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I Know You Love Me

Page 4

by Aline de Chevigny

  "You aren't going anywhere but home with me, and we are not leaving there until we settle this! Damn it, Allison, it's not every day I find the perfect woman.” Seeing that she was about to start arguing with him again, Drew advanced on her. He was tired of having an audience—especially one who was enjoying this little argument as obviously as Jimmy was.

  "Even if I have to carry you over there kicking and screaming,” he finished.

  "You're mad. You have seriously lost your mind. I can't leave the house dressed like this and go traipsing all over town."

  Drew grinned and leaned against the nearest wall, making sure to keep her escape route blocked. “You don't have to."

  "Then how do you expect me..."

  "Honey, I live right next door. You can look into my kitchen from the window over Jimmy's sink."

  Allison narrowed her eyes at him and stepped forward. “Then you should have known about game night."

  Drew couldn't look her in the eyes, but he didn't have to tell her the truth. She could see it in his posture. His eyes told her everything.

  "You weren't home, were you? You spent the night with some woman, and now I'm supposed to be your next conquest? No way, Mister. Forget it. I will not be another notch on..."

  Drew stopped her rant the only way he knew how, and kissing her made him feel better. He wasn't proud of going to another woman so he wouldn't need to witness their date once they got home, but it was the only thing he could think of to stay sane.

  "Ahem, excuse me but...I'd rather not witness what's about to happen next. I'd rather you not do it here in my room while I'm in bed trying to sleep for my shift later. Allison, sweetheart, if you go out the back door, you can enter Drew's house through the back yard, and no one will see you."

  "I don't care who sees me. He's a womanizer, and he only wants me ‘cause he can't have me. Besides, it's against the rules, and I don't break the rules."

  "It's only against the rules as long as you're auditing the Sheriff's office. As of this moment, you are no longer auditing the Sheriff's office. Bring me those damned papers. I've looked through the files you left me, and I agree to all your recommendations. I'll sign them right now. Although, I'm damned if I can figure out when you finished the damned audit.” Taking her unresisting body back into his arms, he held her close and whispered into her hair. “Come home with me."

  Pushing him away and stepping closer to the bed, she wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold. “No! Now, thank you for agreeing to sign the papers. I can go home with a clear conscience that I completed my assignment. I have nothing keeping me here anymore."

  That thought had never occurred to Drew, and judging from Jimmy's expression, it hadn't occurred to him either.

  "Ali, I'm sorry to intrude but...whoa, cool. That's Jimmy's jersey. Does this mean you're gonna be my sister in law? Cause Jimmy always told me only the woman he planned to marry would ever wear it,” Jeremy asked hopefully.

  Drew growled possessively, scaring Jeremy into retreating a few steps. “No!"

  Allison threw him a glare for the way he spoke to the boy and stepped up to shield Jeremy from his view. Damn, he loved this woman; she had spunk.

  "It's okay. Jeremy, what's up?” Allison asked softly.


  "Ignore the Sheriff. He's just angry because I slept in and missed our meeting. Now, please tell me what you were going to say."

  She moved further in front of Drew to completely block him from the boy's sight. Drew found that extremely amusing, since he was at least a foot taller than she was. Her ploy worked, strangely enough, and the kid stood straighter.

  "Your cell phone rang and I answered it...I'm so sorry, Allison. I thought it was Jimmy's and..."

  Placing a calming hand on his shoulder, Allison smiled. “Relax, it's okay. So tell me who was on the phone?"

  "Someone named Mark. He asked me to give you a message."

  Laughing, Allison cupped the boy's cheek to focus his attention back on her, encouraging him to continue when his eyes glanced over her head to look at Drew when he growled. “Which was?"

  Jeremy closed his eyes in an attempt to get the message just right. “Tell my girl that I need her to come home. The wedding date is finally set, and it's time for her to try on her dress."

  Grinning, she smoothed her hands over the jersey. “It's about time. Jeremy can you..."

  Drew grabbed her arms and turned her to face him. “What wedding? Who's Mark? You can't do this. “You can't marry this guy; you love me!"

  Yanking her arms free, she turned to pin him in place with an angry glare. “When exactly was that decided, and who said anything about marriage? I'm his maid of honor. Mark finally got his elusive fiancee to set a wedding date, and knowing him it's soon. Jeremy..."

  Drew moved forward to corner Allison between his body and the bedroom wall. “Good, because, Darling, you are mine, and I'm not letting you go."

  Standing her ground, she stared him down. “I don't belong to anyone but me."

  Leaning forward, Drew flashed her a wolfish grin. “Tell me that while I'm kissing you. You can't. You know you can't, because your brain shuts down the moment I get too close.” Gently caressing her face, he leaned in a little closer. “Admit it, Allison—you care."


  "You want me."


  Every time she denied his claim on her, he got closer to her, crowding her personal space and enjoying every single second of it. “You may even love me.” He could feel her body tremble under his hands and wanted to kiss her again. His arrogance gave her just the opening she needed to slip away.

  "Jeremy, where are my car keys?"

  "Kitchen counter."

  "I can't deal with this right now. I'll file the audit with the county, and they should send someone up in two weeks to make certain you follow all the agreed-upon points. Normally, that would be me, but under the circumstances, I think it would be best to assign someone new."

  Drew stood there stunned that she'd outmaneuvered him again. One day, he'd learn his lesson and not underestimate her.


  "I'll make sure you get a copy so you can't accidentally default."

  She was ignoring him, the imp. “Allison!"

  "I need to go; I have a dress to get fitted, a gift to buy, a date to find, and..."

  Drew wasn't letting her distract him again; she was way too good at doing that to him. “Come home with me, Allison. Give me the chance to prove I'm worth having around.” He was wearing her down, he could feel it. If he could just find a way to keep her around a little longer, he'd break through that damned wall of hers.

  "Ali, you can't leave; you promised to speak to my special English lit class, remember?"

  Allison looked around the room, trapped. “Jeremy, I..."

  "Please, you can even have my room if you stay. I'll sleep on the couch,” Jeremy begged.

  Drew so owed the kid. Allison wouldn't be able to say no now. “That, son, won't be necessary; she can stay with me. I've only been telling her that for the past hour."

  "But...” Even at a loss for words, she was irresistible.

  Drew was enjoying her indecision; finally, he had her where he wanted her. “You can stay in my spare room, if that's what you prefer."


  Drew sighed in relief. “I knew you'd finally agree."

  "I wasn't talking to you, Sheriff.” Turning her back on him, she looked at Jeremy, obviously torn between her need to get away and her obligation to the boy. “Jeremy, when exactly am I scheduled to speak with your class?"

  "Thursday.” The relief in his voice matched the relief Drew felt.

  Four days. I can do this. I have to do this, if only to prove that Drew is wrong.

  Looking at each man in turn, she took a deep breath. “Okay, this is what's going to happen. I'll fly home and get fitted for my dress, pick out Mark's gift, and talk to Jason. Then I'll be back in time for your class, Jer

  Grabbing her shoulders, Drew turned her to face him. The anger on his face didn't scare her one bit, nor did it attract her unlike the endearing look of annoyance he had on his face.

  "Who's Jason?"

  "Let me go.” She was getting really tired of his hands-on aggression. The man was more attractive than anyone she'd met in her life, and she wanted him more than she cared to admit, but damn, he was a pushy prick.

  Glaring down at her, he sneered. “He your beau?"

  "Maybe. What do you care?” His jumping to conclusions was truly annoying. She knew without a doubt that in a few seconds he'd be professing his love again. Perhaps she truly was the first woman he'd ever wanted a future with. Drew was certainly acting like a love sick fool.

  "You must not like this Jason very much; I mean you cheated on the guy with Jimmy!” Drew spat cruelly.

  Tearing herself away from him, she resisted the urge to slap him. The emotional roller coaster he was putting her through was driving her insane. “That's between me and Jason. Jeremy I'll be back to talk to your class, I promise. But right now, I need to get out of here. I can't do this anymore."

  Getting out of bed, Jimmy grabbed her arm and pushed her out the bedroom door. “Allison, can I speak to you for a second?"

  Allison saw Drew's spine stiffen; he was still jealous of Jimmy's touching her. Good. “Of course, all you had to do was ask."

  Slamming the door of Jeremy's room shut behind them, Jimmy turned on her angrily. That was one look she'd never thought she'd see on his face.

  "You can let me go now, Jimmy."

  "Not until you explain yourself. Drew's right; you don't seem like the type to cheat on anyone. I know you better than that."

  The minute Jimmy let her go, Allison sighed in defeat and sat on the bed, her legs giving out as all the fight sapped out of her. “I haven't cheated on anyone. The Sheriff, as usual, jumped to conclusions."

  "Then who is Jason?"

  Allison stared down at her hands. “He's a friend...” Looking up she could tell that Jimmy didn't believe her. “Fine. He's my ex, but we're still really good friends."

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why are you trying to make Drew jealous? And while we're discussing it, why won't you call him Drew?"

  "He's so damned arrogant, automatically assuming that I was interested in him...Kissing me without permission..."

  Jimmy grinned at her knowingly. “Is he wrong?"

  She hated that look, hated it more than Drew's assumptions. “How the hell did you become my best friend? People who just met shouldn't know each other this well."

  His grin widened at her affirmation. She hated that he could see right through her. “It's what fate had in store for us, Love, and you're avoiding my question."

  A hot blush made her cheeks burn as if they were on fire. Getting up, she walked over to the windows and stared out at the beautifully-sculpted back yard. She knew he wouldn't stop until she answered his question, but she couldn't do it while looking at him. “He's not completely wrong, but hell will freeze over before I'll admit it to him. He needs to find some humility first.” She heard Jimmy get up and move up behind her, and waited for his next question.

  "What are you afraid of? If it's Drew not being truthful, I can tell you right now he's completely serious about this and you."

  Allison mentally steeled herself for this conversation, then jumped in with both feet. “I'm terrified that once he gets what he thinks he wants, he'll realize it really isn't what he wants.” Feeling Jimmy's arms around her, she relaxed and leaned back against his chest, relieved that he hadn't tried to tell her she was being foolish.

  "Would it help to know that Drew usually steers clear of any woman I'm dating?"

  Allison snorted. “We aren't technically dating, but as his oldest and dearest friend, if you told me he loved me...that might."

  Jimmy laughed and gave her a quick squeeze. “I'm afraid only he can tell you that, Love, but I truly believe he just might. It's the only thing that could explain how weird he's been acting lately. I haven't seen him this irrational since college."

  Allison didn't want to keep letting the monsters rule her life. It was time she took control of things and took a chance, put herself out there where it actually counted. Maybe she'd find happiness at last.

  "Stall for me?"

  The suspicion in his voice didn't surprise her. “Why?"

  "I'm going to do something completely irrational and idiotic. So will you stall for me?” Her grin must have convinced him to trust her. “How can I help?"

  Opening the window, she moved quickly before she changed her mind. “Keep everyone busy while I sneak out."

  Jimmy lost his temper. “Damn it, Allison..."

  Licking her lips, she turned back to face him. How did she explain to him what she couldn't explain to herself? “I need time, Jimmy."

  "Where will you go?"

  A mischievous smile curved her lips as the perfect place occurred to her. “The last place the Sheriff would ever think of looking for me—Next door; he did offer me a place to stay."

  Jimmy laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “You are crazy."

  "Wait five minutes before leaving this room. That should give me all the time I need to make my getaway.” He looked at her so thoughtfully; she couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind.

  "You'd better be telling me the truth, because if you aren't, Drew will have me on permanent graveyard and I'll never know if Jeremy is home at night or not. You wouldn't want to leave poor Jeremy without adult guidance, would you?"

  "Trust me.” She needed him to, or her plan wouldn't work. “Please?"

  "Go. I'll think of something to stall him. How long do you need?"

  Allison grinned, and started plotting her escape. “A few hours..."

  "Two. I'll give you two hours, and you will so owe me for this."

  "Thanks Jimmy, you won't regret it."

  * * * *

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  Chapter Five

  Drew was a patient man, but even he had his limits. Ok, so he'd fucked up...bad. That didn't mean he didn't deserve her. Jimmy had been alone with his girl for almost twenty minutes, and he couldn't take it anymore. Growling his way past Jeremy, he opened the bedroom door and found...nothing. Jimmy was sitting there alone, Allison was gone. Fury filed him at the deception that had been played against him.

  "Where is she?"

  Jimmy shrugged, looking not the least bit guilty. “She's gone; I think you scared her away with your intensity."

  Drew wanted to kill him. How could he let her go? “How long has she been gone?"

  "A few minutes or more. From that look on your face, I'm guessing we're going looking for her?"

  Drew stared at him in shock. “What do you mean, ‘we?’ You're the one who let her go. What makes you think I would trust you to find her?"

  Jimmy leaned back against the window ledge with a grin. “Actually, she kissed me and then escaped out the window before I could recover. I tell you buddy, if she would have kissed me like that last night, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

  "Why did she kiss you?” Drew asked suspiciously, not enjoying where this conversation was going one bit.

  "Don't go all Neanderthal on me. Her exact words were, ‘give Drew a message for me.’ Then she kissed me like I'd never been kissed before by anyone, and disappeared. Damn, I wish I were you right now."

  "Tell me that when the woman of your dreams leaves you without a word. How did she get out anyway?"

  Jimmy grinned and stepped away from the window to sit on the bed. “She used the window...come to think of it, the way she was dressed..."

  Drew frowned. He hated to admit it, but while wearing Jimmy's jersey she was pretty safe from other men. “No one will touch her while she's wearing your jersey, and you know it."

  "You mean this jersey?"

  His heart clenched and a slow chill ran up his body. “What th
e hell was she wearing when she left here Jimmy?"

  Jimmy laughed and shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea what she's wearing now, but the shirt came flying through the window a few seconds after she disappeared."

  Relief flooded through Drew, bubbling out in laughter.

  "What's so funny? I thought for sure you'd be going ballistic on me right about now,” Jimmy asked, confusion evident in his voice.

  "I was just thinking that the kiss she gave you wasn't anything like the one I stole earlier.” Saying those words out loud made him feel more secure in her feeling for him.

  Jimmy narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously. “How do you figure?"

  "If it had been, you'd have realized by now that she wasn't wearing anything under that jersey. Not a stitch."

  "You mean she's out there naked?"

  Drew sat back against the window sill and smiled in response. He refused to answer that question; this was his secret to keep.

  "Uhmm Drew, your back door was unlocked right?"


  Jimmy grinned. “Well, because that's where Allison went, and if it's locked she'll have to make her way to her car where everyone will see her. She'll have more date offers than both of us combined by the end of the night."

  Drew felt the floor give way under his feet. “ Allison is in my house? Naked? Excuse me; I have to go. Someone is waiting for me to find her."

  Jimmy moved to block his exit. “You can't; I'm supposed to detain you for at least two hours while she...uhm...prepares."

  Drew leaned back against the wall, intrigued by his friend's choice of words. “What exactly does she have planned for me?"

  Jimmy relaxed, but didn't move out of the doorway. “She didn't tell me. Guess you'll just have to wait and be surprised."

  Grinning, Drew started out of the room, putting his arm around Jimmy's shoulder as he went. “Good; I'm in the mood to be surprised. Shall we play some the kitchen?"

  Jimmy followed him into the other room suspiciously. “You hate playing cards."

  "Very true, but I'm curious as to how she plans on preparing for me if she can't turn on any lights without giving away her location.” Pulling out a chair facing the window that looked into his kitchen, Drew had a seat. This is going to be fun.


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