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The Eve of Forever

Page 7

by S J Batsford

  “I’d like to raise a glass to my eldest baby and soon to be daughter in law. Amy I’m so glad Ethan met you even under the circumstances. You and Bailey have brought so much happiness back into our family, I just wanted to say thank you and welcome to the family. It may be a bit unconventional but every one of you here is family, I’m so happy that we’re all together over Christmas. So, to Ethan and Amy, we love you,” she finishes holding up her glass to echoes of the same from everyone else. Looking around, I realise everyone has a drink in hand except me, Amy passes me hers with a smile.

  “Thank you,” Amy chokes out between sobs.

  “Come here sweetheart,” I pull her into my lap and nod my thanks, hiding my face in Amy’s hair as overwhelmed by emotion as she is. Thankfully the room fills with noise and we have time to absorb it all. “Are you okay?” I whisper into her hair after a solid five minutes of crying.

  “I t-think I’m j-just tired,” she hiccups, wiping her face. I push her wet hair off her face, which is all red and blotchy, she’s still beautiful to me.

  “I love you,” I whisper kissing her soft lips tasting the salt from her tears.

  “Really even snotty?” She chuckles, cupping my face and kissing me softly.

  “Even snotty.”

  “Wow, you must be hard up, Mr, Barker,” she smirks cheekily, and I laugh resting my forehead against hers.

  “Nope, just helplessly in love.” I steal a sweet kiss not caring that there is a room full of people, loved ones around us.

  “I love you too, so much,” she says laying her head on my shoulder. We sit quietly and to all the conversations around us, relaxing fully sinking back into the fluffy cushions. I feel content, with our kids and family around us, all I feel is love. The love of family and my love for the amazing woman on my lap.

  I never imagined my life could be this amazing and it’s all because Amy and Bailey came into our lives.

  I wake slowly and look over at my sleeping bride cuddled up against me sleeping soundly. Looking through the slither of gap in the curtains, I see snow drifting past and feel a childish thrill run through me, everyone loves snow especially at Christmas.

  I feel so blessed, in mere days I’ll be a married man the thought brings a smile to my face, this time I’m not dreading it, this time I’m not avoiding my bride to be. Amy will be my wife. Sighing, I snuggle further under the covers pulling her closer.

  “Daddy wake up. There’s snow everywhere,” Eliza squeals running into our room in her nightgown, followed closely by Seb and Evie. Still in their nightclothes, but they’ve obviously been awake a while by the pancake crumbs and syrup smeared on their chins. Reaching out I press the button to open the curtains partly as my monsters clamber onto the bed, jumping all over us and waking Amy in the process.

  She yawns sleepily, blinking the sleep from her eyes she looks up at me and smiles the love in her eyes stops my heart.

  “Morning sweetheart,” I say kissing her upturned lips, smirking when the kids make gagging noises and ‘eww’. “Well, if you don’t want to see us kiss, you shouldn’t barge in here,” I laugh grabbing the nearest foot to us and pull whoever it is close and tickle their foot relentlessly. Seb is helplessly gasping and wriggling trying to escape me.

  “D-daddy s-stop.” He laughs kicking wildly nearly catching me in the nuts, that’s my cue to stop before any damage is done.

  “Go ask grandma to put the coffee on and we’ll be out in a few minutes. Who else have you guys woken up anyway?” I ask looking round at their innocent faces.

  “Grandma and Craig,” Evie whispers looking down as she always does when she thinks she’s in trouble.

  “Bailey growled at us,” Eliza giggles slipping off the big bed.

  “If you don’t go ask grandma about that coffee, I might growl at you,” I say baring my teeth holding my hands up as if ready to pounce. It does the trick though, they all screech and run for the door slamming it closed behind them.

  Amy laughs beside me, pulling me to lie back down and lays her head on my chest.

  “I don’t know whose worse them or you,” she shakes her head and brushes a kiss above my heart.

  “Me,” I laugh kissing the top of her head, playing with her left hand so her engagement ring catches the light. Weaving her fingers through mine we enjoy the last minutes of quiet alone time before the chaos begins.

  “So, what do we have planned for today?” I ask as she gets up and wraps the thick white robe, she ordered around herself and slips her feet into fluffy boot slippers. Turning she grins flashing the back of it at me and I have to laugh but I feel my chest puff up with pride, even if it is corny.

  “What do you think?” She asks grinning at me over her shoulder.

  “I fucking love it.” And I do, I love that she’ll be walking around with Mrs, Barker on her even before the I Do’s.

  “Oh, this isn’t all I got,” she sings bouncing over to the closet excitedly and pulls out a similar robe but in grey and hands it to me.

  Turning it over I burst out laughing, “you do realise I’ve always been Mr, Barker? I don’t need to have it on my back,” I laugh again at the silly smile on her face.

  “You haven’t looked properly,” she pouts laying it across the bed and I laugh harder, in smaller writing under the name she’s had ‘property of Amy Barker’ sewn in. This crazy amazingly perfect woman.

  “I love you,” I chuckle pulling her onto my lap and kissing her soundly.

  “So, you’ll wear it?” She asks hopefully smiling nervously.

  “Hell yes, people need to know who I am who I belong to,” I say and wink at her as she squeals and jumps up, holding it out to help me into it. I don’t even care about the ribbing I’ll get from my brothers, Jax and Luke, as long as it makes Amy happy, I’ll do anything.

  “No, Mr, Barker slippers to match?” I tease smirking at her as I scoot into my chair.

  “No, but I did get you fluffy reindeer socks.” And sure enough, she pulls some brown socks from the dresser and kneels to slip them on my feet, I can’t help it, I feel actual tears run down my face from laughing. The socks are ugly as hell with a big red bobble nose and wonky eyes, but I love her enough to grin and bear it.

  “Let’s go then Mrs, Barker,” I smirk smacking her on the ass as she wiggles it in front of me.

  When we enter the kitchen nearly everyone is there aside from a few stragglers. They all turn as we enter and smile before going back to their conversations. It’s open-plan with pine cabinets and black granite worktops, usually I guess the island would dominate the room but with all my family surrounding it looks average which is ludicrous.

  “Oh my God,” a squeal comes from behind us and everyone stops and turns to see what’s going on. Turning I see Ava with her hands over her mouth and laughter in her eyes.

  “What?” Mason asks coming closer, “oh shit,” he laughs doubling over when he sees our robes or maybe it’s my socks?

  “Mason Lee Scott, language,” Cora admonishes him from across the room.

  “I’m sorry but this is just too good,” he laughs pulling out his phone.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warn him as he kneels down for a better angle of my feet.

  “Sorry bro, but it’s a thing. There are pictures of me in a pink apron so there will be pictures of you in these,” he laughs taking multiple shots as the others crowd around. I see them all laughing, but Lily is crying with hers, she can barely stand she’s laughing so hard as the guys make reindeer noises.

  “I-I w-was on about that,” Ava gasps finally finding her voice. Everyone forgets my socks and rushes around behind us.

  “Oh, they arrived then?” Mom sings, coming closer to get a better look.

  “Aren’t they fantastic?” Amy asks showing off her back.

  “They’re amazing. Here, come over here and we’ll set you up in chairs and take some pre-wedding pictures,” mom says clapping and rushing around moving washing up into the dishwasher and wiping do
wn the surfaces as if she owns the place.

  “Oh God,” I mutter covering my face as my brothers and everyone else pisses themselves laughing at my expense.

  “I think you look cute, all warm and cosy… All matchy matchy,” Mason gushes clasping his hands together dramatically making everyone roar with laughter again.

  “Fuck you, Mayo,” I whisper laughing along with them.

  “Okay over here,” mom calls ordering us around until we’re in the perfect spot. Then it turns into an all-out photo shoot, Mason sets up his camera on request from mom. First Amy and I holding each other, showing off her ring, then with the kids surrounding us and finally one of everyone in front of the fire in the living room.

  “Okay, let’s get dressed and get these kids out in the snow to run off some energy,” Craig suggests, rubbing his hands together grinning. The guy is in his element with everyone around and especially with the kids, he is often found doing something or another with one or all of them.

  “Yes,” loud screeches echo through the room making me wince and little Ella cry in surprise. Luckily the kids scatter from the room quickly, eager to get outside.

  Chapter Eight

  Since I can’t play in the snow, I offer to stay inside with Ella so Lily and Jackson can enjoy the snow together with the kids. With the house relatively quiet, barring the screams and happy yells from outside. We’re set up on the floor close to the warm fire, me sitting close while Ella is lying under a baby gym happily batting the jungle animals. Smiling I jingle the one that’s a rattle making her giggle and drool.

  “Do you know what noise a lion makes?” I ask in that baby voice everyone seems to slip into unknowingly. “A mighty lion rawrs, like this.” I pull a funny face and roar like a lion. Ella’s eyes widen and she giggles, then waits for me to do it again, which I do, of course, causing her to laugh uncontrollably. I laugh loving spending time with her, I love babies, they’re so expressive so innocent.

  We graduate onto pigs, chickens, deer, sheep and cows. It’s a farm up in here right now and Ella is having a blast seeing me make a fool of myself.

  “Well, I see you two are enjoying yourselves,” Lily laughs from the doorway, her cheeks red from the cold, her hair is wet and limp around her face.

  Clearing my throat, I smile up at her as she strips her sweater and comes to sit beside the fire watching her daughter grunt angrily at me for stopping the noises.

  “Sorry honey,” I coo tickling her foot making her laugh again. “Look who’s here,” I sing pointing at Lily, when she catches sight of her mom, she goes nuts wiggling around so she can get to Lily.

  “Hey, baby girl, have you been looking after Uncle Ethan?” Lily asks picking her daughter up and kissing her chubby cheek, while I stare open-mouthed. “What?” She asks looking over at me.

  “I, erm. Just that,” I stumble over my words, scratching the back of my neck I clear my throat of emotion.

  “You’re close enough E. We’re all family here,” she shrugs easily.

  “Thanks for coming all the way here,” I say instead of blurting all the gushy shit, I have a lot to thank this woman for but now is not the time.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I’m so happy for you and Amy, I’m glad you found love again E, it looks good on you,” she laughs, and I scowl at her playfully.

  “My bride brought me them,” I shrug smiling.

  “And of course, you being you, you wore it even knowing you’d never live it down.”

  “Whatever makes Amy happy,” I say and shrug.

  “Good, she’s amazing E. I’ve told you this before, but I love her for you, the twins love her she’ll be an amazing stepmom.” She smiles rocking Ella in her arms.

  “She’s everything. I can’t wait to be married to her,” I say honestly, not caring if I sound like a pussy.

  After a few moments of silence, Lily stands. “I better go change and put this one down,” she nods down at Ella who has dropped off in her arms.

  “See you later,” I whisper watching her leave.

  I shuffle and heave myself onto the couch, sitting quietly, just enjoying the calm for a while before the front door opens again, then she’s there, my Amy. She walks in shaking the snow from her hair. “Brr, it’s cold out there. Be glad you aren’t out there it’s enough to freeze your, you know what’s off,” she hustles over and curls up beside me sighing happily drawing my body heat.

  “Hey beautiful, did you have fun?” I ask, wrapping an arm around her pulling her closer.

  “Uh-huh, the kids are brutal with the snowballs,” she laughs wrapping her arms around my waist and throwing a leg over mine.

  “They’re my kids,” I shrug because that’s enough of an explanation. She nods grinning and we share a laugh.

  I shuffle down into the cushions of the couch and relish our closeness, even if her hands are creeping under my sweater. “Shit, your hands are freezing,” I gasp, feeling my nipples tighten from the shock.

  “Mmm, imagine them on your…” She indicates to my junk and I cringe. Grabbing a pillow, I cover my lap with it as she giggles. “That only makes me want to do it more,” she giggles, sliding her cold nose up my neck and I shiver.

  “Behave,” I growl pinching her butt.

  “Not if you keep doing that,” she whispers huskily, rubbing against my thigh provocatively. Smirking I lean down to kiss her, pausing just before our lips meet, I grin and suck her bottom lip into my mouth, nipping gently before letting go and kissing her cool cheeks.

  “I can keep doing it later, maybe I will put you over my lap and spank you like the naughty woman you are,” I whisper into her neck nipping at her tender skin.

  “It’s so freaking cold out there,” Bailey burst into the living rubbing her red hands together as she hustles over to the fire, sitting down she holds her hands out.

  “Muffin don’t do that your hands will hurt. Come over here and wrap this blanket around you.”

  “But it’s so warm,” she looks over at the flames longingly before she scurries over and climbs beneath the blanket wrapping it tightly around herself and cuddles into my other side.

  “Do you like the snow, Muffin?” I kiss her head cuddling her closer and sharing my warmth.

  “Uh-huh, but it gets too cold after a while and it tires you out,” she yawns, pulling the blanket up to her face and lying her head on my chest closing her eyes. Her trust in me always brings me to my knees, figuratively of course.

  “The others said they were coming in as soon as they have the hats on the snow family.” Bailey whispers barely getting the words out before her body goes limp and her breathing evens out as she slips into a peaceful sleep.

  “Snow family?” I ask looking down at Amy, she’s also out cold in exactly the same position as Bailey. Her face snuggled into my pec as she snores lightly, she only does it when she’s really tired, it’s so cute.

  “Well, I guess we’re having a lazy afternoon then,” I whisper into the room, feeling content and cosy. I let my eyes drift shut secure in the knowledge that my family is safe and happy.

  “This is so amazing,” Amy shivers, pulling the blanket tighter around herself.

  “I know, I love it up here,” I say, watching the fresh snow fall outside. Opening my arms, I pull her closer to me and the fire.

  “I can’t believe we’re alone,” Amy tilts her head and smiles up at me.

  “I know, it’s been hectic with planning and meeting the vicar. I hope the kids are enjoying themselves,” I murmur worrying my lip.

  “They’ll be fine, I’m more worried about Luke, Niles, Mace and Scarlett,” she giggles making me smile seeing her so happy and relaxed.

  “Yeah, they are a bit of a handful together, maybe we should have gone with them you’d have had a brilliant time on the ice.” I look down at her feeling guilty for my inability to do physical things with my family.

  “Hey, I’m right where I want to be and besides, I don’t really like ice, it scares me. But I bet the ki
ds are having so much fun, they’re probably being spoilt with hot chocolate and gingerbread.” She snuggles into my chest holding my arms tighter around her waist.

  “Yeah, I don’t blame Mom and Cora for not going and offering to take Ella shopping with them instead. I bet Lily and Jax haven’t had much time alone since she was born,” I smile happy that my family is happy and not far from us.

  “Do you think Craig will invite us all back?”

  “Mmm, I hope so.” I hum absently, watching the flames dance and weave, it’s hypnotic and makes me feel cosy and sleepy I understand why people have open fires now.

  “Do you see him and your mom dancing around each other?” Amy chuckles shaking her head.

  “What? They’re just friends sweetheart,” I kiss her head.

  “No, they aren’t, or they won’t be for much longer with the way they look at each other,” she snickers, patting my arm reassuringly as my mouth falls open and my eyes widen.

  “Well, I’m happy for her, she deserves happiness and Craig is a good guy. Of course, I’ll still have to have ‘the talk’ with him,” I nod, planning when and where this should happen.

  “Oh hell no, you leave them alone. Let it happen, you may scare him off and freak your mom out,” she turns glaring at me. “I mean it Ethan, leave it alone. You wouldn’t want your mom meddling in our life so do not do it to her,” she warns, her tone stern, firm.

  Smirking, I wiggle my eyebrows at her and pull her back to lie across my arm. “I love it when you get all worked up,” I whisper huskily my lips brushing against hers as I speak.

  Laughing she winds her arms around my neck, “don’t change the subject,” she giggles as I bury my face in her neck tickling her with the scruff I haven’t shaved off since we’ve been here.


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