrecognizable." He pushed him back. "And Charlie was right. Find another supplier. We don’t deal with the likes of you."

  Sully groaned in pain and hobbled over to hold onto a wall for support as he spat blood out of his mouth. "This ain't over." He looked over at Roxx. "And you, hurry up and get them out of here. We got business to attend to." He grimaced as he limped out of sight.

  Whiskey came and sat down by us again. With sincerity dripping off him, he said to Roxx, "You don't have to stay here. I can arrange to have you taken somewhere you’ll be protected from him forever. We can leave as soon as you’re done with Charlie, and you won't ever have to worry about him again."

  She just shook her head. "Thanks, but it's best I stay."

  I knew from experience the look she was wearing was a mask. She wasn't happy about staying, and she sure as shit wasn't as calm on the inside as she was trying so desperately to convey. I knew that no amount of persuasion would sway her decision, so I looked at Whiskey and gave him a slight shake of the head and a sad eye roll, chock-full of sympathy for Roxx.

  Thirty minutes later my tattoo was finished. "I love it, Roxx! This is amazing. Thank you so much. How much do I owe you?"

  "One hundred and fifty should be good," she said, not even caring that I loved her work, her mind clearly in another world.

  I handed her three hundred-dollar bills and a piece of paper with my number on it and told her to keep the change. I also said as calmly and heartfelt as I could, "I have been where you are, not so long ago. There is hope and help. You only have to ask. I know you aren't ready, but when you are I want you to call me anytime, day or night. I will be there for you. I happen to know a bunch of badass men who would be here in a hurry if they were called. They can and will keep you safe. I know firsthand what great lengths they will go to to protect a woman."

  With that, I left her to figure out her next move. We got back on the bike and I said to Whiskey, "That girl needs help. I see it in her eyes. I just hope she gets out before it gets real bad."

  Whiskey smiled and kissed me softly. "You were selfless and strong in there. You amaze me with your strength, the way you blew his knee out, and the way you offered to help a total stranger. The world needs so many more people in it that are as good as you."

  "True, we’re strangers, but I connected with her. She shares some of my demons, and sometimes it is the tormented souls that need a little reassurance that there are good people left in the world who want nothing more than to just help. I seem to remember a certain tall, handsome badass offered me the same thing only days ago."

  I hoped with everything in me that she would ask for help, knowing in my heart that she wouldn't.

  Once we made it back to the beach house, we saw almost everyone still there. Chief had left, but Fury was still drinking with Briar and Magnum. Jazz was playing hostess and keeping things tidy and clean, bringing the boys beers as needed. The way she took control of the room and made everything so light and carefree with the guys made me smile. She had the ability to smooth out any situation and make it run flawlessly. She was poised and just took charge but did it with such a sweetness, as though it were naturally bred into her.

  "Don't even think about sitting down. I want to see your new artwork," she demanded.

  I grinned and lifted the bandage to reveal the words that meant so much to me. Everyone else came to see it too.

  Tears welled in Jazz's eyes. "Charlie girl, it's perfect. It couldn't be any more… well, you! I love it."

  "Thanks, Jazz. I'm glad you do, seeing as it's there forever now."

  "Charlie, it’s you to a tee. Couldn't fit you any better. Now let's show your love of the game on the field in a few days," Briar added with pride.

  Magnum was quiet, but I was over being mad at him. "Mag, come here. I know you want to." He came over and studied it in utter silence, then looked up at me finally and said, "Well, maybe it isn't so gay," with a grin. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how much softball means to you, but I get it now. Thanks to Briar's ass-chewing and Jazz's Charlie 101 lesson, I get it. I wish that… never mind. I'm just glad you found an outlet for your pain and refuge from your daily hell. I kinda like the ink."

  "Thanks, Mag. I appreciate that." I looked at Whiskey. "I'm tired, and I am going to bed. Are you coming, or you gonna stay up with them and drink?" I said with a yawn.

  "Not yet, but I hope to later." He flashed his sexy smile at me and my panties all but fell off.

  "Jazz, Briar, Mag, good night. See y'all in the morning. Fury, it was nice meeting you."

  "Likewise" was his response. He didn't speak much.

  "Later, y'all. I'm not letting her go to bed alone," Whiskey said, rising from his chair.

  "You whipped so soon?" Magnum chuckled.

  "Hell yeah, I am. I want to spend every waking moment with her, and every sleeping one too. Our forever got started too late. I'm not wasting any more time without her. So if that’s whipped, then I'm whipped like a motherfucker. Now I'm going to bed with my girl. Maybe one day you’ll find one who will put up with you for more than a night."

  "Damn chicks. They take all the fun out of a man. I can't even fuck around with you. Now you have some mushy comeback bullshit." Mag shook his head and threw up a peace sign. "Deuces."

  "See you tomorrow, Magnum. Hey, I think some of Charlie's friends are getting here tomorrow. Maybe one of them will give you a run for your money," I heard Whiskey say to Mag as he left the room.

  "Not fucking likely. I don't want to be tied down. I'm not going to be whipped like you."

  "JUST HOLD ME please, Whiskey. I don't want sex tonight."

  "Are you okay, babes? Talk to me."

  "Today’s just been exhausting, for lack of a better word. Talking to Chief and Fury, dealing with Sully, and I can't get Roxx out of my head. I want to help her. I've been where she is, dealt with the nights of fear and doing whatever just to keep the peace. Truthfully, I'm a little scared again. Seeing her brought back memories that I can't shake tonight for whatever reason. I need to be wrapped in your arms, safe from the world, where no one can get me."

  Well damn, how else is she supposed to feel? Of course, she feels threatened. How could I have not known?

  "Babes, come here. I'll hold you until you say stop. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I tried to get you to—"

  "Shut up, Whiskey. Don't ever apologize for trying to get sex. So long as you don't take it without my consent, we’re good. You aren't Hensley. I know tha
t. It's different with you."

  "Tell me how to make it better," I pled on a whisper. I'd move heaven to hell and back if it would help ease her mind and calm her fears.

  "Just hold me. Tell me everything is going to be okay. Just be you."

  "Come here, Charlie." I opened my arms and welcomed her into them. There she was in her Braves pajamas, all cute and sexy, and at that moment I couldn't have cared less about sex. She needed me. She needed my love, my strength, my soft whispers of reassurance. The fact that she needed me was still hard to grasp. I wasn't about to fuck it up either.

  My back was to the wall, and she curled up on my lap with her head on my bare chest. I put my nose in her hair and inhaled her scent.

  "Babes, I'm here. No one can get you now. It's okay. I swear to you, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that nothing bad happens. I'll keep you safe. You are where you belong now, here with me, in my arms." With that, I pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I'll protect you from all the evil in the world, Charlie. From the time I met you on that porch till forever ends. I've got you."

  I hadn't realized it at first, but she had fallen asleep. I felt her body go slightly limp, and she drooled down my pec. I knew she needed to rest so I moved us down to lie on the bed, pulling her as close to me as I could get her. Her back was flush with my front, and her head lay on my left arm as my right draped over her. I had my leg hanging over her too. I held her like that, safe from all the bad things in her head, until I fell asleep too.

  When morning came, my Charlie girl still lay sleeping in my arms. My arm was starting to feel like it was going to fall off. I had to get some blood flow to it or it was going to be a bad deal, but doing that meant waking Sleeping Beauty. With the hand I still had feeling in, I softly stroked her hair, making sure not to let it touch her face.

  "Charlie, why could we not have found each other so long ago? Life would be so different for us. I want to give you so much. I want to give you your dreams, grow old with you, and lie here like this every night. We’ll have hurdles, but we’ll jump them together." I gently squeezed her and kissed her head.

  I thought back on the previous night and how that Sully bastard acted. Who was he other than Jay's puppet master? What was his game? If he were anything too big then The Chosen Legion would have heard of him. He was all talk. Charlie's reaction to him came speeding back to the front of my memory bank. She didn't like him, and he creeped her out. He wouldn't do it again; I would make sure of that.

  "Oh, Raige! I'm glad you're here. You need to meet Magnum, and then we can go climb the apple tree," she said as she slept.

  Sleeping Beauty or not, I laughed, hoping she wouldn't wake.

  "What?" she said in a sleepy, not-quite-awake-yet voice.

  "Oh, nothing, babes." I kissed her head again and made my way to the bathroom.


  "In the bathroom, babes."

  "Just checking. I need a gorilla."

  I just shook my head and laughed. I was definitely going to bring that to her attention.

  After my morning business, I went back into the bedroom to find her lying diagonally across the bed. So much for me getting back in bed with her.

  I decided to leave Charlie with her gorillas so they could climb apple trees together, as I needed coffee. Seeing as I was the first one awake, I had the patio to myself, so I drank my coffee among the peace and quiet of the waves and seagulls.

  I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Jazz approach me. She met me at the back rail of the patio with her own cup of coffee and smiled at me. "Mornin' glory."

  "Yeah, something like that."

  "Good grief, what now?"

  "Nothing bad. Sorry, didn't mean to give you that impression. It's been a comical morning for me, that's all. Charlie’s climbing apple trees with Raige, and she thinks she needs a gorilla."

  Laughter ripped through Jazz until I thought for sure she would pass out. Her face was beet red, and she was snorting and carrying on like a teenager.

  "I'm glad I'm not the only one who found humor in her sleep confessions." I chuckled right along with her.

  Once she regained some of her composure, she said, "In all seriousness, she is comfortable with you. To my knowledge, she hasn't done that since her parents died. She used to walk and talk in her sleep. Her dad told me all kinds of stories about her goofy dreams. Since the accident, she hasn't had another one. She’s never been that relaxed, I guess. Does that make sense?"

  "Not to me."

  "You give her peace, comfort, and security. They say that sleepwalkers and talkers are at their deepest sleep when they’re walking and talking. You give her that comfort, Whiskey. Because of you, she can sleep without one eye open, per se."

  "Jazz, all I did was hold her all night. I didn't do anything special."

  "You big dummy, you didn't have to. You are enough. She just needs you to be… you. Nothing more, nothing less."

  "Good to know. Hey, Raige, Haze, Rumor, and Gypsy are supposed to be here today, and I assume the others will be here tomorrow. What do you know about her girls?"

  "Raige has had a tough go of things. I think she used to strip and was kicked out of her house as a teen or something. She's cool, but rough around the edges. Haze is sweet, kind of quiet, a good girl. Rumor is quiet, kind of reserved, but she speaks her mind. And Gypsy… Gypsy is goofy, an airhead, and she’s funny. Free spirit sums her up. She gets her name from just that—her mind roams around like a gypsy. Well, that and her parents smoked copious amounts of pot. Why do you ask?"

  "Just curious." I paused and thought for a second.

  "Spill it, Whiskey."

  "How the fuck do you do that?"

  "I'm just that good. Now talk."

  "Does Charlie get along with everyone on her ball team?"

  "For the most part. Why? Where is this going?"

  "Now you're going to think I'm nuts, but is there anyone on her team who would have a beef with her? Maybe they act just a little differently towards her than everyone else?"


  "Just looking at things with Hensley from all angles, that's all."

  "I know she loves all the girls. She isn't as close with Garyn and Rustin but there's nothing to it, other than she’s butted heads with them on the field a time or two. They screwed up a play and made errors, and she called them out on it. She wasn't ugly to them, but I think it pissed them off all the same. But she does that with anyone who messes up, and most of them do it to her. It's just how it is on the field. Charlie thinks what happens on the field should stay on the field… to an extent. I just think she isn't as close to them as the others. Those two kind of stick together and stay out of everyone's business. They’re loners, I guess you could say, but they all get along just fine."

  I thought for a bit and drank more of my coffee. I planned on investigating more on that whole Hensley situation.

  "So, Whiskey, have you thought any more about your proposal?"

  "Not really."

  "Okay, so here's what I have been tossing around. After the championship game, I'll see to it that the field is freshly dragged and relined with chalk. I'll clue her girls in on it so they’ll cooperate and help. You’ll just need to say you have a surprise for her and make sure she’s blindfolded. Once she’s at the field, take the blindfold off and walk her onto the field through the dugout and make your way to the batter's box. Have her stand on the plate while you pour your heart into the sweetest proposal ever. And yes, Charlie deserves that. If you want, everyone else can be in the stands or press box looking down. What do you think?"

  I tried to stop my head from spinning. "You’ve been thinking a lot about this. I'm cool with it being on the field, and home plate is definitely where it needs to be. It’s where she feels the safest and most comfortable. I can't imagine asking her to be mine forever anywhere else. I just pray she can handle two homes."

  "What do you mean?"

  "She owns the plate. I have no doubt abo
ut it. The way you all talk and the fact that she’s here, at the World Series, tells me that. The catcher has most of the control in a game. They are the eyes and brains of the team. I want her to do the same thing at our home, only I want to be the one looking out for runners trying to steal bases and calling the pitches. I don't want her to worry about anything. Does that make sense?"

  "Only I could follow that baseball rhetoric, but yes, it does. Whiskey, you have no idea how happy I am that you two found each other. Charlie deserves a break, and you do too. I don't worry about her at all when she’s with you."



  "Did you and Briar really not suspect anything with Hensley?"

  "No. Not really. In hindsight, there were a couple telltale signs, but obviously she had to get good at hiding the truth. I have no doubt that she played the part of the happy couple just to save face and protect me, knowing Hensley would come after me if she told, when in reality she wanted to skin his nuts, put them on a platter, salt them, and feed them to him."

  All I could do was stare at her. What the hell do I say in response to that?

  "Don't even ask. She thinks of all kinds of sick twisted ways to get back at him. And I have a feeling she will get her revenge. He might not get his nuts salted and fed to him, but Charlie is relentless. Hensley will pay. You mark my words."

  "I'll see to that. I’ll give her whatever she needs to accomplish it. The weapons, the alibi, the everything," I said as I turned back to face the ocean.

  We both watched the waves roll in, and quietly drank our coffee. Before I could stop myself, much less think about the words, I said, "There's so much I don't know about her."


  "Her favorite movie, songs, color—you know, the little things that make a person who they are."

  "Whiskey." She walked up and put her hand on my shoulder. "You have the rest of your lives to figure that out. That’s petty stuff."

  "You two bonding well?" Briar grumbled, looking like he’d just woken up.

  "Morning, baby. We were just discussing a proposal and its details."


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