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The Bound Lily

Page 2

by L. L. Chance

  “Oh yes,” I instantly agreed. “I know we’ve only just met, but I think you’re the best friends I’ve ever had. I won’t do anything to harm you or your business.”

  “We both care a lot for you as well, and don’t want to frighten you off when you find out what I really do for a living.”

  The question was burning inside of me, but I held my tongue, figuring she’d either explain, or leave it for me to figure out on my own tomorrow. She took pity on me and revealed her secret.

  “I’m a professional dominant, otherwise known as a Dominatrix, dear,” she gently said. “It’s my job, my hobby, and my life.”

  “You mean like BDSM type of stuff?”

  “Yes. It’s who I am, so please don’t judge me over it.”

  “I won’t, I promise,” I replied, although my head was spinning even more now, and it wasn’t because of the wine.

  “We can talk about it later, but for now, we all need to get some sleep.”

  I nodded my head in agreement, and followed her to the guest room on autopilot, where she left me to my own devices, saying everything I’d need could be found inside. I barely remember brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, but I must’ve done it since I was lying between the supple sheets, struggling to come to terms with her revelation until I eventually fell asleep.

  Sylvia’s Secret

  I woke up with the mother of all hangovers, cursing my lack of restraint last night. Immediately upon thinking the word ‘restraint’, I bolted upright in my bed, remembering Sylvia’s great revelation. She was a professional in BDSM activities, and might even be working at this very moment somewhere in the house. Did she have a dungeon for her job like I had a cubicle?

  My head was still a little fuzzy from last night, and I couldn’t properly analyze the situation. I decided to take a shower and see if it might kick my brain back into gear. Long showers were an indulgence I rarely got to experience with the crappy water heater in my own apartment, but there seemed to be a never-ending supply of it here and I used it to full advantage.

  When I got out and dried off, I was surprised to see my clothes replaced with similar items that were of a much higher quality than I was used to. Since we were close to the same size, I guess she’d brought me a loaner outfit so I’d look presentable in case I ran into her ‘client’.

  Not knowing what I should do or where I should go, I decided on the kitchen as the safest bet. I found Claude there sipping some coffee and reading a newspaper, and tentatively cleared my throat as I approached.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he teased. “Sit down and have some coffee while Billy fixes you something to eat.”

  “I don’t want to be a bother, I just wanted to thank you all for your hospitality so I can leave before Sylvia has to start working.”

  “Nonsense… you’re not in the way, and you won’t be causing any kind of trouble. The only reason Sylvia didn’t mention exactly what she did was because she thought it might freak you out.”

  “I’ll admit I’m still a little stunned about it, but it’s none of my business.”

  “Sit,” he ordered. “Coffee and food first, or I’ll sick the big bad dominatrix after you.”

  His sally made me laugh and I accepted his offer gladly; the smell of the coffee had my mouth watering. Billy fixed some amazing Belgian waffles with fresh strawberries and cream, and I tore into them with an appetite I didn’t know I had. Sylvia appeared just as I was shoveling the last bite into my mouth, and I froze at the picture she presented.

  She was dressed head to toe in shiny black leather and latex, wearing high-heel platform boots that must’ve added at least five or six inches to her height. Her already slim waist was pulled even narrower by an ornate corset, and she carried a riding crop in hands covered by long leather opera gloves.

  She stood at the doorway with her hands on her hips and her legs spread in an aggressive stance, and I wasn’t sure what to think. She was scary, but oh, so sexy. I swallowed that last bite with difficulty.

  “Good morning,” I finally said. “Thanks for the loan of the clothes.”

  “Don’t mention it,” she replied, finally entering the room and taking a seat. “Pass me the carafe and we’ll call it even.”

  I slid the coffee across to her, feeling much more at ease now that she was sitting down and acting like I was used to. I had the impression that her working outfit was more in the nature of a costume or uniform than anything else, and thinking of it like that made me feel better.

  I sat there and made small talk while she inhaled her own breakfast, but made my exit as soon as I could while still being polite. My relief at getting back to my car was short lived, since I found I had a flat tire and I knew my spare was no good. After sitting in the car for an ungodly long time, I meekly returned to the house to ask for help.

  Billy answered the door, and he’d changed since I’d left. Not a lot, mind you, but little things like the big red ball gag holding his lips wide were hard to miss, as were the cuffs holding his wrists together.

  Gesturing me inside with a nod, he escorted me to a room on the lower floor where I hadn’t been before. I guessed it was Claude’s office based on the masculine décor, but it also had a prime view of what was obviously Sylvia’s working area. Yup… she had a real dungeon alright.

  He left me alone, but only for a moment. I heard a toilet flush, and Claude soon emerged, looking surprised to see me standing there. He recovered quickly and sat down behind his massive oak desk.

  “I thought you left,” he said without preamble.

  “I’m sorry, but my car has a flat tire and I need to call someone to help me with it.”

  “I’ll change it for you,” he replied, starting to rise.

  “No, no… I’m already using my spare tire, so I’ll need to call someone.”

  “Consider it done,” he said, pulling a phone book out of a drawer. “Make yourself comfortable and it’ll be fixed before you know it.”

  He took charge and quickly had someone on the way, asking if I wanted anything while I waited. I politely declined, and sat in one of the armchairs to wait, not knowing what else to do. He excused himself a few minutes later, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  I stood when I saw Sylvia enter her dungeon and waved to her, but she didn’t respond, even though she was looking right at me. I figured out the window was actually a two-way mirror, and sheepishly sat back down.

  She kept herself busy by checking over her equipment and organizing things for her convenience, but it wasn’t long before Billy entered the dungeon with a shapely woman in tow. Literally in tow, since she was already bound, gagged, blindfolded, and being towed by a leash attached to a collar around her neck.

  I should’ve bolted from the room, but was trapped in my chair like a deer caught in headlights at the scene unfolding in front of me. Sylvia took the leash from Billy and dismissed him without a word, pulling her towards a low table covered in padded leather.

  Her slave of the day had no choice but to bend over the table where she was quickly tied down with her legs spread wide and her head drooping off the end closest to me. Once she was secure, Sylvia took her time before doing anything, simply caressing her head, back, buttocks, and thighs.

  She was murmuring something I couldn’t make out, but she seemed to be making calming noises. Without warning, she raised her crop and brought it down on the ass of her slave with a crack that made me jump almost as much as it did her slave.

  She slowly rubbed the impact area and made more soothing noises, but repeated the process on the other cheek a moment later. It wasn’t long before she started beating the poor girl continuously, changing her aim with each strike to keep the slave guessing.

  I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable about what was going on and almost got up to leave, but then the girl raised her head up and everything changed. The look on her face was one of pure rapture, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say she was a mere moment away from cumming.<
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  How was that possible? She was tied up and being abused badly enough that I knew she’d have bruises, yet she seemed to be in heaven. Sure enough, she soon started screaming and twitching, having what looked like an absolutely mind-blowing orgasm.

  I should’ve looked away. I actually should’ve left the room and gone to wait in my car. Instead, I sat there and stared as her passion overwhelmed her, driven even higher as Sylvia began landing her blows right over her crotch.

  I didn’t know what to think anymore. Only once her head fell back down could I tear my eyes away and break the spell. All I knew was I shouldn’t be watching something so intimate, so I fled the room and went out to the front steps to wait until my tire was fixed.

  I still couldn’t believe what I’d seen, and I totally lost track of time, only coming back to myself when a man told me I was good to go. Claude had already paid for everything, and while I had a hard time accepting his generosity, I couldn’t bring myself to go back inside to argue about it.

  Like a coward, I fled. I spent the rest of the day lounging around the house thinking about what I’d seen, trying to make sense out of it. Even more disturbing, I found my nipples would get hard every time I thought overly long about what I’d witnessed, and I went to bed in a turmoil of conflicting emotions.

  Sleep was a rare commodity for the entire weekend.


  I felt like a miserable coward.

  I was a chicken for not returning any of Sylvia’s phone calls, and miserable because of it. I’d mostly come to terms with what I’d seen, and didn’t have a real problem with she’d done, but my subconscious wouldn’t leave it alone.

  I found myself dreaming about what I’d seen, and while I was often standing as a mere observer, sometimes I was a participant. Usually I was in Sylvia’s shoes and administering the beating, but sometimes I was strapped to the table, immobile and forced to take both the searing pain and the exquisite pleasure.

  I soaked more than one pair of panties through the month, but couldn’t stop the dreams from happening. I knew I had to confront her over it, but it still took another few weeks before I could muster up the courage to even talk to her. I finally answered one of her calls and accepted another dinner invitation after she practically begged me.

  I wore the same outfit she’d lent me in case she wanted it back, and arrived a little early in case I felt the need to bail before dinner. I was relieved to see everyone dressed in normal clothing when I arrived, since I’d halfway expected to find them all dressed in leather and carrying whips.

  It was a stupid thought, even for me, and it didn’t take long before I settled down enough to make polite conversation. By the time dinner was served, I started to realize how silly I’d been; these were still the same people I’d initially made friends with, they just had a different side to their lives.

  I could deal with that, but it still didn’t explain why I was having those dreams every night, and I had no way of broaching the subject without admitting how obsessed I’d become over it. Sylvia wasn’t stupid, though, and knew something was up with me and the way I was acting. Near the end of the night, she decided to tackle it head on.

  “We’ve all been politely avoiding the subject, but it’s obvious you’re disturbed about what you saw last time you were here. Was it really that horrible?”

  “N-no,” I stammered. “It wasn’t horrible, it was just… umm…”

  “It just wasn’t what you were expecting to see, right?”

  “Something like that, yeah.”

  “Look, I’m not sure how much you saw or what you think happened, but that client was a powerful young woman who has a high stress job in high-frequency trading. She’s responsible for millions of dollars each day, in a job where the tiniest little mistake can bankrupt hundreds or even thousands of people.

  “She has enough stress in her life to kill a dozen normal people, and needs to release it once in a while so she doesn’t burn out. I give her that release, and for a few hours, she’s entirely stress free. She doesn’t have to worry about markets or clients or her boss… she has one day a month where she’s absolved of the need to make any decisions whatsoever.”

  “You take control so she doesn’t have to?”

  “Precisely,” she nodded. “As soon as she passes our front gate, she’s no longer in control of anything, and she revels in it.”

  “I can sort of see the attraction to that, but why punishment, pain, and humiliation?”

  “In the end, it all comes down to who has the power. In the office, she commands a whole floor of minions who rush to her bidding. In here, she gives up all control and has no choice but to accept whatever I decide she needs. Every client has different needs, and I tailor the session to fit their individual requirements, sometimes giving them something totally different than what they thought they wanted.”

  “So not everyone gets beaten?”

  “Not at all,” she assured me. “Pain isn’t what it’s about, other than with a few people who have rather specialized needs. For everyone else, it’s simply about submission.”

  “I think I understand.”

  “I’m not sure you really do,” she said, staring deep into my eyes. “I can’t explain it any better than I already have, but if you trust me… and I mean really trust me, then I can show you.”

  I was scared silly at her words, but my haunting dreams compelled me to say yes before my mind even knew it. When she asked me if I cared for a dip in the hot tub, I simply nodded, unable to speak a reply.

  I think she made the offer to give me one last chance to change my mind, but I took the proffered bathing suit and changed in the pool house, emerging in a daze. She was already in the hot, bubbling water, and I faltered for a moment when I realized she was naked.

  Gesturing me forward with a crooked finger, I slowly walked forward and joined her, unable to resist her silent compulsion. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in the tub with her legs wrapped around my waist, and she was giving me a nice, relaxing neck massage.

  I didn’t have anywhere near the stress level that Little Miss Wall Street did, but what I did have was slowly worked away by her talented hands. At any other time, having a naked woman wrap her legs around me with her breasts pressed into my back would’ve had me running out the door, but for some reason it seemed perfectly natural tonight. I slowly relaxed and let her turn my tense muscles into jelly.

  “Do you still trust me?” she asked, nibbling my ear slightly.

  “Yes,” I gasped, unsure of what I was feeling, but content with my position.

  She gently pulled my arms behind my back as she murmured soothing noises into my ear. I had no clue what she was doing until I felt unforgiving steel tighten over my wrists. I began to panic when I realized she’d handcuffed me, but she held me in a comforting hug until I calmed down, and promised it would be ok.

  All I had to do to end what she called ‘the scene’ was give her an SOS by voice, grunts, or by tapping with my hands or feet, and I’d be instantly released with no questions asked. I believed her, and relaxed to her ministrations again.

  I was still unsure about what was going on, but for some reason I trusted her to keep me safe, and went along with it. My resolve faltered a bit when I felt her undo the string holding my top in place, but I refrained from using my ‘safe word’ as long as she didn’t mess with my bottom.

  I was glad I didn’t tap out, since once she started massaging my front, I pretty much melted into a boneless blob of goo. It was highly erotic, but strangely non-sexual. It was almost like being at a doctor’s office, but with hot water and talented fingers replacing the cold examination room and colder stethoscope.

  With how tightly she was holding me, my hands were pressed deep into her groin, and I almost considered exploring a little, but refrained unless she asked for it. After all, she was the expert and she was in charge.

  I came even closer to tapping out when Claude emerged from the house and joined us,
shedding his robe right in front of me to reveal his hard naked body in all its glory, before sliding into the water with us. My panic ebbed a little when he simply sat across from us and stretched out to relax, but it took quite a while before I was even close to feeling normal again.

  Sylvia paused in her ministrations when Billy came out with a tray of drinks for us, but she didn’t release me yet. Instead, she put a straw into a tall glass of ice water and held it so I could slowly sip it.

  When I finished, she surprised me by taking a pair of ice cubes from my glass and quickly pressing them over my nipples, causing me to gasp at the shock. The temperature difference made the cubes feel like they were burning for a moment, but they didn’t survive long in the hot water.

  After that she simply wrapped her arms around my and held me tight, making me feel safe and like I was floating on a cloud. I began to understand a little of what she was talking about with what she did, and how it could be a good thing to relinquish control for a little while.

  I’d walked in their door ready to bolt, had dinner with nerves as taut as guitar strings, and entered the hot tub like I was stepping into a vipers nest. Now I was more relaxed than I’d ever been in my entire life, all due to letting her take control of me with a simple pair of handcuffs.

  “How are you feeling now, Lily?” she whispered into my ear, breaking my reverie.

  “Surprisingly good,” I replied. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared earlier, but you were right about how losing control could actually be liberating. That, and your massage totally kicked my ass.”

  They both laughed at that, and another layer of tension and inhibition was stripped away.

  “If you thought my massage was good, you should let Claude give you one. He’s the true master.”

  “I doubt he could do any better than you did.”

  “I take that as a challenge,” he said. “May I please show you how wrong you are?”


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