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Bound Together: Gay Romance

Page 2

by Tommy Twist

  The clock tells me Chuck's been gone for a half hour. I unzip my bag, pulling out my only clean outfit. Shorts and a wife-beater that clings to my body. This will be great to wear while on that motorcycle, I think to myself as I roll my eyes. Oh well.

  Then I pull out my pajama pants that I'll wear to sleep. I won't use a shirt, though. The room's too warm. Finally in the privacy of the bathroom, I get to really inspect myself. I've already lost a little weight on this trip. Maybe this wasn't as good of an idea as I thought it might be.

  If I were home right now, my belly would be full of Mom's food and I'd be laying lazily on my huge bed, watching TV. Instead I'm dirty as hell, with greasy hair and sand in my boxers, riding on the back of a motorcycle with some dude I don't even know. What the hell was I thinking?

  Still, I have not once felt unsafe with Chuck. He seems a lot softer, nicer than most of the people you see riding motorcycles. How did he end up in a gang like that? Maybe I don't want to know.

  Pulling off my boxers and brushing away some of the sand, I run my hands through my pubic hair. It brings the nerve endings in my skin to life, reminding me of how horny I've been all day. Damn, the back of that motorcycle really does vibrate through the whole body. Chuck, too, has left me horny as hell. The way he helps me off the motorcycle by basically picking me up off the bike with one arm... he's so strong. And so handsome.

  I check that the water's hot and then step into the shower. With it beating at my back and warming me up, I wrap my hand around my prick and bite my bottom lip. I don't normally masturbate, but damn I really need to before I get back onto that bike!

  My mind searches for someone else to think about, but all I can imagine is Chuck bending me over that machine, pulling down my shorts, and taking me from behind. My mind flips to him taking me in the ass from the missionary position, too, which sends of shock of excitement through my body and I let out a small moan.

  My fingers rub up and down my shaft, teasing me before wrapping around my dick again. Oh yes, I have been horny all day. Precum is leaking from my prick and every touch makes me feel like I'm on fire. I wish I could be doing this while on that big bike, rubbing my penis while feeling the vibrations.

  I lean against the wall, pushing one of my legs against the tub to give myself a different sensation. A sudden flash of Chuck's body makes my dick twitch. In my mind, I watch him undress, taking off his sandy shirt first. Oh, nice abs! Then he unbuckles his jeans, unzipping them before pulling them down. I stick a finger into my ass from behind, gasping at how good it feels.

  Then his underwear comes off, and his dick is soft but it still hangs well down his thigh. I pump my finger in and out of my hole, using my other hand to rub my dick. My imagination shows me Chuck taking his soft cock in his hand and pumping it, just like I'm doing to mine. It grows slowly, filling with arousal, until it's almost comically large.

  And then he's coming towards me. I imagine him taking me and laying me down, pushing a strand of my hair away from my face. His beautiful green eyes look into mine with desire and love. I'm getting so close to cumming that I stick a second finger into myself.


  An awful sound comes from the other room. I jolt upright again, nearly falling down. My body is shaking with the unresolved orgasm, or maybe just because the sound scared the fuck out of me. My dick is flaccid now.

  I turn off the water and step out. I wrap a small towel around my body, though it leaves some of my skin showing, and open the door. Chuck's yelling. I should go see what's wrong, maybe he needs my help!

  I guess that's kind of ridiculous, I'm sure he could handle himself without me. Still, I walk out of the bathroom and find Chuck on the phone and nursing his hand. The wall next to him has a huge dent in it.

  “What the FUCK d'ya mean you won't be coming out?” Chuck screams. “What am I supposed to do with this stuff?” He gestures towards his bag and pauses. I guess he doesn't realize I'm behind him yet. I can hear someone else on the other end of the phone, someone who's yelling at him.

  Chuck cuts the other guy off, barking into the phone a curse word. “You've made the wrong enemy, buddy. You just fucking wait until I find you and that asshole president you have. I'm going to bury a my boot so fucking far up your ass-” His voice is low now, very different from how he speaks to me. The energy around him seems to swirl with pure hatred. I suddenly realize it might be better if I turn around and finish my shower.

  Before I can do that, though, Chuck lets out a huge roar that stops me in my tracks. He throws his phone against the wall, shattering it. He whips around, his eyes scanning for the door before he sees me, trembling and falling out of my towel.

  The expression in his eyes is dangerous. I back away from him slightly, and my movement seems to bring him to life too. He rushes at me like an animal attacking, grabbing my arms and pushing me backwards. I try to cower away from him, hoping he won't hurt me, but he slams me up against the wall.

  His hot breath is on my face. I close my eyes tight, not wanting to look up at the scary man attacking me. “Please don't take your anger out on me!” I cry. But instead of hurting me, he presses his face against mine. Chuck kisses me, hard. I'm too stunned to react at first, but once I realize what's happening I try pushing him away. It's no use with my arms pinned. His beard scratching my face and his tongue traces my lips.

  “Chuck-” I try to say, turning my head, but he doesn't relent. The sound of my protests is muffled under his lips and facial hair. His large, warm hand slips between my thighs and up the bottom of the towel. It gently rubs my damp skin, bringing the nerves to electrifying life.

  Slowly, his fingers work their way up until he finally presses them gently against my balls, and that's when I stop struggling. After denying myself an orgasm all day, I shudder into his mouth and melt.

  I was just daydreaming about him while masturbating, anyway. So I give in. I give in completely. I push my tongue into his mouth and kiss him with the same ferocity he's using on me. Once I stop struggling, he lets go of my arms, and I wrap them around his neck, pulling him in closer.

  He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his body. His head falls into my neck, and he sucks on it. It's going to leave a bruise. I don't care. I love how it feels, and I love it even more when he bites my neck. I give him a small moan to encourage him, and he bites harder.

  I wiggle my body to rub my naked dick against his jeans. The towel finally falls away, leaving my naked and damp body pressed up against the cool wall. One of his hands flicks my left nipple. I gasp into his ear as he pinches my nipple and growls.

  Chuck carries me over to the bed easily, his big arms cradling my body like something precious. My face burns hot red, and my nipples are tingling with excitement.

  This strong man lays me down on the bed and spreads my legs before diving right into the best oral sex I have ever had. His tongue explores every inch of my cock, slobbering over my nuts and really working to pleasure me. It laps up my salty precum as it flows freely, and then flicks the head of my manhood. Moving quickly, his tongue dances up and down the shaft with a grunt. He's taking his anger out on me, but that's okay, I'll let him.

  His arms go beneath my legs, propping them up on his big shoulders. Chuck slips a finger into my ass, slowly. He sighs and his shoulders relax. I gasp and my back arches. “Chuck,” I sigh as my fingers grasp at the rough motel bedsheets below me. “Don't stop, that feels so good.”

  Chuck wiggles his long finger inside of me, sending butterfly flutters throughout my body. He looks up at me. “Cum for me,” he says. “Relax. Let it happen. Cum for me.”

  Oh, his voice sounds so nice. I melt into it, and then I feel my balls tingle before I cum in his mouth. Chuck inserts a second finger, and I cum again unexpectedly, wave after wave of orgasm pounding through me, gentle at first but then stormy and powerful until I'm screaming and writhing against the bed.

  Before I can even recover from the orgasms, Chuck is pulling me down to the edge of the bed a
nd parting my legs even wider. My knees spread around his torso before pulling him in closer. His pants are pushed down his thighs in a flash, and there's his cock. It's not comically large like I imagined, but it's still huge. And rock hard.

  When he places it against my dick, I realize how hot it is, too. The warmth makes me throb with desire yet again. The first orgasms haven't yet faded, but I'm writhing against his skin and I'm getting hard again, wanting more of him. “I want you inside of me,” I coo. “Please.”

  He places his cock at my entrance, and slowly pushes it past the tight threshold. “Ha,” I pant. Oh, it hurts. I haven't had sex in a long time, and I am tight. He winces and pushes himself in farther, gritting his teeth.

  Finally, his balls are resting against my ass cheeks. Before pulling out, he bends down and, taking the nipple into his hot mouth, sucks on it until it's hard. His tongue swirls around the swollen nub.

  He slowly pulls himself out of my depths, and then pushes himself back in. Now that he's wetter, it's going more easily and it's starting to feel good. With each thrust, my dick slaps against my thigh from the movement.

  I pinch my nipple and look down at Chuck's cock buried in my boycunt. I wrap my legs around him even tighter now, and make sure I make my ass twitch for him. It's a trick I picked up with my last boyfriend, and Chuck seems to appreciate it too.

  A bead of sweat drips down his neck and down his shirt. He seems to be comically large compared to me, but his muscles bulge with each motion, in and out of me.

  His cock is starting to swell within me, and I know what's to come. I've never been fucked bareback, and I decide to let him do whatever he wants to do. If he wants to cum in me, then that's hot as hell and I'll let him. Right now, I'd let him do anything at all to me.

  Chuck grips my sides, his fingers digging into my skin. He bites his lower lip and grunts, fucking me harder. My own orgasm is coming up on me faster than I expected. Before he cums, I'm already shivering beneath him with multiple orgasms rushing through me.

  And then he cums, and my own orgasms become insane, spectacular. His jizz is hot and electrifying and I feel my whole body, every nerve ending, burning and twitching. “Oh fuck! Oh gaaaaah!” I cry, gripping at the bedsheets to try and stop myself from trashing around. Chuck keeps fucking me until every last drop of his cum is deep inside of me. My own cum shoots up and falls onto my stomach before my prick finally goes soft.

  He pulls out and, as if it were the most natural thing for me to do, I fall to my knees and I take his now soft cock into my mouth. I clean up my juices and start to fellate him.

  “Not sure if I'll be able to get hard again, darlin',” Chuck says, chuckling. Still, I make sure he's at least cleaned up. I'm still horny as hell even though I'm soft.

  “Come on, now, stand up.” He helps me to my feet and hands me my towel. “You gonna get dressed now?”

  My nakedness suddenly feels awkward, especially since he's mostly clothed. Wrapping the towel around my body, I scurry to the bathroom and finish my shower, cleaning myself up and ignoring it when my dick twitches.

  When I come back out of the bathroom, Chuck is already asleep on his bed, on top of the covers and dressed only in his boxers. God damn, he has a tight ass.

  I consider, for a second, going to sleep with him. I decide against it. I don't know if he wants to be cutesy with me, and I don't want to be clingy. Maybe he just wanted to have sex to relieve some stress.

  I fall asleep to the feeling of my heart twisting every time I remind myself not to get attached to a man who probably wants nothing to do with me.



  Another loud sound, but this time it's worse. So much worse.

  I jolt up out of my bed, first looking at the clock on the table and then realizing the room is way brighter than it should be for 3 am. Bright red.

  I run to the window, where Chuck already is, his mouth open wide but his body slack. I look down. There's fire everywhere.

  “What happened?”

  He whirls around and runs out the door. I follow him, barefoot, trying to keep up with his huge strides. I'm confused and still tired.

  “Fuck!” He screams. His hands come up to his head. I look down at the cement, and see a piece of glass that looks a lot like his headlight. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  His motorcycle is on fire. Exploded, actually, and it's in pieces all over the lot. A few of the cars have been damaged, and other people staying in the motel are milling out of their rooms now, scared of the sight. A few kids are crying.

  Chuck turns around and gives me the most bone-chilling look. “I need to borrow your phone, Adam.”

  “I have to go find it.” I run back to the room, pushing past the other confused people. I grab my cell phone from under my pillow and take it to Chuck. He thanks me and walks to the edge of the parking lot as the sound of sirens grows in the distance.

  A few minutes later, Chuck hands me my phone. “I have someone bringing me a new bike. We'll need to deal with the police and then wait for Derrick.”

  “Who's Derrick?” I ask. My hands are shaking, so I grip my pajama pants tight. It doesn't help.

  “He's the leader of the Hephaestus.”

  “The bike gang?” I ask, pointing a meek finger at the patch on his leather vest.

  He nods but says nothing, the grim look on his face scaring me. It's almost similar to how he looked last night before he slammed me up against the wall, but something tells me I won't be relieving that stress for him this time.

  I help Chuck collect the pieces of his bike, and then I talk to the police about what happened. A woman a few rooms down from us offers me some pills to help me calm down, but I refuse and head back up to the room to get some more sleep. Before I drift off to sleep, I see that I have a missed call from Dad. I'll have to call him back when I get up.

  “Adam, they'll be here soon.”

  Chuck is shaking my shoulder gently. The light coming in from the window is dim and red, telling me it's sunset. My stomach growls and my hair's a mess. “What?”

  “Derrick and his girl will be here soon. They want to meet you, so you probably want to change.” Chuck's hand lingers on my shoulder for a few seconds too long. For a while there I though he might have just used me to relieve some stress, but maybe he likes me after all.

  Chuck leaves the room to wait for Derrick outside, giving me some privacy to dress and pull a brush through my hair. It's usually straight, but it's unruly since I didn't brush it after my shower last night. I stop brushing my hair and look at myself in the mirror, touching two fingers to my lips.

  Am I going to let myself get caught up in a crush with an older man? Especially one in a bike gang like this? I don't know. Maybe I don't have a choice, but I like to think I do. My lips tingle and my stomach flips when I think about his scratchy beard pressed against my face and his hands spreading my thighs.

  I just about finish up brushing my hair when I hear the sound of two loud motorcycles pulling up. I check out the window, looking down at the man and woman driving up to Chuck. They both stop and step off their bikes. The woman is as tall as Chuck, with long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. Her body is absolutely rocking, with tits bigger than anyone's hand could hold.

  The guy is thinner than Chuck, but about the same height as him. His hair is jet black and shiny. Chuck points up to the room, and Derrick follows his finger to the window where I'm standing. He sees me watching them and flashes me a devilish smile. I duck back behind the curtain, taking a deep breath to prepare myself.

  What if Derrick's mean? What if he yells at me, or blames me for what happened? I don't even understand why Chuck's bike was attacked like that. What does Chuck do that caused him to have such a bad enemy?

  I step out the door and head back to Chuck's side. He smiles at me weakly. “This is Adam. I'm helping him get to California.”

  Derrick looks me up and down, his eyes looking over my body like I'm a cheap piece of meat. “Interesting,�
� he says. “Bet you never met a boy like that in jail, huh Chuck?”

  Jail? Chuck rolls his eyes and turns me toward the woman with long blonde hair. Damn, she's even more beautiful up close. “This is Cari, Derrick's girlfriend of the week.”

  Cari scowls, flashing Chuck a dirty look. “I'm his fiance, actually. We're getting married next month.” The ring on her finger sports a huge diamond. I wonder if Derrick stole the ring, or if he got the money to buy it legitimately?

  “So, what are we going to do about this problem?” Derrick asks, crossing his arms against his chest. Even though he's practically scrawny next to Chuck, he still is obviously the boss, the kind of man that no one questions. He's the kind of man a guy like me fears.

  “I am going to ring Chico's fucking neck, that's what.”

  “You're damn right you are.” Derrick throws something to Chuck, then turns to me. “You know how to use a gun, handsome?” Derrick asks, looking down his long nose at me. He's holding a small black pistol out to me.

  “Well, my Dad's a registered Republican, but I-”

  “Good enough.” He shoves the gun into my hand. My mouth falls open and I look to Chuck for a reprieve from this insanity, but he's busy inspecting the bike that Cari rode in on. “Get on the back of that bike with your boyfriend, we need your help.” He turns and grabs Cari's hand, leaving me wondering whether or not I'll be alive long enough to call my Dad back and ask him to book me a plane ticket straight back home.

  A Lover For The Holidays

  Oh, the awful anticipation of a holiday off from school. Being a college student is in a lot of ways worse for that. The last week I've been a jittery mess, planning what I'll pack and who I'll see when I get home.

  This is my third year of college. Three years of taking classes unrelated to my major, mostly because I haven't declared a major. Some days I think I want to become a teacher, but then other days I'd rather go into biomedical research. Oh but then wouldn't it be fun in anthropology?


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