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The Scene 3

Page 3

by Roxy Sloane

  The voices come closer. I can’t hear what they’re saying, so they must be whispering. All I can tell is that they belong to one man and one woman.

  What if they come in here? I put Xavier’s file back and slowly close the drawer, hoping the noise can’t be heard in the hallway. It sounds like a cannon going off to my petrified nerves.


  The voice comes from right in front of the door, and I almost jump out of my skin. There's nowhere to go. If the person comes in here, it's all over.

  Panic sets in. Think fast. Why would I come in here?

  The door handle turns, and I know I'm screwed.

  Chapter Four

  My heart pounds so loudly that I worry the person outside can hear it. I frantically look around, like an escape hatch is going to appear in the middle of the room like magic. But as the door opens slightly, I remember what Barton told me. If I get into trouble, use the sick aunt cover story.

  I halfway sit on the edge of the desk with my back to the door and put my phone up to my ear. God, I hope this works. If not, I'm done before I even start.

  "So what did the doctor actually say?" I sound breathless from the stress of playing spy, but it goes well with stressed niece too.

  I pause as if I'm getting a long list of medical terms and throw in an "uh-huh" and an "okay" to make it seem real.

  After sufficient time to hear the imaginary doctor's report, I ask, "Are you holding up okay? Do you need anything?" Xavier’s words to me earlier come in handy.

  Someone has definitely come into the room. I feel their presence like a weight in the air. I wonder if it's Alberto or some other person attempting to spy on him. My heart thuds in my chest.

  I don't want to overstay my welcome any more than I already have, so I stand up straight and run my hand over the back of my neck as I finish up the imaginary call.

  "Keep me posted. Love you." I act like I hang up the phone and remain with my back to the person at the door.

  "Is everything all right?" Alberto's voice has a bit of an edge to it.

  I make my face into a mask of concern and turn around to face him. "Um… I'm not sure yet. My aunt is sick."

  He studies me for a moment, and then walks across the room to a small table set up as a bar. He pours a little more than two shots worth into a glass. "Sad news?"

  Alberto eyes me up and down and holds out the glass. "You look like you need this."

  It's Scotch, neat. My least favorite drink. I take it anyway.

  I scan the room like I'm just noticing my surroundings. "I didn't mean to intrude on your space. I just wanted somewhere private for the call. I hope you're not too upset with me."

  “Yes, well. We do what we must.”

  He stares at me for so long it gets very uncomfortable. Does he suspect something? Is he pissed that I'm in his office? I feel like what I've done is written all over my face, so I'm relieved when he smiles at me.

  "You are welcome in my space any time, although I would prefer it under… happier conditions."

  His smile changes to a leer as he checks me out, and it's all I can do to keep my annoyance from showing. I know I look hot— my black dress hugs every curve perfectly— but that doesn't mean I want him scanning me like an x-ray machine.

  I laugh off his comment and take a sip of the liquor. It burns like hell going down, but it takes the edge off my nerves.

  "I better get back."

  As I turn away from him to head out the door, he puts a hand on my arm.


  He lets his hand linger, then slides it down to my waist. I grit my teeth and tense my body. I really don't need to deal with a pervy man right now.

  "Come, Nicole," he puts his hand against the small of my back and guides me to the door. "Xavier will think we are getting too well acquainted if I do not bring you back now."


  Xavier gives me a curious look as he spots me walking in with Alberto.

  How am I going to keep this up until I find enough information? It was hard enough to lie like that with a stranger. It's going to be a million times worse with Xavier.

  "Look who I found hiding her gorgeous self from the party. You need to keep an eye on this one, Xavier."

  Alberto lets out a booming laugh that triggers laughing in several people nearby. I'm left trying to figure out what he said that was funny.

  "Everything okay, Nikki?" Xavier asks.

  I nod and look down to give myself a second to compose myself for the lie. "Just had to take a call that needed some privacy."

  The smile I give Xavier is meant to reassure him, but it feels like all my thoughts broadcast across my face. I wait for someone to call me out on the lie, even though I'm not sure how they'd know. My stomach churns with worry, and I could swear that it's getting harder to breathe in the crowded room.

  A tray crashes somewhere close by, and I flinch. As I look around, it feels like everyone in the room stares at me. But the one person who should be staring at me is actually focused elsewhere. Xavier watches Alberto, who still shows too much interest in me.

  Xavier spots Alberto's hand on my back and frowns. He moves forward and clasps Alberto's shoulder.

  "Thanks for bringing her back, but I'm going to get her home. I think she's gone above and beyond girlfriend duty tonight by coming here and meeting all you people."

  Alberto lets his hand linger too long after Xavier stops speaking, and tension rises around us as they keep their eyes locked on each other.

  Finally, Alberto turns to me and says "It was a pleasure to meet you, Nicole. I hope your aunt recovers soon."

  It feels like the crowd nearby takes a collective breath.

  "Thank you, Alberto, and thank you for having me in your home."

  “Come back any time. With or without Xavier.”

  He grins widely at us before finally removing his hand from me and moving back into his crowd of admirers. The spot where he touched me for so long feels his absence like a weight has been lifted, but I swear I can still feel him on me. Like a ghost hovering behind me. Watching me.

  Xavier needs to say goodbye to a few people, so I wait for him by the door. I can't bear to follow behind him making nice, especially when it feels like everyone is staring at me. I know I’m being paranoid, but drug dealers and dead bodies will do that to a person.

  My mind whirls with how close that was. I'm so out of my league here that I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore. I know why I started this whole thing, why I moved to Miami. It was for Eli. I needed the closure, and I wanted to clear his name. But getting involved with a possible criminal and spying on him? Secret meetings with DEA agents? Riffling through drawers, creating cover stories to keep from getting caught? I didn't sign up for that. It's too dangerous.

  When Xavier joins me at the door, he takes my hand and kisses me on the temple. "What's going on with your aunt? Is she okay?"

  "I only got to talk to my uncle for a couple minutes. They're running tests."

  I look him in the eyes. I'm not lying now. "I don't want to think about it tonight."


  It takes me about two minutes before I realize Xavier isn't driving me home or even heading to the resort. I still don't know a lot of Miami well, but I know enough for this. I do my best to keep from panicking. Does he suspect something? What if the fake aunt thing made him suspicious?

  "Where are we headed?" I do my best to sound unconcerned and happy.

  Xavier grins, but keeps his eyes on the road. "It's a surprise. Here." He removes his hand from my thigh and pulls a black piece of cloth out of the glove box. "Put this on."

  "A blindfold?" My stomach drops and a wave of nausea rolls through me. Is this it? Is he going to torture me for information? Kill me? “Do I have to?” I say, my voice wavering.

  “I insist.” I swear that his eyes darken a little. He walks his fingers up the inside of my thigh and cups my pussy. With one finger, he brushes against me. "It will make the surprise better."
  I put the blindfold on. The black satin covers my eyes so well that no light peeks through. I'm stuck in complete darkness. Normally, this would get me excited, thinking about what Xavier would need a blindfold for. I'd enjoy the sensation of cool air on my skin as we drive and Xavier's warm hands on me, teasing my clit through my panties. But my fear and concern grow the longer we're in the car. I can’t help my body’s physical reaction—my pussy definitely responds to his touch—but mentally I’m checked out, preparing for what happens next.

  When the car stops and Xavier turns off the engine, I know we're near the water. I can hear the ocean and taste the salt in the air. I take a deep breath and try to let my surroundings calm me, even if I can't see them. I could always try running, but I doubt I’d get very far. If this is going to be my last moment outside, I'm going to drink it all in.

  Xavier takes me gently by the arm and leads me forward. Not being able to see where I'm going makes my fear even worse. But between the smell of the ocean and the wood boards that give a little under my feet, I can tell we're at some kind of dock or marina.

  "We're almost there," Xavier says. "I think you'll like your surprise."

  Is he that cold-blooded to keep up the ruse, even now?

  The darkness under the blindfold really gets to me. I keep opening my eyes as if something in my situation will have changed. But I still can't see anything, and it messes with my senses. What happens if I just tear the thing away? What will he do?

  Blindfolds are supposed to be sexy, not scary. Right now, sexy is the farthest thing from my mind. Xavier's hands normally send shivers of pleasure rolling through my body. Now, they send dread. It feels like they're burning into my skin.

  We stop, and one of Xavier's hands leaves me. It doesn't bring relief, though.

  "I'm going to help you take a step up and then two steps down. It's a little unstable, so lean into me if you need to."

  I can't respond. My heart threatens to burst out of my chest. I shouldn't have gotten in the car.

  Xavier helps me with the steps, and I do need to lean into him. Right now, touching him is the last thing I want, but it's that or fall. I feel helpless with the blindfold on. Like a lost child.

  He lowers me onto a seat. I feel the thin cushion give way to my weight. He moves away from me, and after a few moments, I hear the engine start up.

  "Don't go anywhere."

  I hear the amusement in his voice, and it chills me to the bone. He's enjoying this. Messing with me. The only thing I can think to do is play along.

  The boat pulls away from the dock. In a matter of minutes we're out of the bay, marina, whatever, and into open water.

  I'm powerless to stop whatever’s about to happen. No one's ever going to see me again. He'll just dump my body somewhere in the ocean, which is what I probably deserve. Eli, Kayla, I’ve let them both down.

  When the boat slows, my thoughts are still spinning. My already tense body becomes more so. My breathing speeds up, and I'm sure I'm going to have a heart attack and ruin whatever plan he has for me. That’s the one little bit of satisfaction I can get.

  We stop, and Xavier switches off the engine. His shoes tap against the boat's floor as he walks toward me. Each step sounds like a bomb going off in my brain.

  Maybe I can push him over the edge of the boat. Maybe he can’t swim. Maybe that’s a really stupid idea.

  I sense the shift in the air as he leans over me. I'm completely frozen, holding my breath. He slides his fingers across my cheek, and then reaches for the blindfold.

  I blink when it comes off. When my eyes adjust, I take in my surroundings. We're on a speedboat in the middle of the ocean. The moon is full, and stars cover the sky in white dots. Even if I scream, the closest person is miles away.

  "Do you know why I brought you here?" He stands a few feet in front of me, watching me regain my senses.

  Speaking seems impossible, so I shake my head. I'm surprised I can even do that. My body feels like it's encased in cement, holding me captive.

  "All night, all I've wanted to do is get you alone. Away from everyone and everything so I could focus just on you."

  My heart speeds up even more at the words. He's been planning this all night? Before the phone call? Before picking me up for dinner? When did he start planning? How does someone act so gentle and romantic when they're planning to kill you? He's as cold-blooded and ruthless as Barton said he was.

  I'm so consumed by the thoughts flying through my head that I don't register how close Xavier has gotten. He is inches away, towering over me as I sit on the bench. Dominating.

  He leans in close to my ear and whispers, "I've been thinking about fucking you all night."

  My brain feels like it just short-circuited. I can't process his words.

  Did he say killing or fucking?

  Xavier moves to sit next to me on the bench and turns my face to his. "I haven't been able to keep my eyes off of you, even when I was supposed to be paying attention to someone else. My mind kept imagining me taking this dress off your body."

  His finger slips under the strap of the dress and brushes my shoulder. My body shivers, but not just from his touch. Relief floods through every cell, and the feeling is so intense that it's like having an orgasm.

  He doesn't want to kill me, he just wants to fuck me.

  And just like that, the adrenaline surging through me needs an escape. My hesitation and the pain of Eli’s death both momentarily wash away. I want to devour him.

  "When Alberto put his hands on you, it made me crazy. I wanted to punch him, and then pull you into a room and make you come."

  "So you kidnapped me?" I laugh lightly. The secrecy, the blindfold, the comments… it all makes sense now. I feel ridiculous for thinking anything else.

  "Mmm hmm. What better place to fuck than out in the open with no one around to hear? No inhibitions to get in the way. I want to hear you scream in pleasure, Nicole."

  The need to touch him is overwhelming, and before I realize what's happening, my hands are on his chest undoing buttons. His mouth crushes against mine, and I feel like I'll explode from my need to have him inside me. I want to be fucked until all the reasons I shouldn't are gone.

  His skin is warm to my touch as I run my fingers over his pecs and down to his hard abs. I'm distracted for a moment by his teeth grazing my neck, but I manage to pull his shirt out of his pants. I struggle with his belt buckle while he slips the straps of my dress down and pops my breasts out to suck on them. His tongue teases my right nipple while his fingers pinch the left. I give up all attempts to figure out belts at that point.

  Xavier pushes me down onto the bench and hikes up my dress. He kneels above me and holds my legs up while he removes my black lace panties. The cool night air hits my damp pussy and sends a jolt through me. I throb with the need to be filled by him. He fits me so perfectly. How can this be bad when it feels so damn good?

  My pussy gets wetter by the second as he kisses down the inside of my legs. I knead and rub my breasts, driving up my lust even more. Xavier hooks one of my legs over the back of the bench and the other over his shoulder, spreading them open to expose my pussy. I arch my back, bringing it closer to him, and he slides his hands under my ass, holding me up and bringing my pussy to mouth level.

  His tongue enters me and swirls around, causing me to moan in pleasure. He buries his face deeper, licking and sucking, sending me into a frenzy. I buck and moan, crushing my tits in my hands and pinching my nipples so hard they hurt, but even the pain feels good.

  As he ravages my pussy with his tongue, he kneads my ass and pulls me toward him. He's fucking me with his tongue, grinding me against his face. It's all too much, but I don't want to come. I'm afraid if I do, I'll lose myself in it and blurt out the truth. Tell him everything.

  "Fuck me, Xavier." My voice is husky, filled with lust. "I want your big, thick cock to fill every inch of me."

  He pulls back and grins, then runs his tongue slowly along the
length of me one last time. It's so fucking hot I almost lose it right there.

  My legs shake as he helps me up. I climb up on all fours on the bench and arch my back, displaying my ass and pussy to him. His hands glide over me, and I shiver as goosebumps pop up on my flesh. He cups my ass cheeks and spreads me wide open, bringing a fresh round of uncontrollable lust. He pulls me towards him.

  I glance over my shoulder at him, and he's focused entirely on my body, taking in every bit with his eyes as his hands roam. I didn't think he could look sexier than he had earlier, but seeing him appreciate my body like this makes me want him more.

  He realizes I'm watching him, and his expression fills with want and need. Our eyes lock, and he runs the edge of his finger in between my cheeks. An involuntary moan escapes me. It shouldn't feel this good to be with him. I shouldn't want it so much.

  When he reaches my pussy, he adds two other fingers. They enter me slowly. I'm so wet that they slide in easily. He pumps them in and out a few times, and I grind against them. He stirs up my juices even more, so when he removes his fingers, they're good and wet. My pussy throbs. It still wants to be filled, even though I know what he has in mind.

  “I know your pussy wants me, but what about that sweet ass of yours?”

  “Mmm.” I moan. I’m beyond all thought.

  Xavier returns his attention to my ass and circles my opening with his fingers. He rubs the tight nerves, putting pressure on the opening and lubricating it with my juices and his own. He spreads the wetness all along my crack and into my hole.

  It feels so dirty and good. The anticipation is killing me.

  He stands behind me, and grips my hip with his hand, while guiding the tip of his cock into my opening. He pushes in slightly, and I gasp from the illicit pressure.

  He takes his hand, moving it down to my pussy, massaging my clit as he slowly slides into my ass.

  It’s almost too much.

  “I’m going fuck your ass Nicole, and you’re going to love it.” Xavier’s voice is commanding, controlling, and so incredibly hot.


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