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Axon's Lust (Cosmic Warriors Book 2)

Page 12

by Ruby Winter

  “Yes, now we need to hide,” I said, looking around for a hiding place.

  “Being boarded by what?” she asked. “There is nothing out here! Is it possible that the Russians are out here too? Why would they attack us?”

  “I have a feeling it’s not the Russians,” I whispered, pulling her off the floor. Now that the ship had stopped shaking, we could finally walk around. The lights came back on in full blast, the sudden brightness almost blinding me. Echoing sounds of people shouting and blaster guns shooting filled our ears. Whoever was attacking us was going to come here any second.

  “Petra, we have to hide now,” I said, looking around the lab urgently. I was a petite woman, only 5’5 and very fit. I could easily hide under a cabinet, and no one would be able to notice, but Petra was the opposite. She was tall, capping at six feet, and not to mention, big-boned. She wasn’t overweight; she just had that Viking female build with blonde hair to go along with it. There would be no hiding in a cabinet for her.

  “Here, get inside and don’t say a word. Don’t even breathe loudly,” I warned her, opening a tall pantry cupboard and pulling out the boxes inside, setting them on the lab table.

  “Me? What about you? Where are you going? Don’t leave me!” she pleaded, her eyes beginning to tear up. I shook my head in reassurance.

  “Petra, look at me. I am not going anywhere. I am going to be right here in the lab, okay? I’m just going to hide in another spot,” I told her. “But I’m going to need you to pull it together, okay? Hopefully, whoever has boarded the ship will quickly take a look around, take whatever it is they’re after and then leave. They won’t even know we are hiding in here, okay?” I waited for her to nod twice before pushing her into the pantry.

  “We need to be invisible, okay? That’s the goal,” I said, calming her down. “Stay quiet, and put your hand over your mouth if you need to.”

  I could hear noises echoing in the hall, and I quickly ran to the other side of the lab and opened the cabinet under the sink. I crawled inside, curving my body against the pipe and closed the door behind me.

  It was dark and quiet enough that I could hear my breathing. I didn’t know what was going on, but something told me that a ship from Earth wouldn’t come all this way out here just to hijack another Earth ship. We were far out of our solar system, and we didn’t think there was anyone else out here.

  That was the purpose of this research mission; to collect any signs of microscopic life in the deep reaches of space, and see if there was possibility of a cure for degenerative diseases in them.

  “Here! Search in here!” a booming voice shouted as heavy boots entered the lab. “The Earthlings are good at hiding. I’ve dealt with them many times.”

  My eyes widened in shock, and I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from whimpering, just as I had suggested to Petra.

  Oh God, I hoped they wouldn’t find Petra…or me, I added as an afterthought.

  “Did you hear that?” I heard a distinctly male voice ask.

  “What is it, Commander Kyis?”

  “That sound…,’he paused for a second. “Here.”

  I heard something being forced open, and I closed my eyes and whimpered as I realized they found Petra.

  “No! No!” Petra screamed. I heard them scuffling as they pulled her from the pantry.

  “Here is another one!” the male cried, sounding particularly smug now upon capturing her. “That makes two. I knew there would be plenty of human females aboard this vessel. Did I not tell you?”

  “Yes, you did, Commander.”

  This one will make a pretty mate. She is almost as tall as we are, only another foot to go.”

  I narrowed my eyes as I heard this declaration. I also heard him say something interesting earlier—here’s another one. That meant they already have Clara, a trained astronaut. She was the other female onboard the Terra 2.

  I was growing angrier by the second. How dare they think they can just take us? Whoever they were, they had another thing coming!

  “No! Get your hands off me! No!” Petra shouted in fear.

  That’s it. I’ve had enough.

  “Get your hands off her!” I cried, bursting out of the cabinet and then stomping right over to these blue-colored men. I held my finger out and prodded at the one holding Petra. “Let her go now or else…,”

  All blaster guns turned at me, making me take in the aliens for the first time. I was astonished by what I saw.

  They looked like long tall human males, at least seven feet tall or so, except their skin was dark blue, and it seemed to have a glittering sheen when they moved into the light. They didn’t have any shirts on, and I could see just how ripped these aliens were, making me think they were probably either soldiers or warriors. The bottom half of their body was covered by a black spandex, or scuba suit material that fit snugly against their masculine thighs. It was tucked into high calf boots and accented with a large tool belt with some advanced devices on it, including weapons.

  “Or else, what?” the alien that held Petra said. It was his looks that shocked me out of all the aliens in the room. I was expecting grotesque spikes protruding from his face or scaly patches of skin, but that wasn’t what I saw. This dark blue-skinned soldier had solid long black hair that rested just above his shoulders. It was messy, and it matched his rugged beard stubble that lined his cheeks and chin. His eyes were a stark light grey color, and his teeth were bright white, and looked fairly human except for his canines were a bit longer—kind of like a vampire’s.

  “Let her go or else…,” I struggled, thinking of something to threaten him with. “Or else…,” but I had nothing. What could I do to seven feet, heavily-armed and seriously buffed alien warriors?

  The entire group of aliens, including the attractive one, started laughing loudly. Then he looked at me, and he let go of Petra.

  “I like this one,” he said as he pointed his finger at me like I was a Louis Vuitton in a shopping mall. “She is small, but she is fiery. I think that is what I would like in a human female mate.”

  I sputtered in disbelief.

  “I don’t care what you like; I’m not yours! You will let us go, and you will leave our ship alone!” I shouted at him in anger, getting up on my tiptoes and stretching up as high as I could. He stepped toward me with his full lips in an amused-looking grin, putting only an inch of distance between us.

  I knew he was trying to intimidate me, but those kind of party tricks don’t work on me.

  I was going to stand my ground and not quiver. As he leaned even closer to me, I couldn’t help but inhale his manly scent, drawing a response deep inside of me. I instantly felt guilty that my body was becoming aroused from his musk. My body was betraying me. I felt a deep hatred for this alien creature, and yet at this proximity, my body was responding to him like an animal in heat.

  He leaned down over me, moving his head sideways to look at my face. He lifted his hand and ran the back of it down my cheek tenderly.

  “This one has a fire inside of her. I can see it through her pale skin,” he remarked, observing my face closely. “Those green eyes are shooting murder at me. She would probably kill me in my sleep if she had the chance,” this elicited laughter among his companions. “Hmm…Even her hair is the color of fire,” he said, running his hand through my red locks.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and, with a show of bravery, slapped his hand away from my hair, drawing a surprised look out of him.

  “Get your hand off me,” I sneered, making him smile bigger than before.

  “I will take this one. We are done here,” Commander Kyis said as he turned to the other soldiers.

  “Yes, Commander Kyis.”

  It was obvious he was the one in charge. He turned back to me, and without warning, his strong large hands went around my waist and scooped me up.

  “What are you doing?!” I shrieked in outrage. “Put me down, you brute!” I kicked against his hard stomach and pounded my fists on his hard

  I heard Petra start shouting too.

  “Stop it! Put me down! Help! Help!” she screamed.

  When we entered the hallway, it was complete chaos. The crew was tied up on the ground—all the males, anyway. They watched helplessly as the Captain shouted at the aliens.

  “Let them go! Do not take those women! They are not yours to take!”

  I winced as one of the aliens kicked the Captain in the gut, making him cough uncontrollably. I was furious and frightened at the same time. What the hell was going on? Where were we going? If they were simply taking the ship, then they would’ve just tied us up with everyone else.

  “Disengage the lock once we’re all through,” Commander Kyis ordered.

  “Yes, Commander,” the soldier said, nodding.

  “What are you doing?! Put me down!” I yelled.

  “Do you ever stop shouting?” he said quietly to me in an exasperated tone. He walked through the airlock of our ship and onto the airlock of another ship I had never seen before.

  “Do you ever listen?” I asked back. He just laughed again in response. I looked around and realized what was happening. They were going to take Petra, Clara and me; we were being abducted in space.

  Panic shot through me as I looked at the gleaming white walls of their ship. I had never seen anything like it. Even though they were uncouth males, it was obvious they were far more advanced than we were.

  Chapter 2

  Commander Ventra Kyis

  I was a true Ambrion to my very core.

  I rose to the ranks of Commander because I was the best of the best. I was a skilled soldier who defeated all others in the fighting drills. I could lead in battle, and I could lead a star fleet. There were few who dared to cross me, but that was just another trait of a defiant Ambrion: I also had my enemies.

  And being the commander of a starship that pillaged the goods of other ships, I was used to getting what wanted, but there was still one thing missing--a human female to mate.

  So it was lucky we had come across an earth vessel as we scouted for Brackian mining ships to plunder. Brackian ships always had the best quality of quartz on their ships, and we loved to take it from them. But this voyage put us in an area we didn’t usually frequent, and I was glad for what else we discovered.

  The moment the small human female with flaming red hair popped out of her little hiding spot, and stood in defiance yelling at me, I knew she was the one I’ve been looking for.

  Her soft pale skin was exotic to me, and her full hips and ample breasts were enough to make my mouth water. I was enjoying carrying her into the ship, despite her loud mouth.

  “Commander Kyis, is the ship cleared?” Captain Qein asked, and I nodded, adjusting my grip on my female.

  “Yes, Captain. The last soldiers are closing the airlock and disengaging,” I said, my left eye starting to twitch due to the female’s shouting starting to reverberate around the room.

  “What is that?” the Captain asked, looking at her in intrigue.

  “I have taken her,” I said sternly, tightening my hold on her. “I have claimed this one.”

  He looked at me and narrowed his eyes.

  “We will see about that. No one touches the human females until I have taken a look at them,” he said as he began to turn away.

  “No, not this time! She is mine, I am claiming this one!” I growled in anger.

  He stopped in his tracks and turned back toward me, a mad glint in his eyes. “Are you defying an order, Commander? I am the Captain of this starship, not you!” he barked.

  “I am only claiming what is rightfully mine,” I countered.

  “Nothing is yours unless I say it is!” he bellowed. “Now take her to the lock-up with the other females. Don’t make me repeat this order,” he threatened, as he turned back and headed to the flight deck.

  I snarled and gritted my teeth as he walked away. He was not a good Captain. That position should’ve been mine.

  I carried her down the long hallway of our ship to the lock-up rooms. Her human female companions were screaming along with her.

  “In here. They’ll use the big one,” I said to my soldier. I carried the red-haired female into the lock-up and sat her down on the bench.

  “What the hell are you doing? I demand that you take us back to our ship!” she cried out.

  “You can’t do this!” one of her companions added. There were three of them, and each was attractive in their own way, but the small red-haired one had already intrigued me.

  “You will be brought drink and nourishment,” I told them as I walked out. They yelled after us as we locked the door, and then I headed down the hallway.

  “Commander, we are ready to disengage from the earth ship,” a soldier said to me.

  “Good. Disengage when cleared from the flight deck. The Captain will be ordering us back to Telan, follow his orders,” I said, feeling pissed off towards our Captain. I did all the work and he reaped the rewards.

  But it would not be like this for long. I wanted more. Once we arrive on Telan, I will make a plea to the Ambrion King to give me command of a starship.

  From there I made my way to the long-range communications deck. “Patch me into communications on Telan,” I said as I moved into a chair.

  “Yes, Commander,” the operator said. “Patched in,” he said as the screen in front of me went from black to a live communication feed.

  “Director Reion. We have come across an earth ship. We have just disengaged, and we are on our way back home to Telan. We commandeered three human females. They are currently held inside the lock-up,” I reported.

  “Good, that is a good bounty Kyis. What do you know of the earth ship? What was its mission?” he responded.

  “We do not know, Director Reion,” I replied.

  “Find out what it is. I want you to personally question these human females, and find out all you can about what they were doing on that ship,” he ordered. “It is imperative that you gather as much data as possible. And who decided to disengage from the ship without finding out its purpose?” he asked sternly.

  “It was Captain Qein’s orders, sir. He oversees this ship and its actions,” I said smugly.

  “Noted and going in the report. Well done, Commander Ventra Kyis,” Director praised. “Report back to me when you have some answers for me.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, saluting him with a fist on my chest. He saluted back and then cut the feed, the screen fading to black.

  I got up from the chair and grinned. I had just been ordered to spend more time with the human female. It was a hard order, I thought glibly, but someone had to do it.

  “Commander, we are jumping into hyper speed,” a soldier reported to me.

  “Excellent. Make sure the human prisoners are fed,” I said, walking away from him. I was very eager to do my questioning on the red-haired petite human, but I still had my rounds to do. I spent the next few hours making sure the ship was running tightly, and then it was time to visit my red-haired treat.

  “Where do you think they are taking us?” I heard a soft voice ask as I unlocked the door and stepped in.

  “We are going to Telan. It is my home planet,” I said, answering the question and startling the three women.

  “Take us back to our ship. Now!” the red-haired human demanded, standing up with such boldness. Her ample breasts bouncing as she stomped on the floor coming towards me. She was going to be mine, after all, so I took the liberty of staring at them.

  “Come with me,” I said, gesturing toward the door.

  “What? Where?” she asked, confused.

  “Don’t go, Amelia,” the human with black hair begged.

  “It will be alright, Clara,” Amelia responded, reassuring the other woman with a smile.

  “No, it’s not!” the human with yellow hair cried, shaking her head. “You won’t come back!”

  “I will return her to you. Do not fear,” I said to them.

  “How w
ould we know that?” Clara asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

  “I promise on my honor as an Ambrion, and honor is everything to us,” I swore to them.

  I looked at the red-haired female—Amelia. “Are you coming, or are you waiting for me to throw you over my shoulder like before?” I asked before giving her a teasing grin. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

  She gasped in outrage.

  “No, I did not! I will walk, thank you very much” she snapped at me, walking out the door and into the hall. I locked the door of the lock-in, and led her to a room in the back of the ship. It was there we conducted our daily meetings, but for now it would be the place for questioning.

  “Sit down at the table,” I told her. She gave me a look before doing what I said, sitting down at a white chair beside the table.

  “What is going on here?” she asked. I moved behind her, and she tensed up as I stood looking down at her from my tall height.

  “What are you called?” I asked. Her brows furrowed.

  “Like…you mean my name? What’s my name?” she clarified, and I nodded. “My name is Dr. Amelia Aerot,” she answered.

  “Doctor? You do repairs on humans?” I asked, surprised by her skills.

  “Yes, but I also do research,” she said.

  “Research?” I repeated, tilting my head. “What is this ‘research’? Explain…,” I demanded.


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