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Brought to Heel

Page 15

by Delta James

  Finally, he stilled but the knot held tight, sealing him to her.

  He kissed her face and settled on her. “Are you all right, cariad?”

  She looked up and purred at him. “It’s been a while since I’ve been anywhere close to all right. Ready for more straightforward honesty?”

  He smiled and brushed the hair out of her face. “Always.”

  “I will be demanding my right as your mate to be knotted at least weekly.”

  He laughed. “A demand I will be more than happy to accommodate.” He nuzzled her.

  “Did I please you then, my mate?”

  “A little bit. But I may have to knot you again before we leave our bed just to be sure.”

  She giggled. “Then you’d better be prepared to carry me down those stairs. I’m not sure my legs will be ready to bear weight after twice in a single night… but I’m more than willing. I’d actually forgotten how amazing that is and how much I like this part.”

  “Aye, in some ways this is the best part. Tied to your mate… it’s like it’s just the two of you. I’m not too heavy for you?”

  She giggled. “No, I rather enjoy feeling your weight. It’s comforting and very erotic all at the same time.”

  “And you find that amusing?”

  “No. I was thinking that while I’m quite sure that if Oliver knows what he’s doing, Roz’ll be mad for the actual knotting, but she hates being still and quiet. He may have some issues with her wanting to be tied.”

  “Then she’ll find herself getting a spanking when he finally turns her loose. Oliver and I talked briefly while you were talking to Roz. I think his Jersey girl may have some trouble adjusting to being the mate of the Hamptons alpha.”

  “I don’t know; she seemed pretty smitten with him. I think when he didn’t mark her as a wolf, it meant a great deal to her.”

  “Oh, I think they’ll be fine there, but the Hamptons are old money and she’s going to need to conduct herself properly. You were the great lady of Calon Onest; you may be able to offer her some wisdom and advice. And your home Bae Diogel was one where everyone pitched in. We do have servants here, but are pretty casual, except for Thomas. Things are more formal up there.”

  “He won’t be too harsh with her, will he?”

  Dylan shook his head. “No, not at all. Roz wasn’t the only one smitten. I was watching Oliver earlier and I thought to myself, ‘he’s as besotted with her as I am with Skylar.’ I just think you may be able to help her find her way quicker and easier. Although apparently his pack wanted their alpha mated almost as much as mine.”

  “She’s looking forward to seeing Liza.”

  Dylan raised an eyebrow in question.

  “Her sister,” Skylar explained.

  He nodded. “Hopefully her sister will be able to sit down by the time Roz gets home. They discovered she’d been communicating with Roz. Did you know Liza’s mate is Oliver’s beta?”

  “I don’t think I did.”

  “He is. And he was none too pleased with his mate.”

  She searched his face. “Jesus, you’d have been all kinds of pissed.”

  “I would,” he agreed. “I understand what she was thinking, but she jeopardized the entire pack with that little stunt. I’ve told him if there are any fallouts, we’ll stand with them. Had that been Bianca, I’d have made sure Nick took his strap to her and welted her good.”

  They spent the remainder of the tie sharing stories of their lives. Skylar found that there was much to like and admire about her new mate, including his allowing her to share stories of her time with Micah. He reiterated that Ioan Smith-Davies had invited them to Calon Onest and if she wanted, he would make arrangements for them to visit there in the summer.

  She could feel that the knot had finally resolved itself. He took possession of her mouth and kissed her deeply as he withdrew from her body. Having been tied with him for a little more than three hours, it was uncomfortable to have him uncouple from her. She protested against his mouth but sighed as he started to lovingly stroke her with his hand.

  “There, there, sweet. You close your eyes and sleep.” He rolled over on his back and was glad to see her roll to her side and snuggle up next to him. She nuzzled him, sighed, and then was fast asleep. He smiled as he closed his arms around her and followed her into that restful state.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Skylar woke to sun streaming through the French doors. Dylan wasn’t next to her but he wasn’t far. She could feel his presence. The door opened and he came through carrying two mugs. He leaned down and kissed her. He set both mugs on the table beside her and took her face in his hands. This time when he kissed her, it was deep and sensual.

  “And how is my beautiful mate this morning?”

  She giggled and then sniffed the mug. “Oooh—hot cocoa?”

  “Lacey said as we didn’t have Irish Breakfast tea it was the next best thing. She gave Thomas, who by the way wants to speak with you later, instructions on precisely how you like it. And by this time tomorrow, Thomas will have ensured you have your preferred brand of tea.”

  She smiled. He kissed her mouth again and then bent to kiss the mark she now bore from him. He’d made good on his vow to knot her a second time the night before. It had been even more glorious than the first as he hadn’t needed to mark her the second time. Once the tie was established, he’d carefully rolled them over so that he was on his back and she could rest for the length of the second tie on top of him. She’d fallen asleep and it had been the most sensual, erotic rest she’d ever had.

  Coming awake with a man’s cock buried deep within her was not something she had experienced in many years. She thought for a moment and realized that at no time had Micah ever rolled to his back when she had been tied to him. She thought to herself that she rather liked it.

  As she lay there watching him sleep, listening to the sound of his strong heart, she realized the second knot had dissipated, but Dylan remained hard. She was surprised to find that she was aroused and becoming more so by the minute. She thought she might have felt completely sated or even sore, but found instead she wanted more.

  One thing she had found when having sex with human males was that most of them had no trouble being lazy, lying on their backs and having a woman do all the work. She doubted very much that Dylan would allow her in a dominant position very often if at all.

  However, he was asleep. It seemed like as good a time as any to give it try. She rose up from his body, much like a marionette when someone picks up the hand controller to bring them back to life. She sighed at the different sensation that was created by her change in position. He wasn’t any deeper than he’d been when he was tied to her. Yet she felt him in a different way not only within her body, but as she straddled him. The juncture of her legs was now pressing down upon him as opposed to being a point of impact for his body.

  Skylar rotated her hips, enjoying the feel of swirling around his stationary cock. She rocked back and forth and brought her hands up to cup her breasts and pinch her nipples. That was a drawback to being knotted and to the missionary position in general… it was difficult to get a lot of nipple stimulation. Her clit began to throb as if to remind her that it to enjoyed being stimulated.

  “Naughty mate,” came Dylan’s lust-filled growl. “I don’t recall telling you that you could be on top.”

  She pressed his shoulders back into the pillow and leaned down to kiss him deeply. As he grasped her hips and forced her to move up and down his shaft, she thrust her tongue in and out of his mouth. She tried to remove his hands so that she would once again have control. He had ridden her hard and long the night before; she wanted to do the same to him.

  She had forgotten that alpha wolves rarely, if ever, give up control and then not for very long.

  “Naughty,” he said again as his hand connected with her ass. He seized her hips, flipped her over onto her back, and began to hammer her pussy, growling at her as he did so. When knotted to her, there was
only a very limited range of motion. Now that his cock could move in and out of her more freely, he took advantage to thrust long and hard.

  She caught her breath as he drew back, almost completely withdrawing from her and then driving back within her deeply. Skylar tried to move her hips in rhythm with his, but his dominant streak had reared its ugly head and he took even that little bit of control from her. He grasped her buttocks in his hands and held her steady while he pummeled her with his cock.

  Despite the level of exhaustion her body felt, the need to revel in his lovemaking overtook her. Skylar grasped his forearms and let herself feel the strength of his need to possess her. The tingling in her nether regions began to intensify and spread throughout her body as she clung to him, calling his name and climaxing.

  Her orgasm seemed only to fuel his drive. He held her closer and drove within her, his muscular buttocks and thighs giving his thrusting tremendous power. She had barely covered from the first orgasm when she could feel the second building. He continued to stroke her in mastery of her body’s response to him.

  “Dylan, please,” she cried.

  “You—do—not—mount—me—mate,” he said, punctuating each word with a forceful stab of his cock. “Not unless I give you leave to do so.”

  “All right, you’ve made your point.”

  “And which point would that be. This one?” he said as he plunged to the depths of her pussy. “Or this one?” he said, sliding his cock almost completely out of her before diving back in.

  “Either/or, both of them. Dylan, please? I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  He began to drive steadily into her. She could feel that he was now driving toward his own orgasm. Her tired and well-used pussy began to feel the surge of adrenaline it needed to meet his need one last time. Dylan claimed her mouth and his tongue mimicked his cock’s pounding within her well-used channel. He thrust deeper and faster as he nuzzled her neck and whispered his need for her to complete him one last time. Her sheath contracted as he began to spend himself into her. Their breathing had become as one as they reached the pinnacle of their pleasure.

  As they drifted back to a sense of normalcy, Dylan smiled at her, kissing her eyelids and then her mouth. “Should I apologize for that?” he said, indicating her mark. “It looks pretty angry.”

  She looked down and grinned. “Not nearly as angry as that first knot you had last night. It is fairly painful, but I know an old Welsh cure for it.”

  “Tell me what you need, cariad, and I’ll see that you have it before we go down to brunch.”

  “I don’t think you can do that. Isn’t brunch at eleven?”

  “Yes, but it’s just a bit after nine. I can easily send someone to get whatever you want.”

  She rolled up on her knees and brushed her hardened nipples against his biceps. “What I need, mate, is to be knotted again.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Greedy wench. I’ll see to your cure this evening.”

  She giggled but then frowned as she sat back gingerly.

  “What?” he asked gently.

  “Well, my ass hurts from the spanking I got yesterday and at the risk of having you not want to knot me again tonight, my pussy hurts like a sonofabitch.”

  He leaned over her, sucking one of her nipples deep into his mouth before nipping it. “If you’re willing to take it, love, I’m more than willing to knot you and keep that pussy sore. Do you want a shower or a tub bath?”

  “Both. I like to get clean in the shower and then soak in the tub.”

  “You stay here and drink your cocoa. I’ll get your shower and bath ready and then come get you.”

  “You’re being awfully solicitous this morning.”

  “And why wouldn’t I be? You finally yielded to me and accepted my mark and my authority over you. And no, I’m not so foolish as to think either the yielding or the acceptance of my authority will last long before you challenge me again. But I will enjoy them both while I have them.”

  “What happens when you don’t?”

  He chuckled, leaned down and kissed her. “Then, mate, you’ll feel the sting of my hand, and if needed my belt, until you decide to do so again.”

  He headed toward their bathroom and only laughed when the pillow she threw at him hit its mark.

  * * *

  Skylar walked down the stairs, happy to see that everyone was dressed casually. She realized it was most likely at Dylan’s request as she and the women of Bae Diogel hadn’t anything fancy or formal. She was especially happy to see that everyone was gathered for the brunch and knew he too was responsible for that so that she could see none of them were worse for wear.

  What surprised and delighted her was Roz. She was beaming. She rushed over to Skylar and threw her arms around her. “You bitch,” she whispered.

  “What?” Skylar said, startled and then drew back to look at her friend who was grinning from ear to ear. They looked at each other’s mark. “Mine’s bigger than yours.”

  “Who cares? That knotting thing? Holy shit. What an amazing experience. I could have lived without the whole marking or for that matter that tie thing, but still…”

  Skylar laughed. “I think if you embrace the whole experience, you’ll come to really enjoy the tie as well. The second time Dylan…”

  “That SOB knotted you twice?”

  “Yes,” she smiled. “He did. And…”

  Dylan put his arm around his mate. “And that is all you need to say on the subject.”

  Oliver joined them and enfolded Roz in his embrace. Skylar was a little taken aback when her friend snuggled into him and raised her face for his kiss, which he obliged.

  “Sky, I need you to gather everyone and get them headed to the buffet tables. Thomas will have a fit if things get cold.”

  Roz watched as Skylar got everyone’s attention and headed them into the dining room. She looked at Oliver. “I’ll never be able to do that… not with her style.”

  “You will develop your own style. You are my mate and were the beta to the alpha of Bae Diogel. No one holds a candle to you. And if they don’t like our style, then we just won’t invite them.” Roz beamed at him and kissed him. “Come, love, let’s go have something to eat.”

  Dylan watched his pack and guests starting to fill their plates. Josh came through the door. The young man had insisted on taking his shift this morning even though he was newly mated.

  “Dylan, that asshole from Atlantic City is back and he brought Darby’s mate. They’re at the front gates demanding to see her and you.”

  Nick approached them. “Trouble?”

  “Yes, two entitled angry alphas. Nick, get Darby, put her and Bianca up in your room. Josh, get Matthew. Let him know what’s going on and put the men on alert. Find Oliver and let him know as well. And send my mate to me.”

  “Got it,” Josh said as he took off, stopped to kiss his own mate, and hurried on to spread the word.

  “Do you really think they’re planning something?” asked Nick.

  “I don’t think the two of them could plan their way down the buffet, but they’re stupid enough to try something. Let’s you and I go out and greet them.”

  “Dylan?” Skylar asked as she approached him.

  “The alpha you dumped into the ocean and Darby’s soon-to-be former alpha are here,” said Dylan.

  “I’m not afraid of that blowhard.”

  Dylan laughed. “I know. And he’s too stupid to be afraid of you. I need you to look after our guests until I return. The men are on alert so there shouldn’t be trouble. If there is, Matthew will be here to help you.” Dylan turned to leave with Nick.


  “Yes, Sky, what is it?”

  “I meant what I said…” He looked at her questioningly. “I don’t want to build any more bonfires.”

  He laughed. “Duly noted.”

  They turned and headed to the front gate.

  In the time it had taken for Josh to alert Dylan to a pr
oblem, the two alphas had been joined by a small group of other men.

  “Shit,” Dylan said.

  “Who are those people?”

  “Part of the Ruling Council. Apparently, we’re in for something of a fight. Let’s get this over with.” They approached the gates. Dylan nodded to his men, who opened them and allowed the cars through. “Gentlemen? Can I be of assistance?”

  “You can return my mate to me, Grainger. I know she’s here.”

  “She is indeed. She is under my protection and will not be returning to you. I do want to thank you for coming out to the house. You’ve saved me the price of a messenger.” He handed the outraged alpha a set of legal documents. “You’ve been served.”

  “Now, see here, Grainger. You can’t simply abscond with his marked mate,” said one of the Council members.

  “I didn’t abscond with her. She left the bastard and lived at Bae Diogel for three years. He tried once to take her from there and got his ass kicked.” The members of the Ruling Council looked surprised. “That’s right. He had firsthand knowledge of Bae Diogel and never reported it to the Council, nor did he offer his insights when we broke up their pack.”

  “You should have said something,” said the Council member to Darby’s mate.

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s my marked mate and I want her back.”

  Dylan responded, “I’m sure you do. She seems to be a lovely girl. Unfortunately, you abused her and she doesn’t wish to be with you any longer.”

  “You can’t claim to be her protector. She should never have been there.”

  “I can offer her my protection if she acknowledges me as her alpha and asks for it. You and two of the members of the Council are welcome to join me in my study. I will have Darby brought down. I’d invite you all up, but we’re hosting a celebratory brunch and I think your presence might be off-putting to some.”

  “Celebrating your victory?”

  Dylan had forgotten how much he really disliked some of his brethren. “That would be in bad taste. Those women lost their home and the way of life they carved out for themselves. If you’d like to save me the trouble, you can report back to the Council that the girls seem to be handling it well. In fact, three have already settled into marked pairings.”


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