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I Know You Love Me

Page 11

by Aline de Chevigny

  Sam wasn't biting. “You can't fool me. I want what is rightfully mine, and I want a new judge. You are biased in her favor!"

  Eric chuckled evilly. “My dear girl, I am the only judge in this county, and I can guarantee you will get exactly what you deserve. Allison, perhaps you should tell her; she may drop her stalling tactics and grant the Sheriff his divorce."

  Sensing Allison's unease, Drew circled his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “Tell Sam about what, judge?"

  Eric nodded in sudden understanding. “Does he know?"

  Allison shook her head. “I don't think so, and it's none of Sam's business."

  Leaning his head down to her ear, he whispered. “If you're talking about you being a virgin, I think it's fantastic that my soon-to-be wife waited until she found me."

  Laughing, Allison, slapped his arm. “You would. You can be such an arrogant ass, Drew."

  "It's not arrogance if it's true love."

  "I want them to stay away from each other, judge. How am I supposed to compete with...with get my husband back? She has him wrapped around her little finger, using her fame and fortune to keep him from me. Give me a...court order or something."

  Eric rolled his eyes at her. “I'd rather not see Allison married to the Sheriff, but I've learnt over the years that the young lady has a mind of her own, and when she makes up her mind on something, she doesn't give up easily. As it stands, helping the Sheriff get his much-wanted divorce seems to be the right thing to do. No matter how much it pains me to say that."

  Sam decided then that she needed to switch tactics if she were to win the judge over. Drew saw it in her posture as she swayed her hips toward the man. The woman had no self-respect. She'd lower herself to any level to get her way.

  "Maybe we could discuss my private?” Sam asked, her fingers trailing seductively down Eric's arm.

  Turning away from the spectacle before her, Allison looked up Drew. “Honey, we really do need to get going, or we'll miss our flight."

  Lord, he loved when she called him honey. Why had he ever been against that endearment in the past? “I'm glad you're watching out for me, baby. Judge, can we finish this when I get back? I'll only be gone for about three days."

  Eric looked up from Sam's pout and determined expression, then over to Allison's worried one, and sighed. “It would probably be best to finish this now. Is it imperative that you leave?"

  "Yes.” He wasn't willing to let her go just yet, and hoped that if he answered first, Allison would play along.

  "No, it's not. Seriously, Drew, I can do this alone. You'll be bored silly while I'm out getting my dress fitted. Then I'll be checking my mail and packing a bit more clothing to bring back here. I hadn't packed for such a long stay, or for a room full of teens."

  This sounded suspiciously like her trying to run off for his own good again. “Excuse us a second, Judge."

  "Take your time; I'll chat with your lovely wife to pass the time."

  Allison rolled her eyes at Eric's choice of words, pulling that damned jealous response from Drew's gut again. Taking her hand, he pulled her out into the hall with him. “Why don't you want me to go with you?"

  "I do, but you heard Eric, and this is more important than following me home only to sit around bored for three days."

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he lost control over his jealousy. “I see, now that you know Eric is still single and still has the hots for you, you don't need me. A judge is a definite step up from a Sheriff."

  Biting her lip to keep from smiling, Allison raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you through?"

  "Not yet.” He hated knowing she was laughing at him. Hadn't the woman figured out by now he was seriously in love with her?

  "Fine. I can wait. Continue."

  "You didn't tell me about you and Mr. I-make-the-rules in there."

  "You're right, I didn't. For one, I hadn't spoken to him since high school and had no way of knowing he was the judge here. Two, we've know each other, what, a few weeks?"

  She was making way too much sense for his poor jealousy-infested brain. “This doesn't seem to be a problem for the judge, being as he's your old high school chum and all."

  "Feel better?” She asked with a tiny giggle.


  Allison slid both hands up his chest, leaving a wake of tiny shivers along her path, and stood on her toes to give him a soft kiss. “Feel better now?"

  Drew pulled her tight up against his chest. If he'd know years ago that this was what love truly felt like, he might not have made the mistake of marrying Sam, and he wouldn't have to let Allison go right now. “A little."

  "So what are you going to do now? Are you staying here and getting your divorce finalized, or are you coming with me so you can sit around and watch me get pinned and poked while I get fitted for an ugly dress that I'll only wear once?"

  "How long will you be gone, again?"

  Allison laughed and rested her head against his chest. “Three, maybe four days, tops."



  Defeat filled him. He hated when she used that tone of voice; it meant he had no hope in hell of winning the argument. “You know I'd rather go with you, right?"

  "I know, and I was so looking forward to showing you off to my friends. You are a seriously sexy man, Sheriff, and I would have been the envy of all the ladies."

  Jimmy was right— I am an arrogant ass. Why else would that make me feel better? Firming his hold around her, he kissed the top of her head. “Promise me you'll wear your ring every day, never take it off, not even while you sleep?"

  Laughing, Allison looked up at him. “Consider it welded to my finger."

  "Now you're just humoring me so I'll go away quietly."

  "I'd never...” Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, she grinned and pressed her body up against his. “Okay, maybe a little, but only to put you at ease while I'm gone. I love you, Sheriff, and I want to know you'll survive the separation while I'm gone. Will you be okay without me for a few days?"

  "Probably not."

  "Stop pouting, you big baby; I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise."

  He wanted to make damn sure she rushed back into his arms the minute her errands were done. Looking deep into her big blue eyes, he dipped his head down and lured her into a kiss she'd never forget.

  * * * *

  * * * *

  Noticing that his guest's attention was focused on the couple outside his office, Eric decided to use a new tactic with her. “It's Samantha, correct?"

  "Yes, and you can stop pretending to be nice to me. She can't see you right now."

  Eric sighed; this one was a real looker, but what a nasty personality she had. He wouldn't wish her on even his worst enemy. “Just do me a favor and take a good look out that door. Now, tell me what you see."

  "I see some little floozy...sorry. I see another woman hitting on my husband."

  "Really? Well, I see a man who's terrified of losing the woman he very obviously loves."

  Sam glared at him and turned back to stare at Drew and Allison out the office window.

  It finally looked like someone had tamed their wild Sheriff's heart. He just wished it hadn't been Allison. A foolish wish true, but real.

  "She kissed him first."

  Eric sighed. Talking to this woman was like fighting an uphill battle on roller skates. “Only to calm him down, and he hasn't let her go since. Seriously, Samantha, you need to give the man his freedom. Grant him his divorce.” Eric was trying to appeal to her sense of decency, but he feared she may not have any.

  "Not until he agrees to alimony."

  Eric moved to sit in his chair, laughing at her ludicrous request. “Let's be honest here. No court on this earth would grant you alimony under these circumstances."

  "Why the hell not? He's the one who's engaged."

  "True, but he isn't the one who abandoned the marriage, and he didn't spend the night in someone else's bed
last night.” It was time to let her know he knew the truth about her.

  "Yes he did. His little....woman admitted it."

  "Allison admitted to spending the night in his home, nothing more. There's also the little matter of how you learnt you were still married, Mrs. Perry. Besides, I live next door to Michael, and I know you did more than sleep last night.” He'd known she looked familiar when she'd barged into his office, and the look on her face when he'd mentioned Michael confirmed it.

  Sam frowned and took a seat, furious that she'd gotten caught. “I'll consider it."

  * * * *

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Twelve

  Once Allison was safely on her way to the airport, Drew took a few minutes to calm himself before re-entering the office. “All right, let's do this. Jimmy is driving Allison to the airport for me. We have three days to settle this, Sam. I want my divorce finalized by the time Allison returns."

  Sam snarled at him. “You think it's that easy? Well, think again, Mister. I'm broke. I have nothing."

  He was so not in the mood to be playing these games with her anymore, and he really didn't want an audience to witness how stupid he'd been in the past. But Allison, his well of wisdom, had given him the best advice he'd ever gotten

  'Do all of your negotiating in front of Eric, honey; that way, Sam can't turn around and say she never agreed or make things up to get her way. You may not like him, but his reputation alone may save your hide and your house in the long run.'

  He never turned down sage advice.

  "Tell me what you want, Sam."


  "Forget it, unless...” something else Allison said to him before leaving came to mind. “Judge since we technically separated five and half years ago what type of alimony would Sam be entitled to?"

  Eric sat back thoughtfully. “How much did you make back then?"

  Taking the empty chair, he lowered his weary body into it. Being away from his girl was taking a physical toll on him. He had no idea how he'd survive the next four days.

  "It was my first year on the force, so twenty five thousand a year. We rented a small flat, and shared a car."

  Pulling out his calculator, Eric punched in some numbers and looked up at Samantha. “Two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and that would have been generous. Taking into account that she left you, a judge would have perhaps granted her one hundred dollars a month."

  Turning to look Sam in the eyes so she would see how serious he was, Drew frowned. “I'll give you either one hundred and fifty dollars a month until you remarry, or a one time lump sum."

  "How much?"

  Greedy bitch. He knew she'd jump at the lump sum. “I haven't decided on that yet, and I still need to discuss it with Allison first."

  "Smart man. I would also suggest you get yourself a lawyer, Mrs. Perry, and then we can all meet back here tomorrow at ten am."

  "It had better be a big lump sum, Drew."

  "I'm just a poor old county sheriff, Sam."

  Sam shrugged. “Maybe, but the little bitch is loaded."

  Drew refrained from telling her what he thought of her attitude, and smiled. “She's merely a county auditor. Besides, this is my mess. Allison isn't paying for it."

  "If she wants to marry you, she will."

  Drew laughed and stood to leave. “Who said she wanted to marry me? I'm the one who keeps insisting we get married before she realizes she could do so much better. See you tomorrow, Judge.” He left to the sound of Eric laughing and Sam swearing. It sounded almost as sweet as Allison's late-night giggles.

  * * * *

  * * * *


  The sleepy male voice stirred the ugly bug of jealousy in his gut. “May I speak with Allison please?"

  "She's sleeping."

  Drew wasn't impressed. Who was this guy answering Allison's phone? “So, wake her."

  "Buddy, do you have any idea what time it is?"

  Growling menacingly, Drew lowered the timbre of his voice. “Wake her; she's expecting my call."

  "Fine. Allison...Allison....damned woman sleeps like the dead. Hang on....Allison!"

  Drew heard her soft, sleepy voice, and had a sudden yearning to hold her in his arms. Three days apart and he was already going crazy.


  "Phone. Damn it, woman, no wonder you're still single."

  He's a rude little shit, this guy she's seeing behind my back.

  "Real or cell?"


  "Stephan, I've told a million times, never answer my cell."

  "Then don't leave it above my head while I'm trying to sleep."

  Why is her cell in his bedroom? The more he heard the angrier he was getting.

  "Give me that. You can be a real pain in the ass, baby brother. The cell wouldn't have been over your head if you'd slept in your own room and not on my couch."

  "Yeah, well blame it on Mom and Dad. I'm going back to bed. Try to keep it down, why dontcha."


  It took all his control to keep his voice even. “Was that really your baby brother?"

  "Sheriff, I didn't think I'd be hearing from you tonight. Have I told you how cute you sound when you're acting all jealous?"

  "So I hear."

  Allison giggled. “Don't start; I get enough ‘tude from Stephan."

  "Who is your baby brother?” Yes, he was being irrational, but he wasn't used to feeling insecure, damn it.

  "Yes, honey, Stephan is my baby brother. He and his beau were staying here while I was gone."

  Relief flooded through him. He really needed to start trusting her more. “Stephan is gay?"


  "Then I don't care if he is your brother or not. I miss you, baby."

  "I miss you, too. My bed feels too big. How's it going with Sam?"

  Sighing, he leaned back in his chair and cradled the phone next to his ear. “I'm at an impasse. I'm so glad you come home tomorrow."

  "Actually, I was going to call you about that in the morning."

  That didn't sound good. “Why?"

  "I've been trying to reach you all day. I tried everywhere—home, the station, Eric's office, and they all told me the same thing. ‘Sorry, Allison, you just missed him, but I'll tell him you called.’”

  No wonder she was being so polite. “Who did you speak with at the station?"


  "I'm so sorry, baby, I've been on calls all day. I don't see the judge again until the morning, and I haven't been home yet. I'll talk to Gertrude about giving me your messages right away, or better yet, tell me the minute you're on the phone."

  "I don't think Gertrude approves of us. Well, maybe it's just me she doesn't approve of."

  Throwing Gertrude a dirty look through the window, he wondered how many calls she'd kept from him over the years. “Too bad for her. Now, why were you trying to reach me?"

  "I've had to postpone my return for a few weeks."

  Think, man, what would change her mind? “What about Jeremy?” Allison smiled into the phone; he could hear it in her voice. She knew what he was trying to do.

  "I spoke with him and his teacher this morning and their both fine with it. All I had to do was agree to teach a class or two on how to write a story."

  "I don't believe that for a second."

  "Drew, he's sixteen, and he gets to use my car for an additional two weeks. Seems he's become quite a ladies’ man since he started driving my baby."

  Damn kid, of course he'd want her to stay away longer. “Fine, you have a point, but I don't have to like it."

  "Drew, the real reason I called was to find out if...if it might be possible..."

  He wanted to throw the phone across the room so that he wouldn't have to hear what was coming next. “You've met someone else haven't you?"

  "Oh for pities’ sake. You're the one that wasn't home all night, and I'm not jumping to conclusions."

  He needed to get a grip, or
she'd dump him on the spot. “I couldn't bear to sleep without you, so I took the graveyard shift at work."

  "Damn it Sheriff, you can be so damn aggravating. I was calling to ask you to come here. I miss you and all your craziness. You could come and help me pack while I tie up some loose ends and transfer my...oh, never mind. I was silly to think that you'd have things settled by now."

  Sitting up straight, he flipped open his calendar. “Baby, are you postponing your return to arrange things so you'll never have to leave me again?"

  Allison laughed at his eager tone. He truly loved that sound. “I wouldn't use the word never you silly man, but definitely not for extended periods of time. I will still have to go on sites for audits and book tours."

  Damn, he loved this woman. “I'm sorry, Sweetheart. Forgive me for acting all crazy?"

  "Just this once, but Sheriff, I do need to give my publisher my new address, and...I do miss you terribly."

  Standing, he grabbed for his coat and hat. “I'm on the next plane out. I'll be there in...” Her amused laughter stopped him in his tracks. “What's so funny?"

  "There aren't any more flights until Monday, for starters, but I'm more entertained that you seem to have forgotten all about Sam, the divorce, and meeting Eric in the morning."

  Sitting back in his chair, he grumbled angrily. “Sam will only agree if I give her more money."

  "How much more?” Allison sounded so tired. He hated putting her through this.

  "She's always been greedy, but this is more than that. I just don't understand her motivation anymore."

  Allison sighed sadly into the receiver. “I do—it's me. She's upset that you would choose someone else—anyone else—over her. She's insulted that the person you chose is me, and I really can't blame her for that, since I don't understand it anymore that she does, but I'm certainly not complaining about it."

  "You may not blame her for her childish behavior, but I do. I found out from my PI that she was engaged to a rich oil tycoon, and that when he learnt that she'd run off on me and then failed to file the divorce papers giving me my freedom, he broke it off. Lucky son of a bitch escaped a marriage made in hell by the skin of his teeth. I also learnt that when she ran off, she ran off with the quarterback from our rival school. Seems he'd gotten a contract with the NFL and offered to take care of her. She let him, and then he blew his knee and lost the millions."


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