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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

Page 9

by JF Holland

  "Right, let's move you into the tree line, away from the fighting, and her." Luc said, his head swinging back to keep his eye on the blonde bitch. "Once you're out of the firing range, I'll go help your mate," Luc said, ushering Maya towards the trees.

  He'd said the magic word, so she didn't argue, just let him lead her into the treeline. One step in, they heard the sound of something crashing through woods, feet hitting bracken. The sound coming from numerous directions. They turned again, just in time to witness the other shifters begin appearing out of the trees. They spread out around the clearing, but still within the treeline.

  Maya blinked a couple of times as the shifters stepped into view, tigers, bears, leopards, and werewolves. Out of all the shifter, the werewolves were the ones that were a little more frightening to behold. But her heart rate really sped up, as her mother stepped into view. She appeared behind a black jaguar, which must be Sam. He never seemed to be far away from her mother these days.

  Maya wasn't happy about her mother being here. Not after the last sight memory, she had of her parents together, the vision was burned into her memory. Mayas' mouth then dropped open in shock, as she got a good look at her mother. Her hair was floating, crackling with sparks, and her feet weren't quite touching the ground.

  "It looks like the cavalry have arrived," Luc informed Maya in amusement. Then he headed back out of the trees, just in time to see the witch's mouth drop open. Closing her mouth, her beautiful features were now pinched in displeasure. Her fingers again began twisting by her sides. She was obviously getting ready to wade into the fight, and god knew what she would bring?

  "Merde, this is going to get ugly… vite, fast," Luc said. Turning to speak to Maya where she now stood further back. Then turning, he headed further into the clearing.

  Maya looked around at the shifters, that were surrounded the clearing. They were just outside the tree line, cutting off all points of escape, for those inside. Surely some of them would now step in to help Jaden? She looked towards them, but to her stunned surprise none of them made a move. No one tried to get closer to the three Jaguars, to help him. They were still fighting near the fire, and the noise from them was horrendous. You could hear the large bodies crashing together, the sound loud in the silence that had descended around the vicious scene. The snapping of jaws, hissing and growling, were now deafening. This was no alley cat fight, this was MMA with claws and teeth.

  Jaden was holding his own against the other two, but he was bleeding. Maya wanted to cry and scream because no one was helping him? Why was no one helping? She was about to ask Luc if he'd go, but as she turned the witch lifted her hands. Maya's breath lodged in her throat in absolute fear. She took a step forward, ready to protect Jaden by throwing herself before him, if need be. But again, Luc grabbed her arm, holding her back. His head turned, looking further to their left, as he put a finger to his lips. Then he motioned his head back that way. Someone had just appeared, but Maya couldn't make out who it was, or what was going on. Her view was completely blocked by Luc's large frame.

  "Ah, ah, ah, Maisie. Do you really want to do this here, when you're surrounded?" The voice came from Maya's left; where Luc had been looking.

  Stepping back slightly, Maya whipped her head to the side, to see Agatha standing there. Her own hands had come up, and were glowing with magic. Douglas stood at her back, and was fully transformed into his animal form, as he crowded her smaller frame. He was a wolf, but not. His fur was still thick red, so it was obvious it was him by his human forms hair colour. His size though, was not, he was immense. If he stood on his hind legs, he'd have reached well over six and a half feet. He was also wide, as if his body had grown in both directions. His transformation was topped off with a huge head, containing a short muzzle and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Maya shuddered as she looked at him, because he truly was something frightening to behold. He truly looked like the stuff of nightmares, as he looked nothing like a normal wolf. He was also the biggest of his kind of those in the clearing. Bigger even than the jaguars. Neither Jaden, nor those he was presently fighting, matched Douglas for size and bulk. Her attention was again taken up as that bitch spoke up once more.

  "Agatha, darling, long time no see. How have you been?" Maisie drawled, boredom evident in her whole demeanour. She even looked at her nails, sighing. Her manner was completely at odds with the dangerous situation she was now in. Her calm manner in the face of so many adversaries, truly made Maya nervous. Just how dangerous was she? And what the hell kind of name was Maisie for the evil bitch anyway? I mean Maisie was a nice sweet name. A name the good girl from next door should have, not a sadistic bitch who used blood for her black magic.

  Maya turned to Luc, who'd dropped her arm, and now stood calmly by her side. His arms were crossed, and legs parted; planted firmly into the ground. His handsome face took on a satisfied look, as he watched the witches face off with interest.

  "Luc, what the hell kind of name is Maisie for her?" Maya whispered out of the side of her mouth, trying to take her mind off Jaden still fighting. "I mean, come on, Maleficent, now that I could understand. She was a class 'A' bitch too, but Maisie, really?" Luc snorted as his head swung towards her.

  "Oui, which is how she draws you in. This front she portrays," a hand swept out towards the bitch. "Do not be deceived by it. She's very good at playing the sweet, helpless damsel, but never underestimate her for anything but exactly what she is. She is pure evil, covered in a false veneer of beauty. Unfortunately, by the time you've worked that out, that this is all in fact an act, it's usually too late to get out of her clutches." He shrugged his wide shoulders in a very Gaelic move. Then his head once again turned back, to watch events before him unfold.

  Jaden was getting tired. He was also getting dizzy, fighting one while trying to keep a track of the second. He needed to end this, and fast. He'd just managed to score a nice deep gouge out of Maya's bastard father side, when he felt searing pain in his shoulder. Son of a bitch. The uncle had sneaked up behind him, and now had his teeth imbedded deeply into his shoulder. It hurt like a bastard, and roaring in agony he swung around. Trying to dislodge him, without letting the other one out of his sight. Shit, his shoulder was on fire, and to his abject horror, he also realised he was also weakening. How? Then he came to the realisation that the fucker had managed to get something into his blood stream. How was it possible to inject him with some kind of poison with his teeth, without it affecting him personally? Shit, this was not good. This had just turned critical, because if he dropped now he was dead, and that was unacceptable. He would not lose his chance with Maya for these psycho's.

  Roaring again, this time in absolute rage, he reared back. Putting his full weight behind him, as he tried to shake off Davion, the uncle. Maya's father, Adrian, came back at him, thinking he had him where he wanted him. Adrian could think what he liked, because he would not be defeated by these two. Plus, he wanted at that bitch who was their puppet master. She'd obviously done something to Davion, some spell to stop the poison from affecting him, so he injects and weaken him. Absolute bitch. He wasn't into hurting women, but for that one, he'd make an exception.

  Jaden's vision began wavering, his hearing off. Disjointed sounds, as if he was having a bad trip, or he'd had a few drinks too many. As Adrian came at him again, he slammed his front claws straight at his throat, then used the momentum of the attack to push himself backwards. Landing hard on his back, with Davion now pinned beneath him. He heard a tearing sound, and pain shot through his shoulder, making him roar again. The uncle had lost his grip on him, as he'd slammed him into the floor. The action jarring his head, and loosening his jaw. It had probably lost him some skin too, but it was worth it to be rid of him. But now his shoulder felt like someone had stuck a red hot poker into his flesh. He was also losing strength fast. Probably all the adrenaline pumping the toxin, faster through his blood stream. His vision began dimming and coming back on line, just as he became away that the others had arrived.
That meant Maya was safe, he realised with relief. He spotted her being guarded by the gargoyle. Well, he suspected it was the gargoyle, as he was the only one he'd not seen earlier today. Well, he thought he was, but at this point his vision was shot to hell. All he wanted to do now, was sleep, fatigue weighing him down. He was sure he could make out wings on the man though, which were kind of a dead giveaway.

  Adrian came at him again, as he lay on his brother, trying to get his bearings; and the strength to stand. Taking a deep breath, he flipped himself to the side. Cutting off the intense pain the movement caused, then he rolled, spinning himself back over. Using a rear leg, he kicked out at Adrian, who was still heading for him, thinking he could finish him off. Jaden's claws connected with his softer underbelly, as he stood there breathing heavily through his pain. Then he turned and watched the other cat rear, stumbling back at the vicious attack from him. He was spitting and yowling in pain. Jaden realised Davion still hadn't gotten up from where he lay, after he'd fallen on him, so he turned to slice at him too. But he managed to roll away from him, at the last moment, so his claws missed their mark.

  Jaden's head was really beginning to spin now. His balance so off, he was wavering on his feet. Adrian was definitely worse off though, he was bleeding heavily from the damage he'd done to his side, throat and belly. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough, nowhere near enough. Not after what he'd done to his parents. Something else was nagging at his subconscious, but he couldn't grasp it, so let it go. He really wanted to make the bastard suffer for what he'd done, but Maya's panic was beating at his fuzzy mind.

  "Baby, please. You need to calm down. I have no intention of leaving you, but I'm telling you now, your father is a dead man. If you don't want to watch, I suggest you turn away." He sent her the warning, then turned on Adrian again. Head down, he lowered his front end, and used his back legs to propel himself forward. He hit Adrian in his chest, using the full force of his weight. Barrelling into him, and sent the other cat flying. His legs spin wheeling, as he tried to hold himself up. Jaden didn't give him any quarter though, as he went after him again. He tried to ignore Davion, who was slinking up behind him, yet again. Jaden dove for Adrian, and out of the corner of his eye saw his brother, slink up behind Davion. Balin slapped him so hard with his front paw, he sent him flying over near the fire, and right out of the fight. If he could have laughed Jaden would have. He watched Adrian's eyes widen, as he realised his time had come.

  "Baby turn away, now." Jaden sent to Maya, as he again swung a paw towards her father. This time when he connected, the cut was so deep, he sliced his throat clear open. The idiot hadn't had the sense to lower his head, covering the vulnerable area. An arc of blood geysered into the air, as the black cat collapsed onto his side. Jaden watched in satisfaction as the ground around him grew wet, as he began bleeding profusely. Jaden's back legs gave out from under him, so he had to propel himself along with his front legs. Crawling over to the downed cat, he then sunk his teeth into his throat; cutting off his airflow. This was a killing move normally used by leopards, but he'd take what he could get at the moment. Clamping his jaw down around Adrian's windpipe, he held on until the other cat stopped twitching. He went completely limp, still, no fight left in him. Unfortunately, this wouldn't kill him. It would just keep him down, until one of the others could finish him off. He couldn't do it himself he realised, because he was about to pass out. Releasing his hold on her father. Jaden pulled himself away, before collapsing heavily onto his side. His breathing was slowing, and he was fighting to keep conscious.

  "Maya, I've been poisoned. Davion has some kind of toxin on his teeth. Warn the others to stay away from his jaws." Jaden, managed to slur the words into her mind, just as the world went black. The last thing he heard was Maya's screams, echo across the clearing. Then nothing, as he lost his fight with consciousness, and the cats eyes closed.

  Chapter Eight

  Maya heard Jaden's warning, and turned as he went after her father one more time. The fact that he was going to kill him didn't bother her, he needed to die. It was the thought of watching another parent die that was the problem. That was the only part that didn't sit well with her. She'd rather have been anywhere else when he died, than here watching. But if Jaden was here, so was she.

  She looked around the clearing at the other immortals. None had moved to help, apart from Balin. He'd knocked her uncle, clear over to the fire. She was just about to turn, ready to ask Luc why the others hadn't moved in when she heard Jaden in her head. He spoke of being poisoned, and the air in her lungs froze at his weak words. Just as she turned to him, she watched in horror as he collapsed on the floor.

  Screaming, Maya shook off Luc's hold, as he went to grab onto her arm, and took off. She flew across the clearing, even though she could see Maisie's hands coming up. Nothing was more important in that moment, than getting to Jaden. God help anyone that got in her way.

  Maya dropped to her knees beside him, her head coming to rest on his chest, and held her breath. Slowing her erratic breathing, she listened for a heartbeat. The air left her in a rush, as she heard the thump. She took a wheezing breath because Jaden's heart, was still beating steadily; if a little slow. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. So the poison obviously wasn't meant to kill him, just to put him out of action. The bastards had wanted an easy target. Her head turned to look scathingly at her father, as he lay there bleeding, and unmoving.

  "Someone kill the bastard," Maya snapped, as she again turned her attention back to Jaden. Running her hands through the fur on his shoulder, she found the cut. There weren’t any missing chunks, as she'd feared, it was still attached; like a flap of skin. Pushing it back into place, she pressed the heel of her hand to it, trying to stem some of the bleeding. Balin came up beside her. Then shifting into his human form, he then knelt down beside her.

  "He's okay, he's just in a deep sleep. He's been poisoned though; he says whatever it is it's on Davion's teeth. He said to keep away from them," she warned. Her head lifting in the direction of the second cat, her uncle. That was at this moment, presently crawling towards the witch.

  "He's getting away," Maya told Balin, and watched his head swing around. He pushed to his feet, about to follow him when the witch sent a ball of energy towards them. Agatha stepped forward, and threw her own. Hers was light, compared to Maisie's. It seemed to swallow the black glowing orb, disintegrating it. It then fell to the ground, as nothing more than harmless sparks. Maya heard the bitch scream in frustration.

  "It seems we are at an impasse for now Agatha!" Maisie said, holding a hand out. She clicked her fingers at her uncle, and the black jaguar slunk closer to her. He then wrapped his battered body, fawningly, around one of her legs.

  "This is not over," Maisie yelled at them. Helping Davion to get to his feet, as he shifted to his human form. He looked over to them. He was so like her father that Maya's stomach rolled, as bile rose in her throat. He took a step in their direction, but Maisie stayed him, by putting a hand on his arm.

  "I've not finished yet," she screeched. "I will make you pay for this," she spat. Again she lifted her hands, throwing yet another ball of murky grey light. This time though, she threw it towards the tree line. The ball connected with John Forrester, the tiger shifter. He shook his head, then his top lip lifted off his teeth. Growling at them, his ears went back as his front end lowered.

  "Kill them," Maisie demanded, pointing to them. John's head swung in her, and Jaden's direction. He took a menacing step forwards, then froze, all muscle and aggression. Then suddenly he shot forward at speed, mouth open wide. He snarled, and made a beeline directly for them.

  All hell then broke loose. The others; who'd just watched from the side lines before this, began to jump in. They came on mass from different directions, trying to stop the momentum of the tiger.

  Maisie's high pitch laughter, could be heard ringing across the clearing. Maya didn't have a clue what was going on. It was absolute chaos as leopards, and jaguars ran at the
tiger. The other tiger tried to keep them off him, but at the same time, he tried to stop his progress. It was a mass of teeth, fur and claws. Maya heard Agatha mumbling something, and as she turned she saw her sigh, as Douglas again came up to her. This time he was at her front, protecting her from the fray.

  Maya lay her head wearily back on Jaden's chest. More worried over what was going on with him, than what was going on around them. She trusted that Agatha, Balin and Sam would sort out the mess, because at this moment, it was all too much for her. She just wanted to get Jaden home, and end this nightmare. She wanted him well, and to try to put this part of the evening behind them.

  A lone tear ran down her cheek. It disappeared into Jaden's fur, as she closed her eyes and wept. She felt a gentle hand stroke her hair. Wiping her eyes on the back of her hand, she looked up to see her mother.

  "Maya, you need to get up dear. Luc is going to get Jaden home now, so Agatha can heal him." Maya looked towards Agatha, who was now stood over a snoring tiger, with hands on her hips.

  Maya shook her head, how had she missed that one?

  "Sam's gone for Jaden's bike, he'll be back in a minute dear. Then Balin's going to run you back, Agatha won't be far behind you. She's just going to try to undo the spell, which has been placed on John.

  "But what about Maisie?" Maya asked, and watched in disbelief as her mother shook her head.

  "I'm afraid she got away after she set John on you and Jaden. Everyone was more concerned with protecting you both, without causing John major damage. I guess she used their concern as a diversion," she sighed.


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