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EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection)

Page 16

by Madison Drips

  Julian still had to feed to quench his thirst and he did so by consuming animals, never humans anymore. The only time he had ever consumed human blood was that one time, so long ago. He didn’t even know how long ago it was at this point anymore, but he never forgot it. All the events of that day consumed his mind still every day. He constantly relived in his mind the sensation of her skin against his, the way it felt to be inside of her, the way her body moved against his, her soft moans of pleasure… But then his mind would see her dead face and the blood trickling down her neck and the men coming after him. They were just as scared as he was, he knew that, but he shouldn’t have killed them. He panicked. He knew they would never believe her death was an accident. So he acted in fear, but everything about that day haunted him. Julian also knew that even though the villagers of the town he lived near didn’t know what he looked like, he knew that they knew about him. Somehow, long ago, whispers of his terrible act had gotten around to that village, so they guarded themselves with superstition to protect themselves, not that he was interested in hurting them. They placed garlic and crosses all over their houses and shops. Julian was too strong for those things to work against him, but it made the villagers feel safe. He wasn’t going to take that away from them. In fact, these objects intrigued him. He found it funny to move the crosses around, often putting them in different places. He was sure the villagers would be scared the next morning when they saw the disruption. It was one of his only forms of amusement. Another form of amusement Julian found was reading. He would steal books from anyplace he could find them and thought that they wouldn’t be missed. His cave was filled with books. He read everything throughout the years. As the times changed, so did the literature of the time. This is how he kept up with modern events. Books were all he had. Julian’s existence was sad and lonely. He wished for something more, for someone…

  “His name is Julian,” Laura said to Emily over breakfast. Her husband allowed her to take the morning off from her chores to talk to Emily about the vampire. Emily was taking fierce notes for her research. “The story that I was told about him is that he was a dashingly handsome and wonderful man who lost his true love. When his love died, a piece of him died too and scorned our Lord and Savior. Julian’s punishment was to walk the earth as a blood thirsty undead monster for all eternity, never being allowed to reach the gates of Heaven. “

  “if that’s true, that’s really sad,” Emily said, looking up from her notes.

  “Hmph. If you ask me, he deserved what the punishment for cursing our Lord. That’s blasphemy and should have been punished. “

  “Yes, but imagine being cursed to walk all eternity, alone, no friends, no family, watching people die and never being able to die yourself,” Emil said sadly. Laura looked at her with a look of puzzlement.

  “You shouldn’t feel sorry for him, he’s a monster. He raped and killed a woman and killed four men of the search party looking for her. Apparently, a few years after his transformation into a monster, a young woman from a nearby town got lost in the forest. The monster found her, raped her, ate her and then tore apart and ate the men who came looking for her. The people from their village warned our ancestors about this monster and told us how to protect ourselves from it. Garlic, crosses, holy water. That is why we have these things around our village. “

  “Do they work?” Laura nodded.

  “Oh indeed they do. My grandfather told me stories of how the monster apparently came out at night, trying to get inside the houses and the crosses would all be disrupted come morning time. The creature never got into the house, so these things must have worked. The creature probably tried to touch them but ended up burning his flesh instead,” Laura said in between sips of tea. This was all too much for Emily to take in. A man turned vampire but religious condemnation who raped and killed people and tried to get into people’s houses at night when they were sleeping. She couldn’t bring herself to believe it.

  “How many people has this vampire attacked and killed?” Emily said, tapping the end of her pen on the pad in front of her. She brushed a strand of brown hair out of her blue eyes. Laura’s brow wrinkled, her lips pursed together tightly.

  “Well honestly, now that I think of it, I’ve only ever heard of the monster killing that woman and the four men from the search party. “ Emily was surprised.

  “Nothing since then?” Laura thought about it again.

  “No, those are the only people I heard of being attacked.” Emily learned forward in seriousness.

  “Is it possible then, that this is all just legend and nothing more? Isn’t it possible that these people were killed by something else, like a wild animal or some sort of transient killer? Isn’t it possible also that the crosses and garlics were moved by wind or an animal and not a vampire? “Emily felt like a lawyer in a hot cross examination. Laura frowned.

  “I supposed that is all possible. I had never really thought about all that but you raise very good points. “Laura looked defeated. Emily felt invigorated. But then Emily felt bad, like she had just told Laura there was no Santa Claus.

  “So um, does the legend say where this creature, Julian, lives at? I’d like to go exploring and see if I can find him or at least his hiding place?” Laura brightened up.

  “Legend said he lives in a cave somewhere outside our village. Apparently, he moved into our area after the attack to hide from the other townsfolk. I don’t know where the exact location of the cave is, though. You should go during the day, however, and be back before the sun sets. He of course comes out at night and is weakened by the sun. I don’t think you’d be safe after dark in the woods by yourself. “Laura took a small wooden crucifix on a leather strap out of her apron pocket and handed it to Emily. “Take this with you, the monster doesn’t like anything religious.” Emily accepted it with thanks. Laura got up and retrieved a small envelope from the pantry and handed that to Emily also. “Lunch. It’s a simple bread but it’s hardy and will fill you up. “Again, Emily thanked her and got up from the table. She gathered up the items Laura had given her and also grabbed her note pad, pen, and camera. Once she had everything, Emily headed out of the Smithers family’s home and into the forest.

  An hour into her journey into the forest, Emily had found four caves and none were the home of the alleged vampire. She was pretty far into the woods now and was a little lost. She was covered in scraps from devil’s thorn vines. A small rash developed on her ankle, which she thought might be a form of poison oak. Her feet hurt and her stomach was growling. Emily found herself in a fifth cave and decided it was time to take a break. She settled in and opened the bread Laura had given her. She had a canteen of water and she took a generous swig from it. The day outside was hot and miserable. The cave, however, was cool and refreshing. The cave floor was covered in a lush moss, making it very relaxing when she took off her shoes and laid down on it. The bread that Laura gave her was bland, but filling just as promised. The water was cool going down her throat. Emily splashed some on her face too, the refreshing droplets trickling down her neck and onto her bosom. With her flesh cooled and hunger fulfilled, she laid onto the moss and drifted asleep. When Emily awoke, she had no idea of how long she slept. Thinking it was only a few minutes, she stretched and began to gather up her stuff, but then noticed that it was dark at the front of the cave. Oh no, night! Emily had slept for several hours and it was now completely dark outside. Plus, she had lost her way earlier so she would never find her way to the village at this hour. Keep calm, she thought to herself. There is no such thing as vampires, it’s all myth. Nothing in the forest will hurt me. Emily was calming herself down, preparing to hunker down for the night in the cave. She would wake up in the morning, refreshed, and would be able to make her way back to town. That was the plan she made out for herself, so the only thing she needed to do now was calm her nerves. She scanned the cave, everything seemed ok. She was just letting her imagine run wild and had to pull it back in. But then, she noticed, a figure in the back
of the cave moving. She had not noticed this figure before. She rubbed her eyes, thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her. It’s my eyes adjusting to the cave, she thought to herself. Nothing more. But the figure got bigger and seemed to come closer to her. Emily was panicking at this point. She grabbed a flash light out of her bag, fumbling around for the switch. She turned it on and shone it toward the figure in the back of the cave.

  “Oh my God.”

  Emily covered her mouth with her hand, trying to suppress the gasp from escaping. The figure in the cave was in fact coming toward her. It was the figure of a man, a very tall man and he was walking right up to her. I’m going to die, she thought. A wave of fear washed over her. Her knees began to tremble.

  “I mean you no harm, please don’t hurt me!” she cried, but the figure kept coming closer. Emily was crying, tears rolling down her face. She fell to her knees, the flashlight falling from her hands. The man was right in front of her. She was terrified to look up. She knew this was Julian. This was the monster, he was real. She felt it in her gut and was sorry she criticized Laura. She didn’t even want to look at his face, she was scared that it was would be an awful, evil face. Emily thought it might be the face of hell looking at her and she didn’t want to see it. She didn’t want her last moments to be a frightful image. She closed her eyes, crying, still kneeling. “Please, please don’t hurt me,” she whimpered. Emily was holding her breath at this point, waiting for searing pain of the monster’s claws and or fangs to tear through her. She waited for the monster to suck every last drop of blood from her body. But instead, she felt her hair being stroked, softly, ever so gently. The gentle hand moved to her face and it wiped at the tears on her cheeks.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. Don’t be afraid of me.” She was still trembling, even though his words were smooth and calm. He put his hand under her chin. Hands were so cold, she shivered. He moved her face upward, but her eyes were still tightly shut. “You don’t have to be afraid to look at me either.” He was almost whispering. He moved his face closer to hers. “I’m not Medusa, I won’t turn you into stone.” There was a soft chuckle in his voice. His hands were like ice, so cold, but so gentle. His fingers stroked her cheek and her neck. “Open your eyes.” His lips were right next to hers, she could feel his breath. Not a trace of rotten or stench on his breath, like she expected from a monster who fed off blood, it was sweet instead. “Open your eyes.” His lips brushed against hers. Suddenly, she so desperately wanted to kiss him but was still afraid. Slowly, she opened her eyes. There was a soft glow behind him. Julian had lit a lantern and the light was shimmering in the distance of the cave. Her eyes focused and she gasped. He was beautiful. Julian was the most incredible looking man she had ever seen. He was staring at her with dead but kind eyes and he was actually smiling at her. “I have been waiting so long to see you again, my love, “he whispered, kissing her.

  Their kiss lasted several moments. She was worried he was going to bite her. He was going he was going to lose control and bite her. He did not. He pulled away and she tried to catch her breath. It was the most amazing kiss she had ever experienced. It was cold but sexy and kind yet seductive. Her body was on fire. But Emily was confused.

  “I think you have me mistaken for someone else, “she whispering, licking her lips, wanting more of his kisses. Julian looked perplexed.

  “Estella?” She shook her head no.

  “My name is Emily.” He got up and walked away from her, hand on top of his head in thought.

  “I don’t understand. You look exactly like Estella. I had seen you in the village living with that family. I was so sure it was you, I mean her. I thought that God had finally granted me a wish and made my Estella flesh again. How can this be?” Emily shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I’m so sorry though.” She picked up her stuff and began to head for the cave entrance, she suddenly felt the need to flee. Was it embarrassment of the mistaken identity? That the passionate kiss he planted on her was meant for someone else? Was it that she didn’t trust herself and wanted to leave before anything else happened? Or was she scared that she had actually discovered a mythical creature in the flesh and didn’t know what to do. He grabbed her arm, pulling her slowly back.

  “Please don’t go,” his voice was pleading. “I have been so lonely for so long. I don’t mean you any harm at all, but it would be nice to have some company. Please?” He motioned for her to come to the back of the cave, closer toward the light. Emily was reluctant but felt sorry for this poor man. He wasn’t a horrible beast. He was a man; a man who lost love and was damned to be alone to live in that misery for all eternity. So she stayed.

  They moved into the back of the cave and to her surprise, the cave was huge and opened into a large living space. This was the creature’s home. Books were stacked up all over the place, lanterns gave a romantic glow over the dusty titles. There was a small table and a few small wooden chairs. They looked like they had been hand carved. Did Julian do this? He had nothing but time on his hands so why wouldn’t he have made them? There were small little knick knacks over the room too and in the corner, a small bed made out of straw, moss and scraps of fabric. Everything in the room appeared to have been scavenged. She wondered how old some of these items were. Her fingers glided over a stack of books. They were old, leather bound with worn binding. The leather smell was enticing. This was certainly no monster. It was apparent that Julian had tried to make himself a home in this dank cave. He noticed her eyeing the bed.

  “I do actually sleep,” he said. She was surprised. “It’s mostly short cat naps at night. I do sleep during the day and this just gives me a soft place to lay my bones.” He smiled wearily. He seemed so humble, almost ashamed. Emily wondered if he was embarrassed to have mistaken her for someone who died several hundred years ago or embarrassed at his meager residence. “I have been collecting things for years. I know where every piece in this cave came from.” She turned to him, feeling even more sad for him. He was so beautiful. She couldn’t comprehend just how magnificent he was. Death served him well, she wondered if he had been this handsome as a living man. Emily moved toward him, unsure of what she was doing, but unable to resist him any longer. He had some sort of enchanting spell over her, even though it was only a few moments that they had known each other. She wrapped her arms around him, running her fingers through his thick black hair. It was well kept, like he cut the hair with a razor often. Emily kissed him and at first he didn’t resist. It was a passionate kiss. She kissed him like she was hungry for him, like she had never kissed a man before. Julian pulled away.


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