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Vol. 2 - Another Typical Day, Too (The Wizards of Eredwynn)

Page 13

by Daniel Harris

  “I’m very glad to hear we won’t argue. I don’t like it and we may have to argue again very soon. I do need to do some things today and you are making it…difficult to get out of bed.” I said while having difficulty thinking.

  She slid down slightly and I knew I wasn’t going to check on the dorm for at least another hour. I sighed, “You win but I thought doing your duty was unpleasant!”

  “And I used to think that magic didn’t exist too! And there is nothing unpleasant about what I’m feeling right now!” she said a bit breathlessly.

  I rolled out of bed and grabbed my clothes. As I dressed Lyn said, “Going to make a fast getaway before I distract you again? And believe me; I would if I got the chance.”

  “Well, I defiantly started this day the right way. Maybe that is a sign that it’s going to be a good day. If Elaine locates the place she’s looking for, would you like to go too? There are supposed to be a couple huge monsters and I’d want you to stay out of the fight. But you could go and watch if you wanted. If I skinned my knee or something, you could kiss it for me.” I said smiling.

  She said, “I’d like to go but I thought we were all moving to the dorm today. I might need to stay and do that.”

  I said, “I was hoping that my consorts would like to stay in the keep with me. I know the rooms here aren’t as big or fancy but I am working on upgrading them too.”

  She said, “I would like that much better! I’d get to see you more often that way.”

  “Sounds like a good plan then. And if you like Isa and the baby, the consorts hang out in my room a lot. Thought you’d like to know that you’re welcome there anytime.” I said.

  She smiled said, “Thank you, David. Now I suggest that if you’re going to take care of your business, you leave now. Otherwise I’m dragging you back over here for more of that unpleasantness!”

  I laughed, blew her a kiss, and walked out the door.

  I walked down to the dorm and stayed out of the way as beds, bedding, curtains, and who knows what else was either carried or moved with telekinesis. It was fun to watch the townsfolk and my girls working together. By this time of morning the townsfolk didn’t even seem to think it was odd when something heavy was floated out of a wagon by a girl. I really enjoyed it when I’d see a large man struggling with bed frame boards and my little pixie, Della, would pick them up with telekinesis and carry them for him. They might tease her about being weak because she is small but that young lady has been driven to learn. With magic she found a skill that didn’t take being tall or strong. I’d have to check with her other instructors but I think that she’s ready to be promoted from novice to adept.

  While I was standing there watching people work Elaine came up beside me.

  “Good morning, Elaine! Out watching people work too?” I greeted her.

  “No, actually I’ve been working and I think that I’ve found your castle that has the monsters. I came to ask if you would like to go with me to see if it’s the right place before putting together a strike team.” She said.

  “That is great news! I hope that these critters aren’t as bad as they were made out to be. We’ll need to go out the gate to recall of course and I’m as ready as can be. I had a great night, feeling great this morning, and looking forward to a great day.” I said grinning.

  She grinned and shook her head. I have no idea what she was thinking but she led the way out of the castle gate. She took my hands, concentrated and cast recall.

  We found ourselves on a hill overlooking a very large castle that stood beside a very poverty stricken looking village. A half mile our right, or west was the opening to a very large cave. The grass and shrubs in front of the cave had been scuffed away quite recently and it was obvious that something lived in there. I was sure that we would find the creatures that the king wanted us to kill in there. I hoped that the rumor about two headed things sixteen feet tall was an exaggeration but in this place, you never knew. I fixed this spot in my mind so I could come back to it when I needed to, hugged Elaine, who half-heartedly hugged me back, and said that she’d done well. We could go back to the castle now and I’d decide when we would go. I said that I’d be sure to let her know because I knew she was getting bored. She smiled, took my hand and recalled us back.

  I thanked Elaine again and told her that she was one of my favorite instructors. Her talent had proven invaluable before and now again. She smiled again and with a small curtsy turned and walked away.

  I was a bit concerned about her because she hadn’t been the same since either Melodie had left or she’d turned seventeen. Those things had happened pretty close together so figuring out which was the cause was difficult. When a man has a problem that he can’t figure out, he goes to his wife. I floated up to my balcony and quietly opened the door. Alice and Isa were here and it sounded like Constance and Lynley too! I braced my self but couldn’t remember doing anything I shouldn’t. But men often do things that they didn’t know they weren’t supposed to. The manual on women is still being written and it’s already eighteen feet tall! I closed the door loud enough to be heard and said, “The big, bad master wizard is here for your child!”

  All four girls came in the living room with wands out. Isabel said, “You think you can take this baby, wizard? He’s the most protected child in the history of the kingdom!”

  I dropped to my knees, “Please, my lady! I surrender. Have mercy on a poor ignorant man!”

  Isa said, “My goodness David! You’re in a mood this morning! Slept well I presume?”

  Lyn blushed and I said, “Actually I think that there is something wrong with my bed. It seemed a bit lumpy in places. When I did get to sleep, I overslept and then simply couldn’t get out of bed! It was almost like something that sapped my will was sitting on me and keeping me in bed!”

  Isa looked at Lyn, “Do you have any idea what this lunatic is rambling about?”

  Lyn couldn’t talk. Every time she opened her mouth she stuttered and then blushing brightly stopped talking.

  Isabel walked over to Lynley and hugged her, “Welcome to the family, Lyn. You’ll get used to us some day. It’s David’s fault that we all act this way but we love him anyway.

  I got off the floor and asked if I’d interrupted anything important. Isabel let me know that Constance had come in with Lyn to see how her evening had gone. “You know that consorts are almost like sisters and usually share all that happens. They both said that they are going to warn Nineve about you so she’ll know what to expect.” I was told with a wink.

  “Lyn, I thought we had made up and you weren’t going to tell Isabel how badly I had beaten you! I’m just glad that I know a healing spell to get rid of the evidence!” I said.

  Lyn walked over, reached up, and kissed me. She said, “You know that no one in this room would believe that you would do anything to hurt ‘your girls’.” and everyone laughed.

  Isa said, “She’s right you know. You’re just a big softie that has to act tough for the role he plays. The girls that aren’t your consorts may not know it but all of your consorts and your wife know. And we all love you.”

  I pulled Isa to the side and asked if she’d notice Elaine acting strangely. She said, ‘it’s obvious, isn’t it? She hasn’t told me anything but I would guess that there is a boy involved and she doesn’t know if she is allowed to court. You have never made any comments, statements, or rules concerning your girls courting and it might be time.’ I said, ‘you right! She might think that she can’t have a boyfriend and be a wizard! You know that isn’t the case! I don’t have a problem with any of the girls courting, unless they were a consort. I am a bit selfish like that.’ Isa laughed, ‘I know they can court and know the consorts wouldn’t want to. That’s part of being a consort. But what are you going to do about Elaine and the friend we’ve never seen?’ I smiled and said, ‘I’m going to find him and bring him to her. From there it’s up to them.” Isabel looked confused, ‘How are you going to find him?’ I winked, ‘I th
ink I’ll use my ‘not so wizardly’ skills. The ones I keep from the novices so I don’t frighten them with things that they can’t do and I haven’t figured out how to teach yet. I might be able to do it.’ She nodded and said, ‘You be careful using that. I don’t understand it either and it worries me too.’ I kissed her and told her that she had nothing to worry about. I made my way to the balcony door and went to the other side of the river. I didn’t bother to fly, no one was looking.

  I sat quietly on a rock, listening to the wind and the insects. I focused on Elaine and on her problem and instantly I had an image of a young man plowing a field at a farmhouse near by. I watched him work in my mind for a few minutes and decided that the best way to get answers would be to ask. I focused for a moment on the field where the young man was working, momentarily noticed with irony that I was using something like remote viewing, and went to the side of the field out of the way.

  I stood and watched as the young man turned his team at the end of a row, and started back toward me. He pulled the horses to a stop and tied the reins to the handle of the plow. He started walking quickly toward me and I went to meet him. After we had covered about half the distance between us, the young man recognized me and his walking speed slowed to a crawl. I couldn’t blame him. I was certain that I would be the last person a farmer would expect to show up in his field. When we finally were close enough to talk the man bowed. I told him that I’d just come to talk for a bit and would prefer it if all that formally was forgotten and he’d just call me David.

  With that the man took a few steps closer and asked, “What can I do for you on this fine morning, David?”

  I said, “I was doing some magical research this morning and got an image of you in my mind. I was wondering if you’d had contact with anyone from my castle that would cause that to happen.”

  “My name is Dristan and I won’t lie to you. I feel that it wouldn’t be in my best interest. I know Elaine, one of your instructors. She has been visiting me on occasion but I don’t want her punished. If there is to be punishment for our actions, I’ll take it for both of us.” He looked me in the eye and squared his shoulders. As small as I am, if I didn’t have magic on my side, I’d have been intimidated!

  “Elaine has been with us for quite some time and it had never crossed my mind that she would want to court someone. If you two would like to court, be a couple, go out, whatever the term is here, you absolutely have my blessing. The only thing that I have ever wanted for my wizard girls is that they be happy!” I said with feeling.

  Dristan looked surprised! He said, “So we haven’t been breaking rules? We have been so careful not to be seen because I didn’t want Elaine to get into trouble. If you don’t mind me seeing her that means I can come onto the castle property? If so, I’d like to see her when I finish this field!”

  I smiled and said, “I’d like to do something for you, if you promise that you’ll keep it to yourself. I don’t want to be called to every farm in the kingdom!”

  He looked confused but said that he’d never say a word. I looked at the plowed section of his field and the unplowed section. I focused on making them look alike and the entire field was plowed. I smiled at Dristan and said, “If you’d like to put up your horses, I’ll take you to where Elaine has been spending a lot of time lately. It took a second for the shock to wear off and he was sprinting for his horses.

  I smiled and watched him go. It wasn’t that I was a softie or anything (don’t ask anyone that knows me) it was that I’m a fan of people caring for each other. He put his horses away in record time and came back to where I was waiting in the field. I told him not to be startled because I was going to transport him ‘master wizard’ style. If he’d recalled in the past, this would be a lot different. He nodded his understanding and we were several yards behind Elaine.

  Elaine must have been in a bit of a bad mood because she was repeatedly striking a metal post in the target range with Flamestrike. I waited for her to stop and then gestured Dristan forward. He walked up behind her slowly and put his arms around her waist. She jerked forward as if trying to get away, until he whispered in her ear. She then spun around and kissed him. When they pulled apart she saw me standing ten yards away and went pale. She put Dristan behind her and walked to me.

  “David, it isn’t his fault.” she began and I interrupted.

  “Of course it is your fault! If you weren’t such a sweet and adorable young lady, he wouldn’t want to be here!” I said with mock anger.

  She looked frightened and said, “But David please, just let me explain…”

  I interrupted again, “Can you explain how he got here? Perhaps I’ll let him.” I crossed my arms and took a step back.

  Dristan said, “He figured out that you were unhappy and why. Then he located me, we talked and he brought me here. Don’t ask me any of the how’s on anything he did, that’s your thing.”

  Elaine smiled, “you brought him to see me? Does that mean that you don’t mind if we see each other?”

  I nodded and she crossed the distance between us in a bound. She threw her arms around me and hugged me. Dristan grinned and I think he was going to hug me too but couldn’t get up the nerve.

  When Elaine released me I told her, “There has to be some rules. You know how the girls are when they are running around in the keep and dorm. They often forget clothing and having a young man walk in could create chaos. I don’t know exactly how far your relationship has progressed, but some activities might be kept to his house.” I motioned Elaine closer to me and whispered, “Don’t forget that you are incredibly rich and could buy your own house anywhere you wanted. If you choose to stay there I’d understand but would like to call on you if I needed your help, with your permission.”

  She whispered back, “Oh my stars, David! I’d forgotten the money from the dragon hoard! I really could buy a house for us. I love you David and am thankful for everything you’ve done, but I am seventeen now and would like to have children. I hope you understand that I don’t want to leave all this, but I am in love and hope that Dristan and I could start a family.”

  I grinned and whispered, “If he ever treats you badly, just let me know. I’m sure Alice wouldn’t mind digging a dungeon out of the mountain for you.” I walked over to Dristan and said, “Please take care of my charge. She is my charge and will be until she asks not to be or she is married. She will always be one of my wizard girls, married or not. Now, I’ll excuse myself. I’m sure that you don’t need me here any longer.”

  Elaine and Dristan, all smiles, nodded and I went to my balcony.

  I opened the door of the balcony and softly called for Isabel. She came out of the bedroom and walked to the balcony.

  I said, “I think that I fixed Elaine.”

  She looked puzzled and said, “And what problem did you fix?

  I pointed across the field to the target range where Dristan and Elaine were wrapped in each others arms.

  Isabel turned me towards her, put her arms around me and kissed me. She said, “I think we’re going to have to change your name to the softie Master Wizard!”

  I said, “I just wanted her to be happy. She had forgotten that she was one of the richest people in the kingdom until I reminded her that she could buy a house. I’m afraid that she might be moving away from us, but I knew that I couldn’t keep the wizard girls all to myself forever. Now, some of them I will keep forever!”

  Isa grinned and said, “Some of them you couldn’t run off if you tried! I heard about your argument with Lyn last night. I also heard that you made up, repeatedly. Do you have plans for today?”

  I sighed and said, “I have to go kill a couple monsters for your father. Elaine located the place and we’ve been there so I can get back. I would much rather stay here, cuddle with my wife and hold my boy. Would you mind getting whoever you have hiding in our room to go around and see who’s going with me this afternoon?”

  She laughed, “How did you know I had people in the

  I smiled, “Because James is in there and you came right out. That means that someone is either holding or keeping James from falling off the bed.”

  She hugged me and said, “I have either most or all of the consorts in there. You might want to stay in here, for your own safety and the safety of your clothing!”

  I laughed, “A terrifying group! Ask Chloe and Alice if they would mind going. I don’t think I’ll need help but it better to have it when you need it than to get busted up and found lying by a river!”

  I got a glare, “No, that isn’t a memory that I want to have. I’ll ask them and have someone ask the other girls. I’ll tell the messenger to let the girls know to stay out of the fight and out of the way.”

  “Thank you my love. I think that I’ll go to my room and relax for awhile before I go on this mission. My heart really isn’t in it.” I said.

  “Would you like some company while you relax, my love?” Isa asked.

  “If you’re offering to come with me, absolutely!” I said smiling.

  “You know that I have the baby and the girls in our room, someone else perhaps? I doubt that I’ll have trouble locating someone for you.” she grinned.

  I sighed, “I may just feel like talking and don’t want to feel that I have to perform, if Chloe or Alba are available, either of them would talk.”

  She said, “I understand. You go to you room and rest. I’ll see you before you go.”

  I kissed her and left the room. I went to my room, removed my clothes and crawled between the sheets. I propped a pillow against the headboard and leaned back. The good mood that I’d been in earlier was fading and a feeling of dread was creeping in. I decided that it was just the thought of having to kill these giant creatures. I closed my eyes and tried to shake the feeling.


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