Book Read Free

Brynn Paulin

Page 9

by Nail sand Tails Teeth

  “Don’t go,” she pleaded.

  “I’ll be back, then we’ll go home and both of us will fuck you. Together. You like that, don’t you?”

  As if he didn’t know. Her walls squeezed Mika as she remembered.

  “Any way I can have you,” she gasped, and as Bar stood, Mika pulled from her. “No…” she protested, jerking her hips toward him. He couldn’t leave her like this.

  She moaned as he turned her onto her back. Her bound hands pushed her hips up like an offering, and she spread her bent legs to make it clear she wanted more.

  Bar chuckled. She ignored him and focused on the man sinking his cock back into her. Mika yanked her to him. She grinned, loving the roughness. A gust of snow blew over her as Bar stepped outside and caused her to gasp as the icy crystals landed on her overheated flesh. It was just a moment before Bar closed the door, but the cold had raised goose bumps on her skin and turned her nipples rock-hard.

  “He’s shifting outside so he didn’t have to leave the door open. Opposable thumbs and all,” Mika told her.

  “Don’t care,” she gasped, focused only on the man driving between her thighs. The muscles in her belly rolled as she rode his cock, meeting him drive for drive. “Suck my nipple. Please.”

  She needed his mouth on her, his heat to counter the chill.

  “Gods, yes,” he groaned and did as she asked. He drew her peak deep into his mouth, then moved to take the other. He pressed the mounds together. Back and forth, he kissed and licked from one to the other.

  “Yes!” she cried. “Oh yes!” Her walls closed on him as he sucked hard. He pushed a tip to the roof of his mouth, abrading her tender skin with the ridges. Though neither of them thought it, both Mika and Summer slowed their frantic coupling to enjoy the sweet sensations of their connection.

  Closing her eyes, she rocked beneath him, feeling every bit of his rigid shaft slowly pistoning in and out. She shifted to get better connection to her clit. His drives grew shallow, his pelvis circling before each withdrawal. She groaned as fire flashed through her over and over. She shook as he pegged her g-spot, and a flood of juice dripped down her ass to her hands.

  “Mika!” she screamed.

  “That’s right, baby. Gods, you’re so amazing… The feeling of your sweet cunt squeezing me… Baby…” His hips jerked out of rhythm.

  She leaned up to lick Mika’s nipple. She hadn’t had nearly enough opportunity to explore either man. The tip of her tongue circled the small, flat disk before she nipped at the tip the same way he did hers. Hungrily, she tasted his salty skin.

  “Yes, fuck me hard,” she muttered against him. Her pussy convulsed as he thrust more powerfully, and she cried out, her voice echoing in the small cabin. A moment later, Mika’s loud groan mixed with hers as he shoved his hips forward. He froze above her as his cum flooded from him.

  They collapsed together, Mika’s damp forehead on hers. Gently, he brushed her hair back as his silvery-blue eyes stared into hers.

  “How long will it take for Bar to get back?” she asked quietly.

  “Half hour.”

  She grinned up at him. “Make love to me until he gets back?”

  He grinned. “I’ll make love to you forever if you want.”

  Such a tempting offer. Troubled, she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. What was she going to do?

  Gently, he pulled the abused flesh free with his thumb. Bending, he took her mouth, savoring her with slow drives of his tongue that he matched with the deep, grinding thrusts of his still-hard cock into her cunt.

  Small, rippling surges of energy eddied from her core, spreading and spreading until she knew she’d never make it five minutes, let alone thirty, before she climaxed again. Mika angled his pubis to catch her clit with each move. Soon, the eddies became a whirlpool, dragging her under, shoving her into an abyss, and she screamed, arching beneath him.

  He smiled down at her as she panted, her eyes not quite focused, her body still pulsing. His grin scared her, but in the very best way.

  His brow lifted, and he taunted her.

  “And again,” he announced and started moving his hips once more.

  * * * * *

  When Bar returned, Summer was dressed…just, and Mika had a blanket wrapped around them both as she leaned back against his chest. Mika was sure Bar would detect the scent of sex still heavy in the air. His friend smiled as he came in and dropped Mika’s clothes on the bed.

  “Thought you’d like those,” he said, then turned his attention to Summer. “Hey, baby, guess what?” He dropped a kiss on her lips and she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Bar lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her need permeating all their beings once more. Their woman loved sex and Mika couldn’t be happier about that.

  Mika loved watching the two of them together. He knew Bar felt the same. If not for the urgency to get Summer back to town where there was adequate shelter and supplies, Bar would have stayed and watched his two mates make love.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “The salvage party brought everything from the plane back last night. It’s at the community center, waiting for the three of you to go through it.”

  She dropped her feet to the ground, her mood visibly changing at the reminder of her previous life. “I hope my cameras are okay.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough. Let’s go.” Bar looked over Summer’s shoulder at Mika and Mika saw the troubled look in his cluster mate’s eyes. All was not well here, but he knew Bar couldn’t tell him without alerting Summer as well.

  “Wait!” she cried as they started outside. She unzipped her backpack. “I need to leave something for the next people who come through.” They were taking the blankets with them to wash and return them as soon as possible.

  She pulled the matches and flashlight from her pack and put them in the big Ziploc with the others. Then she shoved the extra socks into one of the plastic bins by the bed.

  “You’re awfully free with my clothes,” Bar said.

  “You used the place too, didn’t you?”

  “She has you there.”

  Together they trooped outside and Summer closed the rope latch with far less difficulty than she’d had opening it. “What is that?” she asked as she turned.

  “That, baby, is a moose buggy.”

  “It looks like…I don’t know what it looks like. A Jeep-four-by-four-franken-truck on steroids. How big are the tires on that monstrosity?”

  “Fifty-two inches. It’ll go through mud and bogs and snow like this as if it’s nothing. It’ll get you home safe.” He leaned in. “And Bar loves driving the thing, but he doesn’t get much chance.”

  She shook her head. She obviously didn’t know what to make of the thing that looked like it had been made from a bunch of different vehicles. It stood so far off the ground he was sure she’d have trouble getting in it. As it turned out, he lifted her inside and she sighed in delight as she discovered the heated interior of Bar’s fabulous ground-eating monster.

  “I take it back,” she said as she settled onto a fur-lined seat. “This is a wonderful vehicle.” She closed her eyes and waved a hand in the general direction of Caribou Run. “Take me home, boys.”

  Mika and Bar exchanged a look, wishing she really meant that.

  Chapter Eight

  The men seemed strangely quiet all the way back to Caribou Run while Summer happily contemplated getting her belongings and, foremost, finding clean underwear and jeans. After everything they’d been through, she was pretty sure this pair was ready to stand up on its own and tell stories.

  “I should probably go right over there and get my things,” she said.

  “Guess so,” Mika replied. “You don’t want to take a shower first or anything?”

  “You implying something?” she asked, knowing he wasn’t. Still, she probably did smell sweaty and there was no doubt in her mind she smelled of sex. “Do you think maybe one of you could go over and get my sm
all suitcase? It has my name on it. That’s what I really want first. It won’t do any good to take a shower only to put on the same dirty clothes.”

  “Right,” Mika said. Bar remained conspicuously silent and she sensed a pensiveness about him.

  Her brows drew together as she sat up and looked back and forth at the two men in the seats in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

  “You haven’t decided yet,” Bar finally said. “And once you have your things… Well, if you really want to go, we’ll let you. We’re not kidnappers or mountain men who’ll keep you chained up in our house forever. You’re our mate and we’ll always be connected, but you have to choose us.”

  “We can’t make you,” Mika added.

  “Oh,” she murmured, surprised and confused that it was her only response. Her only verbal response. Hot prickles flashed up her back as her stomach plummeted and twisted.

  Returning to Caribou Run was the beginning of the end.

  “It doesn’t have to end,” Mika said. He turned in his seat and reached back to grasp her icy fingers. When had the cab of the moose buggy gotten so cold?

  “It does,” she whispered. She looked down at his hand around hers. “Give me time. I’ve only known you a couple days. I need more than that.”

  His jaw worked, as if he had plenty to say, but he kept his lips pressed firmly together. She tried to read his thoughts, but found nothing. It was as if a steel wall had risen between her mind and his. She found the same with Bar.

  “Maybe I should just go right over to the community center after all.” She nodded. She needed to be on her own and get her thoughts straight.

  * * * * *

  Emmie was already at the center when Summer arrived.

  “Are you okay?” Summer asked after they’d hugged. She normally wasn’t much of a hugger, but just seeing Emmie, she wanted to hold on and not let go for a while. They hadn’t known each other before, but Emmie represented home and all the familiar, non-shape-shifter stuff Summer knew.

  “Okay, I suppose,” the other woman replied, suddenly moving back to the pile of things that had been salvaged. “It’s rather…intense here, isn’t it?”

  Summer tilted her head, raising her eyebrows in humor. “You could say that. Intense. Yeah.”

  “Kelsey wants to leave, but I think I’m going to stay. I was heading out to teach at that village, but now, well, they need a teacher here.”

  “So you’re going to stay with the two who rescued you?” Summer asked, feeling a stab of guilt. Why couldn’t she be as sure as Em?

  The other woman gave a single, breathy huff of laughter. “I didn’t say that. Caribou Run needs me, probably more than Sisuaq Ablu. Their only teacher left here last spring and the children should have been back to school a month ago. No one will come here to work, but it’s just what I’ve been looking for.”

  Summer offered a smile, wondering what exactly Em wanted from life. “I’m glad. I really am,” she told the woman. Deep down, she wondered how long Em would be successful in fending off the two who’d claimed her. If they were anything like Bar and Mika, it wouldn’t be long at all.

  It didn’t take much time for Summer to separate her things into a pile near the door. It wasn’t a lot. Two suitcases, a trunk, a computer and case, her purse and the bag with her two cameras. A somewhat pathetic representation of her life, she decided, but then, she’d never been one to have a ton of things. It wouldn’t have been welcome at Sisuaq Ablu anyway. From what she’d been told, they were simple people without a lot of extras.

  “Do you think Kelsey will come for her things?”

  Em shook her head. “No, she said they could do whatever they wanted with it. Most of her personal stuff was already sent ahead of the trip. She was just bringing medical supplies. She’ll arrange for a new shipment.”

  “Since you’re staying, maybe you can see that these get to the town’s doctor?”

  “You’re not staying?”

  The rock that had settled in Summer’s middle pressed harder on her chest. “I don’t think so. There’s nothing here for me.” Except Bar and Mika, but she couldn’t give up everything for them.

  “It would be great if you were, but I understand.”

  Would be nice if I did, Summer thought, but forced a pleasant smile as she wished Emmie all the best.

  * * * * *

  The men were stone-faced when she left the community center and she knew they’d heard her decision through her thoughts. Well, bully for them. She couldn’t help being pissed that they’d closed her off. She was on a precipice inches from falling one direction or the other, but they were bent on pushing her over and away from them. Yet, she knew they’d be angry when she went that direction.

  Taking a deep breath, she hiked her purse and camera bag on her shoulder, then headed for the pair of scowling men, pulling the smaller of her suitcases behind her. “I left everything else there. I couldn’t carry it all.”

  “We’ll see to it,” Bar said stiffly.

  “Um, well…” Trailing off, she sighed. It was as if she’d never spoken with them, never been intimate, never seen inside their hard heads. She breathed shallowly through her slightly parted lips to keep her tears at bay. This was so freaking unfair. Her chest squeezed as she tried to hold herself together.

  “I know you wanted to freshen up,” Mika offered, “but the plane leaves in fifteen minutes. Fillion’s angry. He won’t fly you, so someone else is filling in.”

  Well go, Fillion. At least someone’s making a stand, she mused, wishing someone else would freaking show some emotion.

  “Do you want to take the rest with you? Or should we ship it later?” Bar asked.

  “Ship it.” Suddenly, she understood Kelsey wanting nothing. “I guess I should go check in.” Her voice was flat and she couldn’t look at them anymore. She trudged toward the airport doing her best to ignore the men who were breaking her heart.

  Breaking her heart? She mentally kicked herself. She was the one so gung-ho about going and resuming her nonexistent life. There was nothing out there that she couldn’t do here. A short, deadly trek had shown her so much she could document.

  Her role in this didn’t matter. She spun on Bar and Mika, her fury barely contained. “You’re not even going to fight for me?” she exclaimed. “Seriously? Way to make a girl feel wanted. Hmph!”

  They were in front of the guys’ house and the two of them could just stay here. She didn’t need someone waving her off. She got the hint.

  She pivoted away, ready to march all the way to the airport where she’d tell them she didn’t need a ride, because she was staying—not that she’d stay with these dunderheads. She’d take Emmie’s road and find a place of her own. Maybe they could be roommates.

  Bar grabbed her arm and yanked her back. “We’ve been fighting for you ever since we walked through our sliders and found you naked in our living room.”

  “You’ve been fucking me ever since then,” she countered.

  “The gods would not have sent you if you weren’t just right for us. There’s plenty of time for the other stuff once we get the lust out of our systems.”

  “God forbid that ever happen,” she breathed.

  Both men stared at her. Bar recovered first—of course, he was the leader. She smiled inwardly, liking the idea of him leading her down the paths they’d glimpsed, but hadn’t had time to fully investigate.

  He pulled her inside the house. Mika trailed behind them with her suitcase.

  “Nuliaba abnaba…mate…what do you mean?” Bar asked once the door was closed.

  “Maybe I could stay…”

  “Not good enough,” Mika protested. “There’s no maybe. You will or you won’t.”

  “But what if it doesn’t work?”

  “It will.”

  “I…” Closing her eyes, she envisioned life with Bar and Mika. It was so easy to see it, the three of them together, sharing their work, relaxing, loving. It was harder to see her life without them any
more, as if her path had veered and the old way had disappeared. She tried to see herself with another man, but instead her mind’s eye saw her men with another woman. But they looked younger.

  Her eyes went wide as she realized what they were doing. How dare they show her an old girlfriend. “Don’t do that! Don’t ever do that!” she ordered. “I don’t ever want to see that again. Just erase that from your heads.”

  “We won’t have any choice,” Mika replied dismally, obviously egging her on. “If you leave, after a few years, we’ll be lonely and maybe Jane will be our only choice.”

  “Over my dead body. I can see I have no choice here.” She shrugged off her jacket, then reached for the hem of her shirt.

  Bar’s hand on her arm stopped her. “There’s always a choice. Choose well.”

  She took a step back and glanced from him to Mika. Slowly, she pulled the shirt over her head, then turned and took off her bra as she walked away.

  “I thought you understood,” she told them as she tossed the lacy garment over her shoulder. “I already did.”

  She was already beside Bar’s bed when the two men dashed into the room, then tackled her to the mattress. They sure liked to pounce. Just like cats. She grinned. Her cats.

  As she hugged them to her and they started taking off the rest of her clothes, she couldn’t say she loved them, but she knew that day was coming soon. Every hour, her feelings grew, and she felt it in them too. Right now, it might mostly be sex, but that was okay.

  “But what about us being shifters?” Bar asked, once she was naked.

  “Nice timing,” she commented, but she didn’t complain as he slipped a finger inside her slit and stroked her until she nearly forgot his question. “What about it?”

  Mika’s finger joined Bar’s and they both pushed a long digit inside her. Her hips bucked upward as they stroked her G-spot. She shook, jerking into their finger-fucking. Strands of electric sensation started through her once more, and she knew she’d never grow tired of this. She’d always be complete in their arms, with their hard bodies beside her—and in her.


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