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The Bound Lily

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by L. L. Chance

  The Bound Lily Chronicles:

  Lily’s Introduction to Submission

  Training the Lily

  The Lily Controlled

  The Lily Unchained

  Lilith the Dominatrix

  © 2015, L.L. Chance & Edward Laste

  All Rights Reserved

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Lily’s Introduction to Submission

  Training the Lily

  The Lily Controlled

  The Lily Unchained

  Lilith the Dominatrix

  Lily’s Introduction to Submission

  The Lone Lily

  From the moment I saw her, I somehow knew she was the one. I don’t know why, I don’t know how… I just knew there was something about this innocent looking young woman that fascinated me.

  She was sitting alone in the bar, sipping a glass of red wine and watching both the clock and the door; obviously waiting for someone who wasn’t showing up. She was sitting in a lone pool of light in the otherwise dark room, the harsh glare reflecting off her white blouse and making her pale skin and long, blonde hair seem almost ethereal.

  She looked like a lone white lily growing in an empty patch of dirt, and it was a more fitting analogy than I knew at the time, since Lily was her name. I wasn’t sure what kind of fool would stand up a beauty like her, and didn’t really care. His loss would be my gain.

  “You really should wipe the drool off your chin once in a while if you’re going to keep staring at that girl,” Sylvia said, sounding amused.

  “Sorry, dear, but I think she’s the one,” I replied, still staring at her.

  “Her? She wouldn’t last five minutes before running for the hills once she found out what you’re really like.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Now, now, Claude, don’t be snide. I’m just being realistic. Look at how she shies away from any of the guys trying to talk to her.”

  “True, but look at the type of men trying to pick her up… they’re all bikers and rednecks. She deserves a better, gentler class of man in her life.”

  “I don’t believe what I’m hearing. I think you’re smitten with her and you don’t even know her name.”

  “It’s Lily, actually… I heard the bartender taking to her.”

  “Since you didn’t bother trying to deny the smitten part, I guess I’ve got my answer. The question for you now, is what are you going to do about it?”

  “I’ll do what I always do, which is to wait patiently for an opportunity. Can I count on your help?”

  “Of course you can. Just because I think she looks too innocent and meek to fit in with our lifestyle, doesn’t mean she doesn’t intrigue me as well. I’d love to get her in the dungeon for a session or two.”

  “Now who needs to wipe the drool off their chin?” I replied, trying to sound just as amused as she did a moment ago.

  “You may want to cut down on the snark if you don’t want to miss your opportunity,” she said, inclining her head in Lily’s direction.

  I snapped my gaze back to the bar where I saw yet another brutish looking biker trying to pick her up, but this guy was being fairly aggressive compared to the others. He was holding tightly to her arm, and didn’t seem inclined to take no for an answer.

  “Thanks, dear,” I said, giving her a quick kiss as I got up.

  I got to the bar just as she tried to pull free, an act that sent the contents of her glass flying over her blouse. I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled hard, both back and down, which easily spun him away from her.

  “I don’t think the lady cares for your company,” I said, trying to maintain a civil tone of voice.

  “Fuck off, buddy, this ain’t any of your business,” he growled, shaking my hand loose.

  He outweighed me by a fair margin, but being in top notch shape, as well as being versed in several of the martial arts, he didn’t intimidate me. I stepped in between the two of them and deliberately turned my back on the cretin, asking Lily if she needed any help.

  She’d stood up and was too busy trying to blot the spreading red stain to answer. As expected, the jerk clamped a hand on my shoulder like I’d just done to him, but I was expecting it and even hoping for it.

  As soon as he grabbed hold, I spun with his pull and drove a fist into his solar plexus that dropped him on his ass. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lily flee to the ladies room at the sudden eruption of violence, Sylvia following a few steps behind her. I turned my attention back to the jerk, trusting that Sylvia would know how to handle her.

  “You owe the lady a drink, an apology, and a new shirt,” I said, as he slowly got to his feet.

  He didn’t bother telling me to fuck off this time, he simply tried to kick me in the balls as soon as he was standing. I used his own momentum to pull and lift his foot higher than he intended, and he was back on the floor again, gasping for breath after landing poorly.

  “I can do this all night,” I cheerfully said.

  I didn’t have to. Two bar staff came out from the back and escorted the guy outside. The bartender offered to buy me a free drink for my chivalry (and probably to keep me inside until the other guy went away.) I accepted so I’d have a reason to sit next to Lily’s seat and await her return. I wondered how Sylvia was going to approach this one, and hoped she was subtle about it.


  “You’ll need to soak that stain in soda water immediately if there’s to be any chance of saving your pretty blouse.”

  She jumped at my words, obviously thinking she was alone. She seemed flustered and had tears in her eyes, looking more than lost. I decided to take charge.

  “I’m Sylvia, and I saw the whole thing. Are you ok?”

  “Sorry,” she sniffed. “I’m Lily… was that your husband who pulled that guy off me?”

  “Yes, he’s a rather old fashioned gent sometimes, and his good nature often overrides his common sense.”

  “Aren’t you worried about him? Maybe we should call the police before he gets hurt.”

  “Don’t worry about Claude… he can take care of himself. Now on to important matters; you get yourself out of that wet blouse and I’ll go get some soda and clean towels from the bartender.”

  Not waiting for an answer, I spun on my heels and went to fetch the items I’d need to help her out. The bartender was more than willing to provide them, and while waiting for him to get it together, I told Claude to get one of my clean shirts from my suitcase in the car. She was still standing where I’d left her when I returned, obviously unsure of what to do.

  “Hurry up, dear, or that stain will be there for life. If you want, go into a stall and toss it out to me, and I’ll take care of everything.”

  It must’ve been shyness and shock that kept her frozen in place while I was gone, because now she scurried to comply with a plan that preserved her modesty. I plugged one of the sinks and poured the pitcher of club soda into it while waiting for her to undress.

  Once I got it soaking, I wet one of the towels and hung it over the stall door so she could clean herself up while I worked on the blouse. While waiting, I quietly snuck her wallet out of her purse and snapped a picture of her driver’s license so we could do a background check on the little lily, and make sure she didn’t come with any unwanted baggage.

  A knock on the door came fro
m Claude, who passed me my red silk shirt. It was a real stroke of luck that we were returning from visiting friends and had spare clothes with us tonight. I thought the red was a good choice since it would add a rosy tinge to her complexion. Her skin and hair were too pale for white, and everything just got washed out with it.

  “I’ve got something for you to put on while your blouse soaks,” I called out. “Why don’t you put it on and sit for a few minutes to compose yourself?”

  I hung it over the door and got back to work on the stain, knowing her outfit was ruined, but making a good effort anyway. I could hear her faint sniffles and sobs, but left her alone to cry herself out. It took about ten minutes before I heard the door latch click and she stepped out.

  “Red wine can be a bitch to clean, but you might be able to save your blouse if you keep it wet and wash it with a lot of bleach the moment you get home.”

  “Thanks for all your help,” she said. “You and your husband are real good Samaritans.”

  “Think nothing of it. We’re both glad we could help, even if it did come a little late to save you from your wine.”

  I stuffed the soaking wet blouse into the empty pitcher and handed it to her, frowning a little when I saw the state of her face.

  “Why don’t you take a few minutes to wash your face and fix your makeup? I’ll wait outside for you, but feel free to call if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” she said, as she turned to the mirror and took in what her tears had done to her makeup.

  I sat down next to Claude at the bar, taking a big drink from my waiting glass.

  “How’s she doing?” he asked.

  “She’s a little shaken up, but recovering nicely. She’s just fixing her face and should be out soon. By the way, good choice on the red… it highlights her complexion nicely. ”

  “I thought it would. I also thought that since it was one of your favorites, it would give us a good excuse to meet with her again so we could get it back.”

  “You’re always thinking ahead. I like that about you.”

  “Here she comes now.”

  “Thanks for your help,” she said, when she got back to the bar.

  “It was a pleasure,” he said, standing and making a slight bow. “Is there anything else we can do for you?”

  “You’ve already done more than enough, and I don’t know how to repay you for your help or what to do about this lovely shirt you’ve lent me.”

  “I’d normally just make it a gift, but it’s one of my favorites. How about we meet for lunch tomorrow so I can get it back?”

  “Only if you let me buy lunch,” she said, smiling.

  “It’s a deal. Do you know that café on the corner of Main and Second?”

  “I sure do, I go there all the time.”

  “Then we’ll see you there at noon tomorrow.”

  We escorted her to her car in case that asshole was still around, and went home to come up with a plan. We barely knew her, but I had to agree with my husband’s assessment; she was a keeper.

  New Friends

  What a wonderful end to an otherwise terrible night. Getting stood up was bad enough, but then having that jerk put his grubby paws all over me was too much. At least I found some new friends out of the mess, and I could hardly wait to have lunch and get to know them better.

  They seemed so nice, and that was rare these days. I’d been in town for almost six months and still didn’t have anyone I’d call a friend, although I got along well with my coworkers. Maybe I was just desperate for some friends, but I thought those two fit the bill perfectly.

  I arrived early to make sure we got one of the nice patio tables, feeling almost as nervous as I did on my first date. I was fidgeting uncontrollably and constantly staring at the clock, hoping they didn’t decide I wasn’t worth meeting again, even with her nice shirt on the line.

  My heart leapt when I saw them step out of a gorgeous green Jaguar XJR, and I stood to wave to them. They both returned the wave and came over to join me, stopping occasionally on the way to greet some of the people working here. They were obviously regulars.

  They were also the best looking couple I’d ever seen in my life, and I felt a tiny twinge of jealousy at how well they fit together. Maybe someday I’d find a guy like Claude and get to be like them.

  It was nice to be able to sit down for proper introductions and find out about each other, and even though we didn’t have a lot in common, we seemed to be hitting it off rather nicely. Claude was a private business consultant who travelled a lot, but didn’t really need to work unless it was something that interested him.

  Sylvia said she worked at home, but didn’t go into any details, other than saying she helped people who needed specialized services. I was more than a little curious about it, but didn’t want to stick my nose into her private affairs and possibly ruin our budding friendship.

  They both seemed to have very strong personalities, but didn’t pressure me for much in the way of details about my own life, unless I volunteered something. Only then would they ask questions and draw the details out of me. It was a nice change from the rude and obtrusive questions I was used to from the people I worked with.

  Lunch ended far too soon for my liking, but we exchanged phone numbers and promised each other to meet again soon. It was only as I watched them drive away that I realized I still had her shirt sitting in a bag next to the table. Well, I guess that just meant I’d have to deliver it to them sometime in the near future. Hurray for absentminded mistakes.


  They invited me over for dinner the next night, and I was embarrassed that I got lost and showed up late. Their house was outside of the city, and in a rather exclusive area that I never even knew existed. I had to pass two different security gates before pulling into their driveway.

  Their house was gorgeous. A large Victorian style house sat in the middle of several acres of perfectly manicured lawn and almost mathematically precise flower beds. I knew Claude had said he only worked when he wanted to, but I never realized exactly how well off that meant he was.

  I felt embarrassed about showing up at a place like this wearing my Wal-Mart finest slacks and blouse, and half expected to see them dressed in a tuxedo and dinner gown. My imagination sometimes runs away from me, and it wound up they were dressed just as casual as I was, although I could guarantee their clothes didn’t come from the same place mine did.

  I thought the outside was gorgeous, but it was nothing compared to what waited on the inside. Antiques, fine art, and ornate woodworking adorned every surface, almost making me feel like I’d stepped back in time. Sylvia gave me a tour of the place, but it was hard to take it all in, and my head was spinning before we were even halfway done.

  We went out back after the tour, and the modern patio and pool area seemed almost like a splash of cold water over my face. Claude was already there and seasoning some steaks, while another man was busy cleaning a grill.

  “Can I get you anything to drink while we wait for the men to grunt and circle their fire like cavemen?” she asked.

  “A glass of wine would be nice, if you have any.”

  “White or red?”

  “White, please… I think I’m going to avoid red wine for a while after the other night.”

  “A good plan,” she chuckled. “Did you catch that?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the guy cleaning the grill replied. “We have a nice Riesling chilling, if that will suit.”

  “That will do nicely.”

  “Coming right up, then. Do you want a glass for yourself as well?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  He scurried off to fetch our wine and Sylvia motioned for me to take a seat while we waited.

  “That’s our goat. If you need anything at all, simply ask and he’ll accommodate.”


  “Yes, he’s our general purpose servant, but since his name’s Billy, goat seemed more appropriate than gopher.”

  I sm
iled at her obviously well-rehearsed joke, and began to relax and enjoy myself. Sylvia kept me amused with the most interesting stories of their travels, with Claude throwing in the occasional anecdote that had me either laughing or blushing. These were people who had no trouble making fun of themselves when the situation called for it.

  The wine was flowing freely, and I was glad when dinner was ready so I could soak up some of the alcohol. Perfectly grilled filet mignon, lobster tails, garlic shrimp on skewers, baked potatoes… there was enough food to feed a small army, but it was the best meal I’d ever had and we amazingly demolished almost all of it.

  More wine followed dinner, and Claude built a small fire in the pit outside the patio to help ward off the evening chill. We sat around the mesmerizing flames until deep into the night, talking and getting to know each other better. Maybe it was all the wine I drank, but I’d never been so forthcoming with people I barely knew. It somehow didn’t seem to matter; it was like we’d been friends forever.

  All good things must come to an end, though, and I didn’t want to keep them up all night since Silva had already mentioned that she was working tomorrow. Unfortunately, I drank a lot more than I realized, and when I tried to leave, could barely walk straight.

  “You’re not driving,” Claude bluntly said, seeing me stagger. “We have plenty of room here, and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if you got in an accident.”

  “I agree,” Sylvia pitched in. “We should’ve switched to coffee or something hours ago, but it’s too late now. I’ll tie you up if you try to get behind the wheel tonight.”

  Claude gave her a sharp look at her little joke, but I wasn’t sure why. I was too tired to really care, and what they said made sense; I was definitely too drunk to drive.

  “Are you sure it’s not an imposition?” I asked. “I know you said you had a client coming over tomorrow, and I wouldn’t want to be somewhere I shouldn’t be.”

  “You let me worry about my client, and you worry about getting ready for bed. I think I can trust you to be discrete if you happen to see something or someone you shouldn’t.”


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