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A Witch Like No Other

Page 27

by Makala Thomas


  The baby struggled in her arms, but Dreamer didn’t let him go.

  “Come on sweetie, calm down for me. Calm down for Mummy, ok?”

  She was so close to the front door everyone got ready for when she’d open it, but the baby screamed even more. Turning away from the door worriedly and walking with him into the kitchen, Dreamer placed him in his play crib. It was a giant cushiony box which Baby Julian normally enjoyed bouncing around and napping in, but now it felt like a prison.


  “Hold on, honey- hold on.” Dreamer could feel a migraine coming on, a big one. “Let me get the door.”


  “Yes, baby. It’s Paul-Paul and Nana, look!”

  Paul strode in all business-like, marching up to the crib.

  “What’s all this noise for, son?”

  “Paul-Paul,” he wept, crawling to a corner and sitting there. “Paul-Paul!”

  Pandora refused to acknowledge him as she hugged her mother tightly.

  “I missed you so much!”

  “I missed you too, sweetie.” Dreamer kissed her forehead.

  Marlon pulled his sister out of the way so he could get his hug too.

  Ted stared at her hungrily, taking in her beautiful face. Two years his junior, Dreamer looked like she was twenty four maximum- a student. He knew she’d never look a day older, but she would grow more beautiful.

  “How- how are you?” he asked weakly, and she nodded nervously.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re ok with…” he gestured at the crib hopelessly. “Your baby.”

  “Yes. Yes I am.”

  Ted could feel his anger draining away. He could never stay angry at Dreamer Black for long- and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing.

  “Mummy,” sobbed Baby Julian, making Dreamer turn. “Mummy!”

  “I’m right here, honey. I wont let anything happen, I promise.”

  “What, does he think we’ll kill him?” said Pandora tactlessly, and Dreamer looked at her thoughtfully.

  “Is that what you’re thinking, sweetie?”

  “I- I- no,” she said, shaking her head. “I just don’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Me either,” Marlon added stonily, and Dreamer looked at him as well.

  “That’s fine with me, Marlon. I knew you wouldn’t, which is why I’m living here in my own home. Away from you.”

  Marlon and Pandora bristled under their mother’s penetrating stare, feeling uncomfortable. The words ‘away from you’ danced around their brains, both of them looking at each other. What did that mean?

  Paul coughed loudly, distracting everyone. Clapping his hands, he said “How about we all have that tea Agnes almost served?”

  “Yes, lets,” Agnes said quickly, sensing the feelings her daughter was having. “Dreamer, stop those cruel thoughts and come to the table.”

  “Yes Mama,” Dreamer answered, as Baby Julian sniffled in his crib. Walking over to the thing and smiling down at her son, she asked “Better now, sweetie?”

  Baby Julian gazed up at her, eyes filling. He thought Mummy left him there and forgot about him, but he couldn’t verbalize that thought. Instead he lifted his arms, Dreamer reaching down and picking him up.

  “What do you want Mummy to give you for tea, baby?”

  Baby Julian thought hard, screwing up his face as he thought. Pandora and Marlon watched him icily, sitting at the table slowly. They didn’t take their eyes off him for a second. Ted looked at them, whispering “Calm down, you two.”

  They ignored him.

  Julian thought about his dummy, his teddy bear and some other toys. Paul smiled as he watched him, Agnes flicking her wand repeatedly.

  With each flick food appeared on the kitchen table, followed by drinks.

  When everything was done, she smiled happily. Then she pouted at the baby, saying “Come now, darling, we’ve given you almost ten minutes.”

  Dreamer thought he’d forgotten the question, so she repeated it.

  Julian giggled, wiping his tears away. Then he said “Cook-cook.”

  “No,” Paul said immediately, and Dreamer burst out laughing.

  “Be nice, Papa.”

  “You spoil that child with cookies, little one.” Paul folded his arms, looking at her. “There hasn’t been a day since he met you he hasn’t asked for cookies. Before he met you he didn’t know what they were.”

  “Well, what did you give him?”

  “Fruit and vegetables,” Paul said, and Dreamer laughed again.

  “Papa, you cant be serious.”

  “I certainly am,” Paul said as he sat at the head of the table. “Right son?”

  Baby Julian giggled, Dreamer placing him in his high chair. Pandora and Marlon glared up at him, Dreamer deciding to sit with him on her lap.

  Ted sat opposite her so he could stare at her a while longer. Dreamer determinedly looked anywhere but at him, Julian reaching for a muffin.

  “My one!”

  Pandora had an urge to snatch the muffin quickly, but she held off. Dreamer glared at her and she recoiled, eyes immediately filling over. She couldn’t remember a single time in her life when her mother looked at her like that.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, Dreamer looking at Marlon as well.

  Marlon held his hands up, saying “I’m not thinking about it.”

  “It?” Dreamer repeated, Agnes laying a hand on her arm warningly.

  “Dreamer, don’t. Stay calm, yes honey?”

  “But Mama-”

  “Little one,” said Paul, and Dreamer looked at him. “Let it go.”

  “Let it go or let them go?” Dreamer answered casually, and Paul smirked.

  “Both, little one.”

  “Paul!” said Agnes, glaring at him. “You’re not supposed to egg her on.”

  “Cant I answer my child?” Paul answered, Agnes snapping “Not when you’re encouraging her to close her heart on her family!”

  “Well, if they’re thinking cruel thoughts about the baby, then-”

  “Be quiet,” Agnes said coldly, as Pandora and Marlon stared at their knees. “Put yourself in their shoes, Paul. What would you do?”

  “I’d be glad of another sibling,” Paul answered coldly. “No lie, Agnes.”

  Agnes closed her mouth, knowing Paul was an only child like herself. After their parents found out what they were, when they were around thirteen, both pairs decided never to have any more children for fear they’d be as weird as their first.

  Agnes and Paul were cast out on the street on the very same day, when they found each other. It was on that day they vowed they’d have revenge on these stupid mortals who thought they were better than them because they couldn’t do zilch, vowed to stick together no matter what happened.

  Paul cleared his throat uncomfortably, knowing what she was thinking.

  “Never mind Memory Lane, Agnes. Let’s have this tea.”

  Baby Julian beamed at Ted, saying “Hello!”

  Ted stared at him, not knowing what to do. He looked at Dreamer but she stared stonily over his shoulder, through the glass wall into the garden. Ted looked at Agnes and Paul, who glared at him.

  “My grandson is talking to you, Ted.”

  “He’s not anymore, look.”

  Baby Julian had lost interest in the stranger already, taking his muffin and breaking it into tiny pieces.

  “Baby, you’re making a mess,” Dreamer said amusedly, and he giggled.

  “I share, Mummy. See?” He picked up a piece, holding it out to Pandora. “Hello! Look, I share it!”

  Pandora hesitated, then she held her hand out. Everyone smiled as Baby Julian dropped the piece in her hand, beaming at her.

  Pandora stared at her baby brother, who stared back confusedly.

  “You no like it?”

  “I- I do,” she said, looking down at her hand. “Thank you.”

  Pleased, Baby Julian picked up another piece and held it out to Ma
rlon. Marlon leaned across the table, Baby Julian dropping some in his hands.

  “What you name?”

  “Um… Marlon.”

  “Maaarlon,” he repeated slowly, and Marlon nodded. Baby Julian looked at Pandora, asking “What you name?”

  Nervous all of a sudden, Pandora mumbled “Pandora.”

  “Pa- Pa… Mummy?”

  Everyone laughed, Dreamer saying “You can call her ‘Dora, sweetie.”

  “Dorwa.” Baby Julian giggled, repeating it. “Dorwa!”

  Pandora smiled shakily at Dreamer, who smiled back at her.

  “What are you thinking, honey?”

  “He- he’s kind of cute,” Pandora said truthfully, and Marlon nodded.

  Agnes beamed happily, clapping her hands as she said “I can feel the negative energy disappearing faster than water down a drain.”

  “So can I,” Dreamer said quietly, as Julian squirmed in her lap. “Ted?”

  Ted jumped, startled. “Yes Dreamer?”

  “Why are you so quiet?”

  “I… I was just thinking, that’s all.”

  Baby Julian stared at him, then he said “What you name?”

  Ted looked at Dreamer, as if asking her permission to answer.

  “You don’t need my permission to speak to him,” Dreamer said, Paul as well. “Just answer him, or he’ll ask you again later.”

  Ted looked back at Baby Julian, saying “Ted.”

  Baby Julian’s face lit up. “Ted!”

  Ted nodded as he pointed at Marlon, saying “Marlon.” Then he looked at Pandora, saying “Dorwa.” Then he beamed at Ted. “Ted!”

  “He likes learning new things,” Dreamer explained, when they looked at her with a small smile on their faces. “But the best time was when-”

  “He discovered he had a mother,” Paul said, and everyone looked at him.

  Pandora, Marlon and Ted shifted guiltily in their seats, thinking the same thing. They hadn’t thought for one second about what it must have been like for Dreamer, finding out she had another child.

  “Um… how did you feel when you found out about the baby?” Ted asked cautiously, and Dreamer looked at him. She took a moment to answer.

  “I was shocked at first.”

  “I can imagine,” muttered Pandora, Dreamer continuing “But when I saw Baby Julian, I loved him more than anything in the whole world.”

  The hurt hit the three of them at the same time: they looked away from her. Dreamer smiled at them, saying “Anything. Not anyone.”

  The smiles that lit their faces surprised her; did they really think she’d stop loving them because of Baby Julian?

  “You cant possibly think I’d stop loving you,” Dreamer said, amazed. “That’s ridiculous. You’re supposed to stop loving me.”

  “Never,” Pandora said fiercely, Ted and Marlon as well.

  Paul looked at the clock, saying “It’s getting late, everyone.”

  Everyone’s faces fell, Dreamer’s as well. They didn’t want to separate, not when everything had miraculously sorted itself out.

  Pandora and Marlon scowled at Paul, wondering if he enjoyed spoiling the moment. Paul winked at them, saying “Actually, I was going to suggest you staying here with your mother. It’s almost two a.m.”

  “Dad as well?” asked Marlon hopefully, and everyone looked at Dreamer.

  Dreamer nodded, saying “Ted as well.”

  Ted breathed out, relieved. Dreamer smiled at him, and he shyly smiled back. Then he asked “Do you have enough room?”

  “I should have. I’ve got an upstairs.”

  “Ok then.”

  Almost an hour later the table was clear again, and Agnes and Paul were gone. Pandora and Marlon were in bed, Pandora asking to share with Marlon for one night. So Dreamer turned the double bed into two singles, waving her wand to move around everything. A bed stood on either side of the room, beds which they were now both asleep in.

  Ted stood in the living room downstairs, waiting nervously. Dreamer was tending to her baby, and what a cute little baby he was too, Ted thought ruefully. He wondered where he and Dreamer stood now. Everything seemed so right at the table, even with Baby Julian. Ted already liked the happy baby, which was weird since he thought it was hate at first sight when he saw the pictures and video clip Cruise showed him. But now…

  Upstairs, Dreamer laid her son down in his crib, stroking his hair.

  “Sweet dreams honey,” she whispered, pulling his soft quilt over him. Baby Julian slept on, his tiny thumb in his mouth.

  Dreamer left his tiny lamp on for him, taking a deep breath as she left the room and went downstairs. Now she had to see to Ted.

  Dreamer felt butterflies in her stomach as she stared at his broad back. He was looking at a portrait of her when she was twenty, Agnes and Paul seated behind her. They looked much more impressive than the Royal Family, Ted thought with a small smile, then he sensed her behind him. Taking a deep breath, he turned to look at her.

  Dreamer didn’t even know what to say. Neither did Ted. They stared at each other for a good ten seconds, then Ted said “Um… hi.”

  “Hi,” Dreamer said quietly, then she pulled herself together. “Um… upstairs. Pandora and Marlon’s had their showers now, so you can have yours.”

  Ted nodded, saying “Ok.”

  “I’ve summoned some of your things from your house,” Dreamer said nervously, wondering why he was staring at her so intensely. “They’re in your room- um, the room opposite mine. That’s the room on your left when you go up the stairs… Ted?” she said, as he continued to watch her. “What’s the matter?”

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said quietly, and Dreamer smiled.

  “Thank you. The shower’s waiting for you.”

  Ted smiled, asking “Am I sleeping on the sofa?”

  “No- didn’t you hear what I was saying?”

  “I was admiring your every angle,” he admitted as he moved closer. “What was you saying, Dreamer?”

  “I… I was saying that- that your room is upstairs and…” Dreamer trailed off, staring at the milk-chocolate man she loved. Ted had a finely featured face that went well with the muscular body that came with it. His build gave the impression of a man who used his physical strength often, but Dreamer knew that Ted was as gentle as a mouse. His appearance intimidated his opponents in court, but if they knew him the way she did they would be more confident, not afraid of him one bit.

  Ted knew what she was thinking. Dreamer watched those beautiful lips curve into a smirk, Ted saying “You like what you see, don’t you?”

  Dreamer almost nodded. Dragging her eyes away from him, she said “You’re very vain, Ted.”

  “Because of you. All I have to do is look into those emerald eyes…” His eyes scanned her face hungrily. “To know you love me as much as I love you.” He stepped so close she grazed his torso. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Dreamer didn’t answer. She hardly heard a word he said, simply gazing at the rows of perfect white teeth behind those lips.

  “Aren’t I?” Ted repeated softly, before he lowered his mouth to hers. To both of them something shifted in the universe, because the kiss felt like lightning jolts, shocking them all the way to the tips of their toes. Dreamer’s arms curved around his neck, Ted lifting her off her feet as he pulled her closer. He was so focused on the tender kiss, he didn’t hear Marlon and Pandora traipse downstairs. Neither did Dreamer.

  Pandora stopped dead, backing and crashing into her brother.

  Eyes closed, in their own world, Ted and Dreamer didn’t react to the noise. Marlon grabbed Pandora by the arm and pulled her back upstairs, whispering “They don’t know we was there. They don’t have to.”

  “Ok, ok- just let go of me!” she hissed. “And thanks for waking me up for nothing, camel mouth!”

  “Nothing!” he whispered, offended. “It was to talk to Mum! You know, midnight chat and stuff!”

  “Well we’re not going to have our midn
ight chat now, are we?” Pandora pulled away from her brother. “I’m going back to sleep.”

  When their door snapped shut, Dreamer frowned in her haze of lust and she paused the kiss that had her soul on fire.

  “Did you hear that?” she murmured against Ted’s mouth, Ted answering “It might be the baby.”

  “I’ll check,” Dreamer said, her voice low. “You’d better get your shower, Ted. I… I’ll show you where your things are.”

  Ted nodded, heart racing as he let her go. Dreamer gazed at him for a moment, then she turned and left the living room.

  “Follow me.”

  Ted obeyed, taking steady breaths to calm himself. So was Dreamer, but she hid that fact very well.

  “The bathroom’s right there.”

  She pointed to another door before turning and walking down the hallway, slipping right through the closed door at the end as if she was a ghost. Ted smiled, entering his glamorous room and picking up his towel.

  She had all of his things there already, laid out for him.

  Dreamer sat on her bed, feeling there was a vast change in her and Ted’s relationship. Never, she thought, had Ted ever made her feel that way with just a kiss.


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