Book Read Free

Love Lonely

Page 13

by William C. Cole

  “Sandy I need to get my head around this. I will call you back in an hour. Make sure you’re available,” he directed her.

  “I’ll be right here.”

  She wanted to take the call in the aircraft for obvious reasons. Fatigue was beginning to set in. Needing some air she left the plane to speak to the two guards waiting outside the hanger.

  When she stepped out from the hanger door, she summoned both of them and explained there would be a delay in her return to the Palace. She suggested they return and that she would contact them when ready to leave. They didn’t utter a word, just nodded confirming their understanding of her suggestion.

  Sandy then returned to the jet. She again locked herself in. An hour of rest would be most productive at this point, so she reclined in a seat, closed her eyes. Within seconds she was asleep. The guards continued their watch of the building. Fyad had issued a directive that they were to protect Sandy. Unless alternate orders were received from their boss or Sandy was ready to return to the Palace, they were staying put.


  Renée and David enjoyed a wonderful dinner. Now back at the hotel they rode the elevator to their floor. The evening’s conversation flowed with ease as did the alcohol. Both were still riding the high of winning one of the most prestige’s races in the world. It was quite an accomplishment for Renée. Many seasoned handlers in her field will never attain this achievement. Only one trainer per year earns the distinction of being presented that particular trophy.

  They arrived at her door as was the case the past two evenings. Déjà vu David was thinking.

  “Renée, I’m not going be able to sleep,” he began. “I’m just too pumped.”

  They locked eyes. She didn’t reply. Being uncertain of what was on his mind, she felt it was best to remain silent so he could continue without her swaying the exchange. An invitation to extend the evening was her wish.

  “Would it be inappropriate of me to invite you to my room for a nightcap?”

  David knew this was so wrong on so many levels. He was a married man. Renée was his employee. They had just polished off a bottle of wine at dinner. The alcohol might have been influencing him or allowing him to shed his inhibitions. Either way he wanted to be with her. Whatever the consequences, a few more hours with Renée was all he could think about.

  “Probably,” she answered.

  “Probably what?” he said giving her a questionable look.

  “It is probably inappropriate,” then she went silent for about five seconds before accepting the invitation. “Oui David, je ne veux pas terminer ce soir,” telling him in French that she wasn’t ready for the evening to end.

  They continued down the hallway to his suite. He unlocked and then held the door open for her, following her in. Renée took a second to take in the surroundings before making her way to the floor to ceiling windows with a breathtaking view of the L.A. skyline. She dropped into a tan leather sofa facing the mesmerizing scenery.

  David stood at the bar, held up a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass in the other, offering Renée a drink. She waved him off. The spirits consumed with supper had surpassed her comfortable limit. Sitting there she wondered if the alcohol was a factor in her decision to accept his invitation.

  “David, do you think you could drum up some coffee,” she replied to his silent inquiry. “I believe I’ve had enough to drink for one day.”

  “Let me call room service. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to drink my brew.”

  David put the wine bottle back then opened the refrigerator. He grabbed himself a bottle of beer, opened it then dialed the hotel’s room service. Along with the coffee, he ordered a few hors d’oeuvres in case they came down with the munchies.

  “Renée, are you sure your okay with this?” Feeling he needed reassurance that she was comfortable with joining him. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into being here just because I’m your boss. I’m still flying high by your win today. It’s nice to have someone to share it with.”

  “David, there is nowhere I’d rather be. I’m also excited about our success. It’s going to take a day or two to settle in. Until then sleep is not in the cards,” she wanted him to feel at ease with her presence.

  David sat on the couch beside her. He put his feet up on the coffee table, took a sip of his beer. Nothing was said for a few minutes. They gazed out the window at the brilliant light show the city was providing. A view that left them spellbound.

  “Your coffee should be here shortly,” David said to break the silence.

  Renée smiled but didn’t reply.

  Maybe it was because he hadn’t been able to get in touch with Sandy, or maybe it was the fact that lately she was spending more time in Europe than a home. It might be the booze or as he had referred to previously the excitement of the day. But whatever the reason, he was beginning to miss a companionship that only a female could provide. His wife’s travels fed the ever expanding void in his life. Each year her travel time expanded, as did his loneliness. It came as no surprise to him and he would never complain about it. After all, this was what he signed up for. But emotions are sometimes difficult to manage.

  Renée must have been reading his mind as she looked at him and asked, “David, do you think Sandy would be upset knowing we are alone in your room at this time of the night?”

  “I don’t think she would mind. I hope she would have an understanding with my wanting to share a special occasion like this with someone. Besides, she is rarely home these days,” he immediately regretted adding that last sentence. He was verbalizing his thoughts. Something he would be mindful to refrain from for the remainder of the night.

  “I hope you're right,” Renée added.

  There was a knock at the door. Room service was quite expeditious this time in the evening or rather morning. David gave the attendant a generous tip then rolled the cart to the side of the sofa. The day had been good to him. He felt like sharing the wealth.

  “Le café est servi,” announcing the arrival of her requested beverage in French.

  “Merci,” she thanked him.

  He picked up the tray then set it on the table. Renée reached over to pour her coffee. They both nibbled on the snacks. Little was being discussed. For two people who spent so much time together it was unusual for both to be lost for words. Speaking to one another at work or sitting across a dinner table came naturally to them. Sitting a foot away from each other, alone in a hotel suite, rendered them slightly uncommunicative.

  Facing David, Renée lifted, then curled her legs up onto the couch. With this she had inched a touch closer to him.

  “Renée, I’m very proud of your accomplishment today. I was very fortunate to find you,” he said paying credit where credit was due.

  “Thank you,” she responded. “But David I’m only a small part of this team. You and Serge deserve the accolades here.”

  “That’s not true. You prepared Charlotte’s Choice and he responded. There are few people who can converse with a horse as well as you,” he told her. “I’ll take credit for hiring you, but that’s it. Today was all you.”

  “Thank you.”

  With that they were back to the silence and gazing out the window. It wasn’t long before the exhaustion of the last few days settled in. David looked over at Renée. With her head resting on the back of the couch she had fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful, an alluring petite young lady. David smiled then closed his eyes. It wasn’t long before he also dozed off.

  An hour or so after falling asleep both seemed to wake simultaneously. Renée’s head had fallen during her nap and was resting on David’s shoulder. His arm which had been placed on the back top of the sofa prior to him nodding off had dropped around her side. They looked at each other, neither attempting to readjust their position, welcoming the new placement of their bodies. Whether it was the blissful state of sleep paralysis or both had succumbed to the realization that it was inevitable this was going to happen, they leaned
towards each other and began to kiss.

  The embrace continued for quite some time. They restricted their caressing to the face, hair and shoulders. No words were spoken. Each of them was accepting the engagement, each becoming more and more aroused.

  Renée broke from his grasp. She moved her hands down to his pants then unzipped them. She lowered her head easing him into her mouth. He did not resist. David laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. Gently using a combination of her mouth, tongue and teeth she pleasured him. It soon became apparent to David that Renée was well versed in the art of oral stimulation.

  A half hour passed since they awoke and still no words were exchanged. The sexual gratification was all both deemed necessary at the moment. Until Renée paused from her stimulus and looked up at him. Her dark hair partly covered her face. Her lips wet. She simpered coyly at him. He had never seen her look so sultry. David found himself fixating on her face, which was reaffirming his thought that in the last few minutes they had progressed past the point of no return.

  “David, you have a nice cock,” was all she said.

  David didn’t know how to reply. He was loss for words. Over the years he had been complimented on his lovemaking. For most part he figured his partners were caught up in the act and it was the right thing to say. But no one had said this to him. All he could come up with was, “thank you.”

  Short of complimenting her on her private parts, which he hadn’t had the pleasure of experiencing yet, that was all he had. Just thank you.

  Renée lowered her head once again and continued to please him.

  After a couple of more minutes David put his hands gently onto her head to ease her off. He needed her to stop or the evening would quickly be coming to an end or at least a pause. She raised her head. He bent his. They kissed.

  “We should take this to the bedroom,” he softly suggested.

  She nodded in agreement as he lifted all of her hundred pounds into the air and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her down. David stripped off his clothes until he was naked. Renée did the same leaving her bra and panties on. Now they were together lying on the bed. Their hands were exploring every inch of each other’s bodies.

  Renée maneuvered herself on top of David who was on his back. Once she had him locked inside her, she began to ride. She started with slow, precise back and forth thrusting movements. It wasn’t long before she increased the tempo.

  David was awestruck by the aggression of her lovemaking. He wasn’t expecting her to be so ferocious. Still in her twenties and accustomed to their typical interactions, he would have thought of her being more on the reserved side. At the moment she was riding him as if aboard a thoroughbred challenging for the lead in the Kentucky Derby. The lovemaking did not last too long mostly due to its intensity and the anticipation both had built up over the past couple of years. When they completely satisfied each other they lay on the bed totally spent.

  “We really crossed some line tonight, didn’t we?” David was the first to talk.

  “That we did,” she answered, then leaned in to kiss him.

  “David, that was special. I will never regret what happened here,” she began. “You have my word that once we leave this room I will never discuss or make reference to it again. I promise.”

  “I think that would be in our best interest,” agreeing.

  “I’m not a delusional person. I understand this could cause both of us a great deal of anguish if we were found out. I have no intentions of dividing you and Sandy. I’m an adult. If this is a one time encounter, I’m okay with it. I’ll remember tonight for the rest of my life. If it is meant to happen again, then so be it. But, if it would be easier for us, I’m willing to hand in my resignation once we get home.”

  “Enough,” David interrupted her. “Nobody’s resigning,” assuring her that her employment would not be affected. “We both made a conscious decision here. It was great. I think we both knew it was bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “Now come here, our plane doesn’t leave for a few hours,” he pulled her nearer.

  “David, don’t you think we’ve done enough damage already,” she said wondering if they should just clean up, leave, and put it behind them.

  “We said we will not discuss this again once we leave the room. We’re still in the room, at least for another hour or so. We should make the most of it.”

  Chapter 11

  Sandy’s secured telephone began to buzz. She abruptly awakened from her nap, made her way to the cockpit and answered by the third ring.

  “Sandy, this information is for your ears only,” the Director began.

  There was no hello or any other formalities. He was a busy person. He expected his subordinates to be as diligent. No idle chat.

  “Yes sir,” she answered.

  “Emily Wilson was,” he hesitated, “or is, one of ours.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Christopher Young hadn’t achieved his position being haphazard with his divulging sensitive information to anyone, unless he felt it was secure and he or his organization would benefit from it. He knew what he was about to discuss with Sandy would never be mentioned to a soul. After all, he had personally recruited her. Since that time, there were only six people who knew of her placement with the CIA. There was himself, the President of the United States and Chief of Staff. Then there was the last sitting President and his right hand man. Finally there was her father.

  Jacob accepted her enlistment, but was never comfortable with it. As promised he supported her decision, not necessarily in agreement with it. She was playing with the big boys, a dangerous undertaking. Although proud, her safety was first and foremost on his mind.

  “I have spoken to the President. He is of two opinions. First, leave it status quo. The agent has been missing for over a year now, presumed dead. Any active recovery has been suspended for quite some time. For godsakes, they had a funeral for her. Second, we initiate an extraction. Before the final decision is made he would like your opinion on how accurate the intel is. We need to be absolutely positive. Is there any possibility you have been set up,” he explained and asked.

  “There’s no way. I was in and out. No one could have predicted my movements,” she said trying to reassure him. “Besides, unless you are aware of someone on this side of the world knowing who I actually am, I’m convinced there is nothing else in play here.”

  “We have to be unfaltering with the data we are supplying to the President. He can’t involve his security team because no one knows of your identity and they will surely want the face providing the intelligence. His loses are zero if he doesn’t take any action. She’s already presumed dead. Hasn’t been on anyone’s radar for six months” he explained. Then went on, “Some things are best left alone Sandy.”

  “You can’t mean that. She risked her life for our country. We need to do whatever it takes to go in and get her,” Sandy answered.

  “You’re going to get all patriotic on me? Might I remind you that I spend twenty-four hours a day and sometimes I wish the days were longer, trying to protect this country? I lost my wife and children for this career. This is my life. I wouldn’t have let that happen if it weren’t for my great love of our country,” he lectured her. “So keep your emotions in check.”

  “Don’t you chastise me,” she came back at him. “My commitment to you has always been unwavering. We have all suffered personal loss due to our chosen vocation. At least you have children.”

  “Sandy, please let me finish without interruption,” he proceeded. “The President cannot be part of this. If I convince him to authorize a covert retrieval, we have to be one hundred percent positive this is the location she is being held before he gives us his blessing. We will be on our own. Should anything go wrong he will deny any knowledge of the incident. The operation is solely CIA.”

  The Director paused for a short time. Sandy didn’t say a word. She would give him time to collect his thoughts.

bsp; “Ok. Here’s what we are going to do. I will order drone and satellite monitoring of the area. We will infra the building. If I am satisfied, I will encourage the President to secretly authorize an elite Special Forces extraction team. We will notify their government that our air activity is part of a training maneuver off one of our aircraft carriers on the Mediterranean,” he was more thinking out loud rather than speaking to her.

  “It won’t work.”

  “Sandy, might I remind you again that I am the Director of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world. When I do something, it works,” he fired back.

  “I know who you are. How could I forget? But that doesn’t change the fact that your plan won’t be successful.”

  “Explain yourself,” not wasting words but he did want to visit her side of the story.

  “You will succeed in recovering Emily. I have no doubt about that element of the retrieval. What concerns me and it should concern you is the noise we make going in. That will be on the President. Our boys will be heard. There’s no way around it,” she began to voice her opinion. Her boss listened. “Neighbors will be curious. Once their government gets wind of it, they will be looking for explanations. Excuse me sir, if I might, they will be pissed. The White House will spend the next month denying any involvement. Eventually it will fade away into obscurity. But a great deal of unnecessary time will be allotted to it.”

  “We can’t call them up and say by the way your country is harboring one of our agents, who you know as a journalist. Would you mind dropping by and picking her up for us,” was his response. “We have two options here. Leave her or send in a team.”

  “There is an alternative. One that is much cleaner.”

  “I’m listening,” he said.


  “You what?”

  “Inform their embassy we will have aircraft flying in the area as part of an exercise. Drop me in. I go in and grab her. No one sees me. No gun fire. We rendezvous with a helicopter which your team is on board as backup. She’s free and nobody is the wiser. Your PR guys put out a press release how after a year in captivity our journalist single-handily escapes her captives. After all she had a year to plan for it.”


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