Book Read Free

Brynn Paulin

Page 8

by Nail sand Tails Teeth

  He turned to find Bar wrestling the backpack from Summer’s limp body. If they’d taken any longer to find her, she would have frozen to death. As he helped get her gear and clothes off her, the blue tinge of her skin and lips sent fear spiking into his chest. What if they were too late?

  “Don’t think like that,” Bar admonished as he left them and went to the plastic covered mattress a few feet away. It was held off the ground by an iron frame with plastic bins beneath it. Inside were blankets and cedar blocks. Mika’s heightened senses confirmed these were clean. Whoever had been here last must have visited in summer and washed the linens in the nearby stream before departing.

  He sent blessings to the person as he divested Summer of her coats and Bar made up the bed. Summer’s jeans were stiff as he pulled them down her legs and her skin was icy beneath them. Once he got off her socks, he briskly rubbed her feet.

  “The bed’s ready,” Bar told him as he returned and helped take off the last of her garments. Together, they lifted her and brought her to the cot, each climbing in beside her and warming her from either side. Carefully, Mika drew her hands up between her chest and his, massaging her fingers to warm her. Bar scrubbed his palms up and down her arms.

  Her breath puffed unevenly on Mika’s chest, still so cold, but at least she was breathing.

  “Don’t ever do this again,” he whispered into her hair. She didn’t respond, so he just held her, never so worried in his life as he was right then. Revealing he was a shifter would be easy compared to this.

  * * * * *

  “Where are we? And how did you get here?”

  Mika blinked up at Summer as she leaned up on her arm between him and Bar. The cot was narrow, affording little room to maneuver.

  Daylight flooded through a small window near the door and he realized he’d drifted off sometime in the night. Probably around the time the wind had stopped howling and the storm had passed.

  The pink had returned to Summer’s skin. For the first time since yesterday morning, he looked at her naked rose-tipped breasts and felt his cock filling. This one aroused him as no other woman had or ever would.

  “Stop that!” she exclaimed, though if she’d felt him or read his thoughts, he didn’t know.

  “I can’t help wanting you. You’re my woman and the most beautiful female in existence.”

  She made a small disgusted sound in her throat. “Right. How did you get here?”

  “Walked. Ran.”

  “Mostly ran,” Bar growled into the back of her neck, letting them know he was awake. His hand flattened on Summer’s belly, pulling her to him. The look in his eyes when he glanced at Mika told that he planned to pull rank as the group’s alpha. Mika understood. Through all of this, while Mika had walked the edge of panic, Bar had been strong and guided his two mates to safety. They’d probably still be in the cold if Bar hadn’t kept it together.

  Mika gave a slight nod, acknowledging Bar’s claim.

  But first, they had to show her the truth, and depending on her reaction, neither man might end up with her. Mika sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Summer beside him, glad the fire had been fed overnight and the shack was warm. Bar curled behind them both, almost like a wall of safety at their backs. As alpha, he’d always be strongest and their protector. Mika had no doubt as to who’d stoked the fire and even hung Summer’s clothes on a small makeshift rack near the stove.

  He laced his fingers with Summer’s. “There’s something we need to tell you. Something that goes with the telepathy and the mating.”

  She licked her lip, then sank her teeth into it, but didn’t interrupt him or argue the mate point. Her thoughts were strangely silent as she stared at their hands. Since she was always thinking something, he knew she’d figured out how to shield her thoughts yesterday while they’d been yelling at her to come back.

  The mattress creaked as he moved closer to her.

  “Nuliaba abnaba, what are you thinking?”

  She didn’t answer. Verbally, anyway. Suddenly, a fuzzy picture of Bar’s lynx filled his mind, and he caught his breath.

  “I know, crazy, right?” she whispered. “But I can’t help remembering how you knew exactly what was going on the whole time. And it’s only my clothes by the fire and there’s no sign of yours. It’s impossible, but…”

  Bar suddenly climbed off the bed and stood before them, a few feet away. His green eyes holding her gaze, he shifted in a bright flash of light and an electric wave of magic that washed over the two on the bed.

  “Holy crap,” Summer murmured softly. “Holy freaking crap.”

  Chapter Seven

  Summer stared at the cat that stood where Bar had been a moment before. It watched her with those same silvery-green eyes from last night. The same silvery-green eyes that stared down at her whenever Bar fucked her.

  Though she’d been dead calm a moment ago, almost sure she was a little insane from frost exposure or something, now her heart slammed against her rib cage. Her breath shuddered from her in painful gasps as she tried to get control.


  She yanked her hand from Mika’s grasp. “I’m fine,” she bit out. “I’m fine. Just fine.”

  “Baby—” he tried again, only for her to interrupt once more.

  “Show me. I want to see you too.” She needed to get this over with all at once, like ripping away a bandage—only this was more like ripping away blinders and blinking into the harsh, unforgiving light.

  Slowly, Mika stood, as if he weren’t too sure of her and her reaction. She almost laughed. Didn’t he realize she couldn’t possibly run from them? She was naked and she had no idea how to get to Caribou Run or anywhere else. She bit back the hysterical chortle, knowing if she started there would be no stopping until she collapsed into broken, painful sobs.

  But she had more control than that.

  “We’ll never hurt you,” Mika said.

  “I know.” Not physically. No, she believed they’d never harm her that way. But emotionally? How did someone deal with something like this? It was so…supernatural. “Show me,” she demanded, eyeing Mika.

  It’s not really supernatural, Bar told her as Mika shifted and there were two beautiful lynx standing before her. It’s just an ability my people have. There have been shape-shifters, particularly native American shape-shifters, interspersed with non-shifting humans since the beginning of time. Some call us Tricksters; some call us Skin Walkers. Most of us have hidden ourselves from the world and even our own people. We are not evil—just men and women with different abilities.

  “Can all of you do this? All the people in Caribou Run?”

  Mika moved close. All of those of Inupiat descent. That’s most of us. Then there are people like Mollie—they can’t. Just like you won’t ever be able to.

  “Right. If I stay.” Okay, even if she didn’t stay, she wouldn’t shift, but she knew they got her point.

  Bar tackled her onto the bed, his large paws holding her down before he shifted above her. She shivered as the magic danced over her body. He gave her less than a moment to speak before his lips closed over hers. His knees shoved hers apart and he settled between her thighs, nudging her cunt with his cock. Immediately, her body responded, flooding her pussy to ready her for him. Whether they had strange abilities or not, she wanted them. She’d always want them—possibly even more now that they’d trusted her with their secret.

  “You’re not leaving us,” Bar growled into her mouth. Mika licked the side of her face with his sand-papery tongue, and she turned to look at him. Tentatively, she reached over and touched him, burying her fingers in the thick fur on his head. The coarse yet soft coat surrounded her hand. He bumped his snout up into her palm, then pressed his cold nose to the skin there.

  “Yuck,” she laughed, pulling her hand away and wiping it on Bar’s shoulder. “Don’t do that!”

  “Yeah, Mika,” Bar said drily, as he grasped her thighs and angled her to him. “Don’t do that.” He gazed do
wn at her, his cock pushing forward, yet not entering her. “Can I? Are you ours?”

  “I don’t know how to take all this,” she admitted. Already she felt his emotions, his arousal and need, mixing with hers. She wanted to cry for him to fuck her, to take her to that place that only he and Mika had ever shown her. But how could she, when she didn’t know how to deal with this shape-shifter thing?

  Bar bent his head and licked one of her puckered nipples and she shuddered, realizing for the first time that the extra pleasure he gave her there was due to his rough tongue. God, it felt so good too. He sucked the rigid nub into his mouth and pulled until she shuddered and clasped his head.

  “Then take the men you know,” Mika whispered beside her. He’d changed back to human form while Bar had brought her pleasure under his mouth. Mika kissed her hard while Bar taunted her breasts, working first one then the other. All the while, Bar kept his cock firmly against her slick opening. Her folds throbbed, begging her to cant her hips forward and draw him inside her pussy. Her hands skimmed restlessly over the smooth warm flesh of his back, tracing his muscles while her agitated thoughts tumbled in all directions—none really having much to do with the men being shifters. Rather she was focused on their connection and the odd pull they had on her. And how complete she felt when their cocks were lodged deep in her.

  If only it were as easy as just giving into the men who’d wooed her back in Caribou Run, the men she was coming to care for deeply despite the short time she’d known them.

  Our people know instantly, Mika told her. Someday our sons will too.

  Bar’s teeth sank into her shoulder without breaking the skin. “Our mates know too, deep down, if they allow themselves.”

  “Wishful thinking.” She steeled herself, having difficulty staying still and not thrusting her cunt up his shaft. Still, the head of his cock had pushed just inside her passage, stretching her open but not moving. He was waiting for to make the move, she just knew it. He wanted her to choose and to take him.

  “When was the last time you gave yourself to someone within minutes of meeting him?” he asked.

  “I never have!” she replied, indignantly.

  Bar and Mika both lifted their heads and looked down at her, half smiles lifting the corners of their mouths.

  “Oh shut up,” she said.

  Bar lifted a brow, then returned to her breast. One hand pulled at her nipple, rolling the rosy tip while he sucked at the other. His tongue flicked rapidly over the rigid bud, when he grasped it between his teeth and tugged, she shrieked. Swells of reaction rolled along her body, flowing into her cunt, then momentarily ebbing back to pull her tension tight before surging forward again. She gasped as she fought the need to rock with the sensation and take Bar deep inside her body. A faraway part of her whispered that she shouldn’t even be doing this much with him. He was a shape-shifter.

  Bar chuckled around the peak in his mouth, making her shiver. Some people are double-jointed and some people can make things move with their minds… And some people, nuliaba abnaba, can change their shape. I can become a lynx, but I’m still human. I’m not a monster or a were-creature controlled by the moon.

  “You’re demons, bewitching me,” she moaned.

  “You’re the one doing the bewitching,” Mika argued.

  The cot creaked as Bar rolled to his back, bringing her over him. She straddled him and her position made it more difficult to fight her desire to fuck him now and think later. He wasn’t fighting fair and she knew he knew it.

  “Take me; choose us,” Bar begged.

  Her thighs shook as she fought to hold herself over him and not sink down his inviting shaft and feel that thick invasion once more. Mika reached around and massaged her clit with two calloused fingertips while he kissed a line down her spine. His teeth sank into her ass and scraped the flesh, reminding her of the torrid evening when Bar had spanked her.

  A climax clawed along her skin and she dropped forward weakly, resting her hands on Bar’s shoulders as she held herself up on wobbly arms.

  “I need to fuck you,” she admitted as she panted. He had to already know that. Her cream ran all over the head of his cock. “But if I do, that doesn’t mean I’m making a decision. You can’t ask me to decide this quickly, not after everything you’ve dumped on me the past few days.”

  They had to accept that before she fucked them or she’d steel herself and stop. And they’d all suffer. But she couldn’t commit to them, just because she needed to…rut like a cat.

  “We’ve saved you twice,” Mika pointed out.

  “I won’t stay because I’m grateful—I won’t have sex with you for that reason either.”

  “Good,” Bar said through his teeth, her sustained proximity obviously getting to him.

  She adjusted her position and ran her slit along his length, enjoying the feel of his rock-hard shaft and the way he gritted his teeth as she teased him. She rubbed her breasts over his chest as she leaned to his ear.

  “We can’t,” she told him with genuine regret. “There’re no condoms.”

  “Don’t be so sure.” Mika tilted his head, indicating the wall. Someone who’d been here before them had tacked a strip of condoms above the bed.

  “Classy,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “People passing through leave supplies for the people coming after them—things they might have that are extra. It’s the way around here.” He stood and pull down two packets. “They’re sealed and not expired.”

  “Thank the gods,” Bar gritted.

  Relief filled her too, even if she thought it a little crass to have condoms tacked there above the bed. Her clit hummed with excitement, and an electric thrill rolled along her limbs. No more delaying. She was going to fuck these two men again.

  Summer scooted down the bed to give him room to slide on protection over his thick shaft, but face-to-face with his cock, she gave in to temptation. She wrapped her hand around him, her fingers barely touching. Slowly, she jerked her hand upward, watching as pre-cum beaded on his tip. Hungrily, she stretched her lips around him and took him deep, lashing her tongue over his very human shaft and collecting the salty drops from his smooth, velvety glans. It reassured her that he was all man and she didn’t have to be weirded out by anything freaky.

  You’re going to earn yourself a spanking, Bar told her. Her insides lurched happily. Didn’t he know that was exactly what she wanted?

  Oh darn, she replied, never stopping her sucking. She lapped at the head, catching more of his pre-cum and groaning at the taste. She worked her hand along him as she tried to take as much of him as she could. He felt so right in her mouth.

  Above her, foil ripped, then moments later, Mika pulled her from Bar, who sat on the edge of the bed and donned the latex. He wasted no time pulling her back and impaling her on the erection she’d just tasted. She cried out as he thrust deep into her cunt from behind while she straddled his lap. His legs splayed to hold her open. Two of his fingers traced her slit, stopping at her clit and circling the bundle of tight nerves.

  Mika handed Bar one of the straps that had bound her sleeping bag to her pack, then tossed one of the blankets to the ground.

  “You’re ours,” Bar growled in her ear as he secured her wrists behind her. An immediate, scorching spike of ecstasy shot through her to explode at her core. Apparently, they knew how much she liked their tie-up games and being bound for them.

  His hands moved to her hips, supporting her as he guided her up and down his wide shaft. She dropped her head back on his shoulder and moaned while ribbons of illicit, dark pleasure pulsed through her. This position stretched her, making him feel larger than before, while it kept her their captive—her hands were useless and her toes barely reached the floor. She’d never been so aroused.

  Mika knelt on the blankets and bent to her clit, drawing it between his teeth as he flicked it with his tongue. He grasped one of her breasts, molding it and rolling her nipple as he licked her pussy. She bucked in Bar�
��s arms, strands of lightning sizzling from her cunt to her limbs. Out of control, unable to anything but receive their brand of fucking, she cried her pleasure. After Bar and Mika, one man would never again be enough for her.

  “There will be no other men,” Mika vowed, lifting his head and staring into her eyes. His muscled forearm slipped behind her neck and pulled her to him, while Bar kept hold of her hips and controlled the pistoning of his cock through her clasping walls. Mika adjusted his grasp on her breasts, palming the mound as she sank into him. His tongue speared inside between her lips as his finger flickered over the taut nipple. Her pussy immediately clenched around Bar, his determined drives becoming almost bruising as he plowed through the vise of her passage.

  She screamed into Mika’s mouth, her Yes cried into their thoughts enough to keep them going. Colors swam across her sight as her climax washed over her. She was falling…falling…

  When she came to herself, she found her shoulders resting on bunched blankets, Bar’s hand on the back of her neck as he fucked her, his body claiming her as his. There was no other way to explain the dominant position that further aroused her until she wished it could be like this forever—Mika and Bar mastering her body and giving her pleasure beyond any measure she knew.

  Bar grunted, driving his cock deep and pushing a guttural moan from her as he opened his mind and let her feel the explosion of his release as it rushed up his back at the same time his cum spewed from his cock. She felt the heat of her pussy wrapped around him, her clenching walls milking his length. Could the unity of their orgasms ever grow old?

  “Never,” Bar promised, kissing the back of her neck. He pulled free of her. His fingers trailed along her back as Mika drove his thick penis into her still-convulsing cunt. Carefully, Bar scooted beside her, kissing her shoulder and neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “So very, very beautiful.”

  “Bar…” she sobbed, knowing the two of them would make her choice almost impossible.

  “Enjoy Mika,” he told her, then placed a lingering kiss on her lips. “I’ll be back soon.”


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