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Bound Together: Gay Romance

Page 3

by Tommy Twist

  You might see how this is a problem.

  As I sulk and consider my options, I pack up my room. I'm leaving most of my stuff here, my blankets and at least half of my clothes. I only need so much for the three weeks I'll be at home, stuffing my face with holiday treats.

  “Well, I'm off, Chris.” My roommate pokes his head into my side of the dorm room. He's a handsome enough fellow, not my type though. His jaw is wide and his eyes are deep set. Brandon is here on a football scholarship, and he certainly looks the part.

  “Okay. Have a safe trip!” I chirp, smiling at him. I lean over to grab the hand he stretched out, giving it a strong shake.

  “You too, I hear it's snowy as hell up in Michigan already. Maybe you'll get snowed in with some hot chicks!”

  I hold back a wince, and widen my smile instead. “Yeah, let's hope!” I return to packing as I listen to his heavy footsteps disappear.

  Packing up my car, I take a second to breathe in the crisp air. It's changing over from its Autumn scent to Winter. Allowing myself a second to look around, I notice one of my professors stuffing a huge suitcase into his car. He struggles with it, even lifting up his leg and trying to use that to stuff it in. I chuckle as his curses carry through the air.

  Doctor Arnold Kinsey (he's the academic kind of doctor, not the health kind) is much more my type. A little frazzled, but handsome. He still has a full head of blonde hair, and his eyes are the most piercing blue I've ever seen. He finally pounds the suitcase into his trunk and slams it shut.

  “See you in the new year, Doctor!” I shout, waving. He looks up in surprise and his irritation melts into a smile.

  “You too, Chris! Try to behave yourself!”

  I blush and turn to get into my car, hoping he didn't see the red in my face. He's always half-flirting with me, and I never know if it's intentional or if that's just his personality. Oh, but what I wouldn't do to have a half hour alone with the man...

  I pull out a second after he does. Instead of pulling away, though, I end up driving behind him.

  For miles.

  And miles.

  All the way up North. It's night time before I really notice how strange this is, though. As small snowflakes begin to grace my windshield, I wonder to myself just how far we'll be sharing the road. It's almost intimate.

  As the miles fly by, the snow gets heavier and heavier. Once or twice I feel my tires become unsure on the slick highway, but for the most part it's fine. When my eyes start to become heavy, though, I know it's time to find a motel.

  I realize I've lost my professor somewhere along the way. Instead of his compact car in front of me, there are 3 large black SUVs and a pickup truck. I press a button on my dashboard and ask for the location of the nearest motel, just barely making my exit.

  Red Leaf Motel is one of the nicer ones I've seen. For the summer between my last year of high school and first year of college, I traveled with a group of friends. We spent most nights in the cheapest, grossest motels. This one, though, is clean and has free WiFi. What more can a guy ask for, really?

  After I get my key, I park and rummage through my trunk for some of the food I brought for the trip. A case of beer because I knew I'd have to stop, and some TV dinners I can stuff into the small freezer inside the room.

  A cold wind is blowing in even heavier snow as I lug the food and my laptop into the room with me. I shut the door and throw off my snow-covered coat and pants. The room is warm enough that I don't need to wear them anyway.

  I put away the TV dinners and beer before laying on my bed with the laptop and start to surf the web.

  I wake up to banging on the door. Sitting up and looking around the darkness, I slowly remember that I'm in a motel. My hand rubs my right eye.

  More banging forces me to my feet. I saunter up to the wooden barrier and look out through the peek-hole.

  There, bundled up, is a man who looks very familiar. I swing open the door.

  “Doctor Kinsey?” I ask, incredulous at the coincidence.

  “The one and only. Looks like we're being snowed in, and the internet was knocked out a few minutes ago. I was wondering if you'd like to share some beers with me?”

  He holds up a case of 24 beers, exactly the kind I like. A cold wind pushes into my warm sanctuary and raises goosebumps on my flesh. I shiver as I move out of his way. “Of course, of course. Come on in!”

  “Ah, good boy. I promise not to be a bore.” He winks at me as he pulls off his coat and hangs it up. My clothes are still in a lump on the floor. I realize then that I'm still only in a shirt and boxers.

  “Shit,” I say, looking around the room for some way to cover myself up. Doctor Kinsey laughs.

  “Don't worry about it, it's nothing I haven't seen before.”

  He lugs the big case of beers over to the small table by the window. Pausing for a second to stare out at the snow, he sighs. “Hopefully we'll be able to leave sometime tomorrow.”

  I only nod. My eyes are trained on him, admiring his dusty blonde hair and strong shoulders. I try to ignore these lusts that I have, but it might be hard to do that tonight.

  “What time is it, anyway?” I ask. He checks his watch.

  “Nearly 4 AM. Sorry to have woken you.”

  I shake my head and wave him off. “So, what do you want to do?”

  As if he has suddenly remembered something, he sticks his hand into his pocket. “I brought over a deck of cards. What say you and I play some poker?”

  “Okay, but I should warn you I am the champ with my friends!”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “We'll see about that!”

  We play a few hands. I win, then he wins, then I win again. We seem to be almost equally matched.

  I'm enjoying this so much more because I get to study his face, though. As the harsh wind beats against the window, I stare deep into his eyes, trying to call his bluff.

  And then I do.

  “Good one!” He says, smiling and setting down the cards. He's 4 beers in and slurring his words. He obviously doesn't drink often. His cheeks are red from the alcohol.

  I laugh sheepishly and blush. “Thanks,” I say, scratching my head.

  “Say.” He leans over the table and looks into my eyes. “You ever played strip poker?”

  My eyes widen. “N- no! I haven't.” My ears are getting hot.

  “Well, do you wanna try?”

  Is my professor hitting on me? The thrill of the thought gets me half stiff, and I know I can't turn down the offer. I watch as he licks his lips, which makes my cock leap in my pants. “Sure!” I say, too quickly and too loudly. Now he knows how eager I am.

  “Alright.” He deals out the cards. The first hand, I lose. “Lose the shirt.”

  Blushing, I unbutton the old flannel shirt and fold it neatly before putting it on the table. The second hand, I win. Off comes Doctor Kinsey's shirt. Then his pants. His shoes. His socks. We're both down to our boxers and I'm wondering if he's letting me win.

  But this is all that's left. If he decides to stop now, I'll be left frustrated the rest of the night. He doesn't stop, though. He deals the cards. Who will be left naked?

  He wins.

  “Off with the boxers, my boy. Don't be shy now.” He leans back in his chair and waits for me to stand up.

  I guess I waited too long, because he leaps from his chair and pulls me up with him. “You agreed to this, Chris! You have to follow through!” His fingers dip into my boxers and with one quick slip, they're on the floor. My cock is rock hard.

  “You're drunk, man,” I say, quietly. My heart pounds hard against my chest as I back away and he drinks in the sight of my naked body.

  “Don't need to be drunk to know that I've had my eye on you all semester.” He steps closer to me and puts his soft hand on my shoulder. “Look, you've got me hard. I know you try to hide that you're gay, but I can tell. Here, touch me.” Taking my hand, he guides it toward his boxers. There's a huge lump in them. He pressing my hand against it, and
I can feel his hardness. I explore his length, gasping. He's so big... Bigger than I am.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes,” I answer, without even thinking about it. My stomach tightens up, and I begin to feel dizzy. I've tried to ignore these urges for so long, but I know I'm gay. I know I'll have to face that truth sooner or later, but I wasn't expecting to face it tonight.

  A loud wind bangs against the motel, whistling past an uneven crack beneath the door. My professor grabs my cock, and for the first time I feel another person's hand upon it. A tingling sensation creeps down my shaft to my balls and then up my spine, leaving my stomach feeling warm and my head even more dizzy. I start to sway, but Doctor Kinsey guides me to the bed.

  “Sit down, you'll feel better. This must be your first time.” His voice is soft, soothing, almost melodic. I drink it in like a sweet wine and feel drunk from it. Tilting my face up, I look at him with heavy lids and receive a kiss from this handsome older man that sends my world spinning.

  As he kisses me I'm only vaguely aware of him slipping his boxers down and kicking them to the side. I am now nude in the same room as another man. He pushes me back and straddles me. The weight of his cock presses down on my stomach, and with each kiss he gives me it twitches. Just that feeling causes me to moan.

  “Touch me, Chris. Please.” His face dips down to my neck, and I work past my anxiety in order to reach down and gently brush my fingers against the tip of his penis. It's slick with his precum. I rub the liquid down around his head with my thumb and then grab his cock at the base. “That's right, perfect. Now move your hand up and down, I'm sure you know how to do this.”

  I whimper beneath him and do as I'm told. Slowly I manipulate his beautiful penis. Each time my hand reaches the tip of it, he moans and his balls twitch. My own hardness is straining against his thigh as he licks and sucks on my neck. I work my hand faster, and feel him lose his concentration. His breathing becomes heavier and thick with moans.

  He's moving down my body now, pausing for a second to lick my nipple and look up at me with fire in his eyes. My fingers grip the blanket beneath me.

  Grabbing my cock, he hovers over it and watches as a bead of precum leaks down the shaft. His mouth opens and hot breath spills over the head of my cock. Even just that feels heavenly. I close my eyes and moan.

  Something wet and hot presses against the bottom of the tip of my penis and I sit up straight. “Whoa!” I cry. “What did you just do?!”

  He chuckles and only responds with another lick, which makes my body jerk. “Stop, I'm too sensitive!” I try to move away from him, but he holds me tight. Doctor Kinsey opens his mouth and takes my penis into it. His tongue presses up against the bottom of my penis. It pulsates with his heartbeat.

  I'm frozen as my body tries to process this brand new feeling. It's so sensitive that it almost hurts, but it feels so good too. His head bobs up, then back down. He's sucking my cock.

  I fall back onto the bed. My toes curl. My fingers curl. I bite my bottom lip and close my eyes tight. My professor sucks my dick like a man with experience, a man who knows his way around a prick. “Gah, fuck. That feels so good,” I moan. I feel the warmth of an orgasm building up. “I'm going to cum soon!”

  He looks up at me and removes his mouth just long enough to say, “I want to swallow your cum and then I'm going to fuck your ass.” He's back to sucking me off and the pure kink in those words forces me over the edge faster than I thought possible. I shoot huge gobs of cum down his throat as my body quivers. My professor keeps sucking my cock until I've shot every last drop and he's swallowed it all.

  With his strong arms he grabs me by the hips and flips me over. I'm still numb from the orgasm, still horny as fuck from what he just said to me. Though my cock is soft, I know it won't be for long. Pure instinct takes over and like a slut I spread my legs and look back at the man who's going to take my virginity.

  “Be gentle, teacher. This is my first time.”

  He grunts and grabs my ass cheeks, spreading them wide. “You're going to be so tight.” Wandering back over to the table, I watch him lean over and drink in the sight of his strong ass. He pulls something out of his pants.

  Once he's behind me again, I hear a click and something cool and slimy slides down my ass crack. He rubs the lube in, spreading it around before sticking a finger into my hole. My cock is hard again as he probes me with his finger.

  Then he inserts another and spreads the two wide as he tries to loosen me up. I gasp and press my face into the blankets, letting out a long moan.

  “That feels good, huh?” He removes his fingers and after a second throws the bottle of lube down next to me. “This is going to hurt at first, but then it'll feel even better than my fingers.”

  I nod with my face still pressed into the blankets. My knees are shaking and my blood is pumping through my veins so fast. He spreads my ass cheeks again and my anxiety almost gets so bad that I worry I might leap away from him.

  Then I feel the heat of his cock pressing against my asshole. The pressure hurts at first, but as the mushroom tip slips into my hole it becomes much less painful. I gargle a low moan and grip the blanket again. Doctor Kinsey grabs my hips and slowly glides them toward him as he makes little thrusts.

  His penis moves in and out of me in tiny amounts until he's got the full length of his cock buried deep into me. It's pressed up against something that makes my stomach tighten. When he pulls back, my cock twitches, and as he thrusts back forward it slides against the bed.

  Doctor Kinsey is holding my hips tight, moving me only as fast as he needs me to. His grunts and the sound of his cock pounding into my ass heighten the eroticism of this act.

  “Oh, fuck,” I cry. I can feel another orgasm building up, a much stronger one. I close my eyes and try enjoy feeling my professor's dick moving in and out of me, and how I can feel every twitch. He swears and his fingers dig deep into my skin, his nails biting into me almost deep enough to bleed. And then he unleashes a torrent of hot goo deep into my ass, his cum thoroughly coating my insides. He keep fucking my ass, hard and fast as he grunts and groans and gasps.

  And then the world goes black save for some fireworks, and I cum too. My spunk coats the blankets beneath me. As Doctor Kinsey finishes up, he flips me back over and, using his tongue, cleans up the cum on my stomach and dick. He licks me until I'm clean, still moaning from his orgasm.

  Once I'm clean and we're both recovered from the explosive experience, Doctor Kinsey and I lay down on my bed. He spoons me, his hand brushing my stomach in the most soothing manner, until we both fall asleep.

  When I wake up, I know immediately that he's gone. His hand isn't around my waist anymore, and the bed isn't as warm as it was. I lay on my back and look at the ceiling for a second, trying to take in what happened last night.

  He had a bottle of lube. He must have planned this.

  Sitting up, I walk, still nude, to the window. His car is gone and the snow has died down. Checking my laptop, I notice the internet is back up. I guess we're no longer snowed in.

  Feeling distraught and abandoned, I put my clothes back on and start packing up. It isn't until I'm about to leave that I see the note on the door.


  So sorry I had to leave. I have an early appointment with a lawyer that I'm already quite late for. Divorce can be a bitch. Please know that I would not have left unless it were utterly unavoidable.

  See you back at school. Bring the lube back with you.


  Forbidden Transformation

  Picking at my food, I tune out my friends as they chatter away about TV and comics and whatever they saw online last night. I've been a nerd my whole life, but all I want is to be a normal man. Sometimes I imagine myself being strong, lifting weights and maybe joining the military.

  Instead I'm stuck in this small body, stuck with these boring friends, stuck in this boring life. My eyes sting from staying up all night to study for a biology test that I
didn't actually have to study for. I have a great memory, but I also get anxious when I don't put serious work into everything I do. Plus, that anxiety tends to make me forget everything the second I sit down for a test.

  “James? James!” Something hits my face, cold and wet. I look down and see that it was a strawberry. “Have you heard anything I said?”

  I'm being yelled at by Jason Hicks, my best friend since high school. He's staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his green eyes squinting. He's taller than me, but he's still only an average height. Which of course, makes me puny. Since he works out, Jason is also stronger than I am.

  “Wha- yeah. Of course I have been.” I wipe the strawberry juice from my face. “Sorry, I haven't been sleeping much lately.”

  All of my friends snicker. I always sit at this table during meals, with Jason and Alex and Michel. Alex is tall and very skinny. He's also a huge asshole that literally no one likes. Michel is the best looking in my group, but he's shy so he avoids other people. Together, we probably make up the nerdiest of the nerds in this whole college. It's sickening.

  “Well, are you going to come to the party with us tonight or what?” Michel asks.

  “What party?” No, I don't want to go to a party, I want to get some sleep.

  “I thought you said you were listening to us. There's going to be a part out in the woods behind school, dude. It's supposed to have literally everyone there, and it's gonna be hot tonight so all the girls will be barely clothed!” Michel nudges Jason, who laughs and pushes him away. I sigh with a shrug and turn back to my food.

  “Yeah, I guess I can go.” Not like I'm being peer pressured or anything. “But I'm not going to stay long. I'm tired as hell.”

  For some reason my weirdo friends love going to parties and making huge fools of themselves. Not a single on of them have had sex yet, but still they hit on women and boast about their sexual prowess. I really need to fix my life up so I don't have to surround myself with people like this anymore.


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