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All I Want is that Hood Love

Page 10

by Mercedes G

  I liked Monica, but she wanted what I couldn’t give her. Well, actually she wanted what I didn’t want to give her. The only person I think I could settle down with and be faithful to is NaTaysia. Unfortunately, she was married. That would eventually end though. She and I were destined to be together. I had never been captivated by a woman the way that I had been with her. I pulled up my pants and Monica and I were heading out the stall.

  “So what’s up Mega? You don’t want me but yet and still you keep fucking me? I haven’t heard from you in damn near a month and all of a sudden you pop up out the blue with that bitch.”

  “Aye yo Monica, chill with that bitch shit,” I said calmly, but she continued.

  “That bitch is married, Mega!” Before I knew it I had grabbed her by her neck and threw her back against the restroom wall. Her eyes looked like they would pop out at any second.

  “Monica, don’t fucking play with me aight! If you ever call my girl a bitch again, I’ll make sure yo whole fuckin family be out purchasing black suits by next week,” I said through clenched teeth. My grip was getting tighter by the second. The veins in her forehead were clear as day.

  “You understand?” Monica tried her best to nod as she struggled to breathe. I could see the fear in her eyes. She knew I was serious because I was known for having niggas knocked off. Her little pretty ass was no exception. NaTaysia wasn’t officially mines yet, but I wasn’t going to let anyone disrespect her.

  As soon as I let Monica go she fell to the floor, holding her throat gasping for air. She was coughing uncontrollably and I honestly didn’t give a fuck. She had pissed me the fuck off, especially when she said the bullshit about NaTaysia being married. She should’ve shut the fuck up when I warned her the first time. Stepping over her body, I went to the sink to wash my hands. I grabbed a paper towel and threw it in the trash as I exited the restroom. I turned around to face Monica and opened the door.

  “Oh yeah, since you know that she’s married you better not say shit to nobody about me coming to see her!” I winked and closed the door.


  “Don’t turn yo pussy ass around nigga!”

  I was just about to open the door to my car when I felt the barrel of a gun pressing against the back of my head. Feeling my waist for my piece, I realized I left it in my car under my seat. Whoever the fuck this was didn’t want me dead. If that was the case, they would’ve knocked me off from the jump. This was a robbery. I was trying to catch on to the voice but couldn’t. I knew he was wearing a ski mask because his voice was kind of muffled.

  “Give me all yo muthafuckin jewelry nigga! I want every fuckin thang! Empty them pockets too, partna!”

  “Nigga, do you know who the fuck I am?” I asked because this nigga had to be mentally disabled or something.

  “Yeah nigga I know who you the fuck you is! I don’t give a fuck either, Mega!” He laughed and continued, “Yeeeeaaah nigga! Yo pussy ass got caught slippin tonight,” he bragged.

  Little did he know, I was no pussy ass nigga. I was willing and ready to die bout my shit. You want it, take it! If you think I’m just gone give it to you then you got life all the way fucked up. This nigga here. I was just about to buck when I heard two more guns cock.

  “Nah muthafucka, you got caught slippin!” I knew those voices.

  It was the lil’ homies JaMel and his brother Jay. Them niggas had popped up out of nowhere. I was glad they did though. They had shown up right on muthafuckin time, because I was just about to run one with this nigga. I turned around when I felt the gun being removed from the back of my head. This nigga had just signed his own death certificate. Jay and JaMel were now holding the nigga up straight, as he started begging for his life. It’s funny how the tables turn. I gave his ass a quick two-piece combo before opening my door and grabbing my gun from under the seat. I put my silencer on and let off a shot right between his eyes. He was still wearing his ski mask. I snatched it off to see if I was familiar with his face. To my surprise I wasn’t.

  “Aye, help me get this nigga in the trunk,” I demanded as I hit the button to pop my trunk. The looks on Jay and JaMel’s faces told me that they weren’t used to dealing with a homicide, but if they were going to be a part of my team then it was best that they get more acquainted with it. This incident right here just got their foot wet in the game. They didn’t hesitate at all though.

  Jay grabbed him by his legs and JaMel grabbed him by his arms. I leaned back against my car and lit up a cigarette. Inhaling deeply, I held my head up looking at the sky as I exhaled. They closed the trunk and came over to where I was standing.

  “Preciate that my niggas. Ya’ll just saved a nigga’s life cause I was just bout to buck. I’ll never let a nigga take my shit! Ya’ll just proved to me that ya’ll serious about this shit. I know ya’ll tryna be temporary with this shit, just build ya bread back up and shit, but I’m offering ya’ll niggas a permanent position on the team. That thirty stacks a drop ain’t shit compared to what ya’ll can make doing other shit for me. Making drops is actually the lowest paid in my organization. Usually niggas have to work they way up. I see something different in ya’ll two though. I’ma let ya’ll niggas think on this shit for a minute. Whenever ya’ll ready to take me up on that offer, fuck with me.” I threw the cigarette down and smashed it with my all-black Converse.

  “Shit, that sounds like a deal to me!” Jay was smiling and rubbing his hands together like Birdman.

  “Mega real talk, a nigga feel like he just hit the jackpot. But I ain’t tryna fall deep in this game like that. I gotta family and shit, ya feel me? I’ma think on this shit though and I’ll let you know sum.” I liked this nigga JaMel. He never made a decision without thinking shit through first. You had nigga’s like Jay who had the shit backwards, but you needed niggas like that on your team, too. It’s like they balanced each other out. I can rock with that.

  “That’s understandable. I’ma fuck with ya’ll later though,” I said as I started up my car and pulled off. I had to call my cleanup crew to come get this fuck nigga out my trunk and take his ass out to the ranch house. I had a ranch house full of horses in Benevolence, GA about a good five miles from Cuthbert. It was a ghost town. My ranch house was really where we took niggas to get cremated. No face, no case.



  It’s been over two months since the miscarriage. JaMel had been spending most of his days catering to me. He had become a leech. He was stuck to me like glue and I was getting aggravated because I wanted to see Mega. I could only spend time with him a few days out the week because JaMel was always with me. We texted and talked all day and night though.

  I wasn’t complaining; shit, I was trying to be sneaky. Mega was all I thought about. I thought about him so much that he had me to the point where I was getting aggravated with my husband. I know they say never leave the one you love for the one you like, but what if the one you love isn’t really what you thought you wanted anymore?

  Shakira and I were chilling in my living room when my phone rang. It was Mega.

  “Hey babe, I want to see you,” I whined. I had stopped fighting my feelings for Mega because it was obvious I really liked him, and he knew that.

  “Shid, let’s make it happen then,” he said into the phone. I could hear him smiling.

  “I’m for real, Mega.”

  “I’m for real too. I want you to come to Miami with me this weekend.” I was caught off guard. Did he just ask me to go to Miami with him? Now how in the hell was I going to pull that shit off.

  “Mega are you serious? Now how would that work?” I asked because I really wanted to know. Shid, I was willing to come up with anything to get away with him. I needed this break. JaMel and I rarely took trips and shit. I was tired of playing this boring ass role of a wife.

  “I’m going to let you figure that out, Ma,” he said.

  “Okay…I’ll figure something out and then I’ll let you know.” With that being said we discon
nected the call. I began to stare off in a daze. I was trying to come up with a plan.

  “Bitch what you over there thinking about?” Kira said as she poured her a shot of Cîroc.

  Then it hit me. I had forgotten to tell her about Rock wanting to holler at her. She and Jay had been separated since the incident so this would be a great getaway for her as well.

  “Kira do you love me?” I asked with a sad, puppy dog face. She looked at me crazy and then caught on to what I was doing.

  “Uh uh, nope! Whatever it is you have up your sleeve, missy, don’t even think about including me!” I fell out laughing.

  “Pleeeeeaaassse Kira?” I begged.

  “Hell no! Ain’t no telling what you trying to get me into.”

  “Want to take a free trip to Miami this weekend?” I caught that bitch’s attention then.

  “Hell yeah! Wait, hold up. What’s the catch?”

  “There is no catch. Well besides that I’m going to be there with Mega.”

  “Mmm hmm, and me?”

  “Well… you will be there with Rock.” She stared at me for a minute. “Miami here we come!” she yelled, and poured another shot and downed it real quick. I couldn’t wait to go to Miami. The turn up was about to be real.

  I messaged Mega and told him to invite Rock because Shakira was coming along too. He said he was cool with that, as long as he was with me it didn’t matter. The weekend was only three days away so I had to make sure I was well prepared. This was the perfect timing because JaMel had already told me that he and Jay had a new business partner and he was sending them to Atlanta for the weekend to handle business. I was cool with that. I gave him this bullshit ass sob story about how I was going to be lonely without him, and that Shakira and I were taking a trip to get away from all the stress and drama I had in my life. He agreed.

  Now it was time to get my manicure, pedicure, and hair done. I had to look like a boss if I was going to be standing next to one.



  Miami was beautiful. We had just touched down at the Mandarin Oriental. Our suite was miraculous. The California King Bed was huge and it looked like it needed to be broken in a little bit. I hadn’t given up the pussy yet, and to my surprise, Mega never once discussed that. He never even brought up the encounter we had at his crib that night.

  Mega was just always content with me being in his presence. I could tell he was working with a monster down there though because I could see that big motherfucker hanging and swinging every time he wore gym shorts. Tonight would definitely be the night though. I hadn’t been dicked down since I found out I was pregnant. That was about six months ago. I was really feeling Mega, but in the back of my mind I felt like shit because this was supposed to be my husband’s pussy. Mega was out on the balcony on a business call. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He briefly ended the call.

  “Mrs. Lady you can’t be sneaking up on a nigga like that? You don’t know what a nigga like me capable of doing.” He smiled showing all thirty-two and pecked me on my lips.

  “I know bae, but I need your undivided attention right now.” I kissed his lips again. They were so damn soft. “This trip is supposed to be all about us,” I said poking him in his chest.

  “Aight Ma, you got that.” He grabbed my ass and kissed some more. I was in heat and my kitty was purring. I figured I would save the best for last though.

  “Dat ass soft ain’t it?” I boasted.

  “Hell yeah! And I love grabbing this big muhfucka too!” Mega grabbed a hand full of my ass and shook it. We fell out laughing.

  “You so crazy, nigga.” I loved that Mega could make me smile and laugh. This feeling that he gave me was unexplainable. He was everything that my husband wasn’t. JaMel was straight, don’t get me wrong. That shit was a little corny to me though. I liked this hardcore shit. Mega was a real street nigga and I don’t know why, but that shit made my kitty purr.

  KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! We were interrupted by someone knocking on our hotel room door. When I looked through the peephole, it was Kira and Rock. These two actually looked good together. I opened the door.

  “Ewwww, ya’ll must be in here fucking?” Kira didn’t waste any time.

  “Nah, not yet,” Mega answered walking up behind me, and we all started laughing.

  “Nasty asses! Well, we about to hit up the mall. I’m about to swipe the hell out of Rock’s black card. That bitch gonna be smoking by the time I’m done!” We all laughed. There wasn’t any shame in her game. At least she was being honest.

  “Rock, don’t let Kira rob you,” I laughed.

  “She good. I already told her she can have whatever she like,” Rock said as he dapped Mega up.

  I could already tell that she and I was hardly going to see each other on this trip. I ain’t gon’ lie, I was a bit nervous because this would be my first time staying overnight with Mega. I hoped Shakira behaved herself with Rock. Her slick as was liable to spread her legs at any given time.

  “Mega and I are about to go eat, so I guess we will see you two later,” I said as we all walked out the hotel room and went our separate ways.



  “Let me order your choose any two; Shrimp Scampi and Shrimp Alfredo,” I told the waitress at Red Lobster. Of all the restaurants down here in Miami, I chose Red Lobster. That was my favorite restaurant. I loved seafood.

  “What would you like for your side ma’am? Baked potato, fries, or mashed potatoes?”

  “Mashed potatoes and let me get a margarita on the rocks.” I didn’t have to look at the menu.

  “And you sir?” Her attention went to Mega.

  “Let me get some King Crab Legs and a Bud light,” Mega said as he dapped up a guy that walked past him. We had only been here about fifteen minutes and it was like he knew everyone in in here.

  “Okay, I’ll take the menus and your order will be ready shortly.”

  Mega was looking so damn good on the other side of the table. I wanted to have his ass for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I couldn’t help but stare at him because he was so damn handsome.

  “Damn Ms. Lady,” he flashed his grill at me. I was shame because he had caught me staring at him.

  “What? I can’t look at my man?” I asked being sarcastic.

  “Oh I’m your man now?” he smiled.

  “Oh, you don’t want to be my man?” I replied.

  “Shid, I’m all yours Ms. Lady, you can do whatever you want with me.” Mega grilled me showing his one deep ass dimple on his left cheek. That shit was sexy as hell.

  After about fifteen minutes, the waitress brought our food and we dived in. We talked and laughed as we watched the game on a flat screen TV that hung across from us on the wall. The Miami Heat was annihilating the Atlanta Hawks. It wasn’t long before we were full and ready to go back to the hotel. I couldn’t believe the fun that I was having with Mega. I guess I’ve been caged in for so long that I haven’t really been exposed to other things. Like I said before, JaMel was all I knew.

  Mega’s phone had been vibrating like crazy. He had stepped to the restroom and left his phone on the table. They always say if you look for shit you find shit. I couldn’t help it though. I mean it’s not like I didn’t have the pass code, so he obviously didn’t mind me going through his phone, right? I entered the unlock code. He had six missed calls and two text messages. I checked everything. I couldn’t help it.

  Tori: I miss you papi!

  Tori: Damn nigga you can’t text back!?

  My attention was more on this Tori bitch. I was going to ask him about her as soon as he brought his ass back to the table. Yes I was married but shit. This is my damn cake so I’m going to eat it too! Yup!

  “You ready Ms. Lady?” He came over and kissed me on my cheek.

  “Who the fuck is Tori, Mega?” I was reading his face and body language to see if he was going to shoot me one.

  “A bitch I used to fuck wi
th until I started fucking with you. Why?” That was an honest answer.

  “Cause I got tired of that damn phone ringing so I decided to see what was up.” I handed him back his phone.

  “You ain’t gotta worry about her. Shit, you can message her back if you want. Matter of fact we can call her back right now, I ain’t got shit to hide. I got who want.” He began to dial the bitch’s number. That alone made me believe him, so all of that extra shit wasn’t necessary. I grabbed his phone from him and pressed end.

  “You ain’t gotta do all that bae, I believe you.” I stood up and gave him a kiss. At least he put forth the effort to prove his point. Mega really wanted me to be with him. We had only known each other a few months. I’m scared to say that those feelings were mutual, but they were.

  “Next time that bitch call or text she speaking to the boss. I run shit!”

  “I ain’t got a problem with that Ms. Lady!” He threw his hands up as if he surrendered then put his arm around my neck and we headed back to the hotel.

  On our way to the hotel I checked my phone and I saw that JaMel had called me at least ten times. I had to call him back. It could’ve been something important. I mean, just because I was out doing my dirt and shit didn’t mean that I didn’t care about him. He was still my husband.

  “Um, Mega….I need to call my husband real quick. I mean, that’s if you don’t mind,” I said.

  “Do you, Ma.” Mega sounded nonchalant.

  I called JaMel back five times but he didn’t answer. I’m not sure if he was mad or what. I decided to send him a text message.

  Me: Call me.



  Out of all the baby mama’s I could have chosen it had to be Meme’s young, childish ass. I was trying to come to some type of medium with her since she’s been threatening to tell my wife about us and the baby. We haven’t been in Atlanta a full day and she was already trying to start some shit. All she keeps stressing is me leaving my wife to be with her and the baby. I already told her young naïve ass that that shit ain’t happening. Even if I did decide to leave my wife, it wouldn’t be for her.


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