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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

Page 8

by JF Holland

  Maya again tried to keep up with Jaden's thought process, as he ran through data. Picking up theories, and dropping them. Sorting through facts, and trying to get to the truth. It was fascinating to watch how his mind worked, processing information; much like a computer. But just then, her father interrupted again.

  "You should speak up, not between yourselves. That's rather rude, when you have company. Your mother didn't raise you very well did she," he admonished Maya. Then he smiled, that patronising twist of his lips that turned her stomach.

  "Oh yes, your mother didn’t raise you, did she. She was a little incapacitated," he laughed out loud at that one. Sick bastard that he was. Laughing about killing her mother, he really was a psycho.

  "Maya, don't react. He's trying to rile you, don't give him the satisfaction." Jaden told her soothingly, just as the psycho spoke up again.

  Psycho dad tutted before speaking, as if he knew they were talking among themselves.

  "Where is the bitch anyway? I know she's back, I can feel her close," he hissed. Eyes scanning the surrounding trees. Then his eyes locked onto something over their shoulders, and he stiffened. Sinking into himself, as he pouted. It was weird. He was reacting as if he'd just been told off for doing something, he wasn't meant to be doing.

  "Really Adrian, have I taught you nothing? You're meant to fuck, then kill your prey. Not play with it." The softly spoked rebuke, came from a female voice behind them. Jaden swung his head around, then nudged Maya, making her move to the side. From this new stance, they could keep sight of the males, and this female newcomer.

  The newcomer stepped into the clearing, her back to the treeline, and looked the cats over. Her pale, icy blue eyes lifting towards her father. Maya hated to use that term for him, especially where the perverted monster was concerned; sperm donor was more fitting. She did not want to be linked to him in any way, shape or form. God, what if she were like him? What if she had some sickness that he'd passed on? Would she eventually turn into the twisted monster before them?

  "Stop it," Jaden hissed in her head. "You are nothing like him, nothing. You are sweet, kind and beautiful. Yes, you have a temper, but let's face it, I can be rather trying at times. You are not cruel and sadistic though. That man over there, he's pure evil. A true monster in every respect. You are your mother's daughter, not his. He had nothing to do with your character, or shaping it." Jaden looked towards her, waiting until she moved her head in understanding. Then once again he returned his attention to the newcomer.

  "Do you know who she is?" Jaden asked Maya. Again, there was something familiar about her, but he couldn't think. He didn't have time to work it out either, as he had to keep his wits about him.

  "I've never seen her before, not a clue who she is," Maya informed him. She could feel Jaden's confusion though, but couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

  "Adrian, I can see by their expressions that you didn't tell them about me," she pouted. "How very remiss of you darling." She smiled sweetly as she said this, making warning bells clang in Mayas head. This woman was beautiful. Tall and ethereal looking, with an hourglass figure, and long, shimmering blonde hair. A human Jessica rabbit, in every sense of the word; even down to her soft, sultry drawl. When she moved, she even had that sway to her hips, but she wasn't human. Was she? There was some kind of power emanating from her. It could be felt around her, like a static hum.

  As they watched she began to twist her fingers, arms still by her side, as she drew an intricate pattern in the air. Just her fingers and wrists moving. They saw a shimmer take shape, as if she were building some kind of force field. A black, cloying, smog like substance began to build, climbing around her legs. But before it could gain any kind of momentum, it sputtered, flickering slightly, then vanished. Tutting in impatience, she reached into her pocket and removed a hip flask. Flipping off the top, she sprinkled some of the contents onto the ground around her feet. Then putting the top back on, she returned it to her pocket. Slowly lifting her head, she gave them a grin. Pure evil now evident, as ebony began bleeding into her eyes.

  "Have you guessed what I am yet?" she mocked. "No? Well, let's just say I'm your worst nightmare." She watched their eyes jump to the dark liquid she'd spilt on the floor. "Oh, this? She indicated, moving her hand around the circle of dark liquid she'd drawn around herself. "This is the blood of their last toy. Blood magic is the strongest there is. Anyway, enough chit chat, it was nice knowing you, or not. But know this, I'll enjoy the power gained by your deaths. Then I'll celebrate with my boys over your bodies, after they've had their fun of course. I don't know why they enjoy fucking their prey, but to each their own." She shrugged her shoulders, as if just discussing the weather, then shivering said. "They do make the best lovers though, once they are high off the endorphins of the kill." She sighed, longing evident in eyes, as if remembering something particularly wonderful.

  "Jaden she's a witch, but not the good kind," Maya hissed into his mind.

  "Yeah, I'd gathered that, by the blood and all." He drawled, turning to look at her. He'd have rolled his eyes, if his cat form allowed it. "We could do with the cavalry about now. Our odds were about even with these two," his eyes flicking to her father and uncle. "But with her, I'm really not sure of our chances. I'm sorry Maya, I failed you," he whispered into her mind, sounding morose.

  "Don't you dare give up," Maya hissed at him.

  "I'm not," he told her, then shifted back to his human form. "Now change back Maya, I want to kiss you goodbye," Jaden said.

  Maya looked up at him, then shifted instantly into her human form, and heard the man across from them dramatically sigh. The man that was her father, and also a sick psycho, murdering bastard.

  "Beautiful Davion, isn't my daughter beautiful. We are going to have so much fun with her. Now if we could just figure out where your Lana has hidden, we'd have ourselves a real party. The blood of our own flesh, given up freely, mmm. Now that is one powerful aid for our lady's magic," Adrian said. Looking towards Maya now, a maniacal gleam in his eye.

  Maya turned from him, to face Jaden. Then rising up on her tiptoes, pressed her mouth to his. Kissing him once, softly on the mouth, just a light brushing of lips. Jaden then ran his knuckle over her cheek. His eyes roaming quickly over her features, memorising her, before stepping back.

  "Now run," he shouted into her head. Giving her a nudge towards the tree line, as he threw himself into the shift. Without pausing, he launched himself straight for the man now stood staring at him. The one who's mouth was presently wide open in shock.

  Maya stumbled as Jaden's pushed her out of the way. The action taking her right out of the firing line. She stopped, frozen, as he headed directly for the two other men. One jaguar, and the other one still in his human form.

  Shifting quickly, her head swung back towards Jaden. He'd headed straight for her father, who seemed to be having trouble taking his animal form. Her uncle shot forward, meeting Jaden head on. Both cats on their hind legs, front claws slashing at each other. Their jaws wide open and snarling, as their ears flattened against their heads in anger.

  "Maya, you need to leave. If I know you're safe, I can do this, but not if I'm worrying over you. Please baby, go. Try and get some help from the others," he shouted into her head, just as he let his cat take over once more. Turning in mid-air, using the flexibility of his spine, he swiped out with a back paw. Raking down the stomach of the other cat, it hissed and jumped back, stumbling. A trail of blood left in its wake, as it moved further away. Her father growled, finally taking his cat form, before diving straight into the fray.

  Maya was about to run into the tree line when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Momentarily her escape was halted, by the look of wonder on the witches face. Her mouth had dropped open, as she stared, transfixed, washing the jaguars fight. Awe in her expression, as Jaden faced off against the two others.

  Maya so wanted to wade in there, or possibly take out the bitch, but held back. She knew
by standing around, she was putting Jaden's life in further jeopardy. Deciding getting help was the best course of action she again turned to leave, when she heard a roar from the sky. This was followed by lots of crashing coming through the surrounding bushes.

  Chapter Seven

  "So, how much longer do I have to stand out here, freezing my nuts off? Sam asked Helena. She turned to face him, raising a sardonic brow.

  She'd just been doing a quick visual sweep of the area, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Rubbing her hands up and down her arms, she stared at Sam, then sighed, before tutting in annoyance.

  "You'll stand out here till the cows come home. Especially if that's what it takes to keep my daughter safe. Now stop moaning like a little girl," she hissed at him. Shivering, she turned, and again stared into the interior. Very faintly, she could just make out the sound of Jaden's radio, and sighed in resignation. Okay, she'd admit it to herself, she hadn't thought they'd be quite this long. Then again, Jaden had said he'd take Maya for a run after he'd… they'd… Yeah, she still couldn't bring herself to think about her baby doing…yeah, that.

  She jumped out of her skin, when her back was pulled against a solid chest, before powerful arms came around her waist.

  "What are you doing?" she sputtered.

  "Warming you up. I'm sick of watching you rub your arms," Sam said leaning his chin on her shoulder. Then he sniffed her neck, humming appreciatively in the back of his throat.

  "Stop that," Helena hissed. Smacking at his arms, and trying to move her head out of his way. But all she'd done was leave her neck wide open for his attention.

  "Hmm, fire queen, stop protesting." Sam said, as he began nibbling up the side of her neck. Helena sighed, leaning further into him. Moving her head further to the side, and extending her neck, giving him better access.

  "Fine, have at it," she sniffed indignantly. "But you tell anyone I made out with you, and I'll deny it." Sam laughed, his mouth against her neck, then he raised his head. Stepping back, he used his arms to turn her around.

  "So, you want to make out with me, huh?" Sam grinned. Her mouth opened to protest, and he swooped in, his mouth taking hers in a hungry kiss. Helena sighed again, giving in. Lifting her arms, she ran a hand over his chest, before finally wrapping them around his neck. She lost herself in Sam's mouth, and the kiss she'd hungered for, from this dark, sexy man. This shifter who she wanted. Shifter, the word shimmered in her mind, and she went stiff. She then pulled back, and Sam tried to follow her mouth.

  "Stop it," she hissed again, slapping a hand over his mouth. Then turning her head, she again tried to see into the interior; her eyes squinting.

  "Shit, why didn't I think of that before?" she snarled, pulling out of Sam's arms completely. Turning fully, she once again tried to see into the interior. Her arms once more crossing over her chest, as she stood rubbing her arms.

  "Okay, I give up. What's going on Helena?" Sam sighed, running a hand tiredly through his hair. Helena stepped away from him, and began to heading into the woods. "Where the hell are you going?" Sam whined. He could see his chance with Helena slipping through his fingers, and sighed.

  "I'm going after my daughter, he's here," Helena hissed. Just then, fire could be seen shooting up into the lightening sky, and Sam swore viciously. Not asking any more questions, he lifted his hands to his mouth. Inserting two fingers, he gave a couple of sharp whistles, and listened until he heard the sound returned. Grabbing onto Helena's hand, he began to head in to the interior with her.

  Helena stumbled as they neared Jaden's bike, which was stood below the shelter of a tree. Sam stopped, turning to right her. Helena looked down and realised what she'd tripped over, and shuddering, she stepped back.

  "Oh fuck me, more clean-up." Sam sighed, looking down at the mangled body of yet another troll; this one female. Her head had been completely severed from her body, and it lay several feet away. The side of her skull had been smashed in, with puncture marks visible on the side of her face that was still distinguishable. A shifter had obviously had her head in its jaws.

  "God damn, that sick bastard," Helena spat. Then she shivered, remembering her own death from the vicious claws and teeth of a Shifter. Collecting herself, she shoved Sam out of the way, using her powers to clear up the scene before them. Once the flames had died down, a light breeze, took away the ash left behind. She wiped her hands down the legs of her jeans.

  Turning again into the interior, she stormed off in a power walk. Fear, and anger now riding her, as she followed the glow of the fire. A jaguar roar suddenly broke the silence surrounding them. Just as Sam had reached down to pick up, and turned off Jaden's, phone. He quickly passed it to Helena, who pushed it, and the tiny speaker into her coat pocket. She took off running, and Sam shifted into his jaguar form, keeping pace at her side. His head swung towards her, growling a warning as she tried to push ahead of him. Nudging her with his shoulder, he again moved in front, as they headed further into the interior. They both looked up as they heard a whoosh, and spotted Luc. He was flying just above the canopy, heading straight towards the fire.

  "Sam, move. My daughter is up there with that sick bastard," Helena shouted towards the large black cat, as she picked up speed. Her feet were now leaving the floor, as her hair began to rise, as if full of static electricity. Her eyes began to flicker with an inner flame, and again the Jaguar pushed before her. She swore vociferously at him, as he again pushed before her. The Jaguar just raised a top lip as he passed, as if he was laughing at her as he again took the lead. He had to pick up his speed, to keep ahead of Helena, as she increased hers.


  Maya looked up at the sky, just as a large figure dropped down, landing directly before her. He stood, folding a set of dark, slate grey coloured wings into his back. They looked like they were made of leather, not feathers. They also looked a little like bat wings. His head turned towards the witch, who was stood staring at him, her mouth opens in shock. Then she snapped it closed, her surprise turning to a seductive smile. Twirling a length of her long, blonde hair around a finger, as she batted her lashes.

  "Luc, darling, long time no see. Tell me sweetie, are you still a little stiff in the daylight?" she asked, releasing her hair and placing a long nail against her cheek. Her flirting and false interest turned mocking, as she stared at him with a smirk; making him snarl. His handsome features transformed. As his eyes turned from green to obsidian, while he raked a look of disgust her way.

  "Oh, am I happy to see you Maisie, you bitch. It's about time you got your comeuppance," he snarled. Maya shifted back to her human form and stared between him and the witch, unsure what to do? She then turned towards this new male, but kept the witch in her peripheral vision.

  "Luc? Hi hello, ermm… I'm Maya… and... Look I'm really glad to meet you and all, but can you please just go and help Jaden now," Maya said tightly. His head whipped around in her direction, eyes raking over her, as if he were doing a quick visual inventory. Then he turned to take in the vicious fight going on between the three shifters. The sounds were deafening, as the cats clashed, before circling each other.

  Jaden was holding his own, but he was hurt. Maya could see the wet gleam of fresh blood in his fur, making her stomach twist. She took a step in their direction, but Luc's hand shot out. Gripping onto her arm, he pulled her back beside him.

  "Awe, still such a gentleman, I see Luc. Although maybe a little harder these days," the witch threw in his direction, before laughing cruelly.

  "Look you evil bitch, I don't know what your problem is, but you're outnumbered," Maya began. Luc again took hold of her arm, his ebony winged brow lifting as Maya stared fixedly back at him. Pulling her arm free she turned, facing off with the evil bitch.

  "Ooh feisty. I do like the feisty ones," Maisie purred. "Their blood is so much richer, the magic…mmm, that little bit stronger. When the cat brothers over there, finish off your new partner. Then I'm coming for you next, my sweet one. After they kill
him, I'll take the rush of your despair. The power that will bring me, will truly be delicious." She ran her tongue over her lips, and Maya saw red.

  Trying to push past Luc to get to her. Maya's eyes turning neon blue in her anger, she was absolutely livid. How dare this bitch threaten her mate, who did she think she was? Jaden was worth tens of thousands of either of those sicko's. She couldn't believe this…this, she devils, had set them onto him. Maya wanted to make her pay, smash her face in. Her temper clouding everything else that was going on. Again she came to a halt as she went to move towards her. Her eyes slit as she pointedly looked down at the arm Luc was presently holding onto. Her eyes lifted from his hand, then angrily back to his. Her fight vanished, leaving her deflated, as she found herself trapped in the most sorrowful green eyes she'd ever come across. Luc's eyes spoke of pain, frustration and immense loneliness. He blinked and it disappeared, as if it had never been there to begin with.

  "Maya, you need to stay away from her. Trust me when I say this. You really don't want her messing with your life," Luc whispered, before pushing her back behind him. Maya didn’t argue with him this time, she stayed put, but it rankled. The only thing holding her in place was the thought of what was his life must be like? To be trapped during daylight hours, aware, but unable to move. Maya didn't want to add to his strife so swallowed the lump in her throat. Then she heard Jaden roar in pain, and her heart nearly stopped.

  She turned in time to see Jaden clawing the side of one of the other cats, before stepping back again. Her eyes widened as second cat slunk up behind him. She closed her eyes and grabbed onto the back of Luc's sweater. Fisting her hands into the material to stop herself from shouting out, or running into the fray to help him. She knew if she did, Jaden would instantly turn his attention to protecting her, which could get him killed. Her mind was whirling with what to do, when she saw the other shifter at the back of Jaden, sink his teeth into his shoulder. Biting back as scream, she bit her lip, closing her eyes. Then snapped them open again, when she heard Luc swear. Her attention diverted from the fight. Luc's swearing didn't sound much like profanity, not when said in his native tongue.


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