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EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection)

Page 15

by Madison Drips

  I shook my head while I was sucking his balls deep into my mouth. He groaned, “Oh fuck!”

  He pulled me back by my hair once again and stroked his long cock in front of my face. I was eye to eye with his cock while seeing the tiniest drop of cum loading up on his head. He pinched the head before letting loose. The first blast hit me right in the back of my mouth as the second hit landed on my cheek. Then, numerous shots hit me on my tits and forehead. I moaned while swallowing as much of it as I could, “Thanks so much Father!”

  “Thank you my dirty sinner. I’ll be back to clean you up, don’t move.” He came back with a towel.

  He cleaned me up as best as he could and he said, “Thanks for your Penance Sarah.” I looked up at him as he said, “Come back once a month to share your sins with me.”

  I smiled broadly and said, “Yes Father!”

  I got dressed up quickly and did the walk of shame to my car. I got in my car and drove home happier than ever before.

  The End.

  STORY 19

  Every night the same man appeared in her dreams. A tall, shadowy man, strangely seductive, lurking in her bedroom or outside her window. The dreams felt so real that she could have sworn she felt his hot breath on her neck, creeping ever so close to the pulsating vein. Other times, the stranger would sit on the foot of the bed. Always watching, but never talking. Emily never felt threatened or fearful. Lustful but not fearful. She wanted this man badly in her dreams, but he always seemed unattainable. Her woman’s intuition told her this man would never hurt her, that he was just as curious of her and she was him. Sadly, she would wake up and realize that he wasn’t there and she felt sad. And every morning, Emily would wake up with the same questions, “who was this man and why was he haunting my dreams?”

  Emily Montgomery was just about to complete her doctorate in ancient mythology and superstition from Duval University. At 26 years old, she was tired and on the verge of becoming antisocial, but incredibly proud of her accomplishments. Emily had put herself entirely through school, including her graduate work. She wanted to teach and travel the world documenting fables and myths before they were all long forgotten. The information one could get from the internet on this type of literature just wasn’t the same as complied stories from first-hand accounts. Joseph Campbell and his series of work had inspired her in high school and she ended up taking a summer course on mythology one summer- just for fun! Another epiphany in her life was when she read Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The book became her obsession, it consumed her. She was fascinated by the undead from that point on, from the fables. But she was also turned on by this character. How wonderful it would be to be seduced by a creature like that, she thought! So romantic and sexy in some strange way. After that, she couldn’t read enough on vampires and other myths. She even found other mythological creatures, like werewolves and witches seductive too in their own rights. All these things set her on her current path, to Duval University and on her current path. Now, in order to graduate, Emily was off to a tiny English village named Clancy to complete her fieldwork. She had read a book about the town. It was a village frozen in time with no modern amenities at all and was supposedly terrorized by a 200 year old vampire. This was the chance of lifetime for Emily; to observe and interact with people who had a genuine fear of a mythological creature and were still using medieval precautions to guard their families from it. Part of her thought that this was the most absurd thing ever, straight out of Bram Stoker’s novel. But…part of her was secretly hoping that she could come face to face with a real vampire. And the possibility of it excited her.

  Emily arrived in Clancy on a Wednesday after three days of travel by carriage. It was definitely like stepping back in time. The town was not accessible by modern forms of transportation. No one had cars, not even bicycles. There was no running water or electricity; people pumped water from wells or got it from the river. Candles glowed warmly in every home and every window. The houses were simple structures; modest by modern standards. Women were still treated like second class citizens. Their job was to keep house, cook and bare the children. They tended to gardens and helped with the livestock and had to keep their opinions quiet. Men did all the labor intensive activities, outside the home. Women home schooled all the children until around the age of nine and then they were sent out to work as well. Girls helped their mothers and learned things to prepare for marriage. Marriage happened young, around sixteen. Boys went off to help their fathers and to learn trades. But instead of being distrustful, the villagers welcomed Emily there with open arms. Emily was going to be in Clancy for the entire summer and would be living with the Smithers family. Through tireless efforts, she was able to find Laura Smithers and was able to correspond with her by mail for several months before the trip, which was a long and painful process. Clancy was stuck in the year 1898 and mailed existed but was limited by transportation issues. Laura Smithers did have the most wonderful penmanship, however! And besides, why would a place like Clancy really need mail anyway? Occasionally people did leave and visit other villages in England and would write back home of their fantastic adventures. Some left for good, which was one of the ways Emily found Laura Smithers. But for the most part, everyone in the town seemed contented to be there. The villagers spoke English but with a thick dialect that took some getting used to. To earn her keep, Emily would be helping Laura with the household chores and with raising the children. Laura had four small children. As Emily entered the town, everything looked pleasant and almost cozy. But when she really studied the village, she noticed peculiar details of Clancy and its people. All the cottages were made from stone, giving the town a very cold and isolated feel. At the edge of the town was a dense forest, which was eerily silent all the time and cast a foreboding shadow over the entire village. The towns people adorned themselves with superstition in hopes of protecting themselves from the terrible creature who roamed the countryside. Each house had wooden crosses nailed throughout, both inside and outside. The crosses were repaired daily too, as needed. Every single resident of Clancy wore silver crosses around their necks. Laura Smithers seemed to think it prudent to give Emily one right away also to wear, but Emily politely declined, saying instead it would interfere with her true research.


  The village bustles during the day. Women tend to the children and school them. In between, they are busy baking and cooking, cleaning house, sewing and tending to garden. I’m tired just watching them! There endless energy amazes me! It makes me miss technology and my normal way of life also! Laura is a beautiful woman in her own right. The house is so small that I hear Laura and her husband John making love at night. The children seem to sleep through it. I find myself blushing, though. They are passionate and go on for quite some. Their bed creeks and both end with a low, deep moan. I find myself very aroused but also ashamed to hear them. I understand how they have so many children! I wonder if they still keep the crosses around their necks when engaged in such fits of passion!

  Oddly enough, I’m having those strange dreams again. I find that since I have been here, I am having the dreams again where I am being visited by the tall stranger. He keeps watch outside my window. This time, I hear him talking to me, through my mind, saying he will be coming for me soon. That I am his and he is mine and we are each other’s desire. It’s odd. I feel oddly comforted when I dream of him. But always awake to find no one there. I want to tell Laura about it but am afraid to do so. They might think me a witch!

  There is still a blanket of fear over the town. All the villagers are back in their cottages by dusk, even when there is work to be done. The doors are bolted shut and cloves of garlic are put on doorsteps and windowsills. I almost laughed out loud the first time I saw it done. This fear, though, is real and consumes each individual. They fear a two hundred year old being; a vampire. Tomorrow I go out at night and try to gain some research. I will also ask Laura about him.

  Emily had no idea that as she slumbered,
someone was indeed watching her. It was no dream. The tall man was in fact real. The man with the dead eyes peered into her window.

  “She’s here, she’s actually here. I had so for long thought she was just a dream. For years, I had been calling out to her with my mind and now she is here.” The garlic and crosses were no match for his strength. He had been too powerful for too long. Instead, he pretended they did, giving the village a sense of security. Unless he ran out of animals in the forest or a human wandered too far in the woods threatening his security, he preferred not to bother them or be bothered with them. What the humans didn’t know was that he was an overly curious creature who spied on them almost nightly. He peered into windows and watched them slumber. He watched as the townsfolk made love and his own body yearned for a woman on his own. His body yearned for her. He was surprised he felt this way, he believed his body to be dead of emotion, but seeing this woman made his whole being burn with deep seeded desire.

  He would wander through the village and admire their crafts. Truthfully, he envied them and longed to be like them. “Oh, if only,” he thought nightly. “To feel sunlight on my skin again! To feel the touch of a woman, the curve of her body, her lips on my lips. “He didn’t even know how he ended up knowing about Emily. She may have appeared to him in a dream. And he thought that he if he just kept wishing hard enough and calling her to him, that someday, maybe she would come to him. He couldn’t believe that vampire mental mind power had actually worked. But there she was, sleeping, her chest rising slowly with her slumbering breaths. Her night shirt had come undone slightly in her sleep and her breasts peeked out. The sight took his breath away. He wondered if they felt as soft as they looked. He had to have her, in every sense, and wouldn’t stop at getting what he wanted.

  Dawn’s rosy fingers crept across the sky and over the town. The creature got caught up in his fantasy so much he barely noticed, getting back to his cave just in time. He had stayed in the village too long and had almost been in danger of being spotted by the townsfolk. That and if he wasn’t to safety by the time the sun did come up, the rays would kill him. Not even he was powerful enough to defeat daylight. Emily had awoken from her slumber. It was a fitful night. She opened her window and as she did, she noticed the garlic had been disturbed. There also appeared to be claw marks on the window ledge. Emily thought maybe it was an animal and shrugged it off, moving to the kitchen to begin a long day’s work.

  Laura was already awake and was bustling over a hot stove. The aroma of eggs and fresh milk wafted past Emily’s nose as she entered the kitchen. The bacon sizzled on the stove, freshly butchered the previous morning and Emily grinned as the youngsters peeked around Laura’s skirt. Emily was strangely at peace in the house and the town, like she had always been there or should have always been there. It was an odd feeling, too. As she was lost in her thought, her mind began to wander to vampires and other strange things.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Laura said, grinning at her. “You’re thinking we all must be insane. I know we all must look foolish compared to where you are from. You’re thinking that there is no way there could be a nosferatu too, am I right?” Emily blushed. Was her disbelief that evident?

  “Have you seen the man?”

  “Do not be mistaken, he is no longer a man. He is a blood thirsty monster. A killer,” Laura said, sitting down on the table, sipping a cup of tea.

  “So tell me about him.” Emily said down across from her, notebook open, pen in hand.

  “Well, for starters, his name is Julian.”

  “Julian lived during the time of Europe’s terrible black death. He was never a wealthy man, but always a kind man. His father was a local blacksmith whom Julian worked for. Julian was always helping his family and neighbors. During farming season, he was out in the fields helping with the village harvest. When you hear all this, it’s surprising that he could ever become such a horrible beast. Julian also had one other thing going for him; his true love, Estella. He was engaged to this local girl, soon to be married. Estella was a beautiful woman. Legend says she had long, flowing brown hair and milk colored skin, much like yours, with eyes as blue as the sea, also just like yours. But what made her so beautiful was her remarkable kindness and compassionate heart. She, like Julian, was always willing to help a friend or neighbor. They were truly a match made in heaven.

  A week before the wedding, the black death crept into the village and was merciless. Many villagers were overtaken by it and perished quickly. As it turned out, Julian was out of town when it happened on a hunting trip. He and his brothers were hunting for food for the wedding feast. Before he left he kissedEstella goodbye and promised her a wonderful married life upon his return. Imagine his horror when coming back to the village almost entirely dead. Fortunately, some of the townsfolk did survive and were able to continue to propagate the population. The Disease left as quickly as it came. Unfortunately, Julian’s sweet Estella was gone. He was crushed. With little regard to his life and safety, Julian’s scooped Estella up in his arms, holding the cold body with all his might. He wept, he cried. Finally, the rage came over him. Estella's body fell from his limbs and he began to curse the heavens." Curse you God! How could you? How can you take Estella? She was innocent and pure. We are going to be married. After all I have done for you how could you? Why? I hate you! " exhausted by his rage, Julian fell to the ground on his knees. he couldn't believe that after all his good deeds, God would punish him by taking away his precious Estella. Suddenly all nature grew silent and a blanket of darkness engulfed the village. The remaining townsfolk pulled away from Julian in fear. Lighting flashed. Thunder shook the earth. The heavens were ripped open and water turned to blood. " He who curses God brings plague onto the village," Julian's father said." I cannot call you son anymore. You have been damned." The priest from the parish saw the events happening outside and ran to Julian." I understand your anger. You lost love but you cannot curse God's will. God has now spoken and has made your own fate clear. Eternal night is your fate. You have been dames. Salvation is no longer yours. You are a creature of the night now. Be off. Stay no longer in this village. Go now!"

  Julian’s Story

  After Julian was banished from town, he fled into the woods, his body in terrible pain. All the bones of his body ached, his head felt like it was being ripped open and he had a thirst like he had never known before. Julian realized that his body was turning into something other than his own natural body, he was becoming something heinous and vile than he could ever image. His flesh grew cold. The pain in his chest was unbearable, until, there was no more pain. Suddenly, there was no more heart beat either. He was icy cold and had no heartbeat, still he lived! And his thirst, it was awful. But it no thirst that he had ever known before. It wasn’t a thirst for water or wine, it was a thirst for blood- human blood. Julian ran to a nearby stream and looked down in the river. There was no reflection. He couldn’t believe it, no reflection! It couldn’t be true, could it? He had heard wives tales when he was younger about strange, soulless creatures roaming in the world, with no beating heart and flesh like ice. The undead people, vampires. Was it true that they actually existed? Was it true that he was now one of them? He couldn’t believe it, but it must be. Why would the townsfolk banish him from the village if it wasn’t true? He was now a monster, a horrible, blood-thirsty monster with no soul, no chance of salvation, no chance of Estella ever again. He was doomed to walk the earth, alone, in misery, preying off others for all eternal. That was a worse fate to him than death or hell.

  The first few weeks of Julian’s’ new life were terrible. His blood thirst was unbearable and since he didn’t sleep anymore, that was all he could think of. He didn’t want to kill people to quench this thirst. He tried to hold out from drinking any as long as he could, but he grew weak and soon knew that he had to feed this thirst to keep him going. He couldn’t die, but didn’t want to wander the earth for all eternity as a shell of a man, either. So Julian began killing smal
l game; rabbits, squirrels, birds and would feed off their blood and that energy helped him immensely. It calmed his agitated mood. It made the thirst more bearable. He actually felt somewhat human again, even though he knew that was really just a trick of the mind. But just as he was doing so well, a woman stumbled into the woods, lost. She was a lovely creature. Soft golden hair, pale blue eyes, fair skin, so delicate like a small flower blowing in the breeze. She was instantly attracted to Julian when she ran into him. How could she not be? He was 6’4”, broad shoulders and thick black hair. His eyes were black too, but that didn’t seem to mind to the woman.

  “Are you lost?” he asked and she sweetly nodded. Before Julian could help her find her way back to her village, they two were tangled into each other’s arms in a fit of passion. Julian learned that day that even though he was undead, his body still did work as a mortal man’s body and his passion for the flesh was actually greater now for women than it was when he was alive. Julian took her there on the forest floor, over and over again. She screamed in fits of ecstasy as she came, her body arching into his. Julian lost himself in the passion and soon he had sunk his fangs into her soft flowerlike skin. She screamed ever harder over the pain. He was still inside her, but was sucking her life blood from her. Her screams died down as her body grew limp. Soon, she lay dead on the forest floor, naked, a small stream of blood still trickling from her neck. Julian hadn’t meant to kill her, he had lost himself in throngs of passion and was unable to contain himself. He didn’t realize that his passion for sex would be so intensified in his new physical state. He really was a monster, there was no other way around it. He quickly dressed the body. As soon as he finished dressing the maiden, there was a rustling in the brushes and some loud noises. It was men from the woman’s village, out looking for her. Julian quickly fled, knowing that the villagers would never believe it was a tragic accident and that he meant no harm. As he fled, however, one of the men stepped in front of him, blocking his exit. “I have the beast!” the man shouted! Julian panicked and lunged at the man, tearing his throat open with his powerful teeth. The man tried to scream but blood spurted from the open wound, preventing it. The three other men in the search party quickly bolted toward Julian but his body was filled with human blood now and he had a most incredible strength to him. The strength was that of ten men, he felt invincible and soon, he was ripping the other men apart, feeding off their blood once it was all finished. There Julian was, in the middle of the forest, feeding on men from the search party, acting like a wild animal. He was a wild animal. He acted out of fear just as a wild animal does when cornered. He knew it wouldn’t be long before more townsfolk would arrive, looking for everyone else, so he fled. Julian was deeper and further into the woods than he had ever been. He crossed into lands unknown to him and soon, he found himself on the edges of the town Clancy. He knew the townspeople would never accept him as a regular man and villager, given his appearance (especially now that he was covered in blood) but he knew that they knew nothing of him and it might be a safe area to hide in. So that is what he did. Julian found a small cave, outside the village but far enough from people that he wasn’t going to be bothered and made himself a small home inside the cave. He vowed also from then on no more women, as the temptation was too great for him to handle safely and he vowed he would only feed strictly off animals, as once again the temptation of human flesh was too great for him to handle. So he stayed away from people as much as possible. Julian would, however, sneak out at night when the town was asleep and wander around. He would look at the market place and see what sort of items the villagers sold. He would look at the little houses they had, so simple but so cozy looking. He often thought of Estella during this time and would think of how their life would have been had things turned out differently. Would they have lived in small simple hut like this? Would they have had children together? Would they have been happy? Of course they would have! While he enjoyed the village and its peacefulness at night and the curiosities he saw there, it made him sad. He constantly thought of his dear Estella during his wanderings in the town. Julian kept thinking that maybe if he wished hard enough, everything would change and his beloved would be alive and back in his life again. He missed her terribly. He was lonely, too. Being such a horrible creature for all eternity was very hard. Time passed slowly for him. He would often wander into the village, however, and notice how much older people had grown. Young boys and girls grew quickly into old men and women before his eyes. Even though time to him seem to pass slowly, it seemed to move at rapid pace for the townsfolk. That was probably because he really had no sense of time anymore and what seemed like days to him were probably years to them. That made him he even more sad. Julian had nothing at all to hold onto. Even if he wanted to get close to someone, that person would just die in time and he would be all alone once again. It was really a terrible curse that he had upon him. He must have really angered God to have a punishment like this. It was something he would have never wished upon his worst enemy.


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