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To Blind a Sniper (Women of Purgatory Book 2)

Page 18

by India Kells

  Mac may not have been able to see Gabrielle’s face, but her voice revealed definite mischief. Mac was quick to guess what she wanted to do and she could help, while having a little fun.

  Without even talking, they made a brisk detour by the gardens. The whole compound was secured with a high wall and security points. Nobody could come in or go out without being noticed or shot at. As they strolled, Gabrielle turned to her. “How good is your Spanish accent?”

  Mac winced. “I have enough trouble hiding my brogue, let alone trying to talk in another language without being detected.”

  “Let me talk then.” As they rounded the corner, they saw Wes, Lance, and Sullivan discussing in the lounge area. From the moment they talked about Fox, Gabrielle and Mac had refrained from explaining their plan in detail. They only knew that they were going to approach Calvi in disguise. Time to test if it might work.

  “Follow my lead.” Gabrielle spoke very low, and when she started talking, she immediately came into character. Mac followed, hooking her arm with her. Mexicans were common in the compound, all verified, all approved. The two women they incarnated were slightly older than the normal staff, but not that unusual. The guards on the outer perimeter ignored them completely. Gabrielle and Mac crouched, started picking flowers. From the lounge, the three men had a perfect view of them and it was certain that they had all noticed their presence. Gabrielle started speaking in a low, gravely voice with a strong Spanish accent.

  “They have spotted us, that’s a given. Let’s see if they made us.”

  Mac gathered the flowers in her arms and coughed, deepening the register of her voice. Without more information, all you really noticed were two old Mexican women, walking companionably, carrying flowers and having a great time.

  Mac forced herself to slow her breath and even stumble a little, normal steps and missteps as a human aged.

  When they entered, the men turned their heads in their direction in unison. They smiled and nodded. Gabrielle wished them a good day, and they continued to walk toward the kitchen. Most of the staff was on duty, so it was empty. Mac found clay pots to act as vases, and after pouring water, they each took one and were about to return to the lounge when Wesley came into the kitchen. Mac stopped and sidestepped, making way for him to pass. When he did, she glanced at Gabrielle who winked, encouraging her to test her disguise. As he rummaged through the kitchen, Wesley suddenly growled and cursed. Mac frowned and when she rounded the corner, she saw Wesley at the sink, holding a rag to his hand.

  As Gabrielle disappeared to the lounge, Mac slowly put her vase on the table and hoped that when she spoke, her accent wouldn’t be her downfall.

  “Senor, are you hurt? Can I be of assistance?” This time, she made sure to hold his gaze when he looked down at her. Her contact lenses concealed her green eyes, and the contour of her face was blurred enough, it wouldn’t be easy to recognize her.

  “Hmmm, do you know where I can find the first aid kit?”

  She nodded and smiled, telling him to go sit at the table as she retrieved it. Mac opened a couple of cupboards before getting the white plastic box. When she turned, Wesley was no longer holding a rag, but had a gun pointed at her head.

  “Be very careful, woman. You are trespassing and one wrong move will end your mistake here and now.”

  Her heart leapt into her throat for an instant, before she frowned. Just to make sure, she kept her accented low voice.

  “What made you suspicious, mi hijo?”

  The face of the man in front of her remained cold as ice.

  “Reveal your true identity, woman, or you will bleed.”

  Whoa, she had to remember, Wesley was never taking any chances, so she immediately straightened and cleared her voice.

  “I would remove this mask, but it would ruin all our efforts and I think Fox would kill himself.”

  Wesley didn’t move, it was as if his body had turned into stone. Then, he blinked. Once and a second time.

  “Mac?” She smiled at her name, but he was still detailing her face, not convinced. Her voice was the only thing that she could reveal, even under thick plastic and latex implants.

  “Yep, it’s me. All of me under very thick, very itchy, and very hot make-up. I think that I’m starting to regret the dominatrix outfit. At least there was so little latex covering me that I wasn’t that uncomfortable. But, on the other hand, at least now, I’m decent. Beyond decent, in fact.”

  The gun lowered, and his expression turned from suspicious to amazed. “It’s you. Incredible. And it looks so real. Your skin …” He lifted his hand as if to touch, but refrained himself. Instead his hand started to poke at her large hips. It made her snicker.

  “You think I’m blending well enough to get close to Calvi?”

  “Oh yeah. But if you can help it, don’t speak. The accent is off. But then for the rest, I would be surprised if anybody recognized you. And the other woman, it was Gabrielle?”

  “Yeah, we were to come back into the lounge and have a little fun before revealing our identity. Sort of a road test.”

  “Well, you fooled me. At least for a moment.”

  “What blew my cover?”

  “You were supposed to be working here, but the age was off a little. That’s why I went to investigate. I had my confirmation that you were not who you appeared when you fumbled trying to find the first aid kit. If you were employed here, and especially at cleaning, you would have gone straight for it.”

  “Touché. I’ll have to remember how good you are. Sun is setting, we have to get on a roll.” She turned to return to the lounge, but Wesley caught her arm.

  “Just in case I don’t have a chance to tell you, be careful out there. The place will be filled with Calvi’s agents. And we discussed the layout in and out. The goal is only to place a tracer on him.”

  “Wes, if I have a sliver of an opportunity to kill him, I will.”

  “If you kill Calvi, all of his security will be on you in a second, and we won’t be able to do a thing about it. And you know how I react when I’m feeling helpless.”

  His statement made her pause. “Yes, and about the risks, too. I’m glad you came and helped. It’s just that when Gabrielle proposed the job … I was trying to protect you I guess. I feared you were not ready yet. To return to action, I mean.”

  “Back at you. I want to protect you. And I’ll do anything to achieve it. Even fighting you if you dare go on a suicide mission again.”

  Mac snorted a little. “Take a number. Lance has priority I guess.” But she sobered immediately. “I will stick to the mission plan, and do everything to succeed. I plan to make the take down of Calvi a team activity. Satisfied?”

  Wesley took a step and his eyes turned to heat. “Not nearly. But all I can say is that we’re going to finish what we started, when you won’t be hidden under all that goo. That’s a promise, Mac. Satisfied?”

  Chapter 22

  The slow processions of people for the Day of the Dead were starting to move toward the cemetery in a colorful and musical human parade as the night was settling over the small Mexican town. It was at that exact moment that Mac and Gabrielle decided to blend within the crowd and join the festivities.

  Mac kept a crooked posture that made her stumble. When she did, a young man to her right quickly helped her up again, even offering his arm for the rest of the distance. Torches and candles lit the way of the pilgrims, every house on their path decorated with joyful colors and ribbons.

  Everything was planned. Even the tombs where they were heading were those of a friend of Gabrielle. They would appear as distant relatives, with only a handful of the family members to really know their true identity. Another reason for choosing this location was the direct view to Calvi’s brother’s resting place. The tomb was part of a family plot from Calvi’s mother’s side. Some of their family members were already there, installing bright candles and flowers. Around them, families were preparing to picnic, others started playing the guitar, s

  Mac kept an eye on where Calvi would be heading, while actively participating in her own gathering. In her ear, she heard the voices of Wesley and Lance patrolling the outer area. Sully stayed to the van with one tech. If all was going to plan, one bug had to be placed on Calvi on the course of the night. Several hours after, people would start visiting one another. The crowd strolling about was what she needed to get closer to her target.

  Time passed, they ate, they sang, and they prayed, but still no sign of Calvi. The whole team was on the edge. Were they falling into a trap? Had Calvi been warned of their plan? So many scenarios were possible. Mac tried not to look at Gabrielle, who was fighting her own restlessness.

  When the team debated to either stay or leave in her ear, Calvi finally made an appearance. Alone, only escorting an older woman to the family plot.

  For the next hour, Mac made sure to observe as much as she could of the man. The first instant he arrived, Calvi grieved with his family. After some time, the tension lifted and it looked more like a simple family gathering. They talked and laughed, in a very relaxed atmosphere. Only then, Mac made a sign to Gabrielle, telling her she would make an attempt. Gabrielle agreed, and on the mic, the men kept silent, waiting.

  When she got to her feet after kneeling for so many hours, it wasn’t difficult to fake a limp. Her whole body felt as if it was seventy years old. Unable to stretch to relieve all those kinks, she used them to move in a more believable manner. Slowly, she made her way around the Calvi’s family plot, stopping for the many people to let her pass. There were a lot of people, and being unable to glance past them, it made her destination quite difficult.

  She was debating on a course of action, when another man’s broad back blocked her way. Again, she asked to pass, but this time, Jorge Calvi turned to her. Bingo.

  Certain of her disguise, Mac looked up at him and smiled as she walked by, making sure she attached the bug to his inner coat. Without glancing back, she continued her way, but stumbled again and fell on her knees. People rushed around her, as anyone would do for an elderly, and took an offered hand to help more. Her smile froze as she saw Calvi, and this time grabbing her wrist with an unusual force. Calvi watched her and paused.

  “Please, let me help you.” Mac nodded, and decided to follow suit. If she broke character, it would cause a carnage. As a protection, she reached for her gun hidden in the folds of her skirt, but refrained from any action until she felt cornered.

  In fact, Calvi didn’t go far, just a few steps to a small stone bench. He signaled the two teenagers sitting there to move away, and helped her down before lowering himself beside her.

  From the outside, the two of them may seem to sit in companionable silence, a younger man helping an elderly and tired woman, but the wind had shifted, Mac was certain of it.

  “Damn you’re good, the whole of you are fucking brilliant. I hope you realize it.” His voice was low, but laced with admiration and menace. Mac stayed in character out of reflex, unfortunately it was too late.

  He clutched her hand to bring her pain, but she bit back a moan. Rather, she leaned toward him, cold as ice.

  “Squeeze my hand again like that, and I’m putting a bullet into you.”

  A quick look at her skirt confirmed her threat. Calvi lessened his grip. Instead, he looked at her.

  “It’s you! I can’t believe you have the audacity of coming here. Or maybe you’re just a fool. When I felt someone slipping this bug on me, I never thought …” Still astonished, he showed her the transmitter she planted, throwing it away. “But the confirmation was when I grabbed your hand, no old woman would have such a strength.”

  “It seems that your life will end on the day of the dead. An interesting paradox, in my opinion.” Mac gritted her teeth, debating to pull the trigger.

  “Foolish woman. You think your hell will end with my death. Think again. On my brother’s grave, I promised to avenge him, to make his killer suffer has much as he suffered. As much as I do.”

  “You have no power over me.”

  “I think the contrary. You may be an assassin, a whore in my eyes, but even such a woman has a soul. All I had to do was learn where laid your heart. A very easy thing to do. So if I die, the one man you love, the reason for your entire life will die.”

  Was he bluffing? But out of panic, her mind turned to that man, and when he pronounced his name, it took all her self-control not to shoot him on the spot.

  “My men already have the picture of your dear Matthew. One word from me, or my last breath, and they will go on a killing spree.”

  “You’re a fucking bastard.”

  “So says everyone I have outgunned or outwitted. Welcome to the club. And now you face a dilemma. To kill me or not to kill me.”

  It took a moment for Mac to pay any attention to the voice in her ear. Gabrielle had grabbed the mic. “I’m sending agents to Matthew right now, Mac. Fall back, let him go.”

  She got free from his hand and stood. “There is no dilemma on killing you or not. Only the moment matters. You live for now, but it won’t be long until one of my bullets ends your worthless life.”

  He got to his feet and bowed to her. “Or mine yours.” And he turned his back, walking back to his family. Mac shuffled and it wasn’t difficult to appear seventy anymore, as she felt the weight of the world on her. Was he bluffing? Was Matt at risk?

  “Mac, we have a visual on you. Gab is already here. I will guide you to the safest extraction point.” Lance’s voice was clipped. She wasn’t out of danger yet. Difficult to see in this crowd if she was followed, so she blended in, taking the many detours and turns of Lance, leading her to the western exit. Once passed the gate, a truck appeared. The door opened and she was ushered in quickly before driving away. Lance and Wesley were facing her, Gabrielle by her side. She obviously had the chance to get out of the cemetery before her.

  Mac couldn’t breathe anymore, panic, fear rushed into her lungs, blocking air. She clawed at the latex mask and wig, her hands trembling uncontrollably. Gabrielle tried to calm her down, but it was Wesley who finally pierced through the fog in her head.

  “Stop! Now!” His tone felt like a lashing whip. She paused, looking at her hands full of false skin. It’s then she realized that Wesley was holding her shoulders at arm’s length. His face was hard and intense. Gabrielle touched her hand more gently, drawing her attention.

  “Mac, agents are already on their way. You can call Matthew when we get our hands on a secure line. We can increase security, patrol the perimeter, the land.”

  “He won’t understand.” Mac shook her head.

  “If he loves you, he will.” Wesley released her as he spoke, his voice so low, barely a growling murmur.

  The driver announced their arrival to the compound before Mac could further analyze Wesley’s cryptic affirmation.

  Chapter 23

  Mac wanted to pull every hair out of her head. Matthew, as she expected, had protested and grumbled loudly about the arrival of possible intruders in his home, on his land. It had finally taken Gabrielle to make him accept the increased security. She was relieved, but drained. Gabrielle was arranging for transportation in the morning. Another wait, whatever time it was. Several hours still.

  It took almost an hour and an intense and very hot shower to remove every possible trace of residue from her disguise. Fox had put it on to last, there was no doubt about it.

  Once in her yoga pants and tank top, she eyed the bed. Her body was screaming to lie down, but she understood that as soon as she started to relax, images would spring back to her mind, making it impossible to sleep.

  Air. She needed some air. Barefoot, she went downstairs, bypassing the office where Gabrielle and Sullivan were certainly still working. Instead, she headed to the lounge where she could exit into the garden. The entire compound was in the dark, but in there, a thick slice of the waxing moon illuminated her way. As she pushed the door, she inhaled deeply. The worst mistake, as the warm air
seemed to loosen the tight knot holding back her tears. All the stress, all the panic, all the worries accumulated inside of her flowed out. Useless to fight it, she could only surf it until it slowly died out.

  Time passed, and she surfaced, alone under the stars. Mac was grateful for the discretion of the guards. The cleansing tears cleared her mind and brought her the peace she was so desperate to have back. Surprised to see that she was kneeling in the dirt, she sat for a moment, letting her breath slow down and her tear-stricken face dry.

  It felt good to have her old self steady again, her purpose aligned at last. In the morning, a new mission was to start, but for the few hours left of darkness, there was something else on her mind. Someone else.

  Her feet led the way even before she realized she was back up and headed to the sleeping quarters.

  Silent, Mac tried the door of Wesley and found it locked. It would take only a minute to finagle her way in, but her gut told her that if it was, there may be a good reason. Now that she was steady again, she realized that something had been off with Wesley since they came back from the cemetery. An uneasy feeling settling inside of her, she knocked.


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