A Witch Like No Other
Page 28
* * *
Ted didn’t dare go and talk to Dreamer again, knowing she was up. Though her kisses were always mind blowing, that one… Ted shook his head, still revelling in the electrical feeling. He hoped Dreamer would come and say goodnight. If it reached half two and she didn’t, he would go to her instead.
* * *
Dreamer hesitated, then she knocked on his door.
Ted sat up quickly, saying “Come in.”
Dreamer walked in slowly, a smile spreading across Ted’s face.
“You ok?”
Dreamer nodded. “I had a quick shower, and… I made you a hot drink as well. It’s downstairs with mine if you want it.”
Ted was already on his feet.
“You didn’t have to make me a hot drink before I go to bed.”
Dreamer raised an eyebrow.
“I always make you a hot drink before you go to bed.”
“Slipped my mind,” he said amusedly, and she smiled.
* * *
“Are you going to work tomorrow?” asked Dreamer, but Ted said no.
“I’ve moved up in the firm,” he said, and she gasped.
“You’ve been promoted? That’s excellent, Ted!”
Ted smiled, saying “It didn’t feel excellent at the time, what with you being gone and all.” His smile grew. “But now it feels great.”
Touched, Dreamer leaned across the table and kissed him.
“What role do you play now?”
“I’m a private lawyer now; I don’t have to rush to someone’s aid as much as I used to. I’m earning fifty two thousand a year-”
“You’re kidding!”
“Nope. That’s how private I am. Not only that, but I’ll be called all over Europe to help people. Three times a year I’ll have to leave the country, it comes with the package.” He smiled at her, taking her hand. “That means, my lovely, that I’ll be taking you, Marlon, Pandora and Julian on holiday with me.”
Dreamer’s eyes filled as he kissed her hand.
“You don’t mind Julian not being your son?”
“No,” Ted admitted. “It bugged me at first, when I saw the pictures-”
“What pictures?” she said, staring at him. “I made sure my baby wasn’t in any magazine photos, so how could there be pictures of him?”
“Well…” Ted hesitated. “I sort of hired a private detective to find you.”
Dreamer leaned back in her seat, surveying him through her green eyes.
“Really.” Ted nodded. “Well now I’m going to hire a private lawyer besides yourself to sue you, Ted! How could you spy on me?”
“It wasn’t spying, Dreamer. I missed you,” he said calmly. “Nobody would tell me what was going on- Miriam acted like she knew nothing.”
Dreamer averted her gaze to their hands, entwined on the kitchen table. Ted wondered if now was the time to give her his version of the Spanish Inquisition. She looked so innocent. His heart said no, but his mind screamed yes! He chose to go with his mind.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was Miriam who was messing your head around?”
“I didn’t want you to be mad at her,” Dreamer said, looking anywhere but at him. “Don’t be angry, Ted- let me explain how she feels.”
Ted opened his mouth, then he closed it and nodded.
“I’m all ears.”
* * *
“It’s not like that!” he burst out, for the third time. Each time Dreamer explained Miriam to him, he had the same reaction. “Explain it again.”
“Ted, I’ve explained it around four times now.” Dreamer picked up her wand, tapping his and her mug at the side. The cold chocolate drink was instantly hot again, steam rising from each mug. “That’s how she feels, yes? She feels like you stuck your foot in everything when I came back just like you did when we met- she thinks she’ll be singled out again.”
“It’s not like that,” Ted repeated. “Call her.”
“Ted, it’s gone four in the morning.”
“Call her, Dreamer.” Ted didn’t care what time it was. “Now.”
Dreamer obeyed slowly, picking up the house phone.
* * *
Miriam rolled out of bed, scrambling up and running for the phone. She knew it was Dreamer calling.
“Dreamer, is everything all right? Is Julian ok?”
“Everything’s fine,” Ted said, surprising her. “We need to talk.”
“What are you doing there, Ted? Where’s Dreamer?”
“Right next to me.”
* * *
Miriam put the phone down half an hour later, all smiles.
She replayed Ted’s soothing voice in her mind over and over, hardly able to believe it.
“Believe me, if you had just talked to me about this, it would have been sorted ages ago. I never knew you felt this way, Miriam. Trust me, Dreamer didn’t say a thing all those years back. I just thought you was a distant friend in America she fell out with. And I had to hire a private detective, who found out you was the one corrupting her mind. But never mind that now- what’s done is done. Dreamer’s like a sister to you, right? Think of me as your brother-in-law. You’re a part of this family, all right? You’re a part of us. I want you to come out with us for dinner tonight, if you don’t mind.”
Miriam had said she didn’t mind, asking what dinner was for.
“We’re celebrating a new beginning with and for you, Baby Julian, Paul and Dreamer. I’ll take you to a church if I have to, Miriam. You’re in this family now. You don’t only have Dreamer and Agnes, but me too now. We are one, do you hear me? We’re all going to stick together.”
* * *
Ted held Dreamer close to him as she slept, afraid to let her go for fear all of this was just a dream. He would wake up to a house with no Dreamer, two depressed kids, and still in his position as a regular lawyer at work.
Ted looked down at the love of his life, looking so innocent and perfect as she dreamt of something that was making her mouth curve into a smile. Ted hoped it was him in her dream making her smile like that.
Unable to stop himself, he kissed her soft lips.
The effect worked better than any alarm clock Dreamer ever owned.
She smiled, running her hands through his curly hair as he lowered his head to kiss her neck.
“Don’t you ever sleep, Teddy?”
“Sure,” he mumbled against her skin, “Just not right now.”
* * *
Baby Julian woke up almost four hours later, already giggling.
“Mummy,” he called. “Mummy, Mummy!”
Julian scratched his head, confused. Mummy always came when he woke up calling her. The baby took a tiny breath, then he called her again.
He waited to hear “coming honey”, but there was just silence.
Baby Julian screamed blue murder when he realised Mummy wasn’t in the house.
Dreamer jumped, in the shower.
“Coming!” she called, but he couldn’t hear her through the closed door.
Pandora stirred, opening her eyes as Marlon groaned “Go to him, ‘Dora!”
“I’m going, idiot!”
“Mummy,” sobbed Julian, hugging his teddy bear. “Mummy!”
Pandora took a deep breath, wondering if she was mad. She didn’t like little kids. Especially when they were crying that hard. Then she reasoned that this was her baby brother, and she needed to comfort him. She immediately felt guilty as she remembered what she thought of him seconds before he gave her a piece of his chocolate muffin.
“Mummy,” wailed Julian, as Dreamer dressed as quickly as she could. Pandora took another deep breath before turning into the baby’s room.
Baby Julian paused mid-scream, staring at her.
Pandora approached him slowly, asking “You ok?”
“Dorwa,” he wept, reaching out to her. “I want Mummy!”
Marlon entered the room as she lif
ted him out of the crib.
“Is he all right?”
“Marlon,” Baby Julian said, eyes filling over. Marlon smiled at him.
“What’s up, baby brother. You all right?”
“What’s wrong?” asked Marlon, and Pandora rolled her eyes.
“Didn’t you hear what he was saying?”
“Yeah, but… he’s so cute when he talks in that baby voice.”
“He is a baby, idiot.”
“What’s wrong Julian?” asked Marlon gently, and the baby sniffed before saying “I want Mummy.”
Downstairs, Ted was waltzing around the kitchen making a spectacular breakfast. He couldn’t hear a thing over the sizzling of the frying pan.
Dreamer pulled her robe on over her gown as Baby Julian whimpered, then burst into tears again. He didn’t know Marlon and Pandora well enough to feel comfortable with them.
“I’m right here, baby.” She turned into the room, Baby Julian shrieking happily as she took him off Pandora. “Are you ok?”
“Mummy!” he squealed, suddenly beaming. “Mummy!”
Pandora reached out cautiously, stroking his curly hair as he giggled.
“Mum, I… I’m sorry for-”
“It’s ok, sweetie.” Dreamer smiled at her. “Get your showers, both of you. I’ll bathe Baby Julian in my room.”
“I’ll iron his clothes,” Marlon offered quickly. “Where are they?”
“In his drawer, but you don’t have to-”
“It’s ok Mum, I want to.” Marlon kissed her on the cheek. “I want to.”
“I can make his breakfast,” Pandora said. “What does he like?”
“Oatmeal,” Dreamer said, but Julian said “Cook-cook!”
“Or Weetabix-”
“Or even Rice Krispies if he doesn’t make a mess-”
“And if I’m making pancakes then-” Dreamer stopped, wondering what that delicious smell was. “Where’s Ted, honey?”
“I’m not sure. Downstairs?” suggested Pandora, Marlon shrugging.
Dreamer decided to find out what the smell was later.
“Come on baby, it’s time to get your bath.”
* * *
When Dreamer carried Baby Julian downstairs and put him down, he ran into the kitchen where Pandora, Marlon and Ted was waiting.
The three of them couldn’t help cooing at him lovingly, because he looked adorable in his tiny dungarees and blue t-shirt underneath. Dreamer followed slowly, Ted saying “He’s so cute, Dreamer.”
“Thank you. Wow,” she said, as she looked at the table. “Did you-?”
“Yep,” Ted said proudly. “I can cook, you know. Have a seat.”
Dreamer picked Julian up and put him in his high chair, smiling as his face crumpled.
“Don’t worry sweetie, you’ll come down after you eat.”
“Oaty?” asked Baby Julian, and Pandora smiled at him.
“Oaty with cook-cook chips and jam and sprinkles, look!”
Baby Julian squealed happily, staring at the colourful breakfast she set in front of him.
“Mummy, look! Dorwa done it!”
“Beats ironing clothes,” Pandora said smugly, and Marlon pouted at her.
“No arguing,” warned Ted, bringing the plates over. “Not today, kids.”
Dreamer spooned some of the oatmeal, feeding it to her baby.
“Mmm!” said Julian happily, and Dreamer smiled at him.
“Say ta to ‘Dora, sweetie.”
“Ta, Dorwa! Ta!”
* * *
“Mum, please let us stay,” begged Pandora, but Dreamer shook her head.
“You wanted to stay off college because things were rocky, honey. Everything is sorted now, so there’s no reason why you cant go.”
She flicked her wand at the front door, which opened slowly.
Marlon and Pandora pouted as two rucksacks appeared, no doubt bearing everything they needed for college.
Pandora sighed, picking up her black rucksack. She was dressed head to foot in black: a black sweater, black jeans, black socks under black boots, a black combat jacket with a matching black hat, scarf and gloves.
“Don’t know why it’s freezing like this in October,” she muttered, kissing Dreamer goodbye. “Come on, Marlon.”
“You both go to Forest Academy?” Dreamer said interestedly, and they nodded, Marlon kissing his mother on the cheek.
“Bye, Mum.”
“Bye honey.”
“Those children really love their mother,” Barbara said from across the road to her husband. Hugh smiled and nodded.
“Morning Dreamer!” he called, and Dreamer waved.
“Morning Hugh.”
“How’s Baby Julian?”
“He’s fine.”
“Dreamer, why don’t you pop over for lunch?” Barbara called from her front door, as Hugh got in his car. “Bring the baby along!”
“I’ll see what I’m doing at lunch,” Dreamer said, averting her gaze.
“All right then.” Barbara wondered why Dreamer was still so withdrawn. “I’ll be in all day, so pop over whenever you’re ready.”
Hugh rolled down his window, asking “Where’s the big kids going to?”
“College,” Dreamer said, looking at him. “Forest Academy.”
“I can give them a lift if they’d like,” Hugh offered, and Dreamer looked at Pandora and Marlon. Pandora’s face remained blank, but Marlon’s was hopeful. Dreamer nodded, saying “Ok then. Thank you.”
“Come on in,” Hugh called, as Baby Julian’s tiny feet pattered.
“Mummy, where Dorwa and Marlon go?”
“College, sweetie.” Dreamer picked him up. “Say bye.”
“Bye Dorwa!” called Baby Julian, beaming at her back. “Bye Marlon!”
Both of them turned and smiled, Pandora coming back over to kiss his soft cheek while Marlon kissed the top of his head. Julian giggled, slightly overwhelmed by the affection he was receiving.
“Be a good baby, ok?” Pandora said, and he nodded.
Hugh smiled, patient as ever. Barbara smiled too.
Ted came to the door as well, saying “Be good, ok you two? I don’t want another phone call from your principal for the rest of the week.”
Pandora and Marlon smirked at each other and got in Hugh’s car.
“I mean it,” Ted called. “I’ll be calling in to check on you. And if I don’t get a good response you can forget going out on Halloween.”
Pandora and Marlon scowled at him, Pandora slamming the door behind her. She specifically told her father she was going to a graveyard on her own on Halloween, and he reluctantly agreed. Marlon was going to a party. Dreamer leant back against him as the car pulled away, asking “They’ve been misbehaving at college?”
“Only because you wasn’t around. They missed you,” Ted said, not remotely bothered about that anymore. “They was depressed.”
“Oh.” Dreamer’s face fell. “I should have called them.”
“Never mind that,” Ted said quickly, hating the miserable look on her face. “What are we going to do today?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed, as Baby Julian squirmed in her arms. “It’s nice that everything is sorted properly, but…”
Ted stared at her. There was a ‘but’ in their moment of bliss?
“But what, Dreamer?”
“Well, we have to be realistic,” she mumbled, and Ted realised that they was standing at the front door still, Dreamer’s neighbour watching them. Ted smiled politely and she smiled back, then he pulled Dreamer inside and closed the door.
“Mummy Mummy, I want to play bricks peas!” Baby Julian gazed at her happily, waiting for her to put him down and conjure his toys.
Dreamer did just that, flicking her wand carelessly. The toys rose in the air and zoomed into the living room, Dreamer putting her baby down so he could run
after them
“Come play, Mummy!”
“Coming sweetie.”
Ted blocked her way, saying “Explain what you mean by realistic.”
“And Papa tells me I’m the dreamer,” Dreamer muttered, looking at him. “Ted, last night was great, but-”
“Don’t!” he snapped, making her jump. “Don’t say it was a mistake.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Dreamer looked into his eyes, calm as ever. “I was just going to say it was great, but we have to be realistic. You’ve got your house, and I’ve got mine. I’m not moving out of mine, Ted. It’s my home, and I’ve come to love it here.”
“In just two and a half months?”
Dreamer nodded. Ted rubbed his neck, thinking about that.
“Well, I could move here with the kids-”
“I’m not ready for that, Ted.” Dreamer sighed. “Neither is my baby.”
Ted knew this. He knew Julian would be startled to find three strangers suddenly on the scene.