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Waiting for Him

Page 17

by Samantha Cole

  “Um…okay.” Kat wasn’t sure what else to say to that.

  Kristen put her hand on Kat’s arm. “Don’t worry. He comes off as a shark, but he’s actually a big teddy-bear. But if he offers to show you his bullwhip, run in the other direction.”

  Master Carl tried to frown, but wasn’t successful. “Everyone ruins all my fun. However, it is a pleasure to meet you, little one, and I welcome you to our little club.”

  Before anyone could say more, Tiny rushed over and addressed Ian. “The front gate has three unknown males in a vehicle demanding entry to the club. The guards have them at gunpoint.”

  As Tiny and Devon took off for the door, Ian turned to his cousin. “The women don’t leave your sight, and no one goes out to the parking lot until we clear this.”

  “Got it. I’ll post extra security at the door.” Mitch waved over two men in red button-down shirts and began to bark out orders.

  Meanwhile, Benny pointed at the manager, but his eyes were on Kat. “You stay with Mitch no matter what and do exactly what he says. I’ll be right back.”

  Kat felt the blood drain from her face, but she managed to nod. “O-okay. But be careful.”

  She wasn’t sure if he’d heard her because he and Ian were already running out the double doors to the lobby. Angie put her arm around Kat’s shoulder as Kristen stepped in front of her, drawing her attention. “It’s going to be fine, Kat. This is what they do and they’re the best trained men out there.”

  Neither one wanted to tell her how they both knew that first hand. Last year, Kristen had almost been collateral damage when a hit-man was after Devon, Ian, Jake, and Brody. And five months ago, Angie and Jenn had been held hostage by dirty DEA agents after Angie’s best friend’s undercover operation was blown. Unfortunately her friend, Jimmy, had been killed during the successful rescue of the women, and Angie was still grieving and having nightmares over the incident.

  Mitch rejoined them and suggested they take Kat to one of the empty seating areas. “She’s very pale and I don’t want her to faint.” As the women sat, he signaled one of the waitresses to bring over some bottles of water. Taking one, he opened it and placed it in Kat’s hand. “Drink, Kat.”

  She had no memory of how the water bottle had gotten into her hand—she’d been concentrating on the doors leading to the lobby. At Mitch’s words, she glanced at her hand, then up at the pretty brunette waitress who was smiling at her.

  “Hi, do you remember me? We met at the store the other day. I’m Cassandra. It’s nice to see you again.”

  Recognition dawned. Now Kat had two things running through her mind. One, was Benny okay outside? And two, had he had sex with the petite woman standing in front her? She tried to be polite despite the waves of jealousy coursing through her. “Oh, yes. Hello. It’s nice to see you too.”

  Cassandra handed water bottles to Kristen and Angie, who thanked her. She turned back to Kat. “I had a feeling I’d see you here soon. It looks like Master Ben is off the market and I’m happy for you both. He’s a great guy and deserves someone special. Anyway, if you need anything else, just let me know.”

  Watching the friendly waitress walk away, Kat felt Angie’s hand on her arm. “I know what you’re thinking, Kat. You have to get past the fact that Boomer had a life while he thought you were gone. The point is, he’s with you now, and I can tell by the way he looks at you, he doesn’t want anyone else.”

  Kat nodded then took a sip of water, knowing the other woman was right. Sitting near the koi pond earlier in the day, the subject of her walking back into Benny’s life and right into his arms was the main topic of conversation. Angie and Kristen hadn’t talked much about the club in front of Jenn and Eileen Michaelson, but they had while finding something for Kat to wear. They explained how some of BDSM interactions were just physical, without the emotional entanglements and drama which came with traditional relationships. And whether she liked it or not, there were women at the club who Benny had played with. She knew they were trying to put her mind at ease. It wasn’t as if she’d expected him to be a celibate monk for twelve years when he thought she was dead. But the few men she had dated over the years had never given her a reason to be jealous, so it was a new emotion for her. One she would have to get past if she wanted this to work between them—and she wanted that more than anything else in the world.

  It was a good ten minutes before the men came back into the club, and Mitch visibly relaxed. Kat could tell by the way they were joking and laughing nothing serious had happened. The three women began to stand as their men approached and Ian waved for them to sit back down. “Nothing to worry about. Just a few, barely-legal, drunken jackasses looking for some slap and tickle. Somehow they heard about the club and thought it was a combination strip-show and whorehouse. Idiotic driver pulled out a knife when the guards wouldn’t let them in, then wet his pants when faced with a full arsenal. The cops arrived and are taking care of them.”

  The group broke out into chuckles and comments about stupidity as Benny took Kat’s hand and pulled her up into his arms. “You okay? I’m sorry we had to scare you.”

  She melted into him. “It wasn’t your fault. I’m just glad no one got hurt. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if they did.”

  “Hey.” His hand went under her chin and tilted her head back so she could see his face. “I keep telling you, none of this is your fault, Kitten. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but the bad guys and your dad are to blame. Although I doubt he realized he was putting you in danger by taking the money, but he should have.” Leaning down, he lowered his voice, his lips touching her ear. “Now, since the excitement is over, how about I give you a tour and get you excited in another way? A way that will get you wet and begging me to do wicked things to you.”

  Blushing at his suggestion, Kat shivered and let him lead her to the grand staircase. He handed a club card to one of the security guards who scanned it through a hand-held computer. It showed Benny had two or less alcoholic beverages served to him, and they were allowed to enter the pit. Kat’s yellow wristband indicated she wasn’t allowed to play at all as a guest so they didn’t need to know if she’d had anything to drink.

  Descending into the pit, Kat’s butterflies were back and she shuddered. Benny must’ve felt her reaction because he stopped and pulled her to the side of the stairs, out of the way of traffic. “Are you okay? Are you sure you want to do this? If you don’t, we can leave now, Kitten. This is a part of my life, but I want you in my life more than anything. I can give it up if I have to.”

  She knew he meant it by the look in his eyes. He loved her and wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of them being together. Not even something he’d enjoyed for years without her. “No, I don’t want to leave yet. I don’t know if this is something I can do, but we won’t know until I try, right? Can we just take it slow?”

  With a tender touch which melted her heart, Benny cupped her cheek. “Absolutely. I’ll tell you what—we’ll walk around for a bit and observe a few scenes that are relatively tame. Then we’ll go back to our room and discuss what you liked and didn’t like, okay? We can’t play here tonight anyway. If something bothers you, tell me, and we’ll move on. You mean more to me than the lifestyle, Kitten, and every good relationship has a compromise between both parties. We just have to find ours.”

  * * *

  Taking the lead and her hand again, Boomer weaved his way through the crowd. He bypassed Mistress China whipping a male submissive, a wax-play scene, and another where the female sub’s nipples and clit were in clamps. They came upon a spanking bench where a submissive named Shelby was strapped down and getting her ass reddened by Carter. The real-life blonde was known for wearing different colored wigs to match her skimpy outfits, and tonight was no exception. Her straight purple hair complimented her polka-dotted bra and mini-skirt which was currently pulled up around her waist. Boomer glanced at Kat and smiled at her shocked, yet interested expression. She wasn’t looking away a
nd he took it as a good sign. Stepping behind her, he grabbed her hips and let her feel his erection against her ass. He was pleased when she gave him a little wiggle in acknowledgement.

  The position Shelby was in let everyone see her bare ass and shaved sex. Her cheeks were red with Carter’s handprints and her pussy wept. The Dom stood to the side of the bench and leaned down to say something to the sub while his hand squeezed her tender flesh. Whatever was said had her nodding her purple-coifed head. Grinning, he took two steps toward a black duffel bag sitting on a side table and began to rummage through it. Boomer felt Kat hold her breath while waiting to see what Carter would pull out of his toy bag. The Dom selected a small new package and broke the seal. A black item fell into his hand and before turning back to his sub, he also retrieved a tube of lubricant.

  Boomer moved Kat’s hair off her shoulder so he could whisper in her ear. “This is what I want to do to you someday soon. He’s going to plug Shelby’s ass and it’ll stimulate all the nerves until she begs him to let her cum.”

  * * *

  Kat couldn’t take her eyes off the scene in front of her. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in her life and even though a part of her was embarrassed for watching, she found it arousing and couldn’t shy away. While Benny’s words tickled her ear, Kat eyed the handsome Dom who was definitely enjoying himself. His cock was bulging behind the zipper of his brown leather pants and she couldn’t help but think, good Lord, he was huge. A snug, short-sleeved Henley showed off his sculpted torso and she would have to be dead not to appreciate his physique. At the V-neck, she could see a hint of his bare chest and his chin had a dusting of evening stubble. As her eyes traveled further upward, she realized he’d caught her staring at him. Kat blushed when he gave her a playful wink before returning his attention to his restrained submissive.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Carter’s hands as he prepped the anal plug then used his lubed fingers to prepare Shelby to take it. Music filled the air, and to the beat he pumped one, then two fingers in and out of her back hole. The submissive obviously loved it because she was begging for more. “Faster. Harder. Please, Sir.” But the Dom just chuckled and took his time stretching her, getting her ready to take the large plug. Kat was shocked to realize her pussy was clenching to the beat as well. Benny rubbed his erection between her ass cheeks, and she moaned and tilted her hips, wanting him to do it again. And he didn’t disappoint her. From behind, he reached between her legs and she gasped when he plunged a finger into her own dripping pussy. She clenched her legs together. Glancing down then around, she made sure her skirt was still covering her in the front and no one was looking at them. No one was, and Benny began stroking her at a sensual pace, following Carter’s tempo.

  His sultry voice whispered in her ear. “My Kitten is nice and wet. I hope Carter makes this scene quick, otherwise I’m going to say to hell with the rules. I’ll bend you over the back of a couch and fuck you right here in front of everyone.”

  One of his other fingers brushed across her clit and Kat’s legs started to shake as more moisture flowed from her pussy. The desire running through her body had her embarrassment quickly taking a back seat to her need for more pleasure. “I-I thought we could…couldn’t play.”

  She almost cried in disappointment when his fingers retreated and he lowered the back of her skirt down again. Turning her head toward him, she watched in awe as he licked her juices from his finger.

  “You’re right. But I couldn’t help myself. I’ll be good, I promise. Very, very good.”

  The wicked amusement in his voice told her he was speaking innuendos, and she wished they were allowed to play. She wanted nothing more than to bend over and feel him deep inside her, pounding into her from behind. Raw need flooded her. She licked her lips as she stared at his. “Would you be disappointed if I said I wanted to go back to our room right now and play?”

  A satisfied smirk crossed his face and Kat knew the one thing he didn’t feel was disappointment.

  Chapter 19

  Eileen Michaelson rolled over and studied her aging, but still handsome husband. It was two-thirty in the morning and she couldn’t sleep while Rick snored off the remaining effects of the Benadryl. He hadn’t needed the Epi-pen, thank God, but he’d dozed the entire ride home, then had barely made it through the evening news before climbing into bed. An over-the-counter medication did what many terrorists and bad guys had tried, but failed to do over the years—knock her big, bad Navy SEAL on his cute ass.

  At times she couldn’t believe they’d been married for almost thirty-five years. Their anniversary was six months away and she loved Rick more than ever. They had a rough first few years with him being out of the country for weeks or months at a time, and phone calls had been sporadic depending on the team’s mission. But it was moments like this when she was grateful she’d weathered the storms and stuck by him.

  They’d been married five years and, after two miscarriages, she had been losing hope of giving Rick the child she knew they both wanted so desperately. Then one day while he was deployed God-knew-where on the other side of the world, she brought home a pregnancy test after missing her period for the second time in as many months. She’d been terrified to hope it was positive and that she could carry the baby to term if she was.

  It had been another three weeks before she was able to tell Rick he was going to be a father. She had just passed into her second trimester and the only two people who knew were her mother and his. The two grandmothers-in-waiting had noticed the subtle changes in Eileen’s body and had been sworn to secrecy until Rick could be told. He’d been on cloud nine after she’d given him the news over the phone, but five more weeks went by before they were in each other’s arms again. And somehow he’d been stateside several months later when she’d given birth to their son.

  Over the years, they’d had their ups and downs, but managed to keep their marriage afloat despite Rick’s long absences for missions he couldn’t tell her about. Now they were enjoying their semi-retirements in Florida. She worked as a part-time tutor for children with learning disabilities, and volunteered at a local animal shelter. Rick picked up an occasional assignment for Trident or filled in when a fishing buddy needed an extra mate for his charter business. But despite their happiness, something was missing. Eileen hoped Katerina’s return meant their son was going to settle down and give them the grandchildren they were looking forward to. If any two people deserved a happy-ever-after, it was Kat and Ben.

  Lightening flashed outside their bedroom window and a crack of thunder followed. Fast storms were normal in Florida and it would probably clear within thirty minutes or so. Unable to go back to sleep, Eileen decided to go make herself a little tea and maybe read for a while. Using a hint of the light coming through the blinds from the street lamp out front, she grabbed her light-weight bathrobe and crept out into the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind her. She flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. Trying again, she assumed the storm had knock out the power and used her hands along the wall as a guide. It wasn’t until she stepped into the kitchen that a thought occurred to her. The street lamp wouldn’t have been lit if the neighborhood had lost power. She realized she wasn’t alone a second before a strong hand covered her mouth blocking her scream.

  “Be quiet or I vill cut throat.”

  * * *

  Boomer’s arm was around Kat’s naked waist and his hand found her breast. He knew he should let her sleep after the sexual gymnastics they’d performed earlier, but his cock was hard and he wanted her again. He’d seen the exchange between Kat and Carter earlier, and while a part of him was jealous, another part wondered if she would be interested in letting the other Dom join them someday. It was all about pleasing her in every way possible. He’d taken part of several ménages over the years and a few were with the black-ops agent. Carter would never poach another man’s woman, but the guy loved the female population, and any way he could please them sexually was fine
with him.

  Massaging the lush breast, Boomer kissed Kat’s bare shoulder and ground his erection against her ass. She stirred in his arms and rolled toward him letting him replace his hand with his mouth. He teased the nipple, sucking and licking until her back arched. A moan escaped her and his eyes lifted to see she was fully awake. And there was just enough moonlight coming through the blinds for him to see she was very much aroused.

  Giving the taut nipple another swipe of his tongue, he grinned at her. “Sorry, I woke you.”

  She shoved her hands into his hair and tugged downward until his mouth closed around her breast again. “No you’re not, and neither am I. Don’t stop, it feels so good.”

  Legs, hips, shoulders, and arms shifted, and soon his torso was cradled between her thighs. One hand plucked her other nipple as he continued to suck on the first. Her sighs and gasps were making him harder. “Hands above your head, Kitten. Hold onto the headboard and don’t let go. I heard Carter crash next door about ten minutes ago, so you might want to keep those sounds of yours on the low side. Although I doubt he’d mind hearing you.”

  Her hips bucked against him and he pinched her nipple making her cry out. “Oh, oh, shit!”

  Boomer swapped tits, latching his mouth onto the one he’d just pinched. He sucked the stiff peak into his mouth and shifted his body to the side so his hand could slide down to her pussy. With one finger, he circled her clit once, then twice before going lower to her engorged lips. She was ready for him, but he wasn’t ready to take her yet. He wanted to tease her until she begged him like she’d done earlier when he’d eaten her through three powerful orgasms.

  He cautiously eased a finger into her hot channel, hoping she wasn’t sore. When she opened her legs wider, giving him better access, he added another finger and began to flick her clit with his thumb. One of her hands left the headboard and grasped his hair. He let her breast go with a pop. “Uh-uh, Kitten. What did I tell you? I’ve been waiting for an excuse to spank you tonight and you just earned it.”


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