All I Want is that Hood Love
Page 9
“JaMel, shut the fuck up and go get Kira!” I yelled at him like he was a child. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way but I had a ton of emotions running through me right now. He looked surprised as hell. He stood up from his chair. Looking at me, he shook his head and walked out.
Five minutes later Kira slowly walked in. She already knew I had peeped game. She was looking how Mary J. Blige looked on her “Not Gon Cry” video. She had on dark black shades with tons of makeup on her face. She had a bang that swooped over to the right that covered her entire forehead, and she wore a black turtleneck. The only thing that was missing was the black leather jacket and the black hood to cover her head.
“What you wearing shades for, Kira?” I asked as I let the head of my bed up so that I could get more comfortable.
“Tay, please don’t start, okay? You just had a miscarriage. This is not about me right now. You need to get you some rest.” I hope she don’t think I was letting this shit go that easy.
“Fuck rest Kira! This is my fourth damn miscarriage; I’m used to this shit! Let them keep me another day, give me some antibiotics and I’m good. Now what the fuck are you wearing shades for?” I asked again. I wasn’t going to let up until she told me what I already knew. She took the shades off and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I wasn’t sure if Jay had beaten her ass or Floyd Mayweather.
“Oh my God, Kira, Jay did this shit to you?” I don’t know what made me ask that dumb question. I knew Jay had done it. Hell, he was the only person Shakira fucked around with like that.
“Shit, that ain’t all he did,” she stated as she lifted up her bang for me to see the gash in the middle of her forehead. I swear Shakira should have never showed me that shit!
“Ah, hell nah!! Where the fuck that nigga at?” I tried to get up out of bed, but the pain in my stomach was unbearable. Shakira grabbed me and laid me back. I know my blood pressure was through the roof right now. How dare that muthafucka show up to this hospital knowing what he had done to Kira. Yeah, they fought all the time but it was usually Kira beating his ass. Not the other way around.
“Tay, sit yo ass down. Let it go! Jay is a done deal. I made up mind when he beat my ass last night. It wasn’t really his fault though. I deserved it.”
“What the fuck you mean you deserved it? You ain’t did shit to him!”
“Jay went to the clinic and tested negative for all diseases…including Gonorrhea.” She put her head down.
“What you mean? How can he test negative when he gave it to you?” I didn’t understand what she was trying to say; then it hit me.
“Nuh uh, Kira, you been cheating on Jay, bitch?” She remained silent. “For how long and with who bitch?” I couldn’t wait to hear this shit. I didn’t think Kira had enough balls to cheat on Jay. She was in love with him, would go to war and die for him. Not only had she cheated on him, but whoever she cheated with gave her an STD.
“With one of my students.”
My mouth hit the floor.
“Bitch, close yo mouth, damn,” she laughed, as she pushed my chin up trying to close my mouth.
“Kira, I know damn well you ain’t out to that school fucking kids and shit? Don’t you know you could get fired and lose yo damn license?” I seriously stated.
“Duh bitch, I know that. He’s eighteen so technically he’s legal. Plus, he graduates in two months so losing my job is the least of my worries. Shid, them bitches gotta have proof. Trust and believe them bitches ain’t got shit on me,” she shamelessly stated. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. I guess I couldn’t say too much since the kid was legal, but damn Kira. She could’ve at least waited another two months until the child graduated.
“Kira, I can’t believe you out there fucking yo damn students! Yo ass ought to be ashamed of yo self,” I laughed.
“Like I said, he’s eighteen years old so he’s legal. He won’t be my student two months from now! That lil’ muthafucka packin’ too. Here, let me show you a pic.” She pulled out her phone but I stopped her.
“Eww Kira, I don’t want to see that shit!” We burst out laughing.
Debra and JaMel walked back in and stood at the door. He must’ve given Jay the heads up because he didn’t come back inside. I was glad because ain’t no telling what I would’ve done if he would’ve came back inside my room. Kira gave me a look that said “be nice” when Debra walked over to my bed.
“What Ma?” I asked ready for her to ask me for something.
“Don’t what me NaTaysia! I may not have been the best mother to you but I’m still your mother. I missed out on a lot of things because I had no control over myself and my life. Crack is an addiction that can and will destroy you. That’s exactly what it did to me. You’re my child. You’re all I got. So don’t think not one time I never cared about you. I had no control of what was going on. I’ve decided to take my life back.
I’m in a rehabilitation center now and I want us to work on rebuilding our relationship. When Shakira called and told me you were here I was on the first thing smoking. I’m going to let you calm down and think about what I said, okay?” She hugged JaMel and Kira. Then she walked out.
Not even a minute after Debra left, my phone in my purse started vibrating. Oh shit, Mega! I thought to be myself. I looked at Kira and she walked straight over to my purse to silence my ringer on both phones. My girl stayed on point. The paramedics must’ve grabbed my purse to verify my identity. JaMel wasn’t even paying any attention; he was trying to find something to watch on TV.
For some reason, I wanted to talk to Mega. He needed to leave.
“JaMel, I’m hungry and I ain’t bout to eat this hospital food. Can you got get me something to eat from the Huddle House?” I asked knowing damn well I didn’t want anything to eat.
“Yeah bae, what you want?” he stood up ready to leave. I guess he still felt like I was mad with him so he was willing to do whatever to make things right.
“I want a crispy chicken salad with ranch dressing. You want something Kira?”
“Nah I’m good.” I looked at her like what the fuck? She caught the hint.
“You know what…I think I do want something. Bring me a grilled cheese sandwich on Texas toast, with hash browns with ham and cheese. Oh, and a Cookies n Cream milkshake,” she added.
“Aight cool, I’ll be back in a few.” JaMel’s phone started ringing on his way out. I didn’t give a damn though, I had to call Mega and let him know what happened.
“Kira, give me my phone,” I said.
“Bitch which one?” she laughed, and grabbed the phone that Mega had given to me.
I dialed his number and he answered on the first ring.
“Damn Mrs. Lady, a nigga been blowing you up all night. I thought you was gone come back through?”
“Mega, I’m in the hospital. I had a miscarriage.”
“Damn Ma, I’m sorry to hear that. God make no mistakes, Ma, believe that. When it’s time you’ll know. Believe that!” He was so concerned I could hear it in his voice. He continued, “You at the hospital here or did they transfer you to Phoebe?”
“Nah, they kept me here.”
“Who with you, Ma? I know you ain’t there alone and shit.
“Nah, my girl Kira is here. My husband just left to go get us something to eat from the Huddle House.”
“Oh word? Shid, I’m bout to stop through then. I just left the Huddle House and that shit stupid packed! He gone be gone for at least an hour.”
“No Mega, are you crazy? That’s okay. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ll just message you or call you when they release me, okay?”
“Too late, Ma! I’m pulling up now. What room you in?” This crazy motherfucker was serious.
“No Mega, I’m not telling you! Are you serious? Boy, you trying to get me killed?”
“Alright, don’t tell me. I swear I’ll check every room in this bitch until I find you. Better yet, I’ll ask every employee I see,” he laughed. I don’t know why but this
little game he was playing made me want him even more. His persistence was something else.
“Okay, okay, I’m in room 408 dammit! And you not staying long either!” I hung up. Soon as I ended the call Kira went in.
“Bitch is you crazy? I know that nigga playing right? I know damn well he not about to come see you?” she said as we both stared at the door waiting for it to open. Nah, he was just playing, so my mind thought. My gut feeling was telling me that he was for real.
“I had to tell him Kira. That nigga threatened to knock on every room door in the damn hospital if I didn’t!” She laughed. “That shit ain’t funny Kira!” She started to look out the window as if she could see when JaMel pulled up.
“Kira, go sit in the waiting room!” I commanded.
“Uh uh, for what?” she whined like a kid. This was serious and her ass was trying to be nosey and shit.
“So you can watch out for JaMel, that’s for what! Hand me my purse!” I demanded. She threw my purse on the bed like she was mad that I was kicking her out. I couldn’t help but laugh. I found my mini mirror and started checking my face to make sure I still looked good.
“I guess I’ll go to the waiting room…but after I meet Mr. Mega,” she said and sat back down in the recliner against the wall. The door came open and in walked Mr. Handsome himself.
“Sup Mrs. Lady? What? You thought I was bullshitting?” he laughed as he walked over to the bed and gave me a hug. “What’s good ma? I’m Mega.” He walked over to Kira and gave her a hug too.
“Oh, I know who you are. That’s all my girl talk about is Mega. I’m Kira,” Kira stated as she started laughing. It was time for her ass to go.
“Oh word?” He smiled and that feeling I always get when I see him started to take control of my body. Mega rocked a black and white Kaviar Shimono Contrast sleeve baseball jersey. The tats on his neck and upper chest were colorful and sexy. He even had tattoos all over his arms going all the way down to his fingers. The all-black waxed denim-stitched pants he wore fit him perfect. I swear he looked good in anything.
“Don’t listen to that bitch! Bye Kira,” I fanned her away so she could get the fuck out.
“Nice to meet you, Mega.” She stood up, grabbed her phone and walked to the waiting room.
Mega slid up a chair next to my bed. “So ma, tell me what happened.”
I really didn’t feel like going over the entire story so I made a long story short.
“You good, Ma? I can only imagine how a woman feels after losing a child.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it.
“Yeah I’m good. Like you said on the phone, God make no mistakes, right?”
“Right,” Mega said as my nurse walked in to check my vitals. She kept staring and shit like she knew Mega or something. I wasn’t crazy. Either they fucked around or used to fuck around. I don’t know but something was going on. The only reason it concerned me is because I didn’t want the bitch to get mad and run back and tell my husband what she had saw. She kept it professional though. She didn’t have an attitude or nothing but she kept giving Mega a look.
“Okay Mrs. Taylor, your blood pressure has come down a lot. It’s now 150 over 95 which is great compared to what it was. I’ll be back in about forty-five minutes to check it again, okay?” she said as she unhooked the blood pressure machine from around my arm.
“Okay,” I stated and watched her as she left the room. Right before she walked out she looked at Mega and rolled her eyes.
“What’s that about? And don’t lie,” I asked.
“She and I fuck around from time to time. Nothing serious.” He was straightforward with me. I couldn’t even be mad. I mean how could I? I was the one that was married. I wanted him though. I didn’t know what it was about him I just did.
“Fair enough,” I said. I couldn’t even hide the fact that I was bothered about what he was just said.
“What, you feel some type of way?” he asked and I didn’t respond.
“Nah I’m good,” I lied.
“Listen Ma, a nigga feeling you for real, but you the one wearing the ring not me. You know who I want. Only you can make that happen.” This nigga had no chill.
“Whatever Mega. We both know my situation so I can’t argue with that. We only been kicking it like a month so it ain’t even that serious!”
“It ain’t that serious but you the one over there with yo lips poked out! Give me a kiss,” he demanded. This nigga was crazy for real. I just stared at him. I was not about to…my thoughts were interrupted with the touch of his soft lips against mine. I couldn’t resist. It was wrong but it felt so damn right. I grabbed the back of his head and slid my tongue in his mouth.
“I’m about to dip out. I don’t want you to get caught up and shit,” he smirked and stood up to leave.
“Yeah, I hear ya. You just make sure yo lil’ bitch don’t go running her damn mouth!” I reminded him of his little nurse friend that had just walked out. He laughed.
“I got you, Ma!” With that being said, Mega walked out and closed the door.
NaTaysia thought I was bullshitting about coming to see her in the hospital. I was feeling the hell out of her. There was no way in hell I wasn’t going to make a way to see her, especially in a situation like this. I was happy as hell when she said that her husband had left. Shid, I would’ve came while the nigga was there, but I respected her too much to do that to her. I was waiting for the elevator doors to open when I received a message from Monica, the nurse that had just left out of NaTaysia’s room.
Monica: Meet me on the 1st floor. I’m in the women’s restroom. First door on the left beside the gift shop.
Monica was looking good as hell in her nursing uniform and I couldn’t wait to drop this dick off in her. I wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity. It had been almost a month since I had some of her good ass pussy. Plus, I had to make sure she wouldn’t run her mouth about what she just saw. I messaged her back instantly.
Me: Bet
I was pressing send when the elevators doors opened.
“Mega! What’s up my nigga?” It was Chino and Dub’s cousin JaMel, coming out of the elevator. I had recently added him and his brother to my roster. Chino and Dub had recommended them so I knew they were legit.
“Ain’t nun my nigga. What you doing up in this bitch?” I questioned as we dapped each other up.
“Shid, I’m up here with my wife and shit, trying to make her feel a little better. You know how that goes.” We laughed.
“That’s what’s up! Gotta make sure wifey happy at all times my nigga. You ready for that shipment we got coming in tomorrow, right?”
“Hell yeah! I’m always bout that bread. Soon as my shit started getting low I knew we had to get in touch with you. We appreciate that shit, for real,” he said humbly.
I liked JaMel and Jay. They were some cool niggas to be around. JaMel had the knowledge to become a billionaire with the business sense that he possessed. I would definitely keep them both on my team. I could tell they worked better when they work together.
“Any time my nigga! I hope your wife get well soon,” I said as walked on to the elevator.
“Thanks man,” JaMel said as the elevator doors closed.
When I made it to the first floor it wasn’t hard to find the gift shop. As a matter of fact, it was the first thing I saw soon as I stepped off the elevator. I walked directly to the ladies restroom and opened the door. There were about six stalls in the restroom. Monica was standing in the last stall with the door wide open. It was the biggest stall in the bathroom. I went right in there and pinned her back against the wall.
“What the fuck was that Mega?” She tried pushing me away.
“The fuck you mean what was that? You ain’t my bitch! Turn around and bend yo ass over and take this dick,” I said as I unzipped my pants and began stroking my dick nice and slow. Monica was a certified freak. She began licking her lips at the sight of this big muhfucka.
“Yeah bitch you want this dick, don’t you?” She smiled and turned around. She pulled down her pants and thongs and bent over on the handicapped rails in the stall. Monica had one of those Cherokee asses. I spread her ass cheeks apart and guided my dick inside of her tight, wet tunnel.
“Got damn Mega,” she moaned aloud. I rocked my hips back and forth until she was taking all twelve inches of my pipe. Her pussy was so moist that I leaned over and reached my arm around the front of her and played with her clit while I fucked her fiercely.
“Take that dick bitch,” I whispered in her. I sucked on the back of her neck and licked around and inside of her ear.
“Fuck me baby! Ahh yeah!!! Fuck meee!!!” She cried out in ecstasy as I plunged in and out her. Her moans alone had me ready to bust inside of her. I did exactly what she said. I fucked her as if my life depended on it.
“You feel that? Huh bitch? You feel that dick?”
“Yeah daddy, I feel it! Ooooh shit, I feel it baby!” She picked one of her legs up so now both of her arms and one of her legs were propped up on the rail.
“Where you want daddy to cum? Tell me where you want me to cum?” I long stroked her so that she could feel it in her chest. I was working the hell out of them guts.
“Let me taste it daddy!”
“Oh you a nasty bitch, huh? You wanna taste my shit? Huh bitch?” I slapped her ass so hard I left my handprint on it.
“Yeah daddy, pleeaasse let me taste it,” she begged.
“Turn around.” I pulled out and continued to stroke my dick at a steady pace. Monica got down on her knees with her tongue hanging out her mouth. That scene sent a lightning bolt through my body. I twitched a few times and released all of my seeds inside of her mouth. With my dick still in her mouth, she grabbed it and continued to stroke it. She made sure that it was empty. She had taken all of my energy. That bitch had some good pussy and some bomb ass head.
She stood up and went and got some paper towels. She put a little soap on them and wet them a little bit. I was still trying to catch my breath. She came over and washed my dick clean. I felt like Prince Hakeem on Coming to America up in that bitch.