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I Know You Love Me

Page 12

by Aline de Chevigny

  Allison gasped in shock. “I'm coming back; you shouldn't have to deal with her alone."

  "Baby, that's really sweet, but..."

  "I understand. Listen, Sheriff, I need to go now. It's late or early depending on how you look at it, and I have a long day tomorrow."

  The false happiness in her voice broke his heart. He'd inadvertently hurt her, and that was the last thing he'd meant to do. Lord, he was an idiot when it came to her. “Listen, I'll wait until the judge files the paperwork to fly out to see you, and tell him to call me when he gets a court date. It's possible, I suppose, that he'll get one right away, and in that case I'll come and get you the minute court is out. See, I have all my contingencies covered. Feel better now?"


  What could he have missed? She wanted him to resolve his divorce so they could be together, yet...Closing his eyes he massaged his temple. “Baby, did you want to be there with me during the divorce hearing?"

  "No, you made it abundantly clear you didn't want me there. Listen, Sheriff, Stephan is moaning about the noise, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, all right. Good night, Drew."

  Drew sat there holding the dead receiver in his hand, stunned that she'd hung up on him.

  "Hey, Drew what's...women troubles?"

  "She hung up on me. I...she hung up on me."

  Jimmy laughed and sat down. “What did you do to her?"

  "I think I accidentally told her I didn't want her here during the divorce settlement."

  Groaning at Drew's stupidity, Jimmy reached out for the phone and hit redial. “You are an idiot. Now I know why you've been repeating that to yourself all day."

  Drew waited breathlessly for him to start talking to Allison; if anyone could make her see reason it was Jimmy.

  "Nope. Straight to voice mail. She's really pissed—she shut off her phone. When's the next flight out there?"

  "Not till Monday. The judge is doing me a huge favor processing things on a weekend."

  "You mean he's doing Allison a huge favor. Wait until morning and call her again. What you both need is a good night's sleep. You've been crankier than a bear in winter since she left."

  Jimmy was right. It was nearly morning, and he needed sleep before he collapsed. “I'll be at home. If Allison calls, transfer her to my home phone immediately. And talk to Gertrude for me. If she keeps one more of my baby's messages from me, I'll fire her ass."

  Jimmy laughed and shook his head. “You can't fire her for that, Drew."

  "Why the hell not?"

  "Because Allison would never forgive you, and because Gertrude's been in love with you forever."

  "She knows, doesn't she? That's why she's so mad right now, isn't it? Please tell me that's why she's so mad at me right now, and not because I fucked up again. I don't know how to fix this, Jim. How does a person make the one they adore so deliriously happy that they never want to leave? I don't think I'd survive if she left me the way Sam did."

  "Wish I knew what to tell you, but I've never had that kind of relationship. I do know that with Allison...well, she isn't the type of girl to play games with a person's feelings. She told me right away when she knew it wouldn't work out.” Pulling out his cell, Jimmy made another call. “Don't even think of hanging up until you talk this out, young lady!"

  Drew stared in amazement when Jimmy handed him the phone and got up to leave. Waiting until the door was closed, he brought the phone to his ear. “Baby?"

  "That was a cruel trick, Sheriff, getting Jimmy to call me from his cell."

  Drew could hear the fury in her voice, but she was still talking to him. “I swear it wasn't my idea, but I'm glad he did it. Now, tell me, when should I pick you up at the airport?"

  "I'm not coming Sheriff, I have things to do here. You were right earlier; this is something you need to do on your own. I'll see you when it's over."

  Running a rough hand through his hair, he chose his words carefully. “Woman, I swear you're going to kill me one day."

  "Not until you're old and gray, my sexy man, so you still have, what? A year or two to reach that exalted status?"

  Drew laughed and relaxed. “Tease while you can, but you'll be begging me for mercy when I get my hands on you."

  "Promises, promises...I wish you were here in my bed keeping me warm."

  Turning his chair away from the door, he pulled the Polaroid he'd made her pose for out of his jacket pocket. She looked so happy cradled in his arms. “I love you, Allison McKay."

  "I'm starting to realize that, Sheriff. Can I go back to bed now?"

  A soft smile curved his lips at her words. He needed to do something that would prove his love...but what? “Tell your publisher and the county's office that your new address is mine."

  "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

  The slightly raised tone told him she was surprised and perhaps a little excited.

  "Baby, you actually sound surprised?"

  "Well, I just assumed I would come back, find a little apartment until we got to know each other better..."

  Drew laughed. Of course she did. “Forget it, Lady. Once you step foot in my town, you're mine. That means living in my...our house, sleeping in our bed and kissing me goodbye every morning before I leave for work."

  "Drew, it might be..."

  "Not a chance, and no you don't need to finish that sentence. I'll stay here to try and settle things for a bit, but I'll be damned if I'm going to be separated from you when we're in the same town."


  "It's a waste of money, Allison; you'd either be here every night, or I'd be there. Why pay rent on..."


  He knew if he kept talking long enough she'd have to see he was right. “You'll never eat there. If my house isn't big enough or if you don't want Jimmy next door, we could..."

  Allison was laughing so hard, she couldn't seem to breathe. “Drew, stop; enough. You win."

  "I do?” His victory felt a little too easily won, and that worried him.

  "Unless you're enjoying arguing with me over a lost cause."

  "No, I like winning."

  "I really have to go now, honey; I need to be up in two hours. I'll see you in two weeks."

  Two more weeks without her was going to drive him insane. Hell, three days had his precinct in an uproar. No. I'm not going to wait another two weeks to see her. Not if I can help it. The fact that she was as reluctant to hang up as he was made him grin like a schoolboy with his first crush.

  "Baby, I'll be working nights until you get back, so call me here before you go to sleep every night."

  "What about..."

  "Jimmy is going to talk to Gertrude for me. He says I'm not diplomatic enough and that the situation has me crankier than normal, and he doesn't want me taking it out on her.” He knew she was getting annoyed and her next words confirmed that.

  "Smart man. Now stop finishing my sentences and let me get some sleep."

  "See you soon, baby. Dream of me.” Allison cursed at him in the most creative way, pulling a satisfied grin from his lips.

  "I'm not getting any rest now, you evil man."

  "That's what I'm counting on; this way you'll rush back to me."

  He could almost hear her narrowing her eyes at him and plotting revenge. Lord, he wished he were there instead of at his desk.

  "I'll just have to lie here and pleasure myself, pretending it's you making me moan in desire."

  "Now I'm not going to get any sleep tonight, you imp."

  "Now we're even. I love you, Sheriff, but I'm still going to hang up now."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jimmy took a seat in Allison's favorite blue chair and looked up at Drew expectantly. “So...did she say anything about it?"

  "Nope, not a word. I think she's avoiding the entire subject. That woman is going to drive me crazy before we even get married. Good Lord, I love her."

  Jimmy grinned and accepted the beer Drew offere
d him. “I warned you that she'd be a handful."

  "Oh, but what a handful."

  Eric accepted his beer with a laugh. “Just don't make the same mistakes other men have made in the past. I saw her dump two guys in high school for stealing kisses from other girls. That woman is the only one I know who can't be charmed, bribed or seduced. She's the most faithful friend, wife and lover a man could ever find and she seems to have chosen you. She never did have very good taste in men."

  Drew rolled his eyes and had a seat in his favorite chair. He wasn't sure why Jimmy and Eric had decided to pop in on him unannounced, but if they planned on insulting him, they could just go home.

  "I told him the exact same thing a few weeks ago."

  Flashing them a grin, Drew relaxed back in his chair. “Very funny. You do realize that I can put you both in jail for antagonizing a police officer, right?"

  "Relax, Drew; we're here to give you some good news.” Eric announced, grinning at a secret only he and Jimmy shared.

  "This, I have to hear.” The only thing he wanted to hear was that Allison had flown home early and was hiding over at Jimmy's.

  "You need to go to her; she needs support right now, and unfortunately, she won't ask for it. You can't do anything else here until Samantha either comes to her senses or the assigned judge arrives to hear the case. If nothing else, you can keep the photographers away from her for a few days."

  That, he didn't understand. Why would photographers want to harass her? She was just Allison—A beautiful, creative, talented woman who wanted a peaceful, normal life.

  "Why are they hounding her?"

  "You're kidding, right?"

  Jimmy snorted and took a swig of his beer. “No, he's not. Drew is clueless as to how famous his future bride really is. That's why she adores him; he loves her for her and not her fame."

  Eric shook his head and sat forward. “Allison McKay is famous in certain circles. Her books bring in a dedicated fan base. The Ten Deep records she sings on are collectibles—worth a mint if you own them, which I do, duplicate copies may I add, and she still holds a regular job. Actually revels in the mediocrity of the work. That alone drives the reporters crazy."

  Looking at each man in turn, Drew started to understand exactly how special his future bride was.

  "Then I guess I'm going to Toronto."

  * * * *

  * * * *

  "Can I help you?"

  Drew eyed the young man critically. If he had the address right, this had to be Allison's brother, Stephan. But there was no way someone related to his baby could be this rude. “Is this Allison McKay's residence?"

  "Who are you?"

  The rudeness in the boy's tone left a lot to be desired. No wonder Allison was sounding so tired lately. “It's a surprise. Just tell Allison she has company."

  Shrugging his shoulders, Stephan turned toward the back of the house, leaving Drew an opening to force his way in if he'd wanted to. “Allison, there's some linebacker here to see you."

  "Tell him to go away; I can't deal with anyone else today. Seriously, Stephan if I can't count on you to keep the..."

  "You heard her, Buddy, and I really don't need this speech again right now. Take a hike."

  Like hell. Pushing the kid aside, he stepped into the foyer stopping when he had a direct line of sight to his girl.

  "Hi, baby."


  Drew couldn't have been happier with her response. One minute, she was sitting across the room looking miserable, the next she was in front of him, her arms wrapped firmly around his neck, her legs wrapped around his waist, kissing every inch of his face and neck.

  "Did you miss me, baby?” He asked her, laughing. “Hey kid, grab my suitcase from the hallway and put it in your sister's room."

  "What do I look like, your manservant? Get it yourself.” Drew could almost see the angry sneer on the kid's face when he replied.

  Allison never took her eyes off Drew when she addressed her brother. “Stephan, if you don't want me to sell this house when I move, you'll do as you're asked."

  "Who the hell is this guy, and why are you letting him dictate orders?"

  Allison grinned and ran her fingers down the side of Drew's face. “This guy is your soon-to-be brother-in-law."

  Stephan stood before them, mouth agape in disbelief. “No way!"

  Drew chuckled, wondering what was going through the kids mind right now. “Yes way. Isn't that right, baby?"

  She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Definitely, as soon as your little problem is resolved."

  His little problem wasn't so little, but he refused to ruin tonight. Tonight it was nothing but happy news and kisses. “The judge is working on it as we speak. He'll call if anything urgent comes up.” He looked over Allison's shoulder at her brother. “So that means you keep your hands off her cell."

  "Or what? You'll arrest me?"

  The pompous, smart-assed answer made Drew want to shake the kid senseless. “Now there's a thought. I could do that, couldn't I?"

  Stephan's eyes widened in terror as he looked from his sister to Drew and back. “What's he talking about Ali?"

  Allison giggled and rested her head on Drew's shoulder. “Drew is the sheriff from the last audit I did. What can I say; he swept me off my feet with his charm."

  Stephan stumbled back a step. “A cop. He's a cop? Have you told Mom and Dad yet? They will not like this one bit. You know how they feel about you and that ‘job'."

  "They don't have to like it, Kid, as long as they accept it. Now, please get my bags!"

  Stephan threw him a dirty look and turned toward the door. “Fine. I'm going."

  Grinning at Drew's first victory, Allison started raining kisses up his neck. “Baby, you need to let go so that I can take off my coat and boots."

  "Do it later; I want you to hold me now."

  Laughing, he slipped his hands more firmly under her ass. “If you let me get comfortable..."

  "We'll wind up in bed.” She finished with a grin.

  He loved how she finished his sentence, and adored where her mind was. “I wasn't thinking that comfortable, at least not quite yet."

  Blushing furiously, she slid out of his arms and rested her feet back on the floor. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

  He was getting used to her quick topic changes. A stronger man than he would have given in and held her until she was ready to be let go. Drew needed a few minutes to calm his own desires before he took her back into his arms. Damned if the woman didn't make him hard just by smiling at him.

  "I could use a nice cold beer."

  "Then you get comfortable, and I'll get...I'll get you one of Stephan's beers. We can pick up a case tomorrow to replace it."

  "Where do you want this, oh Master?” Stephan bowed in servitude, his eyes black as midnight in anger at being forced to do menial labor.

  Grinning, Drew draped his jacket over the side of the nearest chair. “In Allison's bedroom, Runt."

  "You're leaving when?"

  Sitting down, Drew pulled off his boots and set them by the chair before answering Stephan's rude question.

  "Not until your sister is all packed and ready to go. Not one second sooner."

  "Good. I'll start collecting boxes right away. The sooner you're gone, the sooner things can get back to normal around here."

  "Not so fast, Runt; we need to have a little talk. Sit!"

  "You aren't my...."

  Drew gave him the evil eye, they very same one he gave all his new recruits when they started to mouth off or got too big for their britches. “Sit!"

  Stephan sat, his entire body stiff in anger.

  "First, you will start showing your sister some respect. ‘Cause if you don't, I'll make sure she sells this place. You've been living off of her charity long enough. Second, I'm hiring professional movers to take care of all the packing and lifting."

  Allison entered the room looked from one man to the other before narrowing her eyes at Drew in
suspicion. “Sheriff, what are you up to?"

  "You mean besides making your life easier?"

  "Yes, besides that.” She replied laughing.

  "I'm hiring professional movers to take care of all that hard, sweaty work. I'm also getting to know my new brother-in-law. We're having a civilized conversation."


  "Must you always be so suspicious of my motives, woman?"

  Giving him her no-nonsense look that he'd become awfully fond of, Allison narrowed her eyes at him again. “Yes, now answer my question."

  "I want to spend time with you and packing is not my idea of fun."

  Allison settled herself into his lap and kissed his cheek.

  "Your beer, Sheriff."

  "I can't begin to tell you how enjoyable it is to be called Sheriff while a beautiful woman is curled up in my lap."

  Stephan had been sulking so seriously, it took him a few minutes to notice that Drew was drinking his beer.

  "Hey, those are mine!"

  "Bought with my money, Stephan. One more word out of you, and I'll let Drew finish the case without replacing them,” Allison chided with a frown.

  Turning a petulant frown on Drew, Stephan crossed his arms and leaned back against the sofa. “This is all your fault! If you would have just stayed away, my life would be perfect right now."

  How old is this kid —Five? Drew wasn't impressed with the attitude he was getting. Allison never let anyone talk to her like that, so why was he getting away with it so often?

  "Get used to it, Runt; I'm not going anywhere. Maybe it's time for you to grow up, get a place of your own, a job, a little responsibility."

  "So, Drew, about these movers, what exactly will I be doing while they pack and load my things?"'

  She was trying to change the subject so that her brother would stop looking at her with mutiny in his eyes. He'd drop the subject...for now.

  "We, my dear sexy woman, will sit right here, like this, and you will inform the men what stays and what goes."

  Snuggling deeper into his lap, Allison sighed contentedly. “Will they be handsome, these muscular men?"

  Drew laughed. “Not a chance. And don't give me that look. Seriously, Allison, do I look daft enough to give myself some competition?"


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