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The Scene 3

Page 2

by Roxy Sloane

  He's given me a way back in. All I have to do is take it.

  "It's okay, Xavier. Really. I was sending mixed signals to you, and that wasn't fair of me to do."

  Xavier strokes my palm with his thumb, and it feels so right to have him there with me. I'm acutely aware of the nearness of him, and I just want to drown in him.

  "I was scared of the way I felt. Everything happened so quickly, and I wasn't looking for this when I came to Miami. It made me want to run. Things in my life became so complicated that I thought about going home. But now, I'm not sure what to do."

  "Don’t leave Miami, Nikki. I mean it. I want you to stay. I'll give you anything you need. Space, time, whatever you want. I'll stay away from you."

  "No! That's not what I want, I—" I realize by the expression on his face that my reaction is a little too strong. But I need to be close to him again, not have him leave me alone. I scramble for something to say.

  "I just… what happened to Kayla woke me up. I was just driving around thinking about how short life is, and how we have to do things even if we're afraid of them. I don't want to waste any more time. Especially with you." Guilt swells up in my chest, but I push it back. I have to do this. I have to draw him to me, and this is the only way to do it.

  Xavier reaches out and runs his fingers along the side of my face. I feel the electricity of the contact, even as I try to fight off my hesitation. He leans toward me, going in for another kiss, and a mix of anticipation and dread fills me. My stomach clenches, but then his lips are on mine, velvety soft yet firm. My body responds in spite of my concerns, warming at his touch, the kiss melting away any protests I might have. His tongue plays with mine, a kiss that is both sexual and intimate.

  The chemistry between us is so strong, and I feel it more than usual after cutting ties with him. His tongue explores my mouth, and I can't help but think about it exploring the rest of my body. As the kiss continues, Xavier's hands move across my back. I realize my hands are doing the same, running over his shoulders and down his firm arms, as if they're independent of my brain. My body has taken over, and it wants this. Wants him. His touch seems to disconnect the part of my brain that controls logical thinking.

  His mouth moves down my neck, and the feel of his mouth on my collarbone, on my cleavage, sends jolts of pleasure between my legs. He leans me back against the couch and starts to pull up my shirt, planting kisses across my abdomen. Each touch of his lips to my bare skin thrills me, and I shiver in anticipation of what's to come. He pulls my shirt off, then pulls the straps of my bra from my shoulders, yanking the bra down so my chest is exposed. He looks at me, pure lust in his eyes. Then his mouth and hands are on my breasts, licking and sucking my nipples. I forget about anything but how amazing it feels. My body is on fire with how much I want him.

  I don’t want to think about Eli. I don’t want to consider the possibility that I’m with his murderer, not in this moment. But the thought rises in the back of my mind and refuses to go back under…

  When his phone rings, I'm so lost in both the pleasure and the pain that it takes me a minute to realize what's happening. He ignores the first call, but then reluctantly pulls back after it's clear the phone isn't going to stop.

  He lets the phone go to voicemail and sighs. "I'm sorry, Nicole. Today is full of appointments. I already blew off a couple things that had to be handled early this morning, but I can't avoid my work much longer. Even though all I want to do is stay with you."

  I try not to show disappointment, even though my body is screaming for release. Then the conflicted feelings come back again, and I'm relieved I don't have to pretend with him all day.

  "I understand. I desperately need sleep anyway."

  He gently strokes my face again. "Have dinner with me tonight. Let me take you out and spoil you."

  It probably won't give me much of an opportunity for information, but I have to play along. It's not like I can only spend time with him in situations that will lead to something I can use. Besides, it's easier to play my role in public when his focus isn’t solely on me…and when I have to have my clothes on.

  "I'd like that." I give him my best smile.

  We walk to the door, and he leans in. This time, his kiss is tender, sweet. The kiss you give someone you deeply care for. I return it exactly, letting him feel safe and trusted.

  He doesn't suspect anything.

  Chapter Three

  As much as I need sleep, it doesn't come easily. I've never been able to sleep well for long periods during the day. It's like my body isn't fooled, no matter how tired I am. After a few hours, I give up and spend the rest of the day trying to psych myself up for my task. When I talked to my parents the other day, I told them I was coming home, so I call them again.

  I feel guilty lying to them, but I don't have a choice. They believe me when I tell them I don't want to leave the resort in a bind, so I'm staying a bit longer. Of course they can't argue with me being responsible and giving notice. I tell my mom it will be a few weeks, just until they can find and train someone else. Of course¸ I hope it won't take that long, and I tell them as much.

  I'm going to have to tell Hailey a different lie, because I can't use the work excuse with her. Lying to everyone I know. Great. I don't know why I agreed to do this, and I'm concerned I won't be able to keep my stories straight. The sooner I get evidence for Barton, the sooner it will all be over. I can go home and know that I did the right thing. I can get closure for Eli, even if no one else knows about it.

  Eli is the reason for all of this. Whatever else I feel, or my body wants, I have to control it.

  Hailey comes home while I'm getting ready for my date with Xavier. She looks like she got about as much sleep as I did, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't all because of Kayla. I'm pretty confident her bouncer boyfriend had something to do with the dark circles under her eyes.

  "I'm guessing you didn't sleep either?" Hailey asks as she rummages through the fridge. "I can't stop thinking about what happened."

  Guilt floods my body. This is my fault. It was supposed to be me. Part of me wants to tell her, but what good would that do? Besides, the less she knows, the better.

  "Yeah. I wasn't as close to her, obviously, but I'm having a hard time processing it." That’s an understatement. I feel like I’m living in a movie.

  Hailey spreads mustard on a piece of bread and starts to lay down ham and cheese. "Have you been trying everything to distract yourself? Obsessing over ridiculous things?"

  She looks up, and I nod. The pain I see on her face sends another stab of guilt to my heart.

  "We're in the same boat, then. Want a sandwich?"

  "No, I’m good, thanks."

  Hailey looks up from her sandwich. "You never turn down food. What's up?" She eyes me suspiciously, then continues before I can answer. "Wait a minute. I don't see boxes, and you're dressed to go out. Did you change your mind about heading home?"

  It's not like I can tell her the truth, so I'm going to have to make this about Xavier. After our conversation the other day, it's the only thing she'll buy.

  "Sort of. I'm going to stay a little longer. It looks like there might be something here for me after all."

  "And what is that? All this glamour?" Hailey gestures around the apartment with her knife and then cuts the sandwich in half. "Here, I'm making you eat something."

  "I'm actually going out for dinner. With Xavier."

  She stops mid-bite of her sandwich and then sets it down slowly. "You're having dinner with him? After what happened last night?"

  I move around the couch and into the kitchen. "It's a good thing, Hail. We're starting fresh." I shrug and smile at her, hoping I look like someone who just forgave her boyfriend for behaving badly. I have to keep fooling her, just like I have to fool my parents and Xavier. The truth and I aren’t on speaking terms anymore.

  Her face is a mask, but judging by the tension in the room, I can guess what she’s feeling. "I thought you were done with him
. That he was pushing too much. Was too possessive."

  "I know, I know. But I was over-reacting, and he apologized for acting like a jerk. He sat outside our apartment all night, Hailey. He was worried that something had happened to me." I give her another crazy "girl in love" grin. Look at me, not a thought in my head. Isn’t it wonderful?

  Anger clouds Nicole's face, and she lashes out at me. "What the hell are you thinking, Nikki? He may be a good guy, I don’t know. But he’s involved with some shady people. People who are into who knows what. When you got here, you were convinced drug dealers killed your brother. Have you forgotten some of those same people involved in that world are the people who were at the party last night? People who Kayla partied with?”

  My heart wrenches at the mention of Eli. I take a step backward. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she's a little angry. She is very protective. But she's never been like this.

  "Hailey, I—"

  “You don’t know this town like I do, Nikki. It can be a dangerous place, especially for people who stick their nose into the drug scene. And you dove right in, asking questions. Did you ever stop to think about what might happen to you? To people you care about?”

  When I don't answer, she continues with her rant.

  "I don't get you, Nikki. I've supported you in everything you've done since coming to Miami, even when I thought it was a mistake. But staying here for a guy who plays on the edge of the scene? After what happened to Eli and Kayla? You’re putting yourself at risk, and it’s like you don’t even care because you’re having amazing sex."

  Her words sting, but I can't tell her the truth. After what happened to Kayla, the less Hailey knows, the better. I won't let someone else get hurt, especially not Hailey. I have to sell the lie, even if it hurts our friendship. I have to play the part of the selfish, stupid girl who only cares about getting laid.

  "It's what I want, Hail. I want to let loose and have fun for a bit. I can’t mourn Eli forever, and my investigation was a dead end. I have to accept that my brother wasn’t who I thought he was." Knowing the truth about my brother makes that easier to say, but it still hurts anyway.

  Hailey glares at me and opens her mouth to say something, but I hold up a hand.

  "Look, I'm a big girl, Hailey. I can look after myself." It comes out more harshly than I intend, so I soften my voice. "I like being in Miami, and I care about Xavier. I want to see where this goes."

  Before she can respond, there's a knock at the door. Xavier.

  When I open the door, he leans in and gives me another soft kiss on the lips. He's all smiles until he notices Hailey's expression, but he only falters for a second before turning on the charm.

  "You look lovely this evening, Hailey. It’s nice to see you again."

  She says a quick hello before excusing herself from the room. When she walks past me, her face shows hurt and confusion. Two things I never wanted to make her feel.


  As we descend the staircase to the courtyard in front of the apartment, Xavier places his hands on my sides and leans forward to whisper in my ear. “It is going to be hard to keep my hands off you.”

  “I guess we know what we’re having for dessert then.” I’m surprised at how easily the flirtation comes. What this man does to me should be criminal.

  Criminal. Great choice of words.

  It isn’t until we’re across the courtyard that my senses pick up something off. It feels like someone’s there, but when I look around, there’s no one. My heart picks up speed, until I remind myself that Barton said he’d have someone watching. The guy must be good if I can’t see him even though I know he’s there.

  I shake off the tension, determined to both enjoy my night out—I am going to a nice dinner, after all—and get information for Barton. Xavier waits until we're in the car to ask about what happened with Hailey, so I give him the story I’d thought of when he arrived.

  "It's just typical roommate drama. We'll be fine." I give him a smile that I don't really feel. I'm not sure Hailey and I will be fine.

  He reaches for my hand. "You want to talk about it?"

  "Actually, no. I'm with you, and I want to focus on that." I sigh and lean my head back against the seat.

  "I'm glad." He lifts my hand and touches it to his soft lips. "We have two options for dinner this evening, at your choice."

  I turn my face toward him and arch an eyebrow. "Intriguing. What are my options?"

  "Well, I booked reservations at a quiet, romantic Italian bistro. But a friend is also having a dinner party if you'd like to get to know some more locals. I win because I get to show you off either way, but I thought I'd give you the option."

  "Do you need to go to the dinner party for work?"

  "No, it's not one of those dinners. Purely social. I was a maybe on the RSVP, so I'm not obligated to stop by. I'd love to keep you all to myself tonight, but I thought you might want to meet some of my friends who aren't members of the party crowd."

  Barton's instructions ring in my ears. I'm supposed to see who he interacts with, where he goes. A dinner party is a great way to see who his friends are. I can get some good information there.

  "As much as I'd like to spend the evening just with you, I think it would be good for me to meet some new people. I haven't really met anyone outside of work or the club crowd."

  Xavier cancels the reservation, and we drive toward Biscayne Bay.

  "Alberto Baca is the one throwing the party. It's on Di Lido Island. Have you been to the Venetian Islands yet?"

  "No. I heard one of the guests talking about them though. She was looking for a house and complaining about how much the prices have gone up in Miami."

  He laughs. "Very true. Alberto's mansion is gorgeous. Right on the water."

  "How do you know him?"

  "We often bid against each other at art auctions. It's a friendly rivalry, though."

  “Do you do business together?”

  His face seems to cloud for a second, but it’s hard to tell from the side.

  “Not really.”

  He doesn’t elaborate, so I don’t push. Our conversation the rest of the drive is mostly Xavier pointing out landmarks and giving me information on the areas we go through.

  When we arrive at the mansion, I see what Xavier meant earlier. It's ultra-modern and sleek, with art-work to match. Everything is tasteful and elegant. Our host is impeccably dressed in a custom gray suit with a lavender silk shirt and tie underneath. As he makes his rounds he has not one, but two leggy blondes in scandalously short red minis trailing after him.

  Alberto notices Xavier from across the room and holds up a hand. Then he notices me, and proceeds to inspect me up and down the entire walk over to us. He barely glances at Xavier before giving him a tight bear hug.

  "My old friend! Who is this beautiful goddess you have brought to my home?"

  "This is Nicole. Nicole, I'd like you to meet Alberto."

  I hold out my hand to shake his, but he bows and lifts my hand to his lips. His kiss is a little wet, and he holds on to my hand too long while he says, "It is my pleasure to meet such a lovely woman. You have a good eye, Xavier, and not just in art."

  He actually winks at Xavier. I want to roll my eyes, but I don't.

  One of his minions approaches and whispers in his ear. He nods and says, "I must attend to my guests. Please enjoy yourselves. We will talk more later this evening."

  We make our way through the crowd. Xavier sees a few people he knows and introduces me. I work so carefully to pay attention to names and faces that I'm not sure I come across as very likable. All of them are pretty intimidating, anyway. I know Xavier will think I'm just nervous. I am, but for entirely different reasons.

  It's interesting to watch him work the crowd. His charm is in full force, but he doesn't need it. I can tell he's well-liked and respected among these people. They view him as one of their own, an equal. But there's not one hint of fear, even among those who come across as intimidated
. If he's El Jefe, surely someone at this party knows. I'd see fear in their eyes. Is he lying to all of them, too?

  Xavier engages in conversation with a woman who runs a local theater company, and I excuse myself to use the bathroom. I've got to text the names to Barton before I forget them.

  When I close the bathroom door, I feel like I can finally breathe. I lean against the counter and close my eyes for a second. When I open them, I take in my surroundings. Even this room is modern. The fixtures are very European elegant, and the sink is a glass bowl on top of the white marble counter. It feels like I'm in a spa or something.

  I send the text, and then wet one of the disposable towels with cold water. I press it to my face gently, so as not to disturb my makeup, and then lay it across the back of my neck, letting it cool me down and calm my racing heart.

  The buzz of my phone makes me jump, and my hand flies to my chest in response. It’s from Barton: "Keep up the good work." I delete the messages and take one last look in the mirror before I head back into the party.

  When I step into the hallway, I notice an open door across from the bathroom that I didn't pay attention to on the way in. Bookshelves line every inch of the wall that I can see. It must be a study. I didn't see anyone on this floor on my way in, and no one's around now. I decide to take a peek, even though part of me thinks it’s the worst idea ever. I do not need to get caught spying in this creepy guy’s study.

  I close the door behind me so I at least have a little warning if someone comes along. A large desk sits on the opposite side of the room, and I cross to it. I open two drawers and find nothing but office supplies. The third time is the charm, though. I find a bunch of files. Each file has a name on it, mostly shipping and import/export companies based on the names. One of the files has Xavier's name on it. Xavier said they didn’t do business together. Why would Alberto have a file on him?

  Just as I'm about to open it, I hear voices in the hallway. I freeze.


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