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Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3)

Page 8

by Golden Angel

  It was like her own little secret cave of pleasure beneath the table. She wrapped her hand firmly around the base of his cock and opened her mouth, clamping her lips tightly around his shaft just underneath the head. As his sensitive head was pleasured with her tongue, the tip of it invading his pee-slit, Todd shuddered and gripped her hair for a moment.

  Just as quickly his hand was gone and she could hear him talking to the waiter who had apparently returned with their wine. Allison could hear him presenting it to Todd and she slowly began to move her head down the shaft, fitting just a little more of it into her mouth. Carefully bobbing her head to avoid hitting it on the table, she began to take him a little deeper with every stroke, the rest of the restaurant and even the waiter conversing with her boyfriend completely unaware of her activities.

  "It's very good," Todd said, his voice only slightly muffled by their positions. "Thank you."

  The distinctive sound of liquid being poured into glass. Allison tilted her head to take more of Todd's cock, pressing it towards the back of her throat, determined to fit the whole of it into her mouth. If she managed to do so while he was talking to the waiter than even better.

  "Would you like to wait for the lady to order?"

  With a low hum of pleasure, Allison sucked and pushed forward, taking his entire length until her lips were pressed to the base of his groin. She could feel Todd lean forward, doing his bit to keep her from view and she chuckled around his thick meat, sending all sorts of interesting vibrations through him.

  "No, I know what she wants." Well that was an understatement. She could feel his dick pulsing against her tongue in happy pleasure. Pulling herself back as slowly as she could, she tried to breathe and suck quietly as Todd ordered their dinners. She could feel his thigh muscles clenching, his voice occasionally sounding a little strained as she worked for her own special appetizer.

  Almost as soon as she heard the footsteps of the waiter walking away, Todd's hands were beneath the table, pressing on the back of her head, fingers curving just under the largest collection of curls, and pushing her down. Sucking even harder, her fingers kneaded his thighs, massaging them as he tensed. Another low groan was all the warning that she had and then he was cumming and she was frantically swallowing. Salty sweetness filled her mouth, sliding down the back of her throat and into her belly.

  "Mmmm," she hummed as he filled her, the tension in his fingers and thighs slowly relaxing as he finished pumping his load between her suckling lips. Letting his dick slowly soften in her mouth, she finally allowed it to pop out and then gave it a kiss before peeking out from under the tablecloth at him. He was trying to look at her sternly, but the sides of his mouth were turned up.

  "Is it safe?" she asked, whispering a little. Black hair swayed as he nodded, a finger scooping a bit of cum off of her chin and pressing it to her lips. Licking it lasciviously she pulled herself up next to him, just in time as the waiter came around the corner of the booth with their salads. Innocently she blinked at him as he looked at her in confusion. The bathroom was on the other side of the restaurant and he was obviously trying to figure out how she'd gotten to and from it without him seeing her once.

  He set down the salads and left the table, a thoughtful look on his face that had both of them laughing once he was out of earshot. Instead of talking about what was currently going on in their lives, it seemed as if being back in this restaurant had them reminiscing about their relationship. The beginning of which was rather sordid, but Allison found a lot of enjoyment in comparing notes with Todd. He even told her that he hadn't been nearly as sure of himself as he'd seemed.

  "I wasn't sure how I would ever face you again if you didn't show up at the library," he confessed. "It was one thing to hear you talk about what you wanted, and know that you enjoyed one night of losing control with me, but I wasn't sure if you or the cops would show up to meet me at the library to try and get back the tape."

  Allison laughed. "I wanted it too much. And by it, I mean what you were offering, not the tape. Although that too."

  "Thank God," he said fervently, and they both laughed. Allison snuggled closer to him, ignoring the spear of asparagus on her fork in favor of a kiss. Although she could possibly ascribe the warm fuzzy feelings inside of her to the wine, she knew that it wasn't the case. It was this man, this crazy, wonderful, wild man, who had risked a lot to bring her fantasies to life. Not knowing whether or not she'd actually go through with indulging in them. It hadn't occurred to her at the beginning how much he'd been risking for her. Now, realizing how vulnerable he'd made himself in so many ways, not to mention how cute it was to hear him confess his early insecurities before she showed him exactly how much she wanted what he was offering, only made her love him even more.

  By the time the waiter came to clear their dinner away, Allison and Todd were about as wrapped around each other as a couple can be while sitting in a secluded restaurant booth. Under the table she even had one of her legs hooked over and around his, her hand resting on his thigh. But all the server could see was her head resting on his shoulder and his arm tucked around her waist, hand curved over her hip.

  Giving them a little smile, the server whisked away with their plates and Allison frowned. "He didn't ask if we wanted dessert."

  "He didn't need to."

  She turned her head to peer suspiciously up at him. "The innocent look doesn't suit you. What did you order while I was in the bathroom?"

  "It's a surprise," Todd murmured, his arm shifting to pull her closer and up towards him as his mouth slanted down on top of hers. She willingly parted her lips with a little moan, clinging to him. If they weren't in a restaurant she'd probably be pulling him on top of her right now. Actually that didn't sound like that bad of an idea, if they could just keep the server away for long enough to take advantage of the fact that they were seated in a booth...

  Pulling his lips away, Todd pushed open her dress. The design gave him a shocking amount of access, his hands squeezing her breasts as he began to suckle at her nipple through the lacy bra.

  "Oh fuck..." she said softly, clutching at his head as he tormented the sensitive bud with his mouth. With every suck of his lips, her body seemed to pulse in answer. At the same time, she couldn't help but glance at the corner that the server would walk around to get to the front of their booth - he could walk around it at any moment and see her scantily clad breasts, covered only by lace and Todd's hands and mouth. Fuck that was hot. Teeth closed around one nipple, fingers plucking insistently at the other, and Allison's head fell back as she gave a small whimper of pleasure.

  Then he was sliding away, just as she had earlier, underneath the table. Which, considering how much bigger he was than her, was extremely impressive. Somehow he slipped his broad shoulders down, almost pulling the tablecloth with him, but their combined efforts kept it from moving too much.

  Now Allison was the one sitting in the booth, feeling rather exposed and very vulnerable knowing that someone could walk by at any given moment. Being under the table had felt much safer. Quickly she pulled the sides of her dress up and over her breasts, still feeling very exposed as Todd's hands slide up and down her bare legs. She preferred bare legs when it was warm enough out and now she was extremely thankful for that. The faux wrap-around construction of her skirt made it easy for him to part it on either side of her legs, making her basically naked from the waist down other than her lacy panties. She wriggled a little bit as she felt him ease them off of her, lifting her bottom so that he could pull them down and away.

  Hands pushed at the inside of her thighs and she obediently spread, her body quivering at the slightest sounds coming from the dining room, sure that at any moment someone was going to walk around the corner and know exactly what was happening in their little, secluded booth. Of course, that element of danger was half of the thrill and it only made her more excited. Beneath her dress her nipples were rock hard and rubbing against the lacy confines of her bra as she tried to control her
breathing. Little kisses were making their way up her inner thighs as Todd's hands slid under her buttocks and pulled her forward, bringing her to his mouth.

  She had to stifle a moan as she felt his hot breath, followed quickly by his tongue, on the open folds of her pussy. Sitting here in this booth, knowing that at any moment their server could return with their dessert, while Todd feasted upon her pussy beneath the table was more than just a little exciting. Before Todd she hadn't know how much a little hint of exhibitionism and danger could get her off, but it was one of those things that just flat out did it for her. The color was high in her cheeks as she clutched at the table a little, trying to tilt her hips to offer him even more access without noticeably slumping in her seat.

  One long finger pushed inside of her, sliding easily into her molten hole, and she shuddered, her body clenching around it. Todd's tongue licked all around her swollen folds as he began to fuck her with his finger, teasing her with slow, gentle strokes that made her want to beg him to touch her more, harder, faster. But of course she couldn't because someone might hear and she was already struggling to keep a normal countenance in case the server returned. How on earth had Todd handled ordering their meals while he'd been in this position?

  A second finger slid in beside the first, curving inside of her in the most delicious way. Allison's eyes fluttered shut for just a moment and she writhed, barely catching her low moan of pleasure. She managed to get herself under control just in time as the server came around the corner, setting down two spoons on their table.

  "Would you like anything else?" he asked, eying the empty place next to her. "An after dinner drink or coffee?" Either he was a really good actor or he truly believed that Todd was in the bathroom. Of course Todd chose that moment to suck her clit into his mouth and Allison bucked a little. She couldn't stop herself. Or the blush that immediately rose in her cheeks as the server's expression turned to one of speculation. Not that her blush helped to deny what he was thinking. The fingers inside of her pumped wickedly and she clenched, partially in pleasure and partially as an automatic reaction to try and hold Todd's fingers inside of her so that she could focus.

  "N-no thank you," she managed to say. "I think we're fine."

  The server gave her a long look, just the hint of a smirk on his face, and Allison did her best to keep her own expression bland. Even though she couldn't stop the fact that her cheeks felt like they were on fire, she was blushing so hard.

  Almost as if he knew that having the server standing there talking to her was turning her on even more, Todd thrust his fingers hard and deep. Allison struggled to keep her body from arching as he sucked hard on her clit, her own fingers clutching at the edge of the table as she looked straight at the server and began to orgasm. The shock and delight on his face, the struggle to remain quiet, only spurred her to greater heights of pleasure as she rippled with sudden ecstasy. One low moan escaped her as her clit throbbed in Todd's mouth, his tongue flicking against the sensitive nub, his fingers rubbing over her g-spot as her inner walls spasmed around him.

  Her eyelids fluttered shut again for a moment, knowing that the server was still standing there watching her orgasm while Todd pleasured her beneath the table... she was completely out of control and her body loved it. As she drifted down from the height of her climax, her eyes opened again to see the server smiling smugly at her, the front of his pants straining. Strangely, she no longer felt like blushing. She felt too good to be embarrassed. And he certainly didn’t seem embarrassed by it.

  "Dessert will be right out," he said, before walking away.

  Allison made a little face. How unfair, she orgasmed in front of him, but Todd wasn't going to have to go through the embarrassment of coming out from under the table in front of him? Her body relaxed as Todd's fingers withdrew and the tablecloth shifted, her grinning boyfriend sliding back up onto the seat of the booth next to her. The smugness on his face matched the servers. She just smiled blissfully back at him.

  "Did you enjoy that?" he asked, leaning forward to kiss her so that she could taste herself on his lips, musky and bittersweet with a hint of honey. Their tongues dueled as she drank in his kiss.

  "Yes," she said finally. "You know he saw me cum."

  "I know you like an audience," Todd countered, his lips traveling down her neck, his hands caressing her hip. Her own hand had found its way back to his lap where he was rock hard yet again. "And I know he didn't see anything that I would be unhappy about." Well she couldn't really argue with that. "Don't worry, we're not going to get kicked out of the restaurant."

  "Oh good, since I haven't had dessert yet."

  Chuckling, Todd nipped at the side of her neck before pulling away and rearranging them just before the server whisked back around the corner, looking extremely smug. There even seemed to be an extra little bounce in his step and he put down the plate with a flourish.

  For a few moments Allison just sat there staring, trying desperately to wrap her mind around the strangeness of the display. Truffles, a plateful of chocolate truffles in three concentric circles around a small pedestal, upon which sat a jewelry box. A small one.

  "Todd..." she breathed, sucking air in through her lungs. The entire rest of the world seemed to melt away to nothingness as the server stepped back and disappeared, the hum of the restaurant fading, and she tried to get over the sensation of being punched in the stomach.

  "Allison," he said back, his deep voice serious. Cupping his hand under her chin, he turned her face towards him and she blinked back tears that she hadn't even known where there until she was trying to look at him through them. His dark eyes were filled with warmth, a true depth of caring, and all the love that she could have ever wished for. "I lusted after you when you wouldn't even talk to me. I chased you down and fulfilled your fantasies, hoping that it wouldn't get me arrested. I left you so that I could make myself into the man that I wanted to be for you and I prayed that you would still want me when I returned. I never want to have to leave you again. I want to spend the rest of my life lusting after you, talking with you, fulfilling our fantasies and loving you with every ounce of my being. Will you-"

  She threw herself at him, cutting him off completely as the tears ran down her cheeks and she pressed her lips against his, half-sobbing from sheer joy. There was no woman in the world luckier than her. They had started with his lust and her desperation and traveled a road together that had taken her so far beyond anything she'd ever thought to experience. That it had led her here, to this ecstasy of emotion, this joy... she was going to hold this man tight and never let him go.

  "Yes... yes, yes, yes, yes," she chanted as she pulled herself away. "I love you."

  "I love you t-"

  Laughter rippled through his body as she pressed herself against him again, smothering him with another kiss. They clung to each other, letting their bodies express the tide of emotions that surged through them, the things that were too strong, too hard to describe with mere words. Slowly their kiss gentled, their lips caressing each other.

  Todd finally pulled away, but only by a couple of inches, his hands still wrapped around her back. "Can I show you the ring now?"

  "Yes." Allison beamed at him.

  Almost reluctantly he pulled one arm away from her to snatch the box from the plate. Allison wriggled around so that she was facing a little bit more forwards, her right side leaning into him as he popped the box open.

  "It's beautiful..." The main stone was about 1 carat in a brilliant cut, with three tiny stones arrayed on either side of it for a total of six smaller stones. The band itself looked extremely vintage, with lots of twists and curls, almost a tiny architectural framework connecting the bottom of the band to the top; the elaborate lattice of white gold curling around the stones. "I love it. It's perfect." She turned her head up and kissed him again.

  Truthfully she would have been happy with just about anything he wanted to give her, she wouldn't have complained if it had been butt ugly, but she tru
ly loved this ring. She loved the old fashioned look to it, the intricate band, the fact that the stone was noticeable but not overpowering... Todd wrapped his arms around her and slid it onto her finger and Allison found herself blinking back more tears. The ring fit perfectly, the silver color looking extremely bright against her skin.

  "Now," Todd said into her ear, supporting her left hand with his so that they could both admire the ring on her finger. "I got the truffles so that we could choose to stay here or go home easily."

  "Home," she said immediately in a husky voice. There was no way dessert could possibly hold her interest now. "Take me home."

  Chapter 6

  The entire ride home Allison couldn't stop looking at her ring. Not because it was beautiful, although it was, or because she was easily distracted by anything sparkly, although she was, but because of what it represented. Todd wasn't going to ever leave her again. The giddy feeling that she got every time she looked at the ring was like an adrenaline rush.

  "I'm glad you like the ring so much," Todd said, grinning as he caught her looking at it again. "Although I hope you don't forget to pay attention to me too."

  She laughed. "It's going to take some getting used to," she said. "It's so sparkly and distracting after all."

  "Am I going to have to tie your hands down to keep from looking at it tonight?" The amused tone of his voice said that he didn't really mind that she kept looking at the ring. After all, he kept looking at it too. It was a very public marker that she belonged to him and he liked the way it felt to see it on her finger. To know that she'd agreed to be his.


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