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To Blind a Sniper (Women of Purgatory Book 2)

Page 19

by India Kells

  It took a long moment before she heard rustling inside the room, and even then, the door stayed closed a while longer.

  The door finally opened, revealing Wes, dressed only in a pair of gray sweatpants. Only illuminated by the light from the hallway, he looked handsome, withdrawn, and harsh. Maybe even worse than usual.

  To make things even more difficult, he stood there, glaring at her with his blazing blue eyes, silent.

  She forced the words out. “Do you have a minute? I need to speak to you.”

  He didn’t budge. “I don’t want to talk. Come in if you want to fuck, otherwise, go to your own bed. Strike that. After reflection, I’m not even interested in fucking you.”

  The hard words sounded strange from his mouth. “Sex isn’t off the table, but there is something wrong and I want to know what is going on, Wes.”

  Without a word, he slammed the door at her. Mac waited a beat. So they were at that stage it seemed. If he was to play dumb, she certainly could play dumber. On that thought, she started to knock on his door, increasing in force and speed until it became evident that someone would soon come out and see what was going on. She was debating to start shouting at him, when the door opened suddenly, breaking her momentum.

  “Are you crazy? What has gotten into you?”

  “Nothing. I told you, I want to talk.”

  “And I told you, I don’t want to.” Wes’ jaw was set, ready for a fight.

  Not interested in debating anymore, she slipped under his arm and walked into his room.

  Wesley sighed loudly and swung the door shut. He ignored her and went back to bed, almost pulling the sheets over his head.

  “What is going on, Wes? And you know me well enough that I will bug you until you tell me or go insane from it.”

  Still the silent treatment. She came closer and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Wes.” She didn’t want to fight with him, and she had to admit that part of her was hurt at being shut out. “Talk to me. Why are you mad at me? It was my fault Calvi discovered my identity earlier. And afterward, I was way over my head with worry. I’m calmer now, I can take what you want to tell me.”

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  The words stung, but she remained where she was, at least until she had a clear and definite reason to make her leave.

  “Why? Why shouldn’t I be here?”

  Wesley sat on the bed, now looking at her with burning frost in his eyes. “I won’t be the reason for your betrayal any longer, not now that I know the truth.”

  Mac blinked. “I’m not following you. What betrayal? What does it have to do with me being here in your room?”

  He shook his head. “I won’t play with you, Mac. Now go away.”

  “No.” Her voice was definite and now she was started to get pissed. “Wes—”

  She didn’t have time to finish her sentence before she found herself up, across his shoulder, and on her way to the door.

  “Oh no, you won’t.”

  It took all her strength and technique to throw him off balance, forcing his arms to open and letting go. Wesley cursed under his breath, but she was quicker and evaded his grip, hitting the back of his knee again, finally giving her an edge over his big frame.

  “Talk to me, Wes.”

  “You should have told me you had someone in your life, Mac. That’s not fair to the guy or to me. Now, I’m the one with whom you betrayed your man.”

  Mac’s mind blanked. What’s he talking about?

  “What man? There is no man, Wes.”

  This ignited Wes’ anger again, deflagration right before her. “Don’t you lie to me! I saw how pale you became when Calvi threatened him.”

  Then it dawned on her and her head fell back in realization.

  “You’re talking about Matthew.”

  “Yes, him. Now, go. Please.”

  Instead of obeying him, she sat back on the bed, rubbing her eyes. When she looked up at him, all stern and arms crossed, she couldn’t help but offer an apologetic smile. One that widened onto an amused smirk.

  “I don’t see what so funny.”

  “It’s not. I’m the one who made a major mistake.”

  “I agree.”

  “Not about that. I didn’t betray anybody when I slept with you. Matthew isn’t my husband, my fiancé, or my lover. Matthew is my brother.”

  Seconds ticked until her words made their way inside his brain.

  “You’re serious?”

  Mac nodded and patted the bed beside her, inviting him to sit. There were not a lot of people she trusted with her secrets, but she knew this man would keep them safe, whatever happened to them down the road.

  When he sat, she couldn’t look at him. She felt his intense gaze on her, but suddenly, she was shy.

  “As Lance has told you, my name is Elorian Marion Julia MacKinnon, or also Lady MacKinnon.” When she said it, she let her natural brogue flow out. “My older brother is Matthew Arthur Bruce MacKinnon, Earl of Markham and chieftain of the MacKinnon clan. I was born and raised in Castle Mirth, Inverness-shire, Scotland.”

  When Mac looked up, Wesley still had an unreadable face, only listening to what she said. If he didn’t want to talk, she would.

  “On both my parents’ sides, as long as you can search, we’ve been buried in titles, in Scotland and in England. And I think there is even something in Ireland, I can’t quite remember. My parents met at some sort of function, they courted and married, moving up to my father’s estate in the north.”

  “Love at first sight?” If he was starting to talk, it was a good sign, wasn’t it?

  “I wish. For as long as I can remember, it looked more like a courteous business arrangement than a marriage. My father had his estate to manage and his frequent trips to London, to court and for business, my mother was knee-deep into charity work, we barely saw her. Quite a silver spoon, we were raised by nannies and servants, drivers and instructors. All of them trying to make of Matthew the ideal heir, and me the perfect wife of a wealthy, noble man.”

  “Something tells me it didn’t work out the way they thought.”

  The amusement in Wes’ voice alleviated her heart a little. “Not quite. I respected my parents, obeyed their every demand, because with power and money came responsibilities. I wasn’t anybody, I was Lady Elorian. But inside, I was shaking with pain. Not that I disliked that life, but I wanted more. It was a visceral need, one I tried to squelch with all that was inside of me. At one point, the ache was so great, the darkness so immense, I thought … I believed there was no place for me in this world. And the next one looked more promising.”

  Now, he took her hand and squeezed a little in sympathy. “Luckily for me, one night, I was studying in the family’s library, when I found a diary, tucked in between rows of old dictionaries. It was my grandmother’s, my father’s mother. In it, she described her work in the Resistance, in France, during World War II. How she even infiltrated the German intelligence, fled with a hostage and helped gather information to free British soldiers caught on enemy territory. As I read about her life, something expanded in my chest. Someone in my family had strayed, and did something incredible! The work she did was dangerous, but she accomplished so much, she made her mark being herself, following her convictions.”

  His hands in hers, she studied his strong fingers, relishing in the contact, bolstering her to continue.

  “Once I devoured it so many times I could remember each word by heart, I built up the courage to ask my father about it. I started firing questions on my grandmother, her life, how she was. I was so excited; I didn’t see his face turning upside down. Furious, he grabbed the memoirs and threw it into the fire, yelling at me, ordering me to never talk about this disgrace of our family ever again. I didn’t understand why he was so angry. It broke my heart in two. Later, I found out about my grandmother having an illegitimate child with a German intelligence officer, or something like that. Also, she did what a woman never dared to do in that
time. It made some sort of mark, hurt my father somehow. But in my eyes, it gave me hope. Little by little, I broke from the mold they were trying to force me into. And when I turned eighteen, I enrolled in the British Army. My father tried to disown me. However, it was technically impossible, apart from proving I was an illegitimate child. Instead, they shut me out of their lives, cutting all links between Matthew and me. But Matthew maintained communication with me in secret. My lifeline. A few years ago, my parents died in a plane crash. When I returned home, Matthew was about to get married, and he hoped I would take back my place as Lady Elorian. I refused. I understood the pressure and the work Matt endured, but I also knew I would come to hate him if I denied my true nature. I could help, though I wouldn’t return for good. He resented my decision and we grew apart, cold news coming and going between us. But he’s my brother, and I love him with everything I’ve got. That’s why I almost lost it when Calvi threatened him. He’s all the family I have, Wes.”

  Wesley lifted his hand and gently wiped the tears she didn’t realize were running down her face. “Your Achilles’ hell. As my brothers are for me. I understand, Mac.”

  Wesley gathered her in his arms, and she put her wet cheek against his warm skin, his mouth in her hair.

  “I have one question.”

  Mac looked up.

  “Do I have to bow, or call you my lady, or something corny like that?”

  Mac blinked before realizing he was teasing her. As Wesley the Teaser was completely new to her, it took her a moment to retaliate, pinching his side before tickling him.

  He rolled away on the bed, laughing, but she was fast. Giggles and laughter turned quickly into heated mouths and restless hands, tearing at her clothes, impatient to only find the skin underneath.

  Mac delighted in running her hands all over his exposed body. She slid lower and indulged into tasting his skin, slowly, thoroughly. Twice, Wesley tried to pull her up or pin her down under him, but she fought back until he let her have her way with him. After the fights, the pain, the kink, she needed something slow. She was desperate for tenderness with him, and for herself, too. It was undeniable that a fire burned close to the surface, but she didn’t want to catch fire. This time, she wanted to be consumed as she brought Wesley with her.

  Leisurely, she let her fingers explore him, every trembling muscle, every shivering plane, every restrained bone. When she let her body glide against his even lower, he gasped, or was it her? Her cheek rubbed against his inner thigh and his cock jerked in front of her. But she wasn’t done yet, hunger built inside her, insatiable, and she was about to fill that need first.

  Wesley caught her hand and she looked up at him. Gently, ever so slowly, he pulled her up to him, making her slide against him once more. At eye level, he kissed her, no, ravished her mouth. His lips tasting her, wandering away to her neck before coming back, trailing fire in its wake.

  Without even noticing it, she was on her back, his muscled form looming over her for a while, before tracing the same path as she had done with him. One excruciating inch at a time, his lips glided down, exploring with the same curiosity she had shown him. His calloused hands slightly scratching her sensitized skin, making her arch under his caress.

  “I know.” His voice made her look down at him. The connection was intense; it was the first time she realized it until now, until she was naked, offered to him. The same as he was to her minutes ago.

  His hands opened her legs and his cheek rubbed against her inner thigh before following the path to her knee and feet. He lavished her with kisses, licks and bites, and repeated his ministrations to her other leg at a slow, agonizing pace.

  Now, she couldn’t tear her gaze from that powerful and dangerous man. He had faced wars, fights, and torture, yet he could still find that sexy tenderness deep inside of him, to follow her lead instead of pursuing immediate pleasure.

  As he was kissing her upper thigh, she expected him continue his track to her hips and ribs, but that’s when she realized the beast was definitely not under her control. Instead, he spread her knees to make room for him. When she understood his intention, his face inches from the most intimate and trembling part of herself, she shook her head.

  “Wes … you don’t have to …” That wasn’t the plan.

  He didn’t smile when he locked gaze with her.

  “But if I don’t, I’ll die.” And his tongue lightly followed her inner fold, up and down again.

  Her breath caught when he became more insistent, opening her gently with his fingers. The fiend tormented her for a long moment, sucking on her outer lips, tracing her entrance with his fingers, endlessly. He blew against her trembling clit and her hands clawed the sheet.

  “Wes.” Her tone was intended to be menacing, but her voice sounded more like a plea.

  “Baby, don’t deny me my pleasure.” Was he joking? When Mac looked at him and saw his smile, she knew very well he was ready to tease her until she begged.

  But when she was about to fight back and torment him with her mouth, his tongue swirled around her sensitive nub before his lips latched onto it.

  Mac couldn’t hold back a strangled sound of bliss. Slow was the word and Wesley was respecting her wishes. The pleasure built up unhurriedly, an inexorable crescendo, until she was about to orgasm. Then, he would stop and start all over again. When she began to struggle, he circled her thighs with his strong arms to keep her still.

  She was under attack, but she wasn’t sure she could survive it. As she was closing in on her orgasm, she decided to beg.

  “Wes, please. Please.” She didn’t sound coherent, but she didn’t care. She repeated the same words, hoping Wesley would understand and end her pleasurable misery.

  When Wesley was usually to retreat and start all over again, he increased his intensity. Mac hesitated between shouting or crying. The thrill intensified, and as she succumbed to orgasm. Wesley groaned, the deep vibration echoing throughout her body. One hand in his golden hair, her body bowed as pleasure overwhelmed her, making her deaf and blind to the world.

  The bed shifted, as Wesley knelt between her legs and guided his cock inside of her. Still in a daze, he took her in his arms into a sitting position. Face to face, both immobile, him throbbing inside of her, he gave her time to recover, kissing her gently.

  Reality made her way in her mind and she started kissing him back. Lust built up again and she tentatively rocked her hips, squeezing him inside of her. That time, the moan definitely came from him. Again, she was amazed how, despite the urgency palpable between them, they could stay there, barely moving, enjoying each other’s bodies, letting lust burn into an inferno.

  Pleasure mounted. She looked at his face, unable to stop running her fingers into his short dark blond hair, touching his scratchy jaw, caressing his hungry lips.

  “I could do this forever.” Wes’ words made her shiver and silently agreed, putting her cheek against his. As a response, she slightly intensified her movements.

  “Yeah, me too. And I wish we could.”

  Wesley smiled his irresistible, heartbreaking crooked grin and when she thought she was already lost, he winked at her, before twisting his hips and lunging inside of her.

  Eternity accelerated until it dissolved and they found themselves in a race. Now, they were each of them bound to allow the other to win first.

  Wesley tightened his grasp on her, burying his face in her neck, unable to hold back any longer. The sound he made was one of intense desperation. His pleasure spurred her own, and when he trembled in her arms, bringing her even closer, she let go.

  Tremors were still coursing through her body when Wesley brought her to lie on top of him, sweaty skin gliding against each other. Mac let herself follow the tempo of his breath, and feel contentment in the slowing rhythm of his heart against her ear. The world could be twisted, but she found comfort in small, finite, and unique moments like this.

  “Thirty minutes before Lance comes knocking at my door. And yours, for th
e matter.”

  Mac groaned, rubbing her nose to his chest. “Spoilsport.”

  “Yeah, you may be right on that. But I beg to differ after what just happened. Quite a change from what we experienced so far.”

  “By a change you mean, almost sex fighting each other through a room, or tying you down?”

  He laughed silently. “You could say that. We have done this thing completely wrong. Weren’t we supposed to build up to the dungeon scene?”


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