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Waiting for Him

Page 18

by Samantha Cole

  Kat squeaked. “W-what? Are you serious? I’m ready to cum and you want to spank me?”

  “Damn straight. Com’ere.” Sitting up, he grabbed her hips and flipped her onto her stomach, ignoring her gasp and squeal. He lifted and then settled her across his lap. Her naked ass taunted him and he caressed the pale cheeks as she squirmed. Another idea came to mind and he reached over to the nightstand where he’d placed a new tube of lubricant earlier. He couldn’t take her virgin hole yet, but he could give her a little taste of what was to come.

  Boomer parted her ass cheeks and Kat instinctively reached back with her hands to cover herself. “What are you doing?”

  He grabbed her wrists with one hand and held them at the small of her back. “Shh. Easy, Kitten. I’m not going to do anything I don’t think you’ll enjoy. Give it a chance, that’s all I’m asking. Okay?

  Her tense body relaxed a little and he let go of her wrists. Caressing her back, ass, and legs, he felt her melt into him even more. His thoughts strayed to what he’d been thinking of before she woke. Figuring he would never know unless he asked her, he decided to go for it. “What do you think of Carter?”

  “What do you mean? He seems like a nice guy.”

  “Are you attracted to him?”

  Kat looked at him over her shoulder, her brows furrowed in confusion. “I think most women would say he’s good-looking.” She didn’t add, ‘as long as they weren’t dead’, but he was sure the words were on the tip of her wet little tongue.

  “That’s not what I was asking, Kitten, and you know it.” He squeezed her ass, then slid his fingers to her wet pussy, teasing her as she wriggled in his lap. “Now that you’re no longer a virgin, if you and I weren’t together, and Carter hit on you, would you sleep with him?”

  She gaped at him. “Are you mad at me? There’s nothing for you to be jealous about. I’m with you, not Carter. Just because I think another guy is good-looking doesn’t mean I want to sleep with him.”

  He flicked her clit and smiled when she shifted her hips, trying to get closer and top from the bottom. Raising his other hand, he slapped her ass hard and then plunged his finger back inside her, stroking her higher, but not high enough.

  “Ow! Ohhhhh, shit!”

  “Like that, hmm? Put your hands under your cheek and keep them there. Pain can be very pleasurable, Kitten. I plan to show you just how much.” He slowed his teasing pace. “Now, back to my question. I’ll admit I had a moment of jealousy earlier, but I know Carter well enough that it’s not an issue. What I’m trying to find out is, how you would feel if I asked him to join us…in here…right now.”

  Kat tried to flip over to stare at him, but he held her firm. “You-you mean like a ménage? A threesome? Seriously?”

  “Seriously. And if you say no, then it’s fine. We haven’t gone through your limit list yet, so I figured I’d ask.”

  Pushing up on her hands, she twisted her upper torso. “Can you stop so I can turn over a sec, please? So we can talk about this first. I can’t think when you’re doing that. I’m not saying no, but I’m not saying yes either.”

  Pulling his finger out of her pussy, he turned her over and sat her on his lap, his rigid cock pressed against her hip. Whether her answer was yes or no, he was still going give her a few orgasms before finding his own release. He’d been involved in a few first-time ménages, but this was Kat, and all of this was new to her. Reaching over, he turned on the bedside lamp so they could see each other better. “Let me explain a few things first before you answer me. One of the things about a ménage is trust. You have to trust me to make sure the third, whether it’s Carter or someone else, doesn’t do anything you don’t like or anything that would hurt you. Everything he does will have to be cleared by me first, and I won’t allow anything you’re not comfortable with. The third in a scene is there to enhance the woman’s pleasure. Imagine I have four hands instead of two, touching you and pleasing you. Maybe while my mouth is eating your pussy, his will be sucking these luscious tits of yours.” He closed his hand around one and began to tease her. Moaning, she wiggled in his lap and thrust her chest out, inviting him to do more. “While I’m fucking your sweet cunt, he’ll be fucking your mouth. But don’t worry, he won’t cum in your mouth…he’ll cum all over your chest at the last second. Then I’ll make you cum before I do. So tell me, Kitten. Do you want to experience two men doing nothing but pleasing you, making you shatter into a million pieces over and over again?”

  “Yesssss.” Her answer came out as a hiss, all but begging him to do whatever he wanted.

  He stopped his sensual assault on her breast and grabbed her hair, holding her so she was looking directly at him. “Say it again, Kitten. I need to know you won’t have any reservations after we start. Is this what you want? You, me, and Carter?”

  Her hand came up to cup his jaw, his stubble rough against her soft palm. “Yes, as long as you’re the one in control, then yes, I want this. I want to try new things with you, but only if you want them too.”

  “I love you, Kitten. I promise this will be good. If something scares you or doesn’t feel right, use your ‘red’ safe-word, okay?” Leaning down, he took possession of her mouth, tasting, teasing, and savoring before pulling away again. “Okay?

  “Okay. And I love you too.”

  “One other thing. While we’re playing, don’t forget I want to hear ‘Master’ from your pretty mouth, and call Carter, ‘Sir’.”

  She licked her lips. “Yes, Master.”

  Raising his hand above the headboard, Boomer knocked on the wall between their room and Carter’s. He wasn’t too surprised when the door opened a second later and the man walked in wearing only a pair of sweatpants. The grey cotton was doing nothing to hide his prominent hard-on. His hair was still damp from a shower and slicked back, down from its earlier ponytail.

  “Jeez, it took you fucking long enough. I thought I was going to have to start whacking off in there.” At Kat’s astonished expression, he added, “Hello, little one. Yes, the walls in here are thin enough to hear through. We need to have Ian fix that. But if you’d said ‘no’, I wouldn’t have let you know I heard anything because I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.” He stopped next to the queen-sized bed, regarding her appreciatively. “Damn, you’re even prettier naked.”

  * * *

  Kat had been so shocked at his sudden appearance, then his bare torso had snagged her attention and she’d forgotten she was nude. She was about to raise her hands to cover herself, but Benny stopped her.

  “Uh-uh, Kitten. There’s no need to hide. Let him look at how beautiful you are.” He turned her in his lap so her legs fell to either side of his and his erection nestled against her ass and lower back. Taking her wrists, he brought her hands up behind his neck while her head rested against his shoulder.

  She shuddered at the heat she saw in Carter’s eyes as they traveled over her body, lingering on her breasts and exposed pussy. His intense gaze made her wetter, and she blushed deeper.

  While Benny’s hands closed around her breasts, Carter cupped her cheek. “I love seeing women blush, little one, but don’t be embarrassed. You have a gorgeous body and it’s a privilege to see it. But I need to hear you say you want me here one more time. I’m not going to do anything Boomer doesn’t approve of. He knows what you like and what you don’t. Do you want me to be a third in your bed, fucking you, and pleasing you? I need a verbal answer, sweetheart.”

  Kat was so turned on by his words and by how Benny had been playing with her nipples that she didn’t hesitate. “Yes…Sir. I do.” Kat still couldn’t believe that she’d agree to this, but she didn’t want to take it back. She’d read many books with ménage relationships in them and had several fantasies about it happening to her. But only if Benny was with her.

  “Thank you, and I’m truly honored. I promise you’ll enjoy every minute of it, starting now. Boom, I do believe you mentioned a spanking, hmm?”

  Kat’s eyes went wide and a litt
le squeak escaped her. “What? I’m supposed to enjoy that? Seriously?”

  “Ha!” Benny barked and chuckled. “As I told you before, Kitten, yes, seriously. I’ve been itching to spank your sweet ass and, yes, done right, you’ll enjoy it. Now, would you like to continue or say your safe-word?”

  Both men patiently waited as Kat worked her way through this in her mind. She couldn’t deny the idea of being spanked turned her on, but would it hurt too much? He’d said they wouldn’t hurt her and there was some pain which was gratifying. She also had her safe-word which she knew without a doubt would be heeded if she said it. The few spanks Benny had given her so far had aroused her, but she was still nervous. “Is this a punishment spanking or a pleasure spanking, Master?”

  “Since you used my title so nicely, it will be a pleasure spanking, Kitten. Let us show you how a little bit of pain can take you higher than you’ve ever been.”

  Without saying a word, Carter held out his hand to her. Making her decision, she took it and let him help her stand. Smiling down at her, he addressed Benny. “Why don’t we up the heat factor for her? She can sit on my face while you redden her ass.

  Kat’s mouth dropped open as Benny climbed off the bed, apparently not embarrassed he was naked in front of the other man. “Excellent idea, my friend. Before I forget, when Kat blows you later, she’s not a fan of swallowing yet, so that’s a hard limit for her right now.”

  Her entire body blushed in embarrassment, but neither man seemed fazed by it.

  “Understood.” Carter laid down on the bed with his head at the edge closest to them. “Climb on up, Kitty-Kat, and let me taste your sweet pussy.”

  Kat’s legs shook as Benny helped her back onto the bed so she was straddling the other man’s head, facing his bare feet at the opposite side. Carter pulled her knees a little wider apart, so she was closer to his mouth, but didn’t start tasting her yet. When she was positioned right, Benny pushed on her back until she lowered her upper body onto Carter’s, her head resting on his rock-hard abs. Rolling her eyes upward, she could see his stiff cock bulging in his sweats and wondered what he looked like. Would he be bigger or smaller than Benny? Would they taste similar or completely different? She didn’t know, but was curious to find out. Feeling Carter’s breath against her wet sex, she shivered in anticipation. What was he waiting for?

  “Are you comfortable, Kitten?” Benny caressed her back and ass as goose bumps popped up all over her porcelain skin.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Go for it, man.”

  Carter wasted no more time before feasting on her. His tongue and mouth attacked her and she cried out how good it felt. He licked her entire slit from end to end then back again, over and over, like she was an ice cream cone, as his fingers found her clit. The pressure on her little nub was light, only enough to tease, but nothing more…and she wanted more. Oh fuck, how she wanted more! He nibbled on her pussy lips, and she felt her juices flow. Moaning, she ran her tongue along the right side of the muscular ‘V’ which disappeared into his sweats. His hips flinched and his dick twitched in response. Kat smiled wickedly, feeling empowered she could evoke a response like that from a noticeably experienced man.

  Just as he impaled her with his stiffened tongue, a hand landed hard on her right ass cheek and she jumped, but Carter held her hips so she didn’t get far. Pain, then heat, then pure desire shot through her. Another slap sounded a split second before she felt the same on her other cheek and the pain barely registered in her mind. All she could concentrate on was the euphoric high she was climbing. This time Benny massaged the flesh he’d struck, and the sensations he evoked made her juices flow into Carter’s mouth. The man groaned and lapped up every drop. Kat didn’t know what to react to or how. The dual assault on her buttocks and pussy had her head spinning, and all she could do was moan, pant, and enjoy. Her hands clenched Carter’s thighs through his sweatpants as she tried to grind her pelvis into his face. He speared her with his tongue again. “Oh, shit. Holy fucking shit, it feels so good. Oh, God!”

  * * *

  Boomer’s cock grew harder at the words and sounds coming from Kat, and he spanked her ass a few more times, spacing them out until his handprints covered her cheeks and the sit-spots at the top of her thighs. The mix of white, pink, and red was so enticing. Pressing his hands against her flesh, he held the heat in and let the pleasure-pain mix with whatever Carter was doing to her. Boomer knew it wouldn’t take much more for her to go over the edge. Earlier in the night, she’d been able to hold off and orgasm twice on command, so he decided to give her a break this time. “Cum whenever you need to, Kitten.”

  “Y-yes, M-master. Thank you. Oh, shit! Don’t stop, S-sir, please! Holy hell…”

  Carter must have done something she really liked, because her words became mumbled amid her keening as she buried her face into his abdomen. Boomer found the tube of lubricant near the pillows and grabbed it. Squirting it on his fingers, he instructed his friend, “Spread her cheeks for me, man. It’s time to introduce her to a little anal.”

  Not stopping his assault on her pussy, Carter reached back and squeezed her tender ass cheeks, separating them. Her puckered virgin hole winked at Boomer and he coated it with lube. Gasping, she clenched and he heard Carter’s muffled chuckle.

  “Whatever you just did, do it again. It made her gush. Damn, she’s fucking delicious.”

  “And I didn’t even push in yet, but that’s next. Relax your ass, Kitten. You’re going to feel some pressure, but I’m only using my finger, so it won’t be too uncomfortable. Once you relax, you’ll feel it in your pussy.

  “Y-yes, Master. I’ll t-try.”

  “Good girl.” Boomer rimmed her entrance, making sure there was plenty of lube, then eased his index finger into the center. Using an in-and-out motion, he advanced a little further with each pass. “Relax, Kitten. Let me in, and I swear you’re going to cum hard when I get there.”

  * * *

  “Oh fuck! I’m ready to cum now. Just a little more, please…more!” She had no idea what ‘more’ she was begging for and it didn’t matter as long as they continued what they were doing. Between their four hands, Kat couldn’t move her pelvis. She was at their mercy and there was no place else she wanted to be at the moment. Without realizing it at first, she dug her nails into Carter’s thighs until his hard muscles tightened further. Her fingers flew open. “S-sorry.”

  His mouth left her pussy long enough for him to say, “Don’t be sorry, Kitty-Kat. I like being clawed. Just don’t draw blood and we’re good.”

  “Oh shit!” Kat cried out. Benny had used her distraction to plunge past her sphincter, and the nerves in her ass lit up like the Fourth of July. He’d been right—all the nerves seem to be directly connected to her clit, which was pulsating relentlessly. If only someone would… “Pleeeassseeee…I need to…Oh, fuck…”

  Carter sucked on her clit and that was all it took for her to cum, her orgasm sending her spiraling into an abyss. She was flying and falling at the same time, not knowing which way was up. Her body shook as wave after wave of ecstasy rippled through her. Screams of pleasure assailed her ears, and it took her a moment to realize they were coming from her. Twisting the sheets in her hands, she bucked her hips, trying to get away…trying to get closer. Carter’s mouth and tongue continued their onslaught as Benny fucked her ass with his finger, and the combination had her on a steep climb once again. “No…yes…oh shit, yesssss…”

  A slap landed on her right butt cheek then her left. It was all too much and she went over again, quivering and shouting. Spots appeared before her eyes as she spun out of control. Never in her life could she have imagine an orgasm this good…this intense. She’d always thought women claiming they’d had one like this had been exaggerating. Now she knew they did exist and she was capable of having them…more than once.

  The men eased off, then stopped as Kat collapsed on Carter’s body. Her lungs heaved for oxygen and Benny picked her up and laid
her on the bed. ‘Okay, Kitten?”

  While she nodded, trying to catch her breath, Carter stood, wiped his glistening face with his hand, and then removed his sweatpants. Holy shit, the man was perfection. His impressive cock was standing proud as he gave it a few strokes. The two men stared down at her as she eyed them both. Damn, they were hot. She thought of all the women who’d pay a million dollars to be in her position, or any other position Benny and Carter wanted to put her in. Tough cookies, ladies, I’m not trading places with anyone. I’m playing catch up with the rest of the female population.

  “Ready for more, Kitty-Kat?” Carter knelt on the bed while Benny grabbed a condom from the box on the nightstand. He was going to have to get more if they kept going at this rate. It was the third one he was using tonight.

  “Hell, yeah!” She covered her mouth as they chuckled at her. Her brain-to-mouth filter had to be broken when it came to sex. “I mean…oh, whatever…hell, yeah!”

  “Boomer’s going to fuck your sweet pussy while you suck my cock. Don’t worry, I’ll pull out and cum all over those pretty tits of yours instead of in your mouth. Okay?”

  She nodded in agreement.

  Carter grabbed her chin. “Uh-uh, Kitty. The answer is ‘yes, Sir’. Before was all about you. But now, you be a good girl, do as we say, and we’ll let you cum again before we do.”

  He’d transformed before her eyes. His face was stern and he’d dropped the tone of his voice. Gone was the teasing playmate and in his place was a commanding Dominant—sexy and sinful. She glanced at Benny and saw the same intense expression. Holy hell, she’d do or say whatever they wanted her to, as long as they kept looking at her like she was the sexiest thing they’d ever seen. Her pussy clenched as she turned back to Carter. “Yes, Sir.”


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