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Brought to Heel

Page 14

by Delta James

  Skylar laughed. “That will only get worse when he marks you.”

  “So what the fuck is that about. He’s going to fucking bite me? I mean I know they all do it, but I’ve always heard it’s worse from an alpha.”

  Skylar nodded and pulled her hair aside to show Roz the residual scar from her claiming marks from Micah. “It is. It’s deeper and takes longer to heal and it always leaves a pronounced scar. I’d always heard if your mate dies and you find another, it’ll bleed one more time.”

  Roz looked at her. “Has yours bled?” Roz asked gently.

  Skylar nodded. “That other night when I was building the bonfire, I noticed some blood and when I looked down it was bleeding profusely. Right after that, I sensed Dylan’s presence off shore and it stopped.”

  Roz reached out and touched Skylar’s mark from Micah. “So, if that’s the spot, does Dylan just find a secondary spot?”

  “Oh, how I wish. No, he’ll mark the same spot only deeper. He’ll eradicate Micah’s mark. Alphas don’t get high marks in shares well with others where their mates are concerned.”

  “Okay, so enough tap dancing. So, he’s already spanked me. Jesus, that hurts.”

  Skylar laughed. “Get used to it. There’s no way you’re going to go through life behaving.”

  “Thanks a lot, buddy!”

  “The flip side is the sex afterwards is amazing.”

  “Yeah? I didn’t get the sex part yet, but oh my God, I wanted to fuck him right there on the spot.”

  Skylar nodded. “I would gladly have fucked Dylan this afternoon after he spanked me on the beach. I think that’s why I kept pushing.”

  “Any luck?”

  “No, although he wanted to and I’m fairly certain by the time I come down to brunch tomorrow I’m going to need help walking.”

  Roz giggled with her. “So, the whole alpha knot thing. Is it as bad as they say? I know those bastards up in Boston tore Lacey up pretty bad repeatedly knotting her. And Oliver said they need to do it at least monthly?” She shuddered.

  Skylar took her hands in hers. “They injured Lacey because they didn’t do it right. Is it painful when they force the knot? Yes, but there’s payback when it starts to swell once it’s inside you.”

  “Only fair,” Roz grinned.

  “Once they begin to move, it’s the most amazing feeling. I have never talked to any woman whose been knotted properly who didn’t experience numerous orgasms. And when they come, it feels like they are flooding you.”

  “So, does it get messy when they pull out?”

  Skylar smiled wistfully. “No, you’ll stay tied to them for a couple of hours. They don’t pull out until the knot dissipates. I mean it, Roz, the initial possession when they force it in is painful but the rest of it more than makes up for it.”

  “I take it Micah knotted you more than monthly.”

  She giggled. “Usually at least weekly.”

  “Why, you little hussy! Who knew?”

  “One other thing, be prepared to wear something to brunch tomorrow that shows his mark. That’s important to an alpha.”

  Skylar looked up at Dylan, who was watching her with a question in his eye. She nodded and he approached them.

  Putting his hand on Roz’s shoulder, he said, “Better?”

  She smiled up at him. “Yes, and thanks for letting me talk to Sky.”

  Oliver had joined them. “Was she able to alleviate some of your concerns?”

  “You mean did she tell me that being marked and having that thing shoved inside me hurt like a sonofabitch?”

  Skylar began to laugh. The two alpha males were not amused, which made Skylar laugh even harder. Dylan growled, which did nothing to alleviate her amusement.

  “Skylar, what…”

  Roz touched Dylan’s arm but looked to Skylar. “You forgot to mention alphas have no sense of humor.”

  “Really? I thought you’d figured that out already. And I’ve always thought you were so bright,” Skylar said, giggling.

  “Dylan, I do believe our mates are laughing at us,” said Oliver, smiling.

  “Yes, perhaps they need their backsides rewarmed before we get down to more serious, pressing, and pleasurable matters.”

  Neither Skylar nor Roz were the least bit concerned as both alphas’ eyes were dancing with merriment… and lust.

  Roz stood and rubbed her body along Oliver’s. “Sky told me that after that, it would be the most amazing ride of my life and that I will want to demand to be knotted at least weekly.”

  Oliver caught his breath and looked to Dylan. “I owe your lady a great debt as well. Now if you’ll excuse us, I have need of my mate’s attention.” Taking Roz by the hand, he led her to their guest suite.

  Dylan helped Skylar to her feet as well. “Thank you for that. Oliver said she was terrified when he pinned her. He also plans to give her at least tomorrow to recover.”

  “I’m glad I could help. If she’s going to be bound to him, then I want her to at least have the more pleasurable side of being mated to an alpha.”

  “I saw you show her your scar from Micah. You know when I mark you as my own, it will be gone.”

  “I know. It bled the night of the last bonfire.”

  He hugged her. “I really do understand how hard this must be for you.”

  “I know you think you do, and even though you don’t, I know you’re trying. Is it time?”

  “Yes, it is.” He took her by the hand and led her to their room.

  * * *

  Dylan stopped her when they reached the door.

  “What?” she asked.

  His eyes were dancing with a pronounced amount of both passion and humor. He leaned down and kissed her, claiming her mouth. He drew her into his body. He was gratified to hear her moan and feel her press her body against his. Her mouth was soft, supple, and sweet. He loved the taste of it and idly wondered what she’d taste like below.

  “This,” he said as he opened the door, swung her up in his arms, and carried her into their room, using his foot to close the door behind them. He kissed her again, just enjoying holding her in his arms.

  “You can put me down now.”

  “I can, but I’m not sure I want to. I rather like this. Perhaps I’ll take to carrying you around all the time.”

  “Here’s the problem I see with that. You might be able to mark me in this position, although I’m not sure of that, but there is no way in hell you can knot me.”

  He dumped her on the bed but followed her body down with his own. “Right you are there, mate. And I’ve been waiting to bury my knot in you since you let him go.” He trailed his fingers down the side of her face. Now that he had every right to mark and claim her, his sense of urgency had waned. He still had a massive knot, but he wanted to take his time and make her want him just as badly. “I want you to know you can talk to me about him.”

  “There’s nothing to say. I loved him and thought we would be together forever. He was murdered and I avenged him. Just so we’re clear, I have no regrets about that. I mourned him for a long time and his presence stayed with me until that last night before the last bonfire. I knew I didn’t need to mourn him any longer.”

  “And now?” he said, running his hand under her sweater and gently fondling her breast.

  “Do you really want to know how I feel?”

  “Yes, I do. The other girls here will tell you when I ask a question, I want a straightforward, honest answer. If it’s given with respect, you will never be punished for it. But lie to me, mate, and you’ll find yourself with a well-spanked bottom and a mouth full of soap.” He shifted his position so that he was more over her body and one of his thighs was between hers.

  “Then I don’t know how I feel. I’ve been avoiding looking at it to figure it out. I know I’m finally over grieving for him, but I don’t know that I’m ready to love you. I know I want to fuck you and I know I want to feel your knot inside me and be tied to you.”

  He nodded his
head. “How about my marking you?”

  “I’m ambivalent about it. It doesn’t really bother me that Micah’s mark will be gone, although it may be a bit odd to see something else in its place. And whether you bastards like to admit it or not, getting marked is not a pleasurable experience for a woman. It hurts.”

  “So does being knotted and you seem to enjoy that aspect of being mated to an alpha.”

  “Yes, because the pleasure after the initial pain more than makes up for it. I rationally know that it’s something the men of our species do when taking a life mate and I know alphas are compelled to mark their mates. But… how honest do you want me to be?”

  “Totally and completely.” The hand that had been idly playing with her breast had moved down and opened the fly to her jeans, sliding inside them to cup her mons.

  “Then as an alpha, there’s a part of me that resents it.”

  “Would you resent it less if I allowed you to mark me as your own?”

  “I marked Micah on a regular basis,” she said, giggling.

  “No, I meant the true mark of an alpha.”

  “You’d want me to do that?”

  “Not particularly, as you said being marked is painful and I don’t know of any alpha male who ever bore his mate’s mark, but you will bear mine. If it would make it easier for you, I’d be proud and honored to wear yours.”

  Skylar searched his face and realized he was being truthful. She’d never thought about marking her mate. She’d teased Micah about the claw marks on his back more than once being her mark, but they weren’t permanent and they didn’t carry any weight with other wolves.

  “And if you’re not ready to mark me, consider it an open option for you,” he said, smiling down at her. His hand slid down further and her legs parted easily for him as he fingered her sensitive clit.

  She caught her breath. “Do I have an option not to be marked by you tonight?”

  “No. The need to mark you and remove all trace of Micah from your body is too strong. Almost as strong as the need to bury my knot in you and hear you call my name. Come morning when we join everyone for brunch there will be no one who will not know you are indeed mine.”

  She smiled. “I told Roz to plan to wear something where the mark shows… that you alphas rather like that.”

  He chuckled. “We’re possessive bastards.”

  “Dylan?” she queried as her hand opened his jeans and was confronted by his cock. She smiled as she wrapped her hand around the head of it.


  “Are you ever going to shut up and fuck me?”

  He laughed. “Well, I wanted straightforward and honest.”

  She squeezed him gently and allowed her fingers to trace back to his knot and to lightly touch it.

  The sound that came out was a combination of growl and arousal. He rolled to his side, taking her with him, but only long enough to deliver two stinging swats to her backside. She yelped as he pushed her fully onto her back, coming over the top of her.

  “Naughty mate. You know better than to touch your mate’s knot… don’t you?”

  She had forgotten that knots could be very painful. And when they were aroused to the point of having one, they could be quick to anger. Remembering what he’d said about lying, she opted for truth. “Yes, mate. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I won’t do it again, but I do so want to feel it inside me.”

  He chuckled and slid his fingers past her clit to find her pussy. It was wet and dripping with need. He traced her outer lips with his fingertips and then slid two fingers into her. She arched her back and whispered his name.

  “You’ll need to do better than that to call me to you. Does my mate need to feel my knot deep in her pussy?”

  “Yes, please.” She had been mildly aroused and could only feel the faint beginnings of anything that resembled a climax; now the fire within her burst open.

  He removed his fingers from her pussy. “Then get your clothes off, woman. I’ll only knot you once I have you naked beneath me.”

  Dylan sat up and helped her to her feet. He started to remove his own clothes and looked up to see her once more bent over, giving him a lovely view. The scent of her arousal filled the air. Dylan leaped out of the bed and grabbed her by the hips, pulling her into his groin. He reached around and took hold of her tits. This time his fondling was none too gentle. He pinched and pulled her nipples as he ground his groin against her ass. She pressed back into him.

  “Do you really want to be knotted to me from behind the first time or are you playing the cock tease with me?”

  She turned to face him, letting her bra drop to the floor between them and stepping out of her jeans. For the second time that day, she was glorious in her nudity. “I’m just trying to move things along. God knows that thing looks like it needs some serious pussy.”

  He glanced down between them. She was right; his cock was hard as granite as were his balls. The knot that had formed was bigger than he’d ever experienced. He cupped her bottom gently but pulled her into him.

  “And do you have some serious pussy to give me, mate?”

  “Serious as a heart attack.”

  He laughed. “Then, mate, let’s see to this knotting.” Once again he lifted her in his arms and deposited her in their bed. As he lay down beside her, he lowered his head to her breast and began to suckle on her nipple.

  “Oh, God, Dylan!” she cried as she bowed her back to push it deeper into his mouth. He slid his hand down between her legs, which parted easily for his access. He had barely touched her clit when her body shook with an orgasm.

  He chuckled again. “Surely we can do better than that, mate.”

  She shrieked in frustration, causing him to chuckle again. He slipped his hand further between her legs and traced the outer lips of her swollen labia gently. She bucked her hips, trying to get him to breach her core with something. At this point anything was preferable to the empty feeling she had inside her.

  “Damn it, Dylan, quit dicking around and knot me.”

  He laughed. “Now, mate, I’m not sure that’s the most respectful way to ask your mate to take care of that ache you seem to have. Care to try again?”

  She focused and caused her body to go still. Dylan was fascinated. She smiled sweetly. “How about I put a knife to your throat and say pretty please?”

  He threw his head back and laughed louder. “I’m pretty sure we’ve talked about having a rule of no weapons allowed.” He gently put just the tips of his fingers into her pussy. She drove her hips up to envelop them completely. He just laughed as he leisurely pumped in and out of her. She climaxed again saying his name as a curse.

  “I can see now why Ioan said to never let you be on top during sex and why you needed a combination of a hard hand and a harder cock.” He rolled over her and settled himself between her thighs. He took hold of her pelvis to still her movements. He locked eyes with hers. “You are mine, Skylar Owen of Calon Gwyllt… now and forever.” As he said the last words, he drove forward, his cock breaching the opening of her pussy and thrusting home. When his knot hit her opening, he barely even slowed before he had forced it into her.

  She screamed—part pain, part need—and orgasmed. At the height of her climax, Dylan’s canines grew longer and he sank them into the base of her neck in the space between her throat and her collarbone. Skylar could feel time slip away as Dylan marked her as his own.

  The pain from his marking gave way to the onslaught of desire that surged through her. Her body arced up into his and her legs intertwined with his. The heat from her core radiated outward and she felt it envelop them both. Her clit ground against him. Her nipples painfully reminded her that they too needed his attention. Her pussy began to contract around his cock again as he held on and shook his head gently.

  Skylar’s body began to reclaim a tenuous hold on reality. Dylan could taste and feel the scar from Micah’s claiming give way to his. He relaxed his jaw but didn’t release her and then bit again. H
er body’s response was immediate. Even tied closely to him, she rose upward to try to bring him deeper within. She cried out his name as her nails raked down his back. She caught her breath as once again she could feel her body rushing toward the oblivion of bliss it knew was there. Her sheath tightened around her as she climaxed again.

  He began to rock his pelvis, moving what little space there was between the knot and the base of his penis as he drove deeper into her. He released her hip with one hand as he captured both of hers in his and brought them up over her head.

  Finally his canines retreated and he released her. He stopped long enough to kiss the angry marking several times and to whisper his need for her. Dylan continued to rock her. He held her close and continued to move within her. Skylar’s desire for him seemed to increase with each orgasm. She grasped his buttocks and urged him deeper. She could feel every inch of his cock as it rubbed her. Calling his name again, her body bowed as her inner walls spasmed and she achieved a zenith of pleasure as Dylan claimed her mouth once again. He let her taste the residual blood from her mark on his tongue.

  She could barely move. Between one hand trapping her hands and arms and the other steadying her pelvis all she could was feel was his possession. The marking had been excruciating but combined with his powerful mastery and knotting of her body the memory of that pain was already beginning to fade. She had no ability to think, just to feel.

  The rocking was becoming more frenzied. Skylar was spent. She felt as if she had nothing left to give. But the ferocity of his coupling demanded that her body once again join him in ecstasy. Dylan could feel her fatigue. With words whispered in her ear, he urged to find the strength to claim her prize. With his body he forced her response. Skylar felt as though her body was electrified. Her skin was flushed and tingled along her muscles and bones. She could feel her toes curling as the last of her energy rushed from her extremities to the center of her being as for a final time as her pussy began to contract around him. As she orgasmed a last time, she began to feel him spurt his pent-up cum deep inside her. He was flooding her with it. He released her hands and went back to steadying her as he finished.


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