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Son of Eden, a Paranormal Romance (Tales of the Guardian)

Page 17

by Brianna Merrill

  “You are foolish to think that the consequences of your actions would not affect others, when you have so openly broken the laws that govern us,” Mathaius retorted with contempt flowing freely in his voice.

  Damarus made no attempt to silence his comrade. He let him speak his mind and then when he knew he was finished, Damarus continued. “I am not sure any of us could have foreseen what has transpired in the last few hours, Mathaius. I do not believe the latest happenings have resulted solely because of Alexander’s actions. I am certain other things are at work here. However, I am not positive what forces are also influencing the situation.” Damarus said smoothly, turning back to Alexander.

  “It seems, my son, that the Opposition is gathering its forces. The numbers are small at this time but I am positive they will grow by the day. We are not certain what their motive is, but we do have reason to believe that it is somehow linked to what has transpired between you and Emily.”

  “I don’t understand. How could anything that Emily and I have done cause the Opposition to begin to gather? Why would they care about us?”

  “We are not sure. Our sources are limited when it comes to knowing what the Opposition is planning and why. However, we will find out, we always do and we will act accordingly,” Damarus said with more confidence than Alexander expected at this point.

  It didn’t make any sense to Alexander. He didn’t understand why, for any reason, what he and Emily had done would alarm the Opposition to the point of gathering their forces. They only congregated in times of war. Otherwise they worked separately, as individuals. Very similar to how Guardians conducted themselves.

  “What of The Seer? Has he not foreseen the reasons for this sudden move by the Opposition?” Alexander asked. Usually they knew what was going on with the Opposition because The Seer had received a vision that warned them.

  “The Seer has not said a word concerning this matter. He is most likely upset and distraught over this entire issue,” Mathaius snapped.

  Alexander had seen Mathaius disturbed before but never had witnessed such anger as he was now seeing.

  Aldara was sitting quietly watching the exchange of words, but now interceded. “Mathaius do you suggest that The Seer is somehow confused with all that is taking place? I think not, my Brother. You know as well as I, The Seer’s wisdom and knowledge far exceeds our own. He knows all, and he will reveal to us what is needed when the time is right. It is preposterous to assume otherwise.” Although Aldara’s words carried a reprimand, they were still soft and gentle.

  “Aldara speaks the truth, and I find no reason why we should be worried at this point. However, it is important that we all take into account the Opposition’s actions, that we all might prepare ourselves if this matter progresses. That is why the meeting has been called,” Damarus explained.

  “Yes, and I believe it is time to sound the alarm to the others,” Athos said in a hushed voice. Often when he spoke it seemed barely above a whisper.

  “Yes, my Brother, it is time.” Damarus nodded his head toward Athos and then turned back to Alexander. “As of this time you are still to remain as Emily’s Guardian. I have a strong feeling that now, more than ever, she will be in need of your aid and protection. We will call for you again when we receive further knowledge on this matter. You are dismissed to join the others.” Damarus gave a slight wave of his hand to signal his wishes.

  Alexander abruptly turned, descended down the stairs and then sifted his way back to where Xavier was standing. His friend greeted him with a questioning raise of eyebrows. There was no time to explain before they both turned to face the Gathering Stone.

  The Governing Five now stood in a strategically staggered line so that they were all visible. Athos remained in the middle, the place that was often reserved for Damarus, expect when the alarm was being sounded. Athos took a step forward and spoke in a loud voice, but he did not shout; there was no need. In truth, he could have whispered and everyone still would have heard him in their minds.

  “Brothers and Sisters, the Governing Five have unanimously concluded that it is time to sound the alarm of forewarning. We have knowledge that the Opposition is gathering, and though at this time the hour is not yet known, nor even if they will truly attack, we still must ready ourselves. Those who do not receive visions for their Travelers are to remain here until the preparatory drills are completed. Generals are to oversee their regiments of one hundred and report back upon completion of the set exercises.”

  Xavier elbowed Alexander in the ribs. “That is you, my friend.”

  Athos held up his hands for silence as some whispers began to move throughout the crowd. “We will call council again when we are certain of the motive and hour of the Opposition’s strike. Until then, this council is adjourned.”

  Immediately voices were heard conversing. Most were wondering what all this was about, what had motivated the enemy. They were all making preparations as though they were going to war, yet there was no hint of it prior to the announcement.

  Alexander and Xavier hastily left the Gathering Stone and headed for the training arena where the generals would gather their one hundred Guardians for the necessary drills.

  “So I wasn’t thinking things would get this heated the second time around. I thought you said all you did was kiss her,” Xavier joked.

  It was obvious that even Xavier, who was always lighthearted, was a bit shaken.

  “I do not see how all of this could have anything to do with Emily and me. However, if the Governing Five seem to think it does, then they must have a good reason to believe so. I just wish I knew the reason.”

  “They said they would let us know as soon as they had that kind of information,” Xavier said, sounding a bit confused.

  “They know something more than they are letting on, or at least some of them do. Aldara spoke with me briefly before the council. She asked some strange questions, like she was trying to piece together some sort of puzzle.”

  Alexander replayed the short conversation over in his mind, but he still could not find any clue to the growing mystery.

  “Well, training should be interesting enough,” Xavier said, trying once again to change the mood.

  “Depending on how much everyone knows, I am sure they will be so thrilled to be drilling under my direction.” Alexander finished his sentence with heavy sarcasm.

  “At least one of your hundred will be happy you’re in charge.” Xavier gave a big grin.

  “Yes, I can always count on you, my Brother.” Alexander patted Xavier loudly on the back as they filed through the open arch leading to the arena.

  Chapter 10

  * * *


  There was no tension in the air, no resounding feeling of disappointment, as Emily had first expected. Instead, her father sat at the table with his hands clasped and his brows slightly furrowed in thought. She saw no anger in his eyes, only kindness.

  “I suppose then that I owe this Alexander the world for what he did. I’m in his debt for protecting you,” he said with genuine sincerity.

  She was surprised at how good it had felt to tell her father the truth. The confession had brought some unwanted memories as she told her father about the attack, but those thoughts quickly dissipated when she relived Alexander’s heroic intervention. Emily failed to mention the two dates she had already been on, but did tell him that it was Alexander who accompanied her to retrieve the violin from the shop where it was restored.

  “Aren’t you upset with me?” Emily questioned. After all she had ignored her father’s council; she had at least expected a firm scolding of some sort.

  “I’m a little upset, but not for the reasons you’re thinking of.” He glanced up so that he could look her directly in the eyes. “All of us make mistakes. If I had a chocolate for every time I ignored someone’s advice or warning and did my own thing, I would be a very obese man. What I’m more disappointed with is that you didn’t tell me, that you lied to me. What I
expect from you is honesty, not perfection.”

  Her father’s words were filled with compassion, and Emily found herself overwhelmed with how much she loved and appreciated this great man that sat across from her.

  “In the future, just be honest, okay? And let’s thank the heavens that this Alexander was there to keep you from suffering the severe consequences of not following my advice. Sound good?” He concluded.

  “Thanks for being so understanding.” Emily reached across the table to squeeze his hand. “But since we are being honest there is something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh,” her father chuckled. “By all means, do tell.” He gestured with open arms toward Emily.

  “I’ve gotten to know Alexander the couple times I’ve been with him, and I think he’s a really great guy.” Of course Emily knew that was a severe understatement but her father would think she was insane if she said she was in love with the man. She had to take it easy for now. She would tell him about the love stuff later, after he got to know Alexander.

  “Really?” he put his hand to his chin. He sensed where she was going with this.

  “Yeah, it seems strange I’m sure, but it’s the first time I’ve ever been interested in someone like this… and I know he’s interested in me.” Once again, Emily understated the facts.

  “If you’re truly interested in this guy, then I need to meet him,” he declared.

  “I knew you’d say that, so actually, I already invited him to the banquet tomorrow night so he can meet you,” Emily said timidly. She knew her father was shocked. Extending an invitation to someone her father had never met was completely out of character for her.

  “Really?” he repeated. “Okay then, sounds good.”

  In that moment, it was all Emily could have hoped for.


  The drills went on for hours, but in the Guardian Realm there wasn’t really a sense of time, which was why no one seemed to mind. Most of the teams of one hundred moved out to the field that spread for miles outside the arena. Some regiments remained inside the building as they continued to work with object and obstruction training. The arena was massive, with giant columns that surrounded and supported the round shaped building. It was an exact match to the famous Coliseums in Rome, however without the structural erosion and destruction.

  The scene that played out before Alexander seemed like that of Roman days, when gladiators would spar and fight for entertainment. The exception was that the Guardians were currently doing it without weapons. Maybe that was why Alexander had liked the days of Roman reign so much. That era had provided the closest essence to home, more than any century or culture had provided him so far.

  Alexander gave one final sweep over the Guardians that were under his command. He was confident they were all more than capable with the obstruction drills and ready to move on.

  “Take form!” Alexander called out in one loud breath.

  Swifter than the wind, each Guardian formed into ten straight lines of ten.

  “I commend you with completion of the obstruction drills. We will now move on to combat sparring. This will be done first with one partner, and no weapons. Carry it out,” Alexander commanded. Just as quickly as they had assembled they had now dispersed into pairs.

  Nervous that some of his Guardians would be angry with him, Alexander was somewhat unsure of himself. When he initially entered the arena he noticed a few of his hundred look him up and down and then turn to whisper. But, as soon as he called for rank, they fell in line and acted accordingly. The truth was, Guardians could argue about Alexander’s involvement concerning the recent events, but none of them could dispute his skill. There was no one else, besides Damarus, whom any of them would rather train under. Alexander was as advanced as one could get when it came to combat skill and strategy. Of course it helped that Alexander was around for every war since the Roman Empire, but he also had natural talent.

  Most of the Guardians under his command had only been around for a century or two and were not as experienced as he. However, he did have a handful that were just as old as he, and a few who were even older. As he watched the Guardians practice, his mind wandered.

  He questioned what all of the commotion could have to do with him and Emily. He knew that what happened between them had never happened before. But, he didn’t believe anything they had said or done could bring about war, even though that was exactly what they were now preparing for.

  Why would the Opposition care?

  It was the question Alexander kept returning to. The Opposition was around as long as the Guardians. They were beings unseen by the human world, similar to their own kind. However, unlike Guardians, all of the Opposition had limitations, except for some of their Ancient Ones.

  The Opposition could not take solid form. They worked solely by influencing the minds of humans. Only those humans that allowed themselves to be tempted, and listened to the enticements the Opposition whispered, could fall under their power. In times of war, the environment that surrounded human soldiers allowed for their minds to be weakened, and the Opposition felt they were easier prey. War was always a preferred way of gathering more humans under Opposition influence.

  What could be their motive? What had them so spooked that they would begin to combine for a battle?

  “General!” Xavier shouted again, this time waving his hand slightly in front of Alexander’s dazed gaze.

  Alexander snapped back to reality and gave a low grunt as if to clear his thoughts.

  “Yes, Xavier, what is it?”

  “Can we move on to weaponry now? Maximus here is getting anxious.” Xavier motioned toward his partner.

  “I suppose that would be acceptable. And since Maximus seems to be so ready, you and he can be the ones to distribute the staves.” Alexander knew it was truly his friend that was the one who wanted to move on.

  Xavier and his partner went to retrieve the long wooden sticks from the designated spot in the arena. Guardians were not permitted to use human weapons such as swords, knives or guns. They could never rely on what their environment would supply, which was why they had to depend on their hand to hand fighting skills first and foremost. However, in the event that more was needed to even the odds, they used objects that could be found such as sticks, rope and other simple things. Since they did not use objects very often, most Guardians enjoyed sparring with the staves; it was exciting for them.

  Alexander watched as his two comrades eagerly came back with the wooden rods and shields. For the Guardians, a staff was no more than a glorified stick, yet it could provide enough leverage, at times, to ensure safety. Combat had certainly become more dangerous for them since the invention of the gun. It was easier to protect someone from a sword than it was to get in the way of a bullet. Alexander shook his head with the thought. He didn’t like remembering how many of his brothers and sisters had fallen to bullets, yet he knew that being a Guardian sometimes meant sacrificing yourself for your Traveler. That was what they were made for; that was their purpose.

  Alexander motioned for Xavier to bring him a bow but refused the small leather shield that Maximus presented from the cart he towed. When all the Guardians had their equipment, Alexander called again for formation.

  “As always, I remind you that objects are to be used as a last resort and with caution. They do prove to be useful when needing to disarm an attacker from afar or keep them at a safe distance from your body. We will work in groups of five, taking turns at being the one to disarm the other four. Move swiftly, but with force. Carry it out.”

  The Guardians broke into the commanded groups and began without any discussion or hesitation of who was to go first. Whichever Guardian was in the middle of the circle was to be the one to disarm their opponents.

  This time, Alexander paced between the groups watching the conduct that was taking place. He stopped to view one group more carefully. He was particularly interested in the Guardian that was now in the center, fighting o
ff his attackers. His name was Lexington, and was quite skilled, but Alexander was not pleased with the way he was using the bow.

  Alexander smoothly inserted himself into the circle and when Lexington turned his direction Alexander attacked. Their movements were quick and agile. Alexander immediately had his opponent backing up and on the defense.

  “Disarm me,” Alexander said loudly as he reined short and precise blows upon Lexington. “Disarm me!” Alexander barked again, as his opponent became more flustered.

  All of the surrounding groups had stopped what they were doing to watch. They never turned down an opportunity to see Alexander move.

  “Disarm me!” Alexander shouted one last time.

  In one rapid motion, he took Lexington’s feet out from under him, causing the younger Guardian to land with a thud on his back. Before Lexington could make another move, Alexander used his bow to knock his opponent’s weapon from one hand and then pin his other hand against the ground.


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