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Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3)

Page 6

by Golden Angel

  As if to accentuate that point, Todd's had caressed her butt cheeks. "Lovely, Princess."

  Then he began securing the leather straps. One around each thigh, another around each calf, one around each wrist that secured her to handholds for her to grip, and one around her waist, leaving her completely vulnerable to whatever he was going to do to her. Allison was practically shaking with trepidation and she didn't need Todd's finger sliding up the center of her slit to know that she was soaking wet in anticipation.

  "You have no idea how gorgeous you look," Todd murmured, both of his hands gripping her ass hard and spreading the cheeks apart. Allison moaned as his tongue delved into her wet pussy, but the restraints prevented her from being able to move her hips even the slightest bit to encourage him. All she could do was take whatever he was willing to give her - which apparently was a lot of teasing. His tongue never even approached her clit, although he licked and nibbled at her pussy lips before licking his way around her crinkled asshole and teasing the delicate nerves centered there.

  "Oh please..." she started to beg. The aching in her pussy to be filled, or even just to have him flick her clit, was becoming unbearable. It felt like she could cum with just the smallest bit of encouragement and yet Todd seemed to determined not to let her have that. Instead his tongue just pressed inside her hungry cunt and she struggled against the restraints, trying to wiggle herself back into his mouth, to no avail. "Todd please... touch me... I'm so close..."

  With a long sigh, Todd released his hold on her cheeks and pulled away from her pussy. "As much as I love hearing you beg, Princess, I can't exactly call this punishment."

  She let out a little noise halfway between a mewl and a growl. "Well I would."

  The sharp slap on her pussy sent a shudder rippling through her... god she was so close to cumming, but the slap had been so unexpected that it didn't quite push her over the edge.

  "I think that's enough talking from you," he said. "You may moan, scream cry... but no words or I'll add to your punishment."

  His hand unexpectedly slapped down on her swollen pussy lips again and her entire body convulsed. Damn this blindfold anyway! Allison wriggled against the restraints, but Todd had obviously known what he was about when he secured her, because no matter how she tried to move, she couldn't. The only real movement she got, as she wriggled, was in her breasts, which jiggled enticingly on either side of the apparatus she was bound to.

  Then his hand was squeezing her right breast, kneading it and pinching and tugging on the nipple. The image of a cow being milked flitted through her head and if she wasn't so desperately turned on then she might have giggled. Once her nipple was plumply erect something bit into it and she gasped as the harsh pain flitted through her, straight to her needy pussy which clenched emptily as she groaned and attempted to breathe through the sharp bite. Todd moved around her, heading to her other side, to her other breast, but the pinching sensation didn't relax at all and she knew that he had clamped her.

  Now that she knew what was coming, it was harder to relax into the caresses on her breast, but her left nipple hardened just as readily as her right had. The rubber clamp bit into it just as sharply. Now both nipples were throbbing in time with each other as the blood flow into the tender buds was stymied. Fingers trailed down to her lower back, making her skin tingle but not quite enough to distract her from the pain in her breasts. Nipple clamps were always what Allison thought of when she used the phrase 'hurt so good.'

  Todd's tongue laved over her asshole again, as if putting her on notice that it was going to receive special attention. Her buttocks flexed in anticipation.

  "I have a new toy I want to try on you," he said, the eagerness in his voice causing a rising anxiety in her considering her situation. "I was going to save the cane for some time when you needed discipline. I didn't expect to get to use it so soon." The excitement in his voice rose. "Since it's your first time, I'll only do five strokes."

  A cane? Some part of her felt like she should be panicked, from the things she'd read online canes were supposed to hurt a lot. But right now she craved the pain and she was curious as to what it would feel like. The sharp bite in her nipples made her want a corresponding bite on her lower body and if Todd wanted to use a cane then she wasn't going to protest. Not that protesting would have done much good anyway.

  Sometimes she wondered how far into depravity she would follow him, but so far he'd never done anything to her that she hadn't ultimately enjoyed. He'd told her that if she ever said "Red" he would stop what he was doing immediately, but Allison had privately vowed never to use it. She loved that he pushed her, she loved giving up her control to him and enduring whatever he chose to dole out. The pain became her own private pleasure, eventually sending her soaring on heights of ecstasy that she'd never known were possible.

  This reverie of remembered pleasure was brutally interrupted by a whistling sound and a shocking pain across her ass. It didn't just hurt the way Todd's hand or even a paddle or whip would, it burned and stung, a thin line of tortured flesh marked across her creamy buttocks. Allison shrieked, her fingers closing down hard on the hand grips. Her buttocks clenched and released, her body striving to find an escape from the humming torment. She was supposed to let him do that five times?

  He caressed her bottom, his palm pressing against the line that he had made across her creamy flesh. It felt hot against his hand and Todd smiled, enjoying the sight of Allison truly struggling with a punishment. The cane was something that he only wanted to use very rarely and so he had decided to make this first punishment with it particularly memorable. Her firm buttocks had clenched the moment he touched her and they remained so.

  "Relax your buttocks Princess," he murmured. There was a muffled sob and then Allison shook her head, following his dictate not to speak. He gave her ass a slap, but it didn't have the same kind of impact as when her cheeks were relaxed - which, of course, was why he wanted her to unclench before he gave her another stroke of the cane. Beneath his hand her bottom trembled, but didn't unclench. A wicked grin spread across his face. There was something else he'd been wanting to try.

  To Allison's surprise, Todd didn't bring the cane down on her bottom again. Apparently he wanted her muscles relaxed before he did so, but Allison didn't want to relax her muscles. She didn't want another stroke of the cane. Not yet. When she was ready to go through that again, then she'd relax.

  Despite the sound of Todd moving around her, she couldn't figure out what he was doing . He hadn't left the room. It almost sounded like he'd opened and closed a fridge. Was there one of those up here?

  "I understand that this is new to you," he said in a low, confident voice, approaching her from the front. Allison's muscles tensed all over again. She was now feeling even more vulnerable than before and she hadn't known that was possible. "But when I tell you to do something, you will do it immediately or you will suffer the consequences. I have something now that's going to do two things, it's going to punish you for not relaxing your muscles when I told you to, and it's going to help you strive to relax those muscles."

  He walked around beside her, moving to her backside. The stripe across her bottom still burned and all of the jiggling had made her nipples feel even more pinched, although that small pain seemed to have subsided a bit. She wasn't sure if it was because her nipples were slowly numbing or because the pain of the cane stroke was so much more intense that by comparison the clamps didn't get as much attention from her brain.

  Something cold, wet and firm pressed against her asshole. By now Allison had learned that it was best to relax her muscles when Todd wanted to insert something into her ass, to keep from feeling undue pain. Her bottom automatically unclenched and she shivered a little as the cold object slid inside of her. There must be some kind of fridge in the room for something to be that cold. It felt long and much thinner than she expected from Todd; fleshy in a strange kind of way. Despite the cold liquid on it, it didn't seem to be very lubricated and
she groaned as Todd worked it back and forth a little, pushing it deeper inside of her. Her anus expanded over a bump and then closed, just as it would for a butt plug, although this didn't feel like any plug she'd ever experienced.

  "In Victorian times, caning was used as a punishment quite often," Todd said conversationally from behind her, not touching her now that whatever he had put in her ass was inserted to his satisfaction. "But the effectiveness of caning is less when the subject's muscles are clenched. So they used this little technique to encourage the subject to relax their bottom." He touched the little thing inside of her and it jiggled a little, Allison automatically clenched, wondering what he was talking about since so far it didn't seem to be doing anything at all. Her asshole felt a little tingly but that was it. Then Todd's voice lowered, becoming a sadistic caress as he explained exactly what was going to happen. "It's ginger. And soon it's going to start to burn. You're going to try to relax your asshole to stop the burning, but you won't be able to help it when the cane strikes. You're going to be burning and stinging inside and out. But the more you can relax, the less it will hurt."

  The tingling had increased to a stinging kind of burn, to the point where she was starting to have trouble concentrating on his words. They turned her on and at the same time terrified her. Instinctively she knew that he was going to push her boundaries again today, right now. The burning flared, feeling like her asshole was on fire.

  "Please... oh god... Todd it hurts!" she cried out as she started to writhe, fighting against the restraints.

  Instead of responding, he laid another stripe across her bottom with the cane, now that her butt cheeks were relaxed as she'd tried to escape the burn of the ginger. Allison shrieked as her back tried to arch, the restraints doing their job of holding her tightly in place. Just as he'd explained, the burning stroke across her cheeks made her clench them again, and she cried out again as the burning pain increased. She truly was burning inside and outside.

  Rather than making her wait, Todd brought the cane down again quickly, barely giving her time to breath between strokes, laying the third one down two inches below the second. Watching her fight and writhe only turned him on more, and he grasped his cock in one hand, fisting it as he tried to hold his own desires in check. The lines across her bottom stood out starkly red against her ivory skin, the little finger of ginger moving slightly in her bottom as she clenched and unclenched her muscles, wailing with the burning pain. Beneath her marked ass, her pussy was pouting outwards, swollen and red. Ginger also had an aphrodisiacal effect, one which was becoming quite clear as her juices coated her inner pussy lips and the tops of her inner thighs. Her clit was an erect red button, having pushed its way out from its hood as if begging for attention.

  He landed the fourth stripe just above the sensitive crease between her bottom and thighs, saving that particular area for some later punishment. A larger infraction. By now Allison was rocking back and forth, unable to escape either the burning of the ginger or the sting of the cane. Being blindfolded only made the sensations seem more intense, her focus was entirely on listening for the whistling sound that heralded the next shocking impact and on the burning torment of her lower body.

  The last stroke came down on a diagonal, crossing all four of the previous strokes and Allison screamed. It was the worst one yet, reigniting every single other stroke. If her limbs hadn't been restrained she would be thrashing from the sexual torture. The ginger burned and throbbed in her ass as Todd massaged her butt cheeks, rubbing his hand roughly over the marks that he'd laid down on the blank canvas of her ass and making Allison writhe and cry out as his hands sparked a whole new kind of pain as her flesh pulled and moved.

  When he carefully pulled the finger of ginger from her ass she almost sobbed with relief, although the tormented hole still tingled and stung a little. But she only had a moment of relief before Todd was pulling the clamps from her nipples. Blood rushed into the pinched buds and made her cry out as her body focused on this new source of distress. It was as if her entire body was being absorbed by erotic anguish, all of her sexual organs throbbing with the agony that Todd had elicited from her.

  And then suddenly his cock was sliding into her, hard and merciless, splitting her shocked vagina wide open. Until the moment he entered her, she hadn't known she was wet; but she was slick with juices, her pussy had been creaming throughout the torture, despite the pain. Being filled by his thick cock felt good, right, as if this experience wouldn't have been complete without the sexual invasion of her body.

  His groin bounced off of her brutalized ass cheeks and she moaned fitfully, her pussy spasming around him as the pain and pleasure slammed against each other like lightening into water, mixing and filling her with a shimmering electricity that sparked the nerves throughout her entire body. There was no moving away from his rough strokes, his grasping hands as they kneaded her buttocks and pinched at her nipples, or from the ecstasy that was rising inside of her, so close and yet she had no control over when it would encompass her. She was a vessel, held immobile to receive his cock and his cum.

  As he pistoned in and out of her, fucking her hard and relentlessly, Allison's tender asshole and pussy spasmed, the walls of her cunt rippling over his turgid length. The angle that the apparatus held her at gave Todd a terrific amount of leverage to abuse her body, his hands hard on her hips. Every slap of his body against hers reignited a flaring pain across the welts that the cane had made, his balls smacking against her swollen clit.

  "Fuck... Allison..." Todd's breathing was getting heavy as her body tightened around him, the sheer eroticism of having her so tightly bound before him, of tormenting her reluctant body, had obviously had its effect on his usual amount of stamina.

  With the blindfold over her eyes, Allison's world was narrowing into a kind of tunnel vision, focused entirely on the cock that was fucking her raw. The searing pain in her ass had subsided after he'd removed the ginger, down to a kind of tingling that only made her body more hungry for the orgasm that was building in her core, as if that release of tension would also completely soothe the burn from the ginger.

  "Oh god..." Her voice came out in a gasp as Todd's pace increased, every thrust sending her ecstasy cresting higher, as if he was building her orgasm upwards like a pile of blocks until he kicked it and she shattered. Allison howled as she fell into pieces, her body attempting to curl, to spasm, to retreat as Todd continued to fuck her hard, sparking waves of pleasure that rolled through her as implacably as any ocean wave.

  Her body shook with the overwhelming sensations, she was lost in a maelstrom where pain and pleasure had ceased to have meaning, her passion smothering her intellect as she keened and shook, an animal of lust and rapture, slave to Todd's erotically twisted desires. The darkness behind the blindfold seemed to flash bright white, sparking with bursts of glittering white flame, and she screamed as his fingers dug hard into her hips and he crashed into her from behind. Inside of her, his cock throbbed, swelled and burst forth, filling her with a hot gush of fluid.

  Every pulse, every spurt, and her body spasmed in response, sucking his cum deep into her body.

  As he gave a last few, slow thrusts, wringing the last of his orgasm into her cunt, Allison whimpered and moaned. She felt completely exhausted, trembling, and for the first time she was truly glad of the restraints because she felt quite sure that she would have fallen off without them. Fully inserted inside of her, Todd made soothing noises as he stroked her back, feeling her muscles relaxing beneath him after the arduous session he'd just put her through.

  Todd's stroking fingers calmed her, she almost felt like she was wrapped in cotton, her mind feeling extremely muzzy, as if she was surrounded by white noise. While she could hear the low tone of his voice and feel comforted by it, the individual words didn't penetrate the fog in her brain. Dimly she was aware of the restraints around her body falling away, of Todd's arms wrapping and lifting her.

  Reality seemed to slip away, her mind numbin
g as her eyes closed. Sensation ruled. Smooth, hard flesh. Wiry hair against her cheek. Gentle fingers on her side. The coolness of the air brushing along her skin.

  Time became meaningless and the next thing she knew she was sinking into heat, steam rising from the water. Strong arms held her safe and secure around her middle. A sudden flare of pain as she settled into the bottom of the tub, the marks on her ass burning. She writhed, but her weak muscles were no match for the hands that were pushing her back down into the water.

  "Shhh," a soft voice murmured into her ear. "It will only hurt for a moment and then it will help."

  But it was as if she had no control over her muscles, she still struggled weakly against the arms that were like steel bars around her waist until the stinging faded along with her resistance. The heat enveloped her, pulling her down. The water smelled like lavender and it was gentle against her skin now that it was no longer stinging the welts across her buttocks. Todd cradled her, holding her head above water and gently rubbing down her limbs with a washcloth.

  She felt limp, although somehow the relaxing bath actually seemed to be refreshing her, along with relaxing her. As he rubbed the soapy cloth over her breasts and stomach, it was almost as though she was slowly waking up under his ministrations. Her beaded nipples were still very sore from the clamps, despite the tenderness of his hands as he washed her, and she whimpered a little as he handled her.

  "Good girl." The whisper of his voice across her ear made her shiver almost as delightfully as being called a good girl did. While in some circumstances she might find it patronizing, coming from Todd it always made her feel flush with pleasure, as if it was the greatest accolade she could receive.

  Twisting around slightly, she tipped her lips up towards his for a kiss. She caught a flash of amused dark eyes before his mouth slanted over hers, hungrily. As much as she'd enjoyed the position that he'd put her in for discipline, she wished that kissing had been possible. She loved kissing Todd. He tasted like warmth and sexy man, his tongue delving into her mouth as if he was just as eager to taste her as she was him. The cloth in his hand rubbed over her stomach and hips as his other arm slid upwards, tucking itself under her breast as he pulled her further into him, lifting her slightly to make it easier to devour her lips.


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