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I Know You Love Me

Page 5

by Aline de Chevigny

  "She was right. You are evil. No wonder..."

  Shuffling the deck, Drew glanced at Jimmy in amusement. “No wonder what?"

  "You're arrogant."

  "No, just confident that I'm right."

  "Try overconfident!"

  "She likes me; she may even already love me. I can't be overconfident when I'm dealing in facts. Now go get the runt. It's going to be a long night."

  Jimmy got up and took two beers out of the fridge, passing him one. “Facts, huh? Alright here's a fact for you—Allison will never admit how she feels about you as long as you're acting like an arrogant ass."

  "I don't need her to voice her feelings; her actions are admission enough."

  Leaning back against the counter, Jimmy opened his bottle and took a long swallow. “That would be true, except she's strong enough to leave here and never come back. Question is, are you strong enough to let her go? Do you love her, Drew? Because if you do, then you had better learn some humility, quick. And if you don't...let her go. Don't play with her just because your ego needs to know you can get anyone you want."

  "She wouldn't dare.” Drew hated the way Jimmy was trying to ruin his good mood. Allison wanted him as much as he desired her, and he wished to enjoy that knowledge for a while longer.

  "Wouldn't she? She's done it before. She left McHenry and the band after admitting in front of a million people that she loved him and would marry him."

  Drew scowled at his friend. Suddenly he wasn't feeling so confident anymore. “That bastard cheated on her."

  "Not technically; Andrew McHenry kissed another woman. She caught them before it could go any further."

  Drew wasn't about to let that bit of news change his mind about the situation. “He shouldn't have been kissing another woman when he had her in his bed."

  "You really don't know anything about her, do you? No wonder she fell for you. With you she can be herself. You have no preconceived notions about who she is or who she should be.” Turning, he went to get his brother so they could start the game.


  "He didn't have her in his bed, Drew. Allison made it very clear on all those talk shows she used to do. She doesn't believe in pre-marital sex. I'd be willing to bet that mine's the first bed she's ever shared, and I'm the first man she's ever seen naked."

  "Allison's a...” Drew processed this for a moment. “Doesn't matter to me. If she left me, I'd go crazy with loneliness. Tonight she'll be in my bed, and I'm never going to let her go again. Even if that means I have to marry that girl to guarantee it.” The moment the words were out of his mouth, he realized he meant every one.

  "Are you serious?"

  Seeing the shocked, surprised look on Jimmy's face amused Drew. It had been years since he'd caught his best friend off-guard like this.

  "Better get your tux pressed Jimmy, looks like I'm getting married...again."

  * * * *

  * * * *

  "Allison McKay, you are a poor excuse for a seductress.” Allison spat in disgust.

  Drew walked into his house just in time to hear Allison's curse and found his elusive prey sitting in the dark looking positively miserable. He had intended to play along, maybe even tease her into his bed, but the sadness on her face changed all that instantly.

  "What's wrong?"

  She turned sad, puffy eyes on him and groaned in failure. “Oh no, not yet. You can't be here. Not right now. I haven't left yet."

  "If you were going to leave, Love, you would have left by now. Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong.” Watching her curl up in the chair tore at his heart. She truly didn't have any experience at seduction, and that reality only made him want her more.

  "I'm a failure."

  Drew walked over to the chair and picked her up, then rested her on his lap once he took over her seat. His need to cradle her close and make her happy nearly overwhelmed him.

  "How did you fail? By not leaving town? I don't see that as failure, Beautiful."

  Allison cuddled deeper into his lap. “I was planning on seducing you tonight, and now I can't."

  Drew laughed; that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard. All she needed to do to seduce him would be to beckon him with one finger, and he'd crawl to her on hands and knees. “Allison, you can be confident that any seduction you planned will be highly successful."

  "No, it won't...I never should have tried to do this. I'm being punished..."

  When she paused, he tilted her chin up too look into her eyes. “Why do you believe that?"

  "Some seductress I've turned out to be—I can't even keep track of when my period is due. Maybe it's fate; I have a lot to do in the next three days. I should go call Jimmy."

  Well, damn. That was the last thing I expected to hear today. He couldn't help the feeling of rightness that washed over him at the thought.

  "I'll call Jimmy and tell him to bring over your suitcase."

  "Thank you, and please tell Jeremy he can use my car until I get back. There's no sense in my staying here any longer."

  Drew growled angrily at her stubbornness. She was going to be very difficult. Good thing he enjoyed a challenge. “I don't care if we don't make love tonight, Allison. Hell, I don't care if I have to wait until our wedding night. I just want to wake up with you in my arms."

  "You'd be willing to do that...for me?"

  Counting to ten, he forced himself to stay calm. McHenry had done quite a number on her when he broke her heart. It was going to take time and patience to gain her trust, and he had both to spare.

  "Damn it, woman, I'll marry you tomorrow if that's the only way I can keep you with me."

  "I'll stay tonight, but I'm leaving in the morning."

  A lot of time. “Don't you mean we're leaving first thing in the morning? Don't look so surprised, Love; I have vacation days coming to me, and I know Jimmy will be more than happy and willing to cover for me while I'm gone. Hell, I already told you that I planned to marry you. You didn't think I'd let you leave me so soon, did you?"

  " can't be serious.” Her voice broke into a squeak, and her eyes grew to the size of dollar coins at his audacity.

  Drew flashed the one grin he knew women couldn't resist, in the hope of distracting her. “May I also comment that I truly approve of the wardrobe change."

  Allison looked down at herself, a bright scarlet blush creeping across her cheeks. “I forgot. I hope you don't mind but I was getting a little cold, and I needed to put something on while I ran out to my car."

  Running his hand up her leg, his eyes never once left her face. Lord, she was beautiful. “I don't mind."

  "Were you planning on wearing this today? I mean, I found it lying on your bed when I came in."

  Tightening his hold around her, he nuzzled her neck. She was babbling. She was cute when she babbled.

  "I laid it out for you to wear. Guess you could say I had high hopes for tonight."

  Allison ran a finger slowly down his face and across his lips. “Do you love me, Drew? Is that why you've been acting so strangely? Jimmy says you're acting weirder than normal, doing crazy things you've never done before. You asked me to marry you, but you've yet to profess your love for me, and no, calling me Love doesn't count."

  "Promise not to run away if I say yes?” The smile that crossed her face made him even more ready to finally have her in his bed.

  "If you say yes, my dear Sheriff, your life will never be the same again. I take these matters very seriously."

  "Yes Allison, I do believe I am quite thoroughly in love with you.” Drew closed his eyes to fully enjoy those words. After Sam had abandoned him during their first year of marriage, he didn't expect to ever feel love again. He'd even gone out of his way to avoid it. Then he met this beauty, and after a few days of being told what to do, ignored, and pushed away, she had him firmly wrapped around her little finger and completely smitten.

  "Well then, Sheriff, I think we should retire for the evening. We have a long couple of days ahead o
f us.” Allison absentmindedly ran her fingers down his chest. “Tell me, Drew, do you own a suit?"

  Laughing, Drew stood with her firmly in his arms. “Yes, Love. I own a suit, and I completely agree that we should go to bed now."

  The last things he expected after the way she'd been acting was for her to get aggressive. Her kiss held such passion, it blew him completely away. “Good Lord, woman. Where did that come from?” Her sweet laughter was the most heart-warming sound he'd heard in years.

  "Consider that my way of telling you that I think I love you too."

  "Woman, you'll be the death of me."

  "Are you complaining, Sheriff? Because..."

  "Excuse me. Sheriff, you're needed...sorry, I didn't realize you had company...Miss McKay?"

  Allison hid her face against Drew's chest in embarrassment. Damn the man for interrupting him now.

  "You were saying Deputy?"

  "I saw nothing. I see nothing."

  Drew smiled in satisfaction. The boy knew he was still on a thin rope for his earlier misdeeds and needed to watch his back or he'd lose his job yet.

  "What is it, Michael?"

  "It can wait; you're busy."

  Drew waived the thinly veiled excuse away. It never stopped Michael before when he had a woman in his house, so why now?

  "I'm just negotiating my future, Michael. Think our town can handle having Allison around fulltime?"

  Michael frowned and threw Allison an impressed look. “Depends on whether or not you and Jimmy can live peacefully with her around."

  "I think we'll be fine, won't we, Love?"

  Allison smiled softly at him and kissed his lips. “Jimmy won't be a problem; we've come to an understanding. Now, I think I'll leave you two boys alone to talk shop while I go freshen up."

  When she stood to go, Drew gave her ass a sharp swat, relishing the look of repercussion she threw him before entering the bedroom. “What's up, Michael?"

  "There's an emergency down at the station. They need you to settle a dispute."

  Drew wasn't about to let anything spoil his first night alone with his new fiancee. “Get Jimmy to deal with it. He's the one on duty tonight."

  Michael snorted in annoyance. “He's out on a call and told me to get you. He said, and I quote, ‘Get the Sheriff and make sure he brings his lady along.’”

  "Give me five minutes.” Drew curbed his annoyance at the intrusion, hating every second of the time it would take away from his alone time with Allison. At least Jimmy thought to suggest he bring her along. She wouldn't feel like he abandoned her this way...he hoped.

  "Allison, sweetheart, we need to go down to the station for a....” Seeing her with her hair completely down for the first time since they met threw him for a loop. The woman was a knock out. “You should leave your hair down all the time. You look beautiful."

  "You, my dear man, are biased...well, either that or horny. Besides, I can't go anywhere; I left my pants in Jimmy's bedroom."

  Drew laughed and picked up the phone. He'd completely forgotten about that little detail. They had been on their way to bed, so she hadn't needed her suitcase until morning. Besides, he liked her pants-free.

  "Hey Jeremy, can you please run over Allison's jeans? Oh, and she needs her suitcases, too. So you may as well drop those off while you're at it.” Hanging up the phone, he flashed her a grin. “See, all settled. Jeremy said he'd be right over."

  "Drew, this is work, not play. I should stay here."

  His grin widened as he slipped his arms around her waist. “Jimmy said to bring my girl along, and that's what I'm doing."


  They both turned toward the sound of Jeremy's voice. “In the master bedroom, Jeremy."

  "Hi. Here's Allison', Ali. You wear Drew's jersey better than you do Jimmy's. Just don't tell him I said that; I'll be eating my own cooking for a month if he found out."

  Allison laughed and ruffled his hair. “I promise it's between us."

  Jeremy frowned and pulled away. “Hey, stop that; I'm not a kid anymore. You're gonna mess up my hair."

  Drew grinned and took the suitcases from the kid. “Hey, Jeremy, if this thing at work takes too long would you mind keeping Allison company tonight?"

  The way his eyes lit up at the opportunity, Drew knew if Jeremy were older he'd have some stiff competition on his hands for his girl's affections.

  "Sure. We could have another game night, or watch a movie, or..."

  Allison giggled and walked into the bathroom. “Sleep, Jeremy. That's all I'll be good for tonight, once I take my pain medication. All I really want before that is a nice tall glass of wine."

  Jeremy turned to go make her wish a reality. “I'll make sure Jimmy's bed is made and ready. I can even come to pick you up later if you need me to. We could stop at the liquor store for that wine you asked for."

  Drew laughed at his eagerness. “You go do that, and we'll call you if she needs a ride.” Jimmy wasn't going to be anywhere near his house tonight, so there was no harm in letting Allison stay with Jeremy while he took care of the emergency.

  He watched the kid leave with an extra bounce in his step. Walking toward his closet, he stopped long enough to step into the bathroom to brush Allison's neck with a kiss before getting his uniform. “I'm going to change my uniform, be right back."

  "Promises, promises. You just want to look spotless for your admirers. By the way, where did Jeremy drop my suitcase?"

  "I put it by the bed, but I think he left your jeans in the living room. Want me to get them?"

  Laughing, she stuck her tongue out at him and headed into the living room to grab her jeans. Allison loved the layout and decor of his house. It felt homey and secure. Drew had done a good job making himself a home. The furniture was old, but serviceable, and extremely comfortable. He took care of his belongings. That told her a lot about the man she'd fallen in love with. Feeling a hand on her arm, she was surprised to find Michael leering at her.

  "So that's what you're all about. You aren't what I'd call beautiful or even that good looking. Yet you have the two most powerful men in town willing to share you to keep you."

  Allison stepped away before Michael could get a better grip on her arm, disgust flowing through her at the look of lust in his eyes. “Don't be crass, Deputy. I know exactly what I am and what I'm not. I don't need someone like you to remind me of my short-comings."

  "You must be hell in bed, Lady, to jump from Jimmy's bed to Drew's in the same that's impressive. I don't think anyone's pulled off that little stunt before."

  She felt like she'd been covered in filth, and wanted nothing more than a hot shower to clean off his slimy touch. “Deputy, either you leave this house or I will. You decide!"

  "How about I keep you company later tonight while the Sheriff is busy? I can let you convert me the way you did them. I don't mind..."

  Allison recoiled in disgust. This was what she'd wanted to avoid. Men like Michael were the reason she'd had her rules and why she never broke them. Damn Drew and his irresistible charms.

  "I won't stand here and be insulted by you."

  Michael didn't stop. “Don't leave, baby, you haven't—"

  Drew came out of nowhere, grabbed Michael by the shirt collar and lifted him off the ground, cutting off his air flow. Allison couldn't watch anymore and took the opportunity afforded her to escape. All she'd wanted was a normal, peaceful life...she obviously wouldn't find that peace being married to Sheriff Drew Perry.

  * * * *

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  Chapter Six

  Drew was pissed; he couldn't believe Michael had the nerve to hit on his girl so soon after the file room incident. The man was getting way too arrogant for his own good.

  "You will apologize to my fiancee once I find her, and you will mean it, or I will do worse than merely fire you, you stupid fuck."

  Michael's eyes bulged in terror. “Fiancee? But she...she..."

  "She what?”
The growl in Drew's voice terrified Michael even more, and he backed away from him holding his hands out ineffectively in self-defense. It took Drew less than a second to get past Michael's defenses and pick him up by the collar again, lifting him a foot off the ground.

  "Drew, put me down; I can't breathe. You can't blame me for thinking that,” Michael whimpered, his hands clawing desperately at Drew's hands.

  "Thinking what, Michael?” Drew repeated his voice lowering as he firmed his grip before pushing his Deputy away in complete disgust. Allison would never forgive him if he hurt the ass, no matter how much the man deserved it.

  Rubbing his neck, Michael threw Drew a glare. “That she's a little slut."

  The feeling of Drew's fist connecting with Michael's face felt good. The man had been slowly and steadily moving in on his territory, trying to become him. Well, it stopped now. Allison was that woman you met once in a lifetime, and he wasn't giving her up for anyone—especially not some kid who thought he could out-play his betters.

  "Call my fiancee a slut again, Michael, and they'll be permanently wiring your jaw shut. Touch her again, and it will take a miracle for the doctors to put you back together in one piece. Women can be friends with men without having sex with them. Now, get out of my house, before I ignore the urge to kill you."

  Rubbing his jaw, Michael sneered arrogantly. “You're still pissed that in the end, Bonnie chose me over you!"

  "Bonnie be damned. You can keep her. She isn't worth my jealousy or my time. You just remember that my Allison is off-limits to you and every other man in this town."

  "Does that threat include Jimmy?"

  Drew didn't like the surprised sound of Michael's voice; it didn't bode well for future problems. “Allison's relationship with Jimmy is her business and no one else's."

  "Wow—a woman you're willing to share. She must truly be incredible in..."

  That was his breaking point. Drew's fist flew to land against Michael's face so hard the man hit the wall behind him and slid down to land in an unconscious heap on the floor.

  "I told you to be respectful to my girl!” Grabbing him by the collar, Drew dragged the man out onto the front porch, ignoring the furniture Michael accidentally bounced off of on his way out of the house. Locking the door, Drew headed off to the station, where he hoped he'd find his woman.


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