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Vol. 2 - Another Typical Day, Too (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 12

by Daniel Harris

  I said, “If you’re my consorts you will have to look at me sooner or later. I remember when you both hated me and wanted me dead! You sure weren’t shy then!”

  They both blushed more deeply and then looked at me. Lyn said, “Please don’t be mean and hate us for that David, we tried to explain it and we’ve come to love you since then!”

  Nineve said, “David, I don’t blame you for rejecting us as consorts but I do want you to know that we do love you. Even though it’s quite painful, since I do love you so much, I’ll accept it.”

  I watched and knew what was going to happen and, sure enough tears started trickling down their cheeks. I held out an arm to each girl and they hesitantly, walked to me. I pulled them close and put my head down between theirs. I said softly, “those things happened a long time ago and I’ve forgiven you for them. I just wanted to see if you really cared about being a consort or if you were doing it because you thought it would be a status symbol. Being the consort of,” I laughed, “The Master Wizard does have its perks. A girl would never want for money and would always have shelter. I had to know that you wanted to be with me for me and I think you’ve proven that. If you still want to be consorts, now that I’ve been mean, I would be more than happy to accept both of you.”

  They grinned at me while wiping their tears. I pulled them to me, one after the other, and kissed them each to show them what passion felt like. After I’d kissed Lyn I had to support her a bit and she looked at Nineve. “Whoa, I think we made the right decision! Did you see stars too?” and she blushed. Nineve grinned and nodded.

  I said, “Thank you for accepting me. I’ll call on you from time to time and we can talk in a more private setting. If either of you think that our visits might include sex, you might want to discuss it with my wife or other consorts. I don’t know what your experience with that is and wouldn’t want you completely surprised.” Both girls blushed and shook their heads at the mention of sex. Maybe Constance can warn them about me. With my arms around their waists, I led them back to the construction area. Alice saw me coming and beamed!

  Alice called from the roof, “Are you going to stand around flirting all day or are you going to put the water tower up here?”

  I floated to the roof and left several quite confused novices below. I grinned at Alice and said that I’m a Lord and would never flirt. She laughed and asked if they accepted. I asked who she was referring to. She shook her head, rolled her eyes and said that I know very well who she is talking about. I smiled and nodded, causing her to run to me and kiss me. She said ’and our family grows!’ I said, ’yes, but not to a hundred children!’ She asked if I’d like help lifting the water tower and I told her no. I said that she was welcome to watch if she’d like. She looked confused but followed me to the location we’d set aside for the water tower. I walked to a place on the roof that I could see the complete water tower and the spot that I wanted to place it. I visualized it from one place to the other and watched it happen. It disappeared from the ground and reappeared where I wanted it on the roof. I then turned and looked at Alice. She said, ’Now I think I know what you mean about some of your abilities startling people!’ I nodded and said, ‘can you imagine if you were a novice and saw something moved that way? It might even be scary! I didn’t think it would bother you since you know that I’m a soft hearted daddy, not the powerful Master Wizard!’ She came over to me and put her arms around me, ’will the soft hearted daddy still have time to come to my room now that I’m going to be a mommy?’ and she kissed me. I nodded and said, ’of course! I have to be reminded of how you got that way! With all the new consorts that I’ve found myself with I might forget how!’ She laughed and said, ’I’ve seen the Master Wizard forget how to do magic, but he has never forgotten what to do behind closed doors!’ And we both laughed.

  I sealed the legs of the water tower down and Alice fastened wires to the tank and the roof. I put an arm on Alice’s shoulder and said, “If this wizard thing doesn’t pan out, we can always go into construction!”

  Alice said that the construction was complete and we could call it a day. She said that we could move anything that showed up and couldn’t be handled by the delivery people in the morning. I agreed heartily. I said that I was going to my room and wondered if she would like a lift. She nodded and I put us on the balcony. She smiled and said that she loved that service.

  We walked inside and Isa quickly informed us that James was sleeping. We told her that the dorm was now complete and when it was furnished the girls could move in. Alice said that she thought that our family had grown and Isa came to me and hugged me. She wanted to know if I’d taken her advice on the two other girls. I said that since her choice of Constance had turned out so well, I wouldn’t have been smart not to. She kissed me and asked who I would be going to tonight. I said that since she was the one who picked my consorts I’d let her chose who I went to. That way, whenever my wife started missing me, I wouldn’t have plans! She grinned and said that was a wonderful, and unique, idea! She said that she thought that I should go to Lynley. At least she thought that with Lynley there would be a minimum of hard feelings. She had come over relatively easily. I agreed but worried a bit. She is the same age Alba was when she became a consort. Alba is smaller than most girls her age and she wasn’t hurt on the night of her birthday. Maybe I was getting soft as a daddy and worried too much. I asked if Alice would contact Lynley before she dressed for bed so she wouldn’t have to walk up from the second floor in her nightgown. I said I didn’t want to do it because Lynley and Nineve shared a room and I showing up might cause some confusion. Alice said that she’d do it right away and left grinning. I also asked why, if I’m actually the master of what now could be called a castle, I didn’t have a valet?

  Isabel curtsied all the way to the floor and said, “My Lord must forgive the oversight. This Lady humbly asks forgiveness and will rectify the situation, post haste!

  I laughed until I had to sit down. I reach out with my mind and dragged her to me and pulled her into my lap. I kissed her and said, “If you keep talking with all that formality, Lynley might not get a visit tonight. I might have the taste for something royal instead!

  She laughed and told me, “You must see to your new consorts first and then you can come see the mother of your oldest. After that I believe that there is a person with child that is most desperate for your attentions.”

  “Before I go would you mind telling me what Constance was up here saying when I walked in? Everyone had a guilty look like I’d been the topic of conversation!” I asked.

  Isabel grinned and told me, “She was just wondering if it was normal for her to want to continue making love to you. She said that parts of her were still tingling. She was confused because she had only heard of sex referred to as a ‘woman’s duty to her husband’ and didn’t know why they were complaining! I explained that even though I wasn’t experienced with other men, I’d heard that sex with you was much different than normal. And, before you ask, that’s a good thing!”

  “Good! Now I can continue on my mission with confidence My Lady.” I bowed.

  “Be well and enjoy yourself, my husband! I love you, David!” she said smiling

  “I love you too, Isabel. Sleep well.” and I left the room.

  I walked out the door and down to the kitchen. I asked for a glass of wine and mug of ale. I turned back toward the stairway when Alice came down to the foyer. With a huge grin she told me that she’d taken Lyn to my small room. She told me to be nice because the girl looked terrified. I told her that I’d do my best considering I was big and bad and all the stuff Alba says about me. She laughed and said ‘just be you, it will be fine.’ She kissed me, not spilling my drinks, and I continued upstairs. At my door a bit of a juggling act took place until I remembered I was a wizard and didn’t need hands to hold the glasses. I floated them in front of me and knocked softly on the door. I waited and was beginning to think Alice had taken Lyn somewhere else when I finally he
ard a very quiet ‘come in’. I opened the door and walked inside. Lyn was standing by the bed dressed in her nightgown with her uniform draped over a chair beside her. It looked as though she was reaching for her clothes to dress. I carried the glasses to the nightstand and set them down. I picked up the glass of wine and offered it to her.

  “Thank you, David but I don’t know that I’ll be staying.” She said hesitantly.

  I looked puzzled, “I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong? I thought you wanted to spend time with me.”

  With a confused look she said, “I do, but feel really mixed up. I’ve never had feelings like this before and don’t know what they mean!”

  I said, “You do know that we can just sit and talk. I promise that I won’t lay a hand on you if you don’t want me to. I was sure that Isabel had explained that.”

  “She did but the way that I feel about you makes it hard to think! You’ve known me for a few months now and have been with me for a lot of that time. I think you know me fairly well. We could talk but I would like to ask you a favor, if I may.” she said.

  I know I sounded puzzled but said, “You can ask anything of me and you should know that I’ll try to do it. I asked you to be a consort and they are well taken care of!”

  She nodded and said, “Actually, it’s just a tiny thing. Would you mind stepping outside for a few minutes?”

  “Of course, dear lady.” I opened the door and walked out and almost bumped into Alice walking to my room.

  “You do know that more happens when you’re inside the room, don’t you? You didn’t get me pregnant from the hall!” She said grinning.

  Still confused I said, “I walked in and she was standing by her clothes, wouldn’t take a drink I brought because she might not stay long and then asked me to step out of the room. You’re a woman. What is she doing?”

  “I don’t know but I’m going to find out! Sending my man to the hall while she does…whatever.” She said adamantly.

  Alice and I talked for a few more minutes. She leaned over, kissed me quickly and knocked lightly on the door. Her knock was followed by a quick ‘come in.’

  Alice slipped through the door and I waited outside. This was the most unusual thing that had happened to me when dealing with a consort. With the sisters everything had been understood before hand and we all knew what to expect. With Alice it had been the perfect scenario and the twins; well that was a completely different situation too. After forever or maybe it was more like five minutes Alice opened the door and motioned me in.

  “David,” Alice said, “It seems that she still has some of the ideas in her head about you that she arrived with. That is why she sent you out so she could dress. She thought that if she was sitting her in her nightgown you might not be able to control yourself and take her whether she wanted you to or not. She is now second guessing herself on if she really wants to be a consort or not. I explained to her that she needn’t fear that you would force her to do anything, ever, but I’m not convinced that she believes me. She says that she’s willing to talk to you now that she’s dressed.” Alice whispered in my ear, “If she knew what she was missing she’d be taking you whether you wanted it or not. If things don’t work out, you know where my room is.” She kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

  I walked across the room, without a word, pick up my mug and sat on the small couch in the corner. I sat there sipping my ale in silence until Lyn finally spoke.

  “David.” she whispered.

  I looked her way but said nothing. I was feeling quite offended that she thought I would force her to do anything and was fighting anger.

  “David, May I please say something?” she whispered again.

  I nodded and took a sip from my mug.

  “I don’t know what I’m thinking or doing. You know that I love you and that is why I jumped at the chance to be a consort. It had nothing to do with what you could do for me except to spend time alone with you. I know that Isa said that we could talk but I’ve never spent time around men at all and didn’t know if I was sending a message I didn’t want to send. May I sit by you and talk for awhile?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  She picked up her wine glass and started walking over. As she was walking she said, “David, please talk to me!”

  As she sat I knew when I talked, she’d cry. But I was angry. “Sure, I’ll talk. Even though I might still, after all these months, be a rapist in your mind. Even if I do have a wife and six consorts! Six! One that I was with only last night and I’m sure she’ll vouch for the fact that I didn’t force her into anything! Well, unless you count me forcing her to let me out of bed! I do believe you know her, her name is Constance. You’ve known her longer than you’ve known me. I don’t know if I’m more angry or hurt.”

  As I’d suspected the tears were flowing, “David, I’m sorry. Really I am. I didn’t mean to do anything to make you angry and just the thought of hurting you…”

  I said, “If you don’t want to be my consort that is perfectly fine and I won’t hold it against you. Just make sure you want to do something before you agree to it. If you don’t know what something is all about, find out first.”

  “Please, before I do something and regret it forever, can we sit and talk? I know you wouldn’t do anything and knew it then but felt uncomfortable, shy and scared in front of you with just my gown on. I know that was wrong of me and I have no right to ask for forgiveness, but please talk to me.”

  I sighed, “Do you want to be a consort or not. I’m not asking you to have sex with me tonight and I sure as hell won’t force you. What I do need to know is if I’m to talk to you as a consort or a student. You’ve seen how I’ve been with you in the past and I’m sure you’ve seen me with one consort or another in the past few months. That’s what I need to know before we continue. If you don’t have an answer, I’ll go to my room tonight and I’ll help you move to the dorm tomorrow.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “I want to be your consort David but I’m scared to death to lie with you. I’ve heard so many stories about how painful it can be and that the man won’t respect a woman afterwards. I grew up knowing that when I took a husband that I’d have to do my duty as his wife. I was taught that it wasn’t pleasant but a woman had to. That is why I worry about taking a position that is primarily about doing that duty. Do you understand?”

  I smiled, “I understand and know that you grew up in Wodor where Constance grew up. She went to Isa and Alice this morning and said some of the same things. She wondered if there was something wrong with her because she had enjoyed having sex with me very much. Isa and Alice comforted her and told her that they enjoyed it when they would lay with me too.”

  “Laying with a man can be enjoyable for the woman?” She asked confused.

  “Answer this. When Alice was leaving the room after talking to you, she whispered in my ear and said that if you didn’t want me in here that I should come to her room. Now, why would she want me to come to her room to make love to her if it wasn’t enjoyable?” I asked.

  “I almost made a huge mistake didn’t I?” she asked blushing.

  “You did do something that rarely happens and upset me. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. Kiss me and I’ll forgive you. Then I can leave, we can talk or you can leave. The choice is all yours.” I said smiling.

  She leaned toward me and I put my arms around her. I pulled her to me gently, so she wouldn’t feel rushed and kissed her with the passion of forgiven anger. When I felt her start to move away I released her and waited to see what we were to do. She looked dazed, almost like she’d been hit with a stun spell. I wondered if my magic had decided that I needed a kissing upgrade! Slowly her focus returned and she blushed so deeply I expected her hair to turn red!

  I said, “Lyn, my love? Are you ok?” and for a moment we played role reversal where she was the one just nodding. I leaned forward so I could see her eyes and repeated, “Are you ok?” She threw her arms around me and kissed
me with a passion equal to the kiss I’d given her. She held me tightly and finally pulled away.

  “David! I didn’t know that you could feel a kiss all the way to your toes!” she exclaimed.

  “My dearest Lynley, perhaps now you can begin to see how being with me could be enjoyable and not just a duty?” I grinned.

  “Oh my blessed stars, yes! If you’re not upset with me for treating you badly and will forgive me…” she stopped and took a deep breath.

  “…I wonder if you’d be willing to stay in here with me tonight and if it’s all the same to you, I don’t think I’ll put my gown back on.” she finished.

  “You’ve decided to be a consort one hundred percent?” I asked.

  She pulled me to her again, kissed me and when we broke she gasped, “Oh yes I have!”


  Match Maker

  After a long night, a wizards work is never done, I woke late. That is starting to become a habit! I have too much to do with my students and my castle to sleep in all the time. I guessed that the sun had been up an hour at the least! I turned my head to the side and saw Lyn laying there on my shoulder, watching me sleep. I smiled and said good morning. She shook her head.

  “It isn’t a good morning? Did I do something wrong?” I asked concerned.

  She grinned and said, “Oh no! That isn’t it at all! I just don’t want to admit it’s morning because that would mean that our night together has ended.”

  I brushed her hair from her face and said, “You do know that we will have other nights together. I’m willing to bet that the next time I come to you, you’ll be more than willing to allow me into your room!”

  She rolled on top of me and positioned herself in a manner that might actually keep me in bed. “I know that the next time we’re together I won’t waste time on silly thoughts that don’t pertain to you! I feel sorry for the women of Wodor. But not sorry enough to share you with them! My time with you will come around rarely enough with as many women as I have to share you with.”


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