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Bound Together: Gay Romance

Page 4

by Tommy Twist

  Honestly I'd rather spend my time studying so I can graduate, get a good job, start working out and become a billionaire so I can get a trophy wife. Someone willing to put up with me in exchange for my money.

  Or maybe I'll luck out and actually find someone who likes me?

  Hah! Who am I kidding?

  I'm short and thin, but the sort of skinny-fat that is almost as bad as being fat. My hair refuses to stay down no matter how much I brush it or put gel in it, and my glasses must be some sort of reflecting barrier between myself and every woman on the planet. It used to bother me in high school when I was obsessed with the head cheerleader, but now I'm mature enough to deal with this loneliness by studying.

  And maybe by spending a couple hundred dollars on comic books every month.

  The rest of the day ends up being essentially meaningless to me. I do alright on my biology test, and I skip English to get some sleep. The rest of the night before the party is spend reading superhero comics and watching internet porn.

  I don't like to brag, but at least I have one thing going for me. My cock is larger than average. 8 inches long and thick, I'm pretty sure that if I can keep my stamina up I could please anyone that wants it. I'm also completely insatiable once I get going, and I'll often get hard again within minutes of cumming.

  At around 8, Jason calls me and tells me to get ready for the party. I pick out my best T-shirt and jeans and head to the showers. The bathroom is uncharacteristically empty for this time of night, but everyone is probably already out for the party anyway. I get to take my first peaceful shower since I moved into the dorms. No one singing in the stall next to me!

  When I'm back in my room, I pick up my wallet and phone and head to the door, but something on the bedside table catches my eye. Something shiny. Picking it up, I pocket it. It's my lucky coin. Might at well tip the odds in my favor, maybe I'll lose my virginity tonight.

  The woods behind the school have always given me the creeps. There's been rumors of people being attacked by wild dogs or wolves in there, and yet frat assholes keep holding every party out in the middle of the trees. It's actually been my goal to never go to one, because if anyone's going to be attacked by a wolf it's probably going to be me. Part of the college experience is suffering through shitty parties, I guess.

  I can feel my heart beat faster as soon as I step into the group of trees, my ears straining for any sounds. The last thing I need is to get rabies. At least the path is clear. It's the most used path to get into the forest, walked for over a century by students of my college in an attempt to find a private place to get high, drunk, or have sex.

  I can hear the party before I see it, the screaming of girls dancing and gossiping and the whoops of guys drinking and acting like fools. The clearing is larger than I expected, and there are about a hundred people getting drunk and making out. My eyes scan the small groupings of people littered around, looking for my friends. They're at the other end of the clearing by the drinks.

  As I approach, I give a deep frown and clench my fists. These assholes came to a party and what are they doing? Playing a fucking card game.

  “Is this what you assholes do at every party?” I ask as I get closer. Everyone greets me happily, clearly already drunk.

  “Come play with us!”

  “I brought an extra deck!”

  “Get a beer and sit down!”

  Pissed off and fuming, I grab a beer and walk away from them. Briefly I consider going back and suffer through the humiliation of being near them.

  No. I have some dignity and I'm not going to play a kid's game at a party like this. I'd rather be back in my dorm.

  Feeling like I'm being watched, I turn around and scan the party. For a second I think two football players are staring at me, but they look away and laugh at some joke one of them told. I must have just imagined it. Sighing, I just go back to the path and start my walk home.

  I'm a lightweight, though, so the one beer is already getting to me. I'm tipsy and having a hard time walking, but it also has the effect of making me paranoid. I end up jumping at every sound that echoes from the woods. The hoots of owls, the rustling of small mammals chasing their prey, everything has me ready to start running at the drop of a hat.

  A sound tears through the relatively quiet night. At first I thought I just imagined it, chalking my auditory hallucinations up to the beer and being scared shitless, but no. There is definitely something behind me, and it is growling. I move faster, hoping that whatever it is finds itself interested in anything other than me.

  “I really don't need rabies...” I whisper, moving at a slow jog now. The growling is getting closer and closer. The hair on the back of my neck are standing on end and a shiver passes down my spine. It doesn't sound like a dog or even a wolf; it sounds much larger and much meaner. I try to gulp down my fear, humming the theme song to my favorite TV show before breaking into a sprint. I just want to get far enough away from the animal, but now I can hear the beating of its paws on the grassy ground behind me.

  It's chasing me.

  I look back and see 4 yellow eyes piercing the black night. Two wolves? Shit! I try to run faster, cursing my lack of endurance when my foot gets caught on something and I slam against the ground with a WHUMP. I don't want to look and see what horrible shape my ankle is in, but I know it's twisted.

  I turn to face my attacker, not a shred of courage or manliness in me as I whimper at the two horrifically large shadows towering over me. One lunges at me, and everything goes black.

  The whole world around me seems to be shaking. Is it an earthquake? The blurry figure before me comes into focus and I realize that, no, that's me being shaken by Jason. I push him away, which only makes me come crashing back down to the ground.

  “Ow- Jesus, Jason!”

  “You're the one that pushed away from me, asshole! I thought you were dead!”

  I look up at my best friend, recognizing the look of worry on his face. My whole body aches. I look up into the night sky.

  “We should get him to the nurse,” someone says. It's a voice I don't recognize at all, deep and smooth. It gives me a strange feeling in my stomach. Looking around, I see that it's coming from one of the football players. “I can take him.”

  Helping me up, the football player slings his arm under mine and around my back to help me walk. The closer we get to the school, the worse the awkward silence feels.

  “My name's Bowen, by the way.” I look up into Bowen's hazel eyes, a strange feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. “You got a nasty bite there, on your arm.”

  I hadn't even noticed. My whole body feels like it's growing, and it's painful, so my attention wasn't directed to this huge gash on my arm. “Thanks for helping me,” I says weakly.

  Once in the nurse's lobby, Bowen helps me into a chair. “I'll see you around, Jame.” With a wave, he's out the door and out of sight. The weird feeling in the pit of my stomach subsides and I let myself sigh in relief as my muscles release all the tension I was holding. The nurse comes out and screeches at the blood pouring down my arm.

  “What happened?!”

  “I got bit in the woods,” I explain, watching the blood drain from her face.

  “How many of your kids have to get hurt before you stop going out there?” She asks me, as if I can give her an answer. Hell, I agree with her. I just shrug and follow her into her office, where she cleans and bandages my arm.

  “Keep an eye on it, it could get infected. I'll give you some more bandages and then I want to see you back here in a week, understand?” She looks into my eyes, trying to impress the severity of the situation onto me. I hop off the examination chair as she gets up, and I head back up to my dorm. As soon as I'm near the bed, I collapse onto it and sleep well into the net day.

  Getting up to take a shower, I find myself alone again. This is a pretty nice lucky streak. I feel like shit and I don't want to deal with other dudes looking at me while I clean my bite. I stare hard at my reflectio
n, trying to decide if I should shave as I take off my shirt.

  Odd. My arms are thin noodles usually, but today they look bigger. “Maybe it's from yesterday,” I say, shaking my head and trying to forget about it.

  After I clean myself, I head out to find my friends. They are always in the library at this time of the day. Even though it's actually a beautiful day out, I'm glad to be staying inside. I regret spending so much time inside studying, but the sun is hurting my eyes anyway.

  “Sup, guys?” I ask, tossing my bag up onto the table. Alex glances up at me and frowns. “What”

  “Why do your arms look so big today?”

  The whole table looks up from their books and examines me, scrutinizing my body. Exasperated, I shake my head. “No, I don't know what the hell is going on. If I've gained muscle, it's on accident.”

  “No, he definitely looks bigger,” Alex says, turning back to his book. Everyone nods in agreement.

  “Ugh, fuck all of you. What are you working on?”

  “Oh, the moon's full tonight so we're going to another frat party in the woods. We're trying to decide what card games to bring.”

  “Jesus, do you guys have any idea how lame you are? Do you even look at girls when you're at a party?”

  Jason shrugs. Looking at him, though, I'm overcome by how he looks today. I've never noticed it before, but Jason is actually really hot. The way his hair shines in the light, his porcelain white skin. I lick my lips and imagine his on mine.

  Wait, what the fuck?

  Shaking my head, I pull out my homework and start going through it. One by one, my friends file out to go to classes, leaving only Jason and himself. This makes me extremely uncomfortable for some reason, so I get up and start to walk away.

  “Hey, James?” I look back at Jason's beautiful, pouty face. “Are you coming to the party tonight?”

  A twinge of guilt hits my stomach so hard that I wince. I shrug. “I might as well. I'll teach you guys how to really behave at a party.” With a laugh and a wave, I leave.

  Following the path back to the clearing in the woods, I feel less insecure and more excited. Maybe the confidence boost will allow me to take someone back to my dorm. The brightness of the moon is making me cheerful, though I do feel a bit jittery. Maybe I'm just over excited.

  I spot my group of friends in the back, playing card games again. Before I can head over there, though, my eyes land on the footballer who saved me. Bowen. That strange feeling in the pit of my stomach is growing again, and I realize I have to talk to him. Maybe it will help me figure out why I feel so strange about him.

  Bowen watches me make my way over to him, his fierce eyes on me the whole time. He looks amused. “Hey dude. Nice party, huh?”

  “Yeah, I guess,” I respond. He hands me a beer and then stands close to me. His arm touches mine. An electric shock courses through my whole body, leaving me panting and out of breath.

  “You're looking better already,” Bowen comments. He takes my arm in his hands, sending more electricity through my body. He feels the muscles in my upper arm before looking at the bite, touching it tenderly before letting my arm drop again. A sudden urge to push him against the tree and kiss him overwhelms me.

  I press my hand against my stomach, trying to gain control over myself again. Bowen is watching me. I have to get a grip. I look up at him, admiring his crooked smile. I wonder if I'm his type.

  “Hey, why don't you follow me? I want to show you something.” He motions for me to follow him into the trees. Distracted by my conflicting emotions, I watch the footballer's tight ass cheeks sway slightly with each step as I walk behind him. We travel deeper and deeper into the forest, out to a much smaller clearing where we couldn't hear the music or the voices of the other people at the party.

  “Come here,” Bowen commands, his voice deep and intoxicating. He tugs on the neck of my shirt, his large finger tracing over my lips. The sensation is so pleasurable that my eyes roll back and I nearly fall over. I would have, if not for Bowen's strong arms around me.

  Bowen slowly leaned in, his cologne washing over me. Our lips meet and I let out a little moan. The kiss is so good. Like, standing on my toes, hardly able to breathe good. It was almost painful, actually. I feel like I belong in these strong arms. Finally giving in to the burning in my stomach, I wrap my arms around the larger man's neck and kiss him forcefully. When I realize what I'm doing, I push Bowen away and wipe my lips.

  “What the fuck is happening to me?!” I look at my hands, noticing a rippling beneath the skin.

  “Shh, it's okay. Just give into it. It'll be easier if you stay calm.” Bowen holds me again, kissing me deeply and passionately. His tongue probes my lips, and I let it through. I press my tongue against his, the slippery muscles dancing together. He tastes amazing.

  His hand slowly moves down my back, cupping my ass cheek and squeezing it. I feel blood pump into my cock and groan, the sound low and full of lust. I give in to Bowen's advances.

  I grind my pelvis against the footballer, my hardness becoming painful while confined in my jeans. I can feel Bowen's too; it's noticeable large. Bowen pulls my hair, stretching my head to the side so that Bowen can bite my neck. His teeth are sharp, but there's no pain in what he's doing. Each bite is followed by an orgasmic lick of Bowen's rough, slimy tongue.

  Desire is all I feel, and it's too late to escape it now. Bowen is unzipping my pants, pulling out my cock. The cool air feels amazing. The quarterback's hand takes my manhood at the base, slowly tugging while biting my neck again. I gasp and thrust into his hand. I've never been touched there by anyone else before. “Oh god...” I moan, feeling orgasm building up. My balls tighten.

  “I know it's hard to understand now,” Bowen whispers into my ear. His breath is hot and his voice lusty. “But I've been waiting for you for a long time.” His hand moves faster and faster. I find myself choking and gasping for air as I come closer and closer to the edge. Bowen knows my orgasm is approaching, and he takes his hand off of my penis. I let out a disappointed huff as my cock twitches against my leg.

  Bowen drops to his knees, coming eye to eye with my cock. His gives me a few more tugs before parting his beautiful lips and swallowing my cock. The whole world around me darkens, like I'm in a tunnel. I can tell he's done this before, because his tongue moves expertly around the head of my cock, twirling and pressing in all the right places. His mouth massages my shaft in ways that makes me see stars.

  “Fuck!” I cry. “More! Please!” My hands grip Bowen's hair, which makes him moan. I'm getting so close to orgasm that tears are in my eyes. “Please let me cum, oh god. This is amazing, oh fuck, fuck... Let me cum down your throat! Oh god!” I hump up at Bowen's face, pushing myself closer to the edge. The familiar tingle takes over my balls, stronger than ever, and it's too late to back down from cumming now. The pleasure hits me like a truck, making my whole body twitch. I lose the ability to see. My knees go weak, but Bowen keeps me standing as he slurps down ever last drop of my cum.

  He stands up, staring passionately into my eyes before pulling me into a deep kiss. “I have one last thing to show you. I already know you want it.”

  I nod, knowing exactly what he means. The fire in my belly is back, but I'm beginning to enjoy it as I push my pants down and off my legs, leaving me completely naked in the woods.

  “Bend over,” Bowen growls, rubbing his cock through his pants. I do as I'm told, animal instinct taking over now. I need Bowen's cock inside of me. I never thought for a second I'd be gay, but now I know without a doubt that Bowen's cock belongs in my ass.

  My ass cheeks spread, and something warm and slippery flickers against my asshole. I realize with a moan that it's Bowen's tongue, getting me ready to be rammed. I glance back to try and see how big his cock is. It's huge! It's hanging between his legs and almost looks like a third one! It's thick, too. My eyebrows furrow and I worry that it won't fit, or that it'll hurt me, but I think back to the anal porn I've watched and try to relax.
  The large mushroom-shaped head is placed at my entrance and I brace myself for the invasion. Slowly, Bowen eases his dickhead into my anus, causing a bit of discomfort but no real pain. Thrusting ever so slightly, Bowen's cock gets buried deeper and deeper within my bowels until finally it reaches the end. I'm moaning, saliva running down my chin as I beg for more.

  Bowen moves slowly at first, sliding his cock almost all the way out before pushing it back in. My ass being violated makes my fingers curl in delight. He picks up speed, his dick pounding me deep and hard, our balls nearly smacking together. Bowen lets out a low growl as he reaches around and grabs my cock, stroking me roughly. I answer with a growl of my own as I buck my ass back, taking even more of my lover's prick.

  I feel him pressing against my prostate, which drives me wild, the fire growing stronger and stronger and my bones beginning to ache again. My moans mix with growls, and there's pain where Bowen's long nails are cutting into my hips each time he pulls me back onto his dick.

  I'm about to cum, and so is Bowen. Bowen loses himself, fucking me at fulls speed. As he cums, we both howl and my dick shoots out ropes of cum onto the ground. Instead of feeling relieved, though, the fire takes over me, and I can feel myself changing. My eyesight becomes better, and so does my sense of smell. My arms and legs grow both in length and in muscle.

  Turning around, I see Bowen who has also transformed- covered in fur, with bright yellow eyes. We howl once more before running into the dark woods.

  After this page, there is a free novel included! If you want more hot sex, definitely keep reading.

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