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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 16

by Brianna Merrill

  He gave the cocoa a few stirs with a spoon and then passed it over the counter to Emily. “It’s hot,” he warned.

  “Mmmm, thanks.” Emily wrapped her hands around the mug and blew the rising steam from the top.

  After Emily had taken a few sips she looked up to see that Alexander was watching her.

  “So, I take it you don’t need sleep either,” Emily stated simply. Things really didn’t surprise her anymore.

  “Not really. I enjoy relaxing, and I’ll close my eyes every now and again, but my body doesn’t need sleep like yours.”

  “What do you do at night when everyone is sleeping?”

  “Not everyone is sleeping. When night falls here, it’s always daytime somewhere else. Since I can travel wherever I want it’s pretty easy to keep entertained. Although I haven’t done that since I became your Guardian. I stay close by. I never go far unless I have to.” Alexander leaned down on the counter, supporting his weight with both elbows and clasping his hands out in front of him. His biceps formed hard round lumps the size of grapefruits and Emily could see his veins running down the length of his chiseled arms.

  She suddenly realized that she had never seen his bare arms before. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt, something he hadn’t done.

  “What’s with the clothing? How do you wear different outfits? Right now you’re in a casual short sleeve shirt but when I saw you at the charity concert you were in a tux,” Emily inquired.

  “That’s another thing that just comes along with the territory. I’m not sure how it all works. All I know is that I am clothed in things that always fit my surroundings when I materialize. We’re like chameleons. It’s all about camouflage and blending in with our environment.”

  “In your Roman days, you sported a toga then?” Emily teased.

  “Actually it wasn’t a toga but if you’re inquiring as to whether I wore a skirt, the answer is yes. And yes, I did like it. I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

  Emily gave a short burst of laughter as Alexander straightened his frame and crossed his bulging arms.

  “That makes sense. If you showed up during the great depression in MC Hammer Pants and a neon green t-shirt I bet people would think you were from a different planet.” Emily gave another laugh.

  “That was a trend I was not a fan of, by the way. I appeared as little as possible during the nineteen eighties. The fashions were awful.” Alexander grimaced with the sheer thought.

  “I wonder when I’ll finally know about all of your abilities. It seems like they just go on and on. It makes me feel very… untalented.” Emily lifted the mug to her lips for another sip.

  “Actually I think we’ve covered everything concerning my abilities. We have finally reached the end of the tunnel.”

  “Well hallelujah for that! I’m not sure my brain can process much more,” Emily joked.

  “Yes it is all a bit much isn’t it?” Alexander gave her his warm smile.

  Emily felt her heart skip a beat.

  After she finished her hot chocolate she called her father to let him know that she would be leaving within the next couple of hours. After Emily showered she scanned her closet for something to wear. She realized that everything she had left here at this house was the old frumpy clothes she was wearing the last two years.

  “It’s not like he hasn’t seen me in this stuff before.”

  Emily tried to convince herself it wasn’t a big deal, but it didn’t completely ease her worry. She found a charcoal-colored jogging suit that seemed to be a little more form fitting than the other stuff she had in her closet. She decided that it was the best she could do, making a mental note to bring better clothes next time.

  When they left the house, Emily had no problem letting Alexander drive again. She didn’t like driving in the snow and Alexander had certainly demonstrated yesterday he was skilled at controlling a car.

  They stopped at a little deli on their way out of town so Emily could grab a bite to eat. She was starving because she hadn’t had much the day before and only a cup of hot chocolate this morning. She had grown used to the fact that she ate and Alexander didn’t. She was, however, determined to ask if he wanted anything or present a taste of whatever she had, but as expected, he denied her offer.

  Driving back to the city took longer because they kept to a slower speed. It was still faster than Emily would have been capable of, especially around the curves. Alexander never hesitated or hastily broke because he misjudged the switchbacks of the mountain. He knew every inch of the road.

  When they arrived at Emily’s building Alexander flipped the car into park and then sat silently for a moment. He was very still, as though he was lost in a daydream. Emily did not interrupt him, but was curious because she had not seen that look on his face before. It was very different.

  As soon as he snapped out of his trance, he rushed around to get Emily’s door. As they rode the elevator up to her apartment Emily felt compelled to ask. “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m fine. But I’m afraid I can only drop you off and then I must go. I’ve been summoned to council again,” he explained in a calm tone.

  “Oh, so that was what happened in the car when we pulled up.” It made sense to Emily now that Alexander had told her how it all happened.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what that was.”

  “Do you usually get called to council this often?” Emily wondered.

  “No, I don’t. It’s unusual that they would call me back so soon.”

  “Does that mean you’re in trouble?”

  “No, I do not believe so, but it must mean there is some sort of urgent matter for them to want me back so soon. I should go immediately.”

  “Okay.” Emily was a bit disappointed, but she wasn’t going to ask him to stay. She knew he needed to go.

  Alexander turned his body to face her. He took his hand and let it slide down the length of Emily’s silky hair. “I’m sure everything is fine. I will see you again, I can promise you that.”

  The elevator bell gave a clang as the doors opened up to Emily’s floor. Alexander walked her to the door and then once she had it unlocked and opened he grabbed her and pulled her close.

  Emily was caught off guard by the swift and firm motion. It wasn’t like Alexander. He held her close in a firm grip and then without hesitation, kissed her with more passion than the night before. It was short but Emily was left feeling like she might collapse.

  “I’m not sure how soon I’ll be back but plan on me coming to the banquet tomorrow night.”

  “Okay, I’ll make sure and tell my father about you then.” Emily was still recovering from the sensation of being knocked off her feet.

  “I love you,” Alexander eyes seemed to sparkle with each word he spoke. “Remember that, when I’m not here.”

  “I love you too.” She was beginning to feel a little worried. Alexander seemed far too serious.

  “Stay safe while I’m gone, okay?” Alexander caressed her face.

  “I don’t know about that. I might have to throw myself in front of a bus so that you teleport back sooner,” Emily joked.

  Alexander gave a slight chuckle and it helped Emily to feel more relaxed.

  “There will be no need for that. I promise I’ll be back.” He gave her one soft kiss on the lips and then disappeared before he even pulled away.


  When Alexander crossed through the doors onto the terrace he was surprised to see Aldara standing there, ready to greet him. She immediately opened her arms to give a loving embrace.

  “Welcome back, Son of Eden,” Aldara whispered, as she held him tightly.

  “I was not expecting to be called back so soon.”

  “Yes, I don’t believe anyone expected to call you back so soon. And, it is not just you my son. Athos has called all available Guardians. There is an issue at hand that could concern us all,” Aldara responded, but she showed no signs of stress or worry.

  Alexander’s interest
was piqued with the news that it wasn’t just him that was called, but he knew better than to ask Aldara why. He was well aware that she couldn’t say any more about the matter until the council.

  “I wish to speak with you for a moment, before the council,” Aldara said as they made their way down the steps and onto the stone path that led through the garden to the gathering stone.

  Alexander gave her his full attention as they walked slowly down the path. “What is it you would like to discuss Mother?” He often included the title when addressing Aldara to show her the respect she deserved. He knew she appreciated being referred to as ‘Mother’.

  “I actually wanted to ask you a few questions first,” Aldara paused and looked into Alexander’s eyes for the approval to proceed. “I wish to know how you truly feel about Emily. I know you have said that you love her. But, I am curious to know if there was a stronger feeling present…If you felt that it all may be something more?” Her words were tender and sweet, without any trace of scrutiny.

  Alexander was shocked. Here he thought he would have to convince all of the Governing Five of such a concept, that there was much more to his love for Emily than what could be seen on the surface. Yet now, Aldara was asking things as though she had picked the thoughts straight out of his head.

  “Yes, actually I have felt that this is all leading to something more. There are greater forces at work. I just don’t know what.”

  “Interesting, it is as I have suspected, then.” She was silent for a moment, lost in her thoughts. “Are you at all troubled with the dilemmas that present themselves concerning her mortality and your stewardship?”

  Alexander contemplated the question for a moment. He wanted to answer with complete honesty, which meant he had to delve deep to search his feelings.

  “I would say I have some worries. But at the same time, when I begin to contemplate all the ‘what ifs’, I receive a feeling like it will all be made right, and things will work out accordingly.”

  Aldara was silent and then looked up at Alexander. “Yes, often things work themselves out, especially when those things are meant to be.” Alexander waited for her to say more but she didn’t. Instead they walked in silence for a time before she spoke again. “I suppose I do not have to warn you that Mathaius is quite cross over all that is taking place.” There was some concern in her voice.

  “I assumed Mathaius would feel that way.”

  “Yes, well, he is more agitated than I have ever witnessed, and surprisingly Damarus has grown somewhat troubled as well. However, there is no need to worry, my son, all will be made right. A new dawn is approaching for us all.” Aldara stopped in her steps. “This is as far as I go. I will see you at council. Peace be with you,” Aldara said hastily, then turned and walked across the grass to a building that stood only thirty yards away.

  Alexander stood still contemplating the bizarre words in Aldara’s last statement. She had said that a new dawn was coming for all of them. What did that mean? He knew Aldara did not receive visions of the future; only The Seer was blessed with that ability. So what could she have meant?

  Alexander was pulled away from his thoughts as he heard Xavier’s footsteps approach from behind.

  “Now, this is more like it. This is what I was expecting the first time,” Xavier exclaimed, as he grabbed Alexander’s shoulders.

  Alexander chuckled. “You must have been cast from a different mold. I swear you are the only Guardian who looks forward to chaos and disruption,” Alexander said as he turned to face his friend.

  They embraced and then began walking toward the Gathering Stone.

  “Do you really think we were made from some sort of mold?” Xavier questioned.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes it seems like we must be, the way we all are. But I know nothing more about how we came to be than you.”

  “Hmmph,” was all Xavier grunted.

  “I’ve got good news. Emily said she wanted to meet you.” Alexander changed the subject.

  “She did? Great, I’m excited!” Xavier shouted as he rubbed his hands together as though he was looking over a Thanksgiving feast.

  “You’ll have to behave yourself, understood?” Alexander gave him a firm punch in the arm.

  “Look who’s talking. I’m not the one running off to a secluded house on the lake.” Xavier teased. “Don’t look so surprised, you know I’ve been eavesdropping, and I have every right to. Do remember, I’m a part of this new family now.”

  Alexander only shook his head, giving Xavier a stern look like that of a disappointed father.

  “So, did anything happen?” Xavier pried.

  “Must you ask something so personal? Really, you act so very human sometimes it makes me wonder,” Alexander said, trying to end the thought process his friend was headed down.

  “Well, did it?” Xavier responded sheepishly, recoiling with the expectations of a hard blow from his friend.

  Alexander gave a long and exaggerated sigh. “I kissed her, if that is what you are wondering about.”

  “You did? Amazing! Now who’s the one acting so human? I’m not the one walking around in my human form smooching my Traveler.” Xavier hadn’t prepped himself for the slug he now received from Alexander, and was thrown off step. After he regained his footing he continued to interview his friend. “Did it work? Did anything happen?” Xavier was like a child wanting to know everything and anything about human relationships.

  “As far as I know, nothing happened. It would seem that we do not posses our same abilities when we are in human form,” Alexander stated as a newfound fact.

  “Did it go any farther?” Xavier knew he was pushing it, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Watch it,” Alexander barked.

  Xavier knew he had gone as far as he could go without truly upsetting his friend.

  “Do you think I’m that insane? Besides, I would never compromise her virtue that way, you know that. That’s part of the problem with the world today. Too many people are so willing to give up something so sacred at the drop of a hat. Emily is different. She’s not that kind of girl.” Alexander steamed forward, a bit flustered from his friend’s last question.

  Of course he had given some thought to what could happen if things progressed past kissing, but it was not an option. He refused to entertain such fantasies.

  They reached the Gathering Stone and saw that everyone had congregated on the north side where general addresses were given.

  Alexander noticed that many heads turned his way, looking him up and down, assessing him with their green eyes.

  “I take it most everyone knows now,” Alexander whispered to his friend.

  “Yeah, but don’t look at me, my lips are sealed,” Xavier defended as he drew his thumb across his lips.

  Alexander kept his head down, although that didn’t stop him from hearing all the whispers and feeling the thousands of eyes on him. He was in no mood to meet their gaze or answer questions, so he and Xavier waited silently. The crowd soon went silent as Athos appeared at the edge of the stone.

  “Brothers and Sisters, the time for a grand council will commence in moments. You have been called for a reason that will be made known to all. Hold your peace for a while longer. There is a matter that must be seen to, prior to any further remarks or declarations.” He paused briefly and then turned in Alexander’s direction. “Alexander, Son of Eden, you are summoned up to council directly before the Five.”

  The silence was unnatural as Alexander made his way through the crowd to the steps at the east side of the stone. Once he climbed the stairs he lifted his head to meet the eyes of the Governing Five.

  Athos had already made his way back to his usual spot in front of his chair. Alexander glanced at Damarus, attempting to evaluate how his mentor was feeling. But, Damarus showed no signs of frustration or worry, as Alexander had feared.

  “Welcome Alexander, Son of Eden.” Damarus went through the standard greeting, and then allowed Athos to do the same concern
ing the call to council. After they were all seated Alexander finally looked toward Mathaius, instantly regretting his decision to do so. Mathaius was tense, his aggravation pouring out from his cloudy green eyes.

  “Alexander, we wished to speak with you first before we address everyone because, of course, this all flows from your recent conduct with Emily,” Damarus explained calmly.

  “Why must this involve other Guardians? It is my actions alone, not theirs,” Alexander questioned, confused why this situation was now reaching beyond him.


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