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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

Page 21

by Sandra Golden

  “So what you are saying is that those jeweled balls were waiting for J.R and Helaina to find them?” William summarized.

  “That’s what I believe. How many ships where there? Ten (John answering his own questions, which he tended to do a lot) How many families agreed to keep their genes as pure as possible? Ten. How many secret communities are hidden? Ten. Now, for the big question, William how many generations have been born on this planet that we now call home?” John waited for William to answer.

  “J.R and Helaina are the tenth generation. Yes! I now understand. Do you believe that these two Grandkids of mine could possibly have the gene that is pure? I didn’t believe that could be possible any longer.”

  “I believe so, according to the researcher, ‘the jeweled balls would only be revealed to the pure of heart, the pure of Unity”.

  “Do we have a pure DNA sample from each of the ten original families?”

  “Yes we do. What are you thinking William?”

  “I’m thinking that we should compare J.R and Helaina’s DNA to those samples of our ancestors. So I want you to very discreetly take a sample from each of the kids before we leave today.”

  “I think we can do that. What will we tell J.R and Helaina?”

  “Nothing for now.”

  “I think that’s wise, they are still very young. Besides, they are dealing with a lot of changes and new idea's right now. There is plenty of time to tell them later.”

  Just then J.R approached the two men. “Granddad, can we go back to get that box of stuff? And I want to see if they figured out my watch. I bet they haven‘t figured out what makes it work.”

  “I bet you that they have, after all they are very smart scientists, what do you want to bet?”

  “I bet you that if they figured it out I will do one of your chores. If they didn’t you have to do one of mine?”

  “I don’t know, what chores are you thinking of?”

  J.R thought about this. “I will mow the lawn and you do the dinner dishes for a week.”

  “What do you think John, does that sound like a good deal to you?”

  “I know I would take that bet, I hate mowing the lawn.”

  “Okay. Deal!” William and J.R shook hands, being that they were gentlemen gamblers.

  During the tour they traveled quit a distance from the lab they visited that morning. J.R insisted on seeing every new machine being worked on, every gadget that he had never seen before had to be investigated, examined and asked a hundred questions about. J.R, when taken to the Robotics lab could not contain his excitement. When he came upon a robotic arm that was not correctly performing its task, he asked to take a look. With a little hesitation from the Engineer J.R took over the controls and within seconds had diagnosed the problem. Then showed the engineer where the connected wires needed to be of a higher gauge and what circuit board wasn’t getting the commands. J.R even made the repairs to the circuit board himself, telling the Engineer that they really should build a new one. After the repairs were made, the robotic arm performed flawlessly. The embarrassed Engineer was stunned that a fifteen-year-old had figured out a problem he had been working on for a week. Since a few of his fellow Engineers had watched the young man solve the problem, he would bet a month’s pay that it would take a long time before they let him forget it.

  On the way back to where they started out, J.R was allowed to drive the little golf cart like cars they used to travel between the different parts of the complex, which they called “air-cars”. Well drive isn’t really the right word, for all anyone had to do was to sit in the cart, tell the computer their destination and the vehicle would take them on to their next stop automatically. It was one of the inventions that J.R. was most impressed with. He did sit in the driver’s seat, which still had the usual steering wheel, brake and accelerator; just in case something happened that an actual driver was needed. Since it would take about twenty minutes to return to the lab J.R thought that this would be a great time to ask a few questions of the two men in the back seat.

  “Granddad we have been diving around the island for years, (actually the J.R and Helaina had only be diving for two years, it had only been just six months since they got their diver certification but William didn’t point that out.) How come we didn’t see this place before?”

  “Remember all those Star Trek episodes you watched, when a Star Ship didn’t want to be seen, what did it do?” asked William.

  “It cloaked itself, making it invisible.”

  “That’s correct. Did you know one of the writers on that show happened to be one of our people.”

  “Really? We can really hide here and no one could find us, not even with radar? But why did he give away a secret?”

  “Yes, outsiders can’t find this place, as well as the nine others that are hidden around the world. And no, he didn’t actually disclose a secret. By writing that into a script for television, millions and millions of people watched and in a subtle way learned about what technologies we were capable of bringing to them, getting them used to the idea that something like that might really exist for them one day. They believed that what they were seeing was fiction, not reality.”

  This is where John Garfield took over. John loved history, especially their history and there was nothing he liked better then sharing it with young people. His daughter, Kellie, was like him and had developed the love of words, either written, or spoken, which prompted her into writing marvelous stories.

  “You see J.R, when our ancestors came, the people here needed to be educated slowly with knowledge that would benefit all. They were like babies and needed to learn by taking it one little step at a time.”

  “Are you two trying to say that if our ancestors gave them too much information to fast they would short circuit like a computer that’s overloaded?” asked J.R.

  “William, I do believe this young man is a genius.”

  “I know am a genius, but still I got a D in English, and a C- in History.”

  “We all can’t be good at everything! Look we are here already, now let’s go see who won our bet.”

  As they walked into the lab William got the call from Helaina, not saying much, just listening to her tell the story. Helaina was much too excited to give her Grandfather time to say anything. He talked with Dr. Turner for a minute before he hung up the cell phone.

  “Looks like your cousin went on a little adventure.”

  “Yeah, it figures. I figured she couldn't help but go out and help that poor sad Giant Star Fish. She does have a talent with creatures big and small. ”

  “Yep, she will tell us about it later, now let’s go see who won; sure you don’t want to back out?”

  “No way!”

  Dr. Selena Blanchard, one Mechanical Engineer and one Electric Engineer had been studying and testing J.R’s watch for the last two hours. They were ready to tell J.R and William what they had learned about the seemly innocent looking watch.

  “Selena, why are you here? What interest would a Geneticist have in a watch?”

  “Because I was needed to figure out how this simple little watch could tell what percent of our special gene each of us had.”

  “I would believe that would be a mechanical problem.”

  “Yes and no. Adam here (pointing to the man at the table) noticed that the wire and components used came from the normal every day watch, except for this gauge here.” Selena began the explanation.

  “The gauge is made up of a new combination of metals we have been experimenting with, that eventually will make automobiles stronger. This little sample here had too much zinc and titanium so it wasn’t effective,” Adam explained taking over from Selena.

  “But it did have practical uses in smaller devises like diving gauges,” the other Engineer explained.

  “That’s where I got it Granddad. Dad had some broken gauges; he said I could have them,” J.R informed the group.

  “Then that solves the mystery on how you got a hold of that ma
terial,” said Selena. “J.R did you prick your finger or cut yourself when you made the watches?”

  “Yeah! But it didn’t hurt.”

  “I’m sure it didn’t but look, right here!” Selena pointed to a little brown spot on the gauge.

  Everyone looked through her magnifying glass to see what she was trying to show them. Then she continued.

  “That is a tiny drop of your blood; your blood contains your DNA and reacted with the metal and its compound.”

  “And that is how your little watch can tell who has our genetic back ground, and it’s very accurate,” explained Selena.

  “Well J.R, I guess you are going to have to mow the lawn this week.”

  “Yeah great!” J.R didn't sound too happy about adding another chore to his already full list. “I didn’t even know how it worked, or what that gauge did anyway. I thought it told me who had a lot of energy and who didn’t.”

  “This little gadget will come in handy, knowing who has our special gene and who doesn’t, it will make tracking the family trees a lot easier,” Selena pointed out.

  “I have all the information I need to duplicate the watch, all except Mr. Black’s unique blood. Would you mind if we took a little to build more watches like this one?” Adam asked.

  J.R looked horrified with that idea. But before he could protest Selena Blanchard made a different suggestion, one that didn't involve needles, “I don’t think we need to take any blood. How about if we just give you a little haircut? Your DNA is also in your hair.’

  “I guess that would be Ok,” J.R replied. “I like that idea better than taking my blood.”

  “I thought you would.”

  As Selena pulled a few samples of hair from his head, and took a swab from the inside of J.R’s cheek, William reminded John about the other test he wanted done. William began to think that J.R did have a pure gene in his DNA. How else could that device react as it did? J.R was bored with the watch discussion, he now turned his attention to something else. The box of miscellaneous parts he had his eye on. While at lunch, and on his tour, the people working in the lab had added more unwanted gauges, wires, fuses and a few unsuccessful little projects that they had worked on. His mind was going full speed on how he could use some of those things on his motorcycle. Then he thought of the project that he was most interested in.

  “When can we build the machine for the jeweled balls? We can build it, can’t we?”

  “Yes you can build it. I think you and Helaina were meant to build that machine,” William told J.R.

  “It’s going to take a while to get the arms here. We have to locate all the parts. We also have to get a team organized to help you rebuild it,” John told J.R.

  “What you mean rebuild? I just designed it. I know I will make it unique and make it do things that our ancestors didn't know it could do.” J.R had picked up on John’s slip of the tongue statement.

  William stepped in to explain, “Yes you will probably do just that, so the machine will be uniquely yours and Helaina's.”

  “How did I know I was supposed to draw it? And how did Helaina know where to find the jeweled balls? No one told us anything! We just did it on our own.”

  “That we don’t know.”

  “Guess we are going to have to figure that out too,” J.R said matter of factly.

  “Yep! But not today. So, don’t go worrying about it.”

  “Mr. Black, I have something for you. We found a bunch of tools we no longer use; we would be pleased if you would take them as a gift from us,” said Adam, the young engineer who was standing next to him holding the rather large box. He now presented J.R with a tool box stuffed full of tools, some that were very unusual looking.

  “Thank you, thank you so much! These are so cool.”

  One hour later, after going over the detailed sketch of the machine and discussing what would be needed to build it and where it would be safe to do so, J.R and William left the lab loaded down with his new tools, and a big heavy box of unwanted junk. They caught up with Helaina in the snack room, where they enjoyed some iced tea and cookies before they got back on the elevator to take them back up to the island.

  Before leaving Dr. Selena Blanchard and Dr. John Garfield joined them, they too were in need of a little break. As they talked Selena played with little Peanut, and without the knowledge of the young girl, took a sample of her hair, and mistakenly, on purpose took the girls napkin, that she had used when she had sneezed. Having gotten the DNA samples needed for closer examination, they said their good-byes. On the long elevator ride back up to the surface J.R and Helaina told each other about the things they did that afternoon. Before they arrived back on the island William reminded them that they weren’t to tell their friends about the things they saw or what is under the island.

  “We understand!” They said in unison, and then continued telling their stories, like keeping secrets was just a normal part of their lives. Of course, it was. Keeping secrets would be a lifelong chore for Helaina Unity, and J.R Black, and they were just beginning to realize this.



  William and the two teens arrived back at the house around four-thirty, where they were greeted by their brother and sisters, cousins, parents and grandparents. Everyone was outside enjoying the warm summer afternoon, cooling off in the pool or in the recreation room playing games. Those who had made the journey down to Station One that day all acted like nothing extraordinary had occurred that day. With the sun setting, turning the sky into a brilliant array of oranges and yellows, the grills were prepared for the big barbeque. Thick and juicy steaks, hot dogs and hamburgers were grilled to perfection by the men in the family. As they stood around the fire they talked about the upcoming football season and their various projects that they were developing back home. The women prepared side dishes in the kitchen discussing family matters and the upcoming fair. They even did a little taste testing to determine which recipe of jam should be entered. The older teens sat the tables, arguing over who was best at certain video games and which sports or after school activities might be fun this year. The younger members of the family played and chased each other around the pool and gardens. Stopping to pick the occasional flower to decorate the table, for that was the assigned job that evening for the younger kids. A typical, normal everyday family gathering.

  After a big feast the younger family members thought it would be cool to have a bon fire at the beach, toast marshmallows and tell stories; which Helaina was pretty good at! It took a good hour to dig a pit and then gather wood. When they were done with all the work the adults in the family joined them, having preferred to relax with an after-dinner drink as the kids set up the bon fire. Usually William, Charlie or David would light the fire but not this time. This time they gave the honor to J.R and Helaina, letting them, in this small way, know they were part of an elite group.

  With the fire blazing, everyone gathered around, listening to the crackling of the flames, and toasting marshmallows on the end of roasting skewers. Cassie, Helaina’s little sister snuggled in her dad’s lap. Cassie was a miniature copy of her older sister. She had the same long dark wavy hair, except her eyes were blue with the gold streaks permeating out from the iris, but there the similarities ended. Unlike Helaina, Cassie saw the world as a big canvas in which she could create beautiful and inventive pieces of art.

  “Can Helaina tell us a story? She always tells good ones.”

  “What do you think dear? Want to tell us one of your stories?” David asked his daughter.

  “Let me think.”

  She thought for a minute.

  Not knowing which story to tell she turned to J.R using mind speak. “What story would be a good one to scare them? How about the one when the shark hunter gets eaten by the whale?”

  “No! How about the one with the headless horseman?”

  “No, that’s more of a Halloween story.”

  “The one with the axe murderer on the loos
e, that my dad told last year?”

  “No, that scared Cassie, she had nightmares for a week.”

  “How about one of your dream stories?” J.R asked.

  “I think I will just come up with one myself, half way through I will tell you to duck behind the rock over there. Then when I come to the part about the evil witch scaring the explorers, you jump out and startle everyone.”

  “Cool.” J.R agreed with this plan.

  William having heard their unspoken conversation decided to have a little fun with the two pranksters himself. He whispered something into Charlie’s ear. Laughing Charlie went to get something out of the house. Helaina began her story, the younger kids, as always listened as she entertained them; she had a gift that got everyone to intently listen to her stories. She was very good with her young sister and younger cousins; she had spent many hours entertaining them with made up stories in the past. Helaina began the story:

  “Once upon a time a group of brave explorers heard a story about a great treasure; they were told that it was hidden in a cave deep in the Amazon jungle. (Helaina lowered her voice for a much more dramatic effect) The brave and handsome explorer, his beautiful sister, and two of their best friends decided that they would go find that treasure for their village was poor. The children needed a new school and better houses to live because an awful hurricane came and destroyed much of what they had the previous year. It was a long and dangerous trip, taking many days. First they traveled a great distance on an old steam ship, arriving at the mouth of the great Amazon River in the dead of night.”


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