The Man Who Could Be King: A Novel
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The Author of a late Address, anxious to deserve, ’tho he should fail to Engage your Esteem, and determined, at every risqué, to unfold your duty, & discharge his own—would beg leave to solicit the further Indulgence of a few moments attention.
Aware of the Coyness with which his last letter would be received, he feels himself neither disappointed; nor displeased with the caution it has met—Ye well knew that it spoke a language, which till now had been heard only in whispers, and that it contained some sentiments, which confidence itself would have breathed with distrust. But, their Lives have been short, and their Observations imperfect indeed, who have yet to learn, that alarms may be false—that the best designs are sometimes obliged to assume the worst Aspect, and that however synonymous Surprise & disaster may be in military phrase—in moral & political meaning, they convey Ideas, as different as they are distinct.
Suspicion, detestable as it is in private Life, is the loveliest trait of political Character. It prompts you to enquiry—bars the Door against Designs, and opens every Avenue to truth. It was the first to oppose a Tyrant here, and still stands sentinel over the Liberties of America—With this Belief, it would ill become me, to stifle the Voice of this honest Guardian—a guardian, who, (authorized by circumstances, digested into proof) has herself given Birth to the Address you have read, and now goes forth among you, with a request to all, that it may be treated fairly—that it may be considered before it can be abused—and condemned, before it be tortured, convinced that in a search after Error, Truth will appear—that apathy itself will grow warm in the pursuit, and tho’ it will be the last to adopt her advice, it will be the first to act upon it.
The General Orders of Yesterday which the weak may mistake for disapprobation, and the designing dare to represent as such, wears, in my opinion, a very different complexion, and carries with it a very opposite tendency—Till now, the Commandr in Chief has regarded the Steps you have taken for redress, with good wishes alone, tho’ ostensible Silence has authorized your meetings and his private Opinion has sanctified your Claims—Had he disliked the Object in view would not the same sense of Duty which forbad you from meeting on the third Day of this Week, have forbidden you from meeting on the seventh? Is not the same subject held up for your discussion, and has it not passed the seal of office, and taken all the solemnity of an Order—this will give system to your proceedings, and stability to your resolves, will ripen speculation into fact, and while it adds to the unanimity, it cannot possibly lessen the Independency of your sentiments. It may be necessary to add upon this subject, that from the Injunction with which the general Orders close, every man is at liberty to conclude that the Report, to be made to Head Quarters, is intended for Congress—Hence will arise another motive for that Energy, which has been recommended—for can you give the lie to the pathetic descriptions of your representations & the more alarming predictions of our friends?
To such as make Want of signature an objection to opinion, I reply—that it matters very little who is the Author of sentiments which grow out of your feelings, and apply to your Wants—That in this Instance Diffidence suggested what Experience enjoins, and that while I continue to move on the high road of Arguments and Advice, (which is open to all) I shall continue to be the sole Confident of my own secret—But should the Time come, when it shall be necessary to depart from this general line, and hold up any Individual among you, as an Object of the resentment or contempt of the rest, I thus publicly pledge my Honor as a soldier, and veracity as a Man, that I will then assume a visible existence, and give my name to the Army, with as little reserve as I now give my opinions.
I am &c.
Agreeable to the Orders of the 11th instant, the Officers of the American Army being convened, His Excellency the Commander in Chief was pleased to open the meeting with the following address to them on the subject of their being called together which with some other papers were left for the consideration of the Assembly. The Honorable Major General Gates being President.
MARCH 15, 1783
[General Washington’s aside about his spectacles was not included in his written formal address, but it has been attested to by numerous accounts by those present at the meeting, including Major Samuel Shaw’s, and has been accepted by all biographers of Washington. There is disagreement about the exact words and when during the speech the aside came, but I have included it where I believe it most logically fits.]
By an anonymous summons, an attempt has been made to convene you together—how inconsistent with the rules of propriety! how unmilitary! And how subversive of all order and discipline—let the good sense of the Army decide.
In the moment of this summons, another anonymous production was sent into circulation; addressed more to the feelings & passions, than to reason & judgment of the Army. The Author of the piece, is entitled to much credit for the goodness of his Pen; and I could wish he had as much rectitude for his Heart—for, as Men see thro’ different Optics, and are induced by the reflecting faculties of the Mind, to use different means to attain the same end; the Author of the Address, should have had more charity, than to mark for Suspicion, the Man who should recommend Moderation and longer forbearance—or in other words, who should not think as he thinks, and act as he advises. But he had another plan in view, in which candor and liberty of Sentiment, regard to justice, and love of Country, have no part; and he was right, to insinuate the darkest suspicion to effect the blackest designs.
That the Address is drawn with great art, and is designed to answer the most insidious purposes. That it is calculated to impress the Mind, with an idea of premeditated injustice in the Sovereign power of the United States, and rouse all those resentments which must unavoidably form such a belief. That the secret Mover of this Scheme (whoever he may be) intended to take advantage of the passions, while they were warmed by the recollection of past distresses, without giving time for cool, deliberative thinking, & that composure of Mind which is so necessary to give dignity & stability to measures, is rendered too obvious, by the mode of conducting the business, to need other proof than a reference to the proceeding.
Thus much, Gentlemen, I have thought it incumbent on me to observe to you, to shew upon what principles I opposed the irregular and hasty meeting which was proposed to have been held on Tuesday last: and not because I wanted a disposition to give you every opportunity, consistent with your own honor, and the dignity of the Army, to make known your grievances. If any conduct heretofore, has not evinced to you, that I have been a faithful friend to the Army; my declaration of it at this time wd be equally unavailing & improper—But as I was among the first who embarked in the cause of our common Country—As I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you, on public duty—As I have been the constant companion & witness of your Distresses, and not among the last to feel, & acknowledge your Merits—As I have ever considered my own Military reputation as inseparably connected with that of the Army—As my Heart has ever expanded with joy, when I have heard its praises—and my indignation has arisen, when the Mouth of detraction has been opened against it—it can scarcely be supposed, at this late stage of the War, that I am indifferent to its interests.
But—how are they to be promoted? The way is plain, says the anonymous Addresser. If War continues, remove into the unsettled Country—there establish yourselves, and leave an ungrateful Country to defend itself—But who are they to defend? Our wives, our Children, our Farms and other property which we leave behind us? Or—in this state of hostile separation, are we to take the two first (the latter cannot be removed) to perish in a Wilderness with hunger cold & nakedness? If Peace takes place, never sheath your Sword, says he until you have obtained full and ample Justice—this dreadful alternative, of either
deserting our Country in the extremest hour of her distress, or turning our Army against it, (which is the apparent object, unless Congress can be compelled into an instant compliance) has something so shocking in it, that humanity revolts at the idea. My God! What can this Writer have in view, by recommending such measures? Can he be a friend to the Army? Can he be a friend to this Country? Rather, is he not an insidious Foe? Some Emissary, perhaps from New York, plotting the ruin of both, by sowing the seeds of discord & separation between the Civil & Military powers of the Continent? And what a Compliment does he pay to our understandings, when he recommends measures in either alternative, impracticable in their nature?
But here, Gentlemen, I will drop the curtain, because it wd be as impudent in me to assign my reasons for this opinion, as it would be insulting to your conception, to suppose you stood in need of them. A moments reflection will convince every dispassionate Mind of the physical impossibility of carrying either proposal into execution.
There might, Gentlemen, be an impropriety in my taking notice, in this Address to you, of an anonymous production—but the manner in which that performance has been introduced to the Army, the effect it was intended to have, together with some other circumstances, will amply justify my observations on the tendency of that Writing. With respect to the advice given by the Author—to suspect the Man who shall recommend moderate measures and longer forbearance—I spurn it as every Man who regards that liberty, & reveres that Justice for which we contend, undoubtedly must—for if Men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind; reason is of no use to us—the freedom of Speech may be taken away—and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.
I cannot, in justice to my own belief & what I have great reason to conceive is the intention of Congress, conclude this Address, without giving it my decided Opinion; that that Honble Body entertains exalted sentiments of the Services of the Army; and, from a full conviction of its Merits & sufferings, will do it compleat Justice; That their endeavors to discover & establish funds for this purpose, have been unwearied, and will not cease till they have succeeded, I have not a doubt. But like all other large Bodies, where there is a variety of different interests to reconcile, their deliberations are slow. Why then should we distrust them? and in consequence of that distrust, adopt measures which may cast a shade over that glory which has been so justly acquired; and tarnish the reputation of an Army which is celebrated thro’ all Europe for its fortitude and Patriotism? and for what is this done? to bring the object we seek for nearer? No! most certainly, in my opinion, it will cast it at a greater distance.
[General draws letter from pocket . . . Long pause . . . General attempts to read a few words from letter but stumbles and again falls silent . . . Mutterings from audience . . . General draws spectacles from pocket.]
Gentlemen, you will forgive me, and permit me to put on these spectacles . . . for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of our country . . .
[Pause . . . Murmurs from audience . . . We’re with you, General . . . Tell us what to do . . . Tell us and we will follow you . . .]
For myself (and I take no merit in giving this assurance, being induced to it from principles of gratitude, veracity & justice)—a grateful sense of the confidence you have ever placed in me—a recollection of the Cheerful assistance, & prompt obedience I have experienced from you, under every vicissitude of Fortune, and the sincere affection I feel for an Army, I have so long had the honor to Command, will oblige me to declare, in this public & solemn manner, that, in the attainment of compleat justice for all your toils & dangers, and in the gratification of every wish, so far as may be Done consistently with the great duty I owe my Country, and those powers we are bound to respect, you may freely command my services to the utmost of my abilities. While I give you these assurances, and pledge myself in the most unequivocal manner, to exert whatever ability I am possessed of, in your favor—let me entreat you, Gentlemen, on your part, not to take any measures which, viewed in the calm light of reason, will lessen the dignity, & sully the glory you have hitherto maintained—let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your Country, and place a full confidence in the purity of the intentions of Congress; that, previous to your dissolution as an Army they will cause all your Accts to be fairly liquidated, as directed in their resolutions which were published to you two days ago—and that they will adopt the most effectual measures in their power, to render ample justice to you for your faithful and meritorious Services. And let me conjure you, in the name of our common Country, as you value your own sacred honor—as you respect the rights of humanity, & as you regard the Military & national character of America, to express your utmost horror & detestation of the Man who wishes, under any specious pretences, to overturn the liberties of our Country, & who wickedly attempts to open the flood Gates of Civil discord, & deluge our rising Empire in Blood. By thus determining & thus acting, you will pursue the plain & direct road to the attainment of your wishes. You will defeat the insidious designs of our Enemies, who are compelled to resort from open force to secret Artifice. You will give one more distinguished proof of unexampled patriotism & patient virtue, rising superior to the pressure of the most complicated sufferings; And you will, by the dignity of your Conduct, afford occasion for Posterity to say, when speaking of the glorious example you have exhibited to mankind, “had this day been wanting, the World had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.”
His excellency having withdrawn, on a motion, made by General Knox and seconded by General Putnam,
Resolved, That the unanimous thanks of the Officers of the Army be presented to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, for his excellent address, and the communications he has been pleased to make to them, and to assure him the Officers reciprocate his affectionate expressions with the greatest Sincerity of which the human heart is capable.
The address from the Army to Congress, the Report of the Committee from the Army, and the Resolutions of Congress of the 25th January being read.
On a motion by General Putnam, seconded by General Hand, Voted
That a committee be appointed immediately to draw up some Resolutions, expressive of the business before us, and to report in half an hour, that this committee consist of one General, one Field Officer, and one Captain. That General Knox, Colonel Brooks and Captain Howard compose the said Committee.
The Report of the Committee having been brought in and fully Considered Resolved Unanimously That at the commencement of the present War, the Officers of the American Army engaged in the service of their Country from the purest love and attachment to the rights and liberties of human nature, which motives still exist in the highest degree: and that no circumstances of distress or danger shall induce a conduct that may tend to sully the reputation and Glory of which they have acquired at the price of their blood, and eight years faithful services.
Resolved Unanimously That the Army continue to have an unshaken confidence in the justice of Congress and their Country, and are fully convinced that the representatives of America will not disband or disperse the Army, until their Accounts are liquidated, the Balances accurately ascertained, and adequate funds established for Payment; And in this arrangement the Officers expect that the half Pay, or a commutation for it, should be efficaciously comprehended.
Resolved, Unanimously That his excellency the Commander in Chief be requested to write to His Excellency the President of Congress earnestly entreating the most speedy decision of that Honorable body upon the subjects of our late address, that was forwarded by a Committee of the Army, some of whom are waiting upon Congress for the result. In the alternative of Peace or War, this event would be highly satisfactory, and would produce im
mediate tranquility in the minds of the Army: and prevent any further machinations of designing men to sow discord between the civil and Military powers of the United States.
Resolved Unanimously That the Officers of the American Army view with abhorrence, and reject with disdain, the infamous propositions contained in a late anonymous address to the Officers of the Army, and resent with indignation the secret attempts of some unknown persons to collect the Officers together, in a manner totally subversive of all discipline and good order.
Resolved Unanimously That the thanks of the Officers of the Army be given to the Committee who presented to Congress the late address of the Army, for the wisdom and prudence with which they have conducted that business and that a Copy of the proceedings of this day be transmitted by the President to Major General McDougall, and that he be requested to continue his Solicitations at Congress until the objects of his mission are accomplished.
The Meeting was then desolved.
Horatio Gates
Major Genl Presdt
Newburgh, 16 March 1783
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency, for the satisfaction of Congress, that the Meeting of the Officers, which was mentioned in my last, has been held Yesterday: and, that it has terminated in a manner, which I had reason to expect, from a knowledge of that good Sense and steady Patriotism of the Gentlemen of the Army, which on frequent Occasions, I have discovered. The Report of the meeting, with the other papers, which will be necessary to accompany it, I shall do myself the Honor to transmit to Congress as soon as they can possibly be prepared.
With the Highest Respect, I have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s most Obedt Servt
George Washington