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The Eve of Forever

Page 6

by S J Batsford

  “Ethan, Amy?” I hear my mother yell.

  Snapping out of it, I curse loudly and snatch my jeans from the bed and wrestle them on as fast as I can, forgoing my boxers. Amy giggles throwing on her clothes in a flash.

  “I’m glad you find it funny that my mother nearly saw my cock for the first time since I was in diapers.” I say, scowling as I shrug on my t-shirt.

  “Aww, she’s seen it all before babe,” she laughs, pulling her hair back into a messy bun.

  “Not hard she hasn’t.”

  “Well, I’d say she was missing out but that’s just wrong,” she shudders grimacing.

  “Hell yes, it is,” I feel sick thinking about it.

  “You know she’ll know what we’ve been up to when we go in there, right?”

  “Yep, I’m gonna tell her you seduced her poor innocent son,” I say and hightail it from the room, grinning hearing her curse and rush after me. I barely stop short of crashing into the living room doorway, I have to brake quickly and nearly topple out of my chair.

  “Ethan Matthew Barker, what in God’s name are you doing?!” Mom yells standing with her hands on her hips. Evie and Bailey are laughing quietly on the couch behind her, I stick my tongue out at them.

  “Ethan you could have seriously hurt yourself,” Amy shouts breathlessly from behind me looking horrified.

  I look at Bailey and Evie, gone is their laughter replaced by tears.

  “Hey, hey, I’m fine.” I say soothingly holding my arms out for the girls to come to me, which they do climbing onto my lap awkwardly. It’s freaking uncomfortable but I’m not moving them when they’re so upset.

  “Oh girls, I’m so sorry,” Amy falls to her knees beside us, running a hand on each of their heads looking up at me guiltily.

  “It’s okay, I was being silly and scared Grandma and mommy,” I tell them kissing their wet cheeks. “Now who’s ready for our big trip?” I ask brightly, smiling when they lift their heads and wipe their faces.

  “I can’t wait to see all the snow. We’re still going to have a snowball fight, right?” Bailey asks smiling excitedly.

  “Well, I’ll have to find a brilliant cover spot first so you guys can’t cheat because I am disadvantaged.” I sigh dramatically. “But I’m gonna kick all your asses,” I shout tickling them both making them squeal loudly and jump off my lap falling onto Amy who turns and takes over tickling them while they squirm and laugh.

  “Well, I can see even marriage isn’t going to make you grow up fully,” Mom laughs coming to stand beside me.

  “I have been married before Mom,” I remind her rolling my eyes.

  “Yes, but I mean for real. As in in love marriage, forever marriage, more grandbabies for me marriage,” she laughs as Amy freezes and looks up at her with wide scared eyes. “Not right away honey, but we need at least two of yours. I mean you don’t have a little boy, and another little boy would just be amazing for Seb.”

  “Okay, okay, Mom. We don’t want to scare Amy off and have her jilt me at the altar.” I laugh nervously seeing how white Amy had gone listening to my mom ramble on about babies.

  “Oh, sorry honey. Don’t listen to me, you guys will have more babies when you’re ready… Or not at all,” Mom mumbles and goes into the kitchen to fuss over something else.

  “Sorry sweetheart, she’s excitable because of the wedding,” I laugh holding my hand out to her as the kids run off to see where mom went.

  “Err, yeah,” she shakes her head and forces a smile.

  “Let’s just think about saying our vows and having an amazing Christmas for now, hm?” I kiss my ring on her finger, watching as the tension leaves her face and her body relaxes.

  “I can’t wait,” she smiles lovingly and leans down for a hot but way too short kiss.

  “Let’s get the last of the shit in the van then.”

  “Hey, that shit is our wedding stuff,” she scowls at me but hurries to grab what’s left to go in the van so we can get on the road. With the others.

  “Oh my God, it looks like something from a Christmas movie,” Amy gushes, practically bouncing in the driver’s seat. I have to admit, it does look like one of those Hallmark movies she loves to watch, all the storefronts have lights and decorations in them. It doesn’t look tacky though not even the huge Christmas tree and garlands from one side of the street to the other, they’re traditional beautiful.

  “Look at the mountains, mom,” Bailey squeals from the back seat her face pressed against the window.

  “Look real snow,” Evie screams, her eyes bright with excitement. I grin seeing their reaction, I wish I could be there to see Eliza and Seb’s. It makes me a little sad that I couldn’t, but I know they’ll let me know what they think when we get there, I smile imagining them bouncing around describing everything they saw on the way. I wince thinking about how noisy their car must have been with the twins and the baby.

  “Ethan can you call your mom?” Amy asks pulling over outside a cute little coffee shop there’s a sign outside with ‘Baby, it’s cold outside’ artfully written across it.

  “Sure, what’s up?” I ask confused, looking around.

  “I can’t remember which way to go.” She nibbles her fingernail, looking around.

  “Okay, I’ll call her now,” I smile pulling her hand from her mouth.

  “I think I’m gonna run in and grab a few things,” she says nodding to a bakery next door to the coffee shop.

  “Okay sweetheart, do you want us to come?” I ask unsure leaving her roam in a new place alone.

  “I’ll be fine, back in a sec,” she grins grabbing her handbag, opening the door I shiver as a blast of freezing cold air rushes in as I press call.

  “Hey Mom.”

  “Honey is everything okay? Where are you guys?” She asks loudly, I heard the twins screeching in the background and Jax trying to calm them down.

  “We’re here, Amy couldn’t remember where to go from town. She asked me to call while she went to get a few things,” I sigh looking back to the kids in the back. They’re snuggled together with a blanket around them playing a game on Bailey’s iPad.

  “We’ll come and meet you, it’s a little complicated to explain,” she says and calls out to someone.

  “Okay well, we’re outside the coffee shop right now. We’ll wait here.”

  “Okay honey, we’re on our way to you guys now,” she says, and I hear a car door close and an engine rumble to life before the line goes dead.

  I sit looking around waiting on Amy. It really is a lovely place even if I’m freezing my ass off, I can see the charm. Across the road I see a young couple burst from a store laughing, the guy throws an arm around her and pulls her into him, his arms slide around her holding her to his chest as he slowly lowers his head and kisses her softly. She melts into him standing on tiptoes, her arms wrap around his neck. They’re clearly in love, it’s a perfect film moment.

  “So, what did your mom say?” Amy asks, scaring the shit out of me and making me jump in my seat.

  “F-fudging hell, are you trying to give me a heart attack before we get married?” I gasp, holding my chest feeling my heart beating rapidly against ribs.

  “No, but that reminds me, do you have life insurance?” She asks grinning at me cheekily.

  “As a matter of fact, I do, but there’s this pesky clause that says in my sassy-mouthed fiancée, soon to be wife were to off me you’d get nothing but coal in your stocking,” I say drily making her laugh loudly.

  “Well, I’ll just have to be creative,” she laughs sticking her tongue out at me.

  “I guess you will.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her suggestively.

  “You’re a dirty man,” she whispers, smacking me on the thigh.

  “And you’re a naughty girl who loves me,” I whisper back pulling her to me and kissing her breathless. “Now what did you buy me?” I ask when I can bring myself to let her go.

  “Hum, what?” She asks, blinking rapidly looking at me dazed and c

  I nod at the bags she has on her lap, “what goodies did you get us?” I ask again rattling the bag.

  “Oh, erm, I got some cookies, brownies, doughnuts and a few loaves of fresh bread.”

  “Ooh, did they have gingerbread men?” Evie asks finally coming out of the game she’s been enthralled with.

  “They did and I may have gotten you both one for being so good on the drive here,” Amy replies turning around and smiling at her.

  “Ooh, could I have mine now? I’m so hungry, please?” She begs batting her little eyelids.

  “Aww, how can I say no to that?” Amy asks melting and hands them both a gingerbread man.

  “Thank you, mom,” Bailey smiles taking a huge bite.

  “Thank you, mommy,” Evie mumbles around a mouthful of gingerbread. Time freezes, Bailey and I stare at Evie open-mouthed, while Amy is frozen tears falling from her eyes. “Erm, I,” Evie stutters looking from Bailey to Amy then finally me, she looks terrified and guilty.

  “It’s okay baby,” I say softly, my heart breaking for her, she hasn’t said that word in so long, I know it just slipped out. Amy has been amazing with her, she does everything a mommy does. But I can see Evie feels guilty calling anyone but her mother that, it’s tricky and we’ve never broached the subject in fear of upsetting her. I don’t want her to feel as if she has to call Amy anything other than Amy now that we’re actually getting married, but on the other hand I wouldn’t be upset if she did call Amy mommy.

  “I-I’m sorry,” she whispers finally and turns toward the window nibbling on her gingerbread.

  Turning to Amy, I see her wiping her face. “Give her time,” I say quietly pulling her head onto my shoulder and wait for mom.

  Chapter Seven

  “Oh wow,” Amy breathes as we get our first full view of the house, if you can call it a house. It’s a palatial log cabin style building with a huge stone chimney on each side.

  “The pictures didn’t give it enough credit. This place is amazing, everything we wanted and more,” I whisper.

  “I know, I could only dream of being this close to a house like this growing up,” Amy whispers back in awe.

  “Are you two going to actually come in and see the rest?” Craig laughs leaning on the porch railing.

  “Y-yeah,” I say pushing myself along the cleared pathway and up the ramp I suspect he had installed recently for me. Feeling a little overwhelmed by such a gesture, I clear my throat and smile, “thanks again for this man.” I’m out of breath by the time I reach him, I watch as my breath puffs out in big visible bursts, it’s funny.

  “Anytime, I’m honoured to have such a full house at Christmas,” he smiles holding the door open for us.

  When the door closes behind us, I can feel the temperature difference between outside and in and let me tell you, I prefer in right now. “It’s huge,” I gasp, looking up at the vaulted ceiling above my head.

  “Yeah, you’ve said that,” Craig laughs, standing beside me in jeans and a thick sweater looking relaxed.

  “Sorry, it’s just so much.”

  “It’s okay, most people react the same way,” he shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

  “Daddy,” I hear dual yells but from different directions.

  “Oh my, the walls are talking again,” Craig sighs dramatically. “I really should have someone come and look at that. Maybe it’s ghosts?” He says scratching his head looking around bemused.

  “Or maybe it could be little mice, especially with all that scurrying,” I supply smirking when I see Eliza’s head pop around the doorway to the left.

  “Hmm, maybe you’re right Ethan. I’ll go and grab the mouse squatter and we’ll have them out in no time,” Craig says and charges in the direction I saw Eliza, seconds later I hear her squeal and see Seb dart over to try and rescue his sister, ever her hero.

  “Daddy help, Craig is going to squat us away.” Eliza yells giggling as Evie and Bailey run in to help, they all end up piled on top of Craig, who is outnumbered.

  Amy and I laugh, seeing him laughing and playing along with them. Lily rounds the corner with her six-month-old daughter Ella on her hip and rolls her eyes at the pile of mostly humans on the floor.

  “I thought I heard a row going on, I should have known it was these guys,” she jabs her thumb in the kids direction as she hugs Amy.

  “Hey, you guys left first but arrived last?” Lily asks shaking her head.

  “Wasn’t me driving it was grandma here,” I laugh nodding at Amy.

  “I’ve never driven in snow before,” she glares at me and starts to babble at Ella ignoring the rest of us entirely. I have to say she’s a little beauty, a good balance of both Jackson and Lily looks wise, she has Lily’s dark wavy hair and Jacksons eyes, but hers are softer and melt your heart on sight. You can definitely see her Spanish heritage, or part anyway. Her darker skin stands out next to Lily’s paler complexion.

  “I don’t blame you for taking your time, it was scary as hell driving in that, especially with Michael Schumacher here,” Lily says scowling at her husband, who grins at her throwing his arm over her shoulder. Amy looks at me confused and I grin shaking my head, sometimes Lily forgets that we don’t know British celebrities.

  “I know you love a hard, fast ride babe,” Jax says winking at his wife who turns bright red and elbows him in the chest. “Ouch, what was that for,” he scowls rubbing his chest.

  I stay quiet, feeling uncomfortable and awkward, I do not want to get into a discussion on what my ex likes and doesn’t like between the sheets.

  “Ella, you’ve grown so fast,” I sing trying to break to awkward silence, I can’t even look at Amy right now. God, I hope she’s not upset. Instead I hold out my arms for Lily to pass her to me, when she does, I hold Ella up getting a good look at her. “Wow, you really have grown, what are they feeding you?” I ask in a baby voice bouncing her on my lap. Laughing, she babbles away to me, smiling and waving her arms in the air.

  “She eats anything and everything that’s put in front of her,” Lily smiles, stroking her daughter’s messy curls.

  “Like mother like daughter then,” I grin pulling faces at her, making her giggle and drool.

  “I’d tell you where to go but there are little ears present,” she flips me off hiding her hand from the view of the kids who are now trying to talk Craig into a hot chocolate.

  “Why are you all congregating in the hallway?” Mom asks coming through another door followed by Mason, Niles, Luke, Scarlett and Cora. I’m surprised but happy to see she accepted our invite.

  “Hey guys, sorry, we were distracted by this little beauty and those monsters,” I grin indicating at the kids.

  “Well, that’s a good excuse to get waylaid,” Cora says smiling as she comes over. Lily tenses, looking a little unsure, but I just smile and hand Ella to Amy who is dying beside me to get her hands on the baby, I smile when she snatches her up and starts to bounce her on her hip talking to her.

  “Ethan, how are you doing?” Cora asks breaking the ice, her smile is gentle and genuine.

  “Good, amazing. I couldn’t be any happier, thanks for joining us.”

  “Thanks for inviting me, I know I haven’t been the nicest or most welcoming since, well since the twins’ birth.”

  “You had every reason to be that way, but hopefully this Christmas can be a fresh start all round,” I say and smile as Amy’s hand lands on my shoulder, reaching up I hold her hand.

  “Definitely, and congratulations on your engagement and impending wedding,” she smiles leaning down to hug me, almost too tightly. “I’m glad you’re getting better and that you’ve found happiness,” she whispers in my ear, bringing tears to my eyes.

  “Thank you, I really am sorry for everything that happened,” I whisper back feeling the need to apologise to her face to face.

  “All in the past, new beginnings all round.” Her voice rough with emotion.

  “Okay, let’s move this show to the living roo
m shall we,” Mom shouts clapping her hands together. The room clears as quickly as it filled, all but me, Lily my mom and Craig.

  “I never thought I’d see that?” Lily smiles down at me.

  “What? Me escape with my balls intact after talking to your grandma?” I laugh wincing at the idea of my balls being injured.

  Laughing she shakes her head, “no, you and nan hugging and putting your shit aside, I’m happy.” She shrugs and leaves me sitting there. Smiling I catch sight of Craig and mom talking intensely, he smiles down at her and reaches out to cradle her cheek. Blushing she nods looking at him through her lashes, I’ve not seen her smile like that in a long time. It warms me to see her coming back to life and with someone like Craig, he’s a good guy and he obviously has feelings for her if the look he’s giving her is any indication.

  Not wanting to spoil their moment, I leave them to it and follow the noise.

  I enter the living room and see my family spread everywhere, talking, laughing, playing and reading. Luckily the room is big enough, it’s huge with a proportionate open fireplace to warm it. It’s beautiful in here, with a large comfy looking white U-shaped couch, a rustic coffee table, it looks like someone chopped down an old tree and slapped half of it in here for people to put drinks on. Above that is a big wooden circular chandelier with mock candles on two tiers. But what steals the show is the fire, the one connected to the stone chimney outside, it stretches up to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Pure stonework exposed, it’s stunning and something I now want at home. Old pictures litter the fireplace as well as a pine garland and lights, it frames the roaring fire and guard nicely.

  A massive Christmas tree stands in front of one of the large windows, it’s filled with old ornaments and beautiful white lights, there’s a red velvet skirt around the base and it’s already bursting with gifts ready for Christmas.

  “Well, now that we’re all here,” Mom’s voice breaks through my fantasy and I blink focusing on the room. I wheel myself over and slide onto the couch beside Amy who is sitting with Bailey, Evie, the twins, Ava, Lily and Ella. Frowning, I look around and see Scarlett in the corner shooting daggers at either Luke, Niles or Mason, I’m not sure which since they’re all sitting together talking, shrugging I push it aside not wanting to cause any confrontations.


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