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Arms of Serenity (Rock Services)

Page 12

by Lynn, Donina

  Nick got a serious look and gazed down. “You have it all wrong. I have nothing but admiration and respect for your pussy … pants.”

  She tossed her head back laughing. “I can’t believe you just said that. That was all kinds of wrong.”

  “Just being honest.”

  She grabbed a plate and handed it to him. “I’m glad we hadn’t started eating yet because I think that honest statement would have made me choke on a piece of pepperoni.”

  “No worries. I’m fully certified in the Heimlich maneuver, CPR, and any other lifesaving techniques that require me to cover your body with mine.”

  “Wow, I think you just fully reverted back to the bad pick-up line man from the party. How about we see what’s on TV while you’re still ahead?” Still smiling, she pointed the remote and channel surfed until they both agreed on a NCIS marathon.

  After downing two slices and a couple of beers, Becca lounged back and patted her content belly. “There is just nothing better than pizza. Thank you for the delivery of the pepperoni and cheese goodness.”

  Nick relaxed back on the couch and turned his head to her. “You’re welcome. I can’t think of a more perfect way to spend a Saturday night. Pizza, beer, and you – I’m good.”

  Becca could think of a whole plethora of words to describe Nick. A simple “good” was a gross understatement if she ever heard one. Alluring, scrumptious, and freaking hot came to mind as he lounged on her couch clad in a tight fitting T-shirt and worn jeans.

  She could also think of a few more perfect ways to spend their Saturday night. His mouth drew her attention, and the thought of his lips on her, kissing below her ear, down her neck, on her breasts and then lower, much lower, gave her tingle at the exact place she wanted his lips to be.

  She cleared her throat and got up way too quickly to be casual. “How about a movie? That red envelope next to the stereo should have the latest and greatest action flick. A whole bunch of things blowing up sounds about right for someone nicknamed Boomer.”

  Nick chuckled and nodded in approval as she walked over and set up the movie. When she turned back around, she stopped. His hands were clenched together, and she could almost feel the tension radiating off him. Becca could see the muscles working along his jaw, and he was staring at some spot on her wall. What could have happened in the few seconds it took her to put the movie in? “Nick?”

  Never looking away from that fascinating spot, he asked her in a low strained voice, “Becca, are you pregnant?”

  She felt like the breath had been sucked out of her lungs. Why would he be asking her that? She put her hands on her stomach to try to hold back the panic that had suddenly settled there. Her voice was shaking when she managed to get one word past her dry throat and mouth. “What?”

  When he finally turned to face her, his eyes were filled with … what? Hurt? Fear? Anger? There could be every emotion imaginable, and it wouldn’t change a thing. All she could see was accusation. The way he looked, his body language—it was Mike all over again. Her worst fear was coming true, and she wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. She wasn’t pregnant, and here he was looking like he wanted to do nothing but point a finger and run as fast as he could.

  Typical much? The moment it gets too serious or too complicated the door can’t hit them in the ass fast enough.

  He looked down at her hands on her stomach, and his eyes flew back up to hers. “Are. You. Pregnant. Becca?”

  “N-no. Why would you think?”

  Nick cut her off. “The picture.”

  Becca watched as his head turned to the end table and then back to her. Sitting there was the frame from the party, filled with a picture of her and Anne and in the corner was a copy of Anne’s ultrasound. The black and white piece of paper showed Junior with the caption of “Hi, Mom”.

  It was understandable and almost forgivable that he assumed what he did. Seen through his eyes, she would have jumped to the same conclusion. But none of that mattered. His reaction was all that was needed for her fears to come rushing back like a tidal wave.

  He was exactly what she expected and hoped that he wasn’t. He had even moved to the edge of the seat and was as jumpy as a horse ready to bust through a starting gate. She fought back the start of her tears and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry before she could throw him out faster than he could say he was leaving.

  “I’m on the pill, and we used a condom. My best friend Anne is pregnant. That is a picture of her behind the ultrasound of her baby. Now, get out.”


  Nick watched Becca turn her back to him. He ran a hand through his hair and muttered under his breath. “Shit.” He’d handled that like a champ. What did he just do?

  When he saw the ultrasound, it had felt like he had been kicked in the gut. The thoughts came fast and the landslide of feelings faster.

  He was a guy. He didn’t know that much about fetal growth stages. What he did know was that the time that had passed from when they were together was not enough for the baby to be his. The thought of someone else’s seed growing inside of Becca had him feeling all types of jealousy. Anger came crashing in at the thought of the worthless piece of shit that got her that way and abandoned her. Then the realization hit that she didn’t trust him enough to tell him. That hurt him more than he wanted to admit. He sat there trying to reel in the turmoil of his emotions and get a handle on how to ask her when his mouth opened up before he could stop it. Now, she wanted him to leave, and he didn’t blame her. He had acted like an ass.

  Nick got up and walked up behind her. “I’m so sorry, Becca. Please, it came out wrong. I didn’t mean … ah, hell. Just talk to me. Don’t ask me to leave.”

  “Why? It’s what you wanted. You couldn’t get out of here fast enough when you thought it was my baby.” The words came out strangled and in a whisper. She sniffled, and he wanted to kick his own ass for making her cry. He took her by the shoulders and turned her around.

  His heart wrenched when he saw the trail of tears down her cheeks. Still holding her shoulders he looked directly in to her eyes. “No. I might have been angry at the thought of some asshole getting you pregnant then leaving you to be a single mother. I was even hurt that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me. But with all the thoughts and possibilities that were running through my mind, not one of them was about leaving. I wasn’t going anywhere.” Through the tears, he could see a glimmer of hope sparkle in her eyes. “Change that. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand as he brushed the tears away from her cheeks. He didn’t know if what he said had soothed her pain and what he expected was fear, but her tears had stopped and she hadn’t repeated her request for him to leave.

  Maybe it was his need to reinforce his words or maybe it was his own insecurity, but he leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. When she didn’t back away, he went back again. This time he added more pressure and lingered there sliding his tongue asking for entrance.

  She opened for him, and their tongues met in the middle dancing and twirling around each other. He took his time exploring her mouth enjoying the hint of tastes from their dinner. She stroked him back slowly running her tongue over his. They wrapped their arms around each other as they stood and kissed allowing each other the time they wanted and needed.

  Her hand came up to the back of his head to pull him closer as their mouths moved faster straining to reach even deeper. When she nibbled on his tongue, a groan escaped his chest, and he pulled her hard up against him. His cock jumped fully erect against his jeans, and he rubbed himself back and forth searching for any friction he could find to ease the strain. She moaned in approval while matching his movements.

  Her mouth on his, her grinding up against him, the heat and desire he could feel flowing from her was too much. He was going to blow in his pants if they didn’t come up for air soon. He was on the edge of no return, bu
t had to know this was what she wanted. Nick pulled back. “Angel?”

  She stepped back and looked at him through hooded eyes. Her lips were swollen, and her face was flushed. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful.

  He watched as she answered his question by quickly stripping out of her clothes and stood before him. He hissed as she ran her hands over her breasts and pinched her taut nipples.


  Nick watched as she trailed her fingers down past the start of a tat that wound around to her back. He would like to get a good look at the ink, but currently he was too busy watching where her hands were going and where he hoped was their destination. When she finally rested her fingers in the small triangle of curls she spoke to him in the most incredibly sultry voice he had ever heard.

  “You have too many clothes on.”

  Damn right he did. Nick ripped at his shirt and fumbled with his jeans trying never to lose sight of her. Her fingers twirling the patch of hair, her breasts heavy begging to be touched, and the desire flaming in her eyes were causing his blood to boil. When he was naked, his cock stood straight out pointing directly at where it ached to be. He took a step forward zeroing in on his target.

  She held her hand up against her chest to stop him. With her free hand, she ran down the length of his cock and cupped his balls. She twirled each around and then left them to run her fingernail up the underside. She fisted him when she got to the tip and pumped him slowly.

  “You’re so hard. I love the feel of you in my hand. I like how you feel in my mouth, too.”

  Nick had started to move back and forth to the rhythm of her hand. The thought of him inside her mouth and feeling those lips wrapped around him made his balls tighten up. She was driving him crazy. Every stroke was bringing his release closer. He couldn’t hold back much longer. He put his hand over hers to stop her.

  “Angel, you’re playing with fire. I want to be inside you watching your face as I make you scream my name.”

  Her eyes grew dark, and he could see the rise of her chest as her breathing quickened. He let her hand go when she nodded.

  “Ok, but one quick taste.”

  She rubbed her finger around the tip of his cock swirling through the moisture that settled there while she dipped her other hand lower. She brought her finger that glistened from her juices to his lips and the one from him up to hers.


  It was all she said as she sucked on her finger and slid the other into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her finger tasting her heat. His senses picked up her musky scent and sweet essence. When she pulled away from his mouth, fire exploded within him. He growled low in his chest and grabbed her off the floor.

  Nick pushed her back against the nearest wall and pinned her arms above her with his hand. The other came up under her breast and lifted until her nipple reached his lowered mouth. He sucked hard and nipped her peak. She moaned and arched into him pushing him further. He switched hands and continued the assault on her other breast.

  Gone was the thought of being slow and gentle. It was replaced by an urgency to take what he wanted and make her his. She opened the door to the cage that had been holding all of his want, need, and desire, and now that animal ran free and there was no stopping the frenzy that pumped through his veins.

  He let go of her nipple with a popping sound and made a trail of nibbling and biting up to her neck. She groaned when he tugged on her earlobe and exposed her neck to his as he sucked on the spot below her ear. The submissive gesture caused a territorial hunger to ignite deep within him.

  Mine. She’s all mine. He sucked and bit harder while he rotated his cock up against her clit. She pushed her neck into his mouth wanting more and ground her pelvis back. Every movement he made, she eagerly returned. She was matching him with everything he was giving, and it was making him wild.

  Her voice came in short pants. “Nick, now, take me now.”

  He moved his hips up and down, his cock slowly stroking up against her sensitive bundle of nerves. “How do you want it, Angel? Tell me.”

  She bucked her hips up against him. “Hard, fast, slow, I don’t care. I just need you in me now. Take me please!”

  She whimpered as he pushed against her stopping both of them from moving. His eyes bored into hers. He needed to hear it, needed her to reinforce that she was his. “Oh, I am going to take you. Do you know why?”

  Becca tried to arch into him seeking movement before she shook her head and asked, “Why?”

  “Because you’re mine. Only mine.”

  He removed his hand from holding her arms and placed them on either side of her. Positioning his cock at her entrance he locked his gaze with hers. “Say it. Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You. Please, Nick … only you!” The minute the words passed her lips he staked his claim by burying himself in her one quick hard thrust.

  She gasped and grew still against him. Did he hurt her? What the hell was he thinking?

  “Angel, I’m sorry. Are you ok?” She nodded her head as he placed his forehead on hers. He didn’t move, afraid that he had gone too fast. The need to dominate and possess her overshadowed every sensibility he had. Closing his eyes, he waited for her to adjust to him and let some rational thought return to his brain. Shit!

  “Angel? This is probably a bad time to mention this, but I’m not wearing a condom.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “It’s ok. I told you I’m on the pill, and I trust you.”

  She trusted him after how he had acted—the things he had said to her? Nick opened his eyes and was instantly humbled by the glowing, desirable woman willingly giving every part of herself to him. He knew it, felt it deep in his soul and heart. His chest felt like it was ready to explode, and his gut tightened at what he knew he was feeling but fearful to admit.

  Becca rotated her hips and ground herself into him. “Hey there, handsome, if you don’t start moving soon, I’m going to have to take care of myself.”

  He groaned. “You better hold on.”

  She wound her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around his waist.

  He started to move, slowly stroking in and out feeling her velvety softness envelop him. Her walls greedily clamped around him, milking him, as her liquid heat surrounded every inch of his cock. He felt warm, welcome, and at home.

  Nick never wanted the moment to end. If he could, he would capture and memorize every sigh and moan that escaped her lips, the pleasure written across her features, and the feeling of their bodies joined together. It was bliss.

  Becca started to move against him, finding a faster rhythm, and he moved to match her as his own pressure built. He let her set the pace until she became frantic writhing up against him looking for her own release. He leaned into her bracing against the wall and pounded his length into her at a speed he didn’t know he could achieve.

  She threw her head up against the wall. “Yes, Nick. Don’t stop. I’m so close.”

  “Let yourself go, Angel. Let me feel you come on me.” His words took her over the edge, and she screamed as her walls pulsed with wave after wave of heat washing over him. He buried himself once more and erupted inside of her core.

  Nick leaned into her and stood motionless trying to catch his breath. He could die happy now. Normally, he didn’t rate sexual experiences, but even he knew that the bar had been officially raised to a level that no other woman could ever hope to reach. Not that he wanted another woman. Becca was more than he could have ever dreamed of and definitely more than he deserved.

  He moved back slowly and helped lower her feet to the floor. Her legs were trembling, and he wrapped his arms around her to hold her up, silently wondering who was going to help him from falling over.

  The apartment was small, and it wasn’t hard to figure out the door for her bedroom. When he was sure he’d gotten the strength back in his legs, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. She pulled back the bedspread and snuggled up agains
t him when he got in beside her.

  Nick silently stared at the ceiling. He felt the brush of her breath against his chest, her lush curves pressed into his side, and her soft hair tickling his chin. Pulling her closer, contentment settled over him as he leisurely ran his fingers along the back of the woman he loved.

  Loved. He repeated the word over and over in his mind. How could he fall in love so fast? He replayed the scenes of first seeing her until he lifted her in his arms and carried her to bed.

  He guessed he knew from the beginning. Nick didn’t believe in that love at first sight crap. But he couldn’t deny there had been some type of spark or instinct that kept gnawing at him to follow and pursue. And when he found her, his gut hummed to do anything necessary to keep her from getting away.

  Her smile, laugh, intelligence, humor, everything about her held him captive. She invaded his thoughts, broke through his defenses, and found a way to crawl up inside of him and capture his heart.

  Nick wondered if he should tell her. A part of him wanted to stand up and scream it to the world. The other part was filled with doubt that his declaration would scare her and put that wall back up that had taken so much time to knock down. At least he thought it was down.

  He had a hunch her reservations had something to do with a fear of him leaving. When he’d told her he wasn’t going anywhere, he could almost see the bricks crumbling around her feet. Was he right? Had he finally managed to break through to her? Only one way to find out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Becca opened her eyes to his whispered question if she was sleeping and smiled. “I’m awake.”

  She was lying in his arms, head resting on his chest and basking in the afterglow of the most explosive sex of her life. She’d thought their first encounter was good? Hell no, he beat that no contest.

  Now that he had thoroughly washed away all her fears and inhibitions, she couldn’t wait to see what the next time brought with it. Who knew the phrase “I’m not going anywhere” could strip her down to her naked naughty self? She liked it, and by his reaction he wasn’t going to complain.


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