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The Eve of Forever

Page 5

by S J Batsford

  “Of course, thanks again for today and for offering to help,” I say shaking his hand. “Oh, how are you getting home, you drove my car?”

  “Scarlett doesn’t mind giving me a ride, do you Scar?” He asks, and I’m shocked she doesn’t clock him by the furious glare she throws his way.

  “Scar?” Amy mouths looking surprised, I shrug smirking.

  “Of course not,” she grates through her teeth.

  “Let’s go then, we can plan on the way.” He says before turning back to me. “You did an amazing job today. We’ll work on it over the next few weeks and up your appointments.”

  “Yeah, thanks man.” I call after him as he hurries to catch Scarlett before she takes off without him.

  “Well, this Christmas is going to be interesting,” I say pulling Amy into my lap unable to contain the huge grin on my face.

  Chapter Five

  “I cannot be getting sick,” Amy groans, I feel her head she doesn’t feel overly hot.

  “Maybe it’s the stress, you’ve been worrying a lot lately,” I say rubbing her back, feeling helpless as she groans and turns green.

  “Probably, could you get me some water please?”

  “Of course, be right back,” I leave her on the bed with a hot water bottle and blanket. Bailey, Evie, Eliza and Seb look at me when I enter the kitchen.

  “Is Amy gonna be okay daddy?” Seb asks, his little face lined with worry.

  “Yeah buddy, she’s just not feeling great,” I answer ruffling his hair, he still looks unsure. “Do you want to come and give her a glass of water with me?” I ask, knowing only seeing for himself will reassure him she’s okay.

  “Yeah, I can carry it.” He follows me and grabs a glass as I go to the fridge to get the jug of water. When it’s poured, he walks slowly and carefully with it in front of him.

  “Amy,” I call quietly as we enter the room to find her fast asleep on the bed.

  “Oh heck,” she winces and bolts from the room.

  “Daddy,” Seb says panicked watching Amy run from the room.

  “It’s okay buddy, you go back in with your sisters. I’ll take care of Amy.” I take the glass from him and place it on the bedside table.

  “Promise?” He asks, looking toward the bathroom worrying his bottom lip.

  “I promise buddy. Why don’t you guys draw her a picture of Christmas?”

  “Yeah, I’ll draw her in a big princess dress, because Eliza said all girls have to be princesses on their bride day.”

  “Definitely and a tiara,” I call after him as he rushes off. Taking a breath, I go to the bathroom and knock the door gently.

  “Sweetheart?” I call through the door, she groans, and I hear heaving and gasping. “I’m coming in babe,” I say and push the door open before she can reply. I wince when I see her bent over the toilet shaking and holding on for dear life. Moving closer I can see she’s sweaty and pale, so I grab a cloth and run it under the cold tap.

  “Here babe, put this on your head. Do you have pain anywhere? A sore throat?” I ask holding the cloth to her head and rubbing her back.

  “I have a headache and a bit of a sore throat,” she gasps, relaxing against my legs humming as I wipe her face with the cloth.

  “Mmm, feels good.”

  “Seb brought you some water,” I tell her running my hand through her tangled sweaty hair.

  “Oh God, did I scare him?”

  “No, he is worried about you though. He made me promise I’d look after you,” I kiss her clammy head.

  “Aww, he’s such a sweet boy.”

  “He is to those he loves,” I smile down at her.

  “I love him too; I love all of them. I’m glad I get them too when we get married.” She smiles up at me sleepily.

  “Do you feel better now?” I ask still rubbing the cloth across her face.

  “I think so,” she murmurs, exhausted from heaving her guts up.

  “Come ‘ere honey,” I chuckle, pulling her onto my lap and wheeling us both back into the bedroom.

  When she’s comfortable I leave her to check on the kids, they’re all drawing on the kitchen table, various stages of Christmas and the wedding, one of them playing in snow and one of Amy and I getting married with snowmen surrounding us, I chuckle.

  “I’m gonna call Grandma to come and keep an eye on you all so I can take care of Amy okay?” I ask them all, they nod going back to their drawing.

  “Is mom okay?” Bailey asks coming over to me.

  “She’s okay muffin, just feeling sick and tired.” I reply pulling her into my side hugging her.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “You could go and run her cloth under the cold tap, squeeze it out and place on her head if you want to and make sure she drinks a little water,” I suggest, holding her against my chest. She worries so much about others, just like her mom, she’s a care giver.

  “Okay,” she nods and runs off to help her mom.

  I wheel myself into the living room and pull my phone out calling mom.

  “Hi honey,” she answers quickly.

  “Hey Mom, I need your help,” I cut straight to the chase.

  “Is everything okay?” She asks and I hear the worry in her voice.

  “Yeah. Well no, Amy’s sick and we have all the kids here, I was hoping you’d be able to come and keep an eye on them while I take care of Amy.”

  “Oh no, I bet she’s upset with all there is to do too. Of course, I’ll come and help, I’ll see what I can do to take some of the stress off her too while I’m there.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief, thank God for mothers like mine. “Thanks mom, see you soon.”

  Ending the call, I check on the kids asking if they want juice or a snack, which of course they do. When they’re all happy, I leave them and check on Amy and Bailey. Entering our room, I find them curled up on the bed together, Bailey stroking her mom’s hair as she dozes off.

  “Shh,” Bailey whispers holding her finger up to her lips.

  “Was she sick again?” I ask moving closer, running a hand over Amy’s forehead.

  “No, almost though. Do you think she’ll be okay to go shopping tomorrow?” Bailey asks looking down at her mom.

  “I think so, but if not, I’ll ask Grandma to take you all shopping and your uncles can take Luke and Seb to get their suits while I take care of your mom, don’t worry.” I reassure her, I have it all in hand, even if I’m not sure of it myself.

  “Okay,” she nods accepting my answer, her faith in me warms my heart.

  “Will you be okay here while I watch the kids until grandma gets here?” I ask, hearing them running around now.

  “Yeah, I’ve got mom, you go calm the troops,” she grins and turns the TV on low.

  This kid… Absolutely amazing how much she’s like her mother sometimes. Leaving them in peace I go back into the living room and sure enough the kids are playing tag with their apple slices. I try not to laugh because they’re throwing food across the room.

  “Take cover, garade!” Seb yells, launching a slice of apple at the girls before hiding behind the couch. I burst out laughing as the girls screech and hug each other, covering their faces in hair.

  I have no idea where Seb learnt that, but I can’t help laughing.

  “What are you guys doing?” I ask still chuckling, now I get why Bailey said calm the troops.

  “We’re playing call of doody,” Eliza says giggling uncontrollably along with Evie.

  “It’s call of duty Eliza,” seb corrects huffing as they giggle louder.

  “Call of doody sounds better,” Eliza giggles, wiping her eyes as Evie nods and snorts laughing harder at her sister. I freaking love these kids.

  “How do you know what call of dood-duty is?” I ask smiling at my girls fall over laughing harder.

  “Jackson plays, I watch him,” Seb shrugs ignoring his sisters and starts picking up the slices of apple.

  “Well, can we not throw apples around the room n
ext time?” I ask shaking my head picking up a slice of fallen apple off the table and handing it to Seb.

  “Okay daddy. Can I have a Nerf gun for Christmas?” He asks looking at me hopefully.

  “Have you asked Santa for one?”

  “Yeah, and a tablet like Bailey’s. She’s learning me how to write,” he grins up at me. I blink shocked, I didn’t know that.

  “Really? You want to write like your mommy and Bailey?”

  “Yeah, I want to write about pirates and dinosaurs and explosions.” He says breathless as he jumps around the room excitedly.

  “Wow, that sounds like so much fun. I’d love to read these stories and listen to you read them to me,” I smile widely at my amazing son.

  “Woohoo, yeah, I can’t wait. I hope Santa gets my letter on time.” He shouts all excited.

  “Shh, buddy. Where is your letter?”

  “In the kitchen,” he answers and rushes off to fetch it.

  “Ours are too,” Evie says following her brother.

  “What do you want princess?” I ask Eliza.

  “I want makeup and shoes and dresses. I also want a tiara, so I can be a princess for real,” she says, twirling around almost losing her balance.

  Laughing, I catch and pull her onto my lap.

  “So, we have a budding Shakespeare and a princess in the house. I wonder what Evie wants to be.”

  “Evie wants to sing,” Eliza tells me, snuggling her little body closer to mine, tucking her head under my chin, giggling when my whiskers tickle her.

  I’ve never heard Evie sing; she hums a lot but never sings out loud. “Have you heard your sister sing?” I ask Eliza, playing with a tendril of her hair.

  “Yeah, I love it. She sings us to sleep sometimes,” she admits making my heart melt for the quietest of my daughters.

  Seb and Evie come back in with their arms full of paper, handing me four sheets. “Bailey helped us write them,” Seb tells me as I look at the neat swirls of her handwriting.

  “I’ll make sure to post them as soon as possible.” I assured them, tucking them under my leg for safe keeping.

  “Hello, I heard there are some little rascals I need to wrangle.” Mom comes in taking her coat off, she looks dressed up for a Friday afternoon.

  “Did I interrupt you when you were out?” I ask, immediately feeling guilty.

  “No, I was just out with a friend, nothing that won’t keep.” She brushes it off, but I still feel like shit for ruining her plans.

  “Okay, you go be with Amy while I look after these monsters,” she mock growls making them squeal and scatter in all directions.

  Smiling, I remember her playing this way with me and Niles when we were young and again with Mason and Ava when they were kids, she’s a fantastic mom and grandma.

  Nearing the room, the fond smile falls from my face when I hear heaving. Pushing my chair faster, I hurry into the bathroom finding Amy once again bent over the toilet bowl and Bailey sitting beside her, rubbing her back, murmuring softly.

  “Hey, how are you girls doing?” I ask, not wanting to intrude but also wanting to comfort Amy.

  “Been better,” Amy mutters, sounding miserable.

  “Mom’s here to help with the kids, so you have me all to yourself.”

  “You should be with the kids, you don’t see the twins all that much now, not with preschool,” she groans into the toilet.

  “I’ll tell you what I just caught them doing when you’re back in our comfortable bed.”

  “Bailey, why don’t you go out there, I don’t want you getting ill too baby,” Amy says leaning her head on the toilet seat.

  “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I’ll be okay honey, go and have fun.” Amy pats her on the leg.

  “If you’re sure,” she looks up at me.

  “I’ve got her muffin, don’t worry.” I say as I manoeuvre us back into the bedroom and onto the bed.

  Amy cuddles into my side falling back to sleep within seconds. While I have time, I fire off messages to Niles, Luke, Mason and Lily letting them know the changes to the plans for tomorrow. They all reply hoping Amy get well soon and asking if they can do anything to help. I reply quickly telling them mom’s here helping and set my phone aside, tightening my arms around Amy as if that will take away her pain and illness.

  Chapter Six

  It’s only a week until Christmas, I can’t believe it. It’s flown by in a haze of money, shopping, travel arrangements and phone calls. The kids are so excited to see real snow, they’re making plans for snowball fights and snowman building.

  Amy is flitting around packing all the new clothes we’ve gotten the kids and us, she had so much fun with Christmas jumpers and hats, gloves and scarves. Lily told her not to worry about the twins’ clothes that she’d get theirs, but she still got them some, her reasoning was that she couldn’t get the rest and not the twins, “it’s just not fair” her words not mine. She’s feeling better after her sickness, luckily no one else got ill.

  “Ethan, did you pick up the suits and my ring?” Amy asks bursting into the bedroom as I’m pulling on pants.

  “Yeah, Niles came with me. They’re in the closet,” I tell her nodding at the closet behind her.

  “O-okay, we need to put them in the van at the back, so they don’t get wrinkled,” she replies distractedly, her gaze taking in my half-naked form.

  “Yeah, wouldn’t want a wrinkled suit on my wedding day,” I agree leaning back on my arms letting her enjoy the view.

  “No, definitely not.” She licks her lips.

  “Mmm, what time is Mom bring the girls?”

  “Huh, oh, err, in like an hour.”

  “Well, that’s good. We have time,” I hum and flick the button on my jeans open.

  “Ethan, I have so much to do,” she reprimands me even as she walks toward me ripping her top over her head.

  “You do, me,” I wink making her giggle as she kneels in front of me. She moves my thighs apart and pulls my boxers down enough to free my cock, she moans hungrily and takes me in her hands stroking slowly drawing a long moan from me. “Fuck, Amy,” I groan as she frees her tits and traps my cock between them jacking me slowly.

  “Mmm, it’s been a while since you’ve come over my tits.”

  “Is that what you want?” I ask leaning forward, I pinch her nipples rolling them causing her to cry out and thrust her tits forward. “Do you want me to come over your gorgeous tits?”

  “N-no,” she gasps.

  “Where do you want it? In your mouth? In your pussy?” I ask fondling her the whole time, enjoying her responsiveness.

  “Wherever you want,” she pants, squeezing her thighs together.

  “Hmm, whatever I want…”


  I still her and pull my cock from between her tits, I stroke myself a couple of times enjoying the hunger in her eyes. “Suck it.” I hold it out directly in front of her mouth and watch in awe as she licks her lips and engulfs the head, licking and sucking hungrily. “Ahh,” I sigh letting my head fall backwards enjoying the feel of her hot mouth and tongue on my cock. The only sounds in the room are my panting breaths and her mouth working me.

  “Holy shit,” I shout when she relaxes her jaw and pulls me into the back of her throat, it feels amazing, tighter and hotter. I see stars when her tongue caresses the underside of my dick at the same time as she swallows. “S-stop, stop. Please,” I beg pulling her head off me, she looks at me confused. “You had to stop, or I’d have come down your throat,” I explain, gasping and shaking with the effort it took to pull my cock from her mouth.

  “I don’t care, I wanted to taste you.”

  “I do, I want to fuck you. Now turn around and sit on my cock.”

  Grinning, she jumps up and sways on her feet slightly. “You okay?” I ask frowning holding her hips.

  “Yeah,” she replies shoving her jeans and panties off her hips and sits down taking me to the hilt in one stroke.

p; “Mother fucker,” I shout, feeling my orgasm edge, I pin her hips to mine and squeeze my eyes close counting back from a hundred.

  “Ethan, shit. Let me move,” she pants, trying to grind harder on me.

  “G-give me a second,” I stutter.

  “I can’t,” she growls and flexes her muscles around me, once, twice and I’m done. I release her hips and fall back on to the bed letting her ride me, taking what she needs. Groaning she grinds harder, rocking faster until her pussy clamps down like a vice and she gushes everywhere.

  “Oh fuck,” she screams, rolling her hips and taking me over with her, I think I blackout from the pleasure rolling through my body. Because I don’t remember her moving other than riding my cock and taking me to heaven.

  “Baby, we need to put some clothes on,” Amy mumbles into my chest, I don’t remember how she got there.

  “Mmm, in a sec.” I throw my arm around her pulling her closer loving the feel of her bare skin on mine.

  “Seriously, your mom will be back with the kids soon.” I nod, knowing she’s right but we still don’t move.

  “Can you believe we’ll be married soon?” She asks, leaning over me her eyes bright with happiness.

  “It can’t come soon enough. I wish it were tomorrow,” I say caressing her beautiful face feeling love rush through me, warming my heart.

  “We could always run off to Vegas,” she jokes grinning down at me.

  “We could and I would if you hadn’t worked your ass off to plan a beautiful winter wonderland wedding,” I remind her and smack her on the ass.

  “Ouch, hey. Is this how our marriage is going to be?” She asks pressing her ass into my hand.

  “Mmm, I really hope so.” I smile and palm her cheek, rubbing soothing the sting.

  “Me too,” she grins stealing a kiss before jumping up and off the bed, grabbing our discarded clothes she throws mine at me laughing when she catches me in the face with her lacy bra.

  “If you want to strip for me sweetheart you need more clothes on than that,” I laugh nodding at her pantie clad ass. “Don’t get me wrong, I abso-fucking-lutely love the sight of you in just panties but if you’re gonna strip I want to see you peel layers and layers off… Slowly.” I bite my lip imagining just that.


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