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Love Lonely

Page 14

by William C. Cole

  “Sandy, you gather intelligence. You’re not a field OP. Hell, technically you’re not even an agent. That’s not what I signed you up for,” he informed her.

  “I must have missed that part when I read my job description.”

  “Sandy, you can’t be serious. Let’s for one minute say I was to entertain this ludicrous idea of yours, if found out, how in the world would I explain the existence of the two of you. The daughter of a wealthy American happens to parachute into a foreign country to save a reporter who has been missing for over a year,” he said making his point knowing she was serious about the proposal. “Oh and by the way they both just happen to belong to the CIA.”

  “I won’t be made. I’m in and out. You send in a team, I guarantee weapons will be discharged. There is a high probability someone will take notice. The end of the world for you, no, you can spin it, but do you have time to be justifying why we are meddling in an ally’s backyard.”

  “Our Special Forces spend every waking moment preparing for missions such as this,” he explained to her. “They are the best of the best in covert OPs. We issue orders to refrain from utilizing weapons unless there is no alternative to protect themselves or the subject.”

  “I am well versed in their lethal proficiencies sir. As you might recall I’m the one who trained their trainers.”

  “How can I forget? I knew I would someday regret authorizing your security clearance for that year.”

  “Listen,” she interjected, “we know we can’t afford to ruffle any feathers with this regime. I’m in and out within an hour. The team stations themselves on the helicopter. At the first sign of the situation going astray I initiate them into action.”

  “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you Sandy?”

  “I’m already in the area. In good conscience you have to agree there are only a handful of people as skilled as I am in hand to hand combat. I will execute a controlled penetration of their refuge without so much as disturbing the flies on the wall,” she said convincingly.

  As absurd as it looked on the surface, the more he listened to her rationalization, the more it made sense. He wasn’t at the point of acknowledging this train of thought to her just yet. A decision of this magnitude required a few minutes of thought.

  “Sandy, stay where you are, I will contact you in fifteen minutes,” he ordered.

  “Yes sir. You do remember I have a wedding to attend in a couple of hours.”

  “Fifteen minutes,” he barked.

  “Yes sir.”

  She was about to disconnect from the conversation when she heard her boss say.


  “Yes sir.”

  “The Director of the FBI contacted me this morning asking for our assistance with the investigation of the fire at your father’s stables. There is reason to believe the material used may have originated in Europe. It’s an odd request as I would have thought the local authorities could have brought the matter to a resolution. I would assume it may be your father applying pressure. Are you okay with it if I enlist a couple of our people to make some low key inquiries? I may need her on my side one day.”

  “If purposely set, I believe it is a domestic attack. I’m not the target. As much as I hate to think about it, it may have been a competitor. It’s clear to me it was meant as a distraction rather than someone trying to inflict damage. Something went wrong. My theory, very amateurish,” she said summing up her take on the fire. “I don’t have a problem with our looking into it. I was planning to make a few discreet inquiries myself after the wedding.”

  “I agree with you, but it would be best if you kept your hands clean on this one. You don’t want to attract any undue attention to yourself. Fifteen minutes.” He hung up.

  This time she stayed in the pilot’s seat. With one hand holding the aircraft’s yoke, the other on the control lever she began to mimic a pilot’s movement. Horsing around like a kid.

  Attempting a man’s deep voice she said “Ladies and Gentlemen please fasten your seat belts. We have been cleared for takeoff. We are expecting a smooth flight today and will be on our way very shortly, as soon as I figure out what all these buttons are for.”

  She began to laugh. Overtired she spoke out loud, “I really need some sleep.”

  Ten minutes after she had ended the conversation with her boss, the phone indicated there was an incoming call. It wasn’t the Director’s number. She regrouped, snapping out of her childlike antics and answered it.


  “Please hold for the President of the United States,” said the voice on the other end.

  She said nothing.

  “Sandy, how are you,” it was the President’s voice.

  “I’m fine, Mr. President,” she replied, then went on. “You’ve caught me a bit off guard. I was expecting a call for someone else.”

  “Oh yes, I presume that would be Christopher,” he told her. “I just happened to end a conversation with him and he was kind enough to allow me to speak with you before he made further contact.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. President.”

  “Sandy, there’s no need for you to address me by my official title, please call me Andrew.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. President.”

  “I’m not going to win here, am I,” the President conceded to Sandy’s insistence with the formality. They had been through this a number of times and would most likely visit it again at some point.

  “No sir.”

  “I’m expected in a meeting so I will make this brief. Christopher outlined your proposition for recovery. I’m hesitant to authorize your involvement,” he informed her.

  She was aware the Director and the President would visit every the scenario available to them. Both would be extremely reluctant to allow her to perform a solo extraction. It didn’t change her mind set. It was the best option in this particular case and she would not easily let the idea be shut down.

  “Sir, may I explain.”

  “The Director has briefed me Sandy.”

  “Sir, should you opt for a Special Forces recovery, we chance being found out. This will undoubtedly cause our country embarrassment. You will be questioned as to why we did not inform them and allow their forces to retrieve Emily for us. I believe that would be the proper protocol for the recapture of a journalist.”

  She paused for a second to catch her breath hoping the President would not end the conversation just yet. He was silent. Having an understanding for Sandy’s devotion to her country he would extend the courtesy of allowing her to complete her plea. She did just that.

  “Sir, I’m in and out. No one sees me. If I determine I can safely bring out our subject I will. If anything turns sour I retreat. You can then give the go ahead to the Special Force team,” she was trying to sell this.

  “Sandy, I must cut you off now. I am late for a very important meeting. My assistant just peeked into the Oval giving me the evil eye,” he interrupted her.

  “But sir,” she felt the need to continue her plead.

  “Sandy, I must go.”

  “Sir,” she said knowing she had lost this battle.


  “Thank you for hearing me out, sir,” saying her goodbyes. “Please give my best to the First Lady.”

  “I will,” he said then paused for a few seconds.

  “By the way,” he began. “When speaking with the Director I authorized your mission. I wanted to be certain that it was your idea, not his. There will be safeguards in place. I agree with your logic. I just wish it was someone other than you executing the operation. Take care, Sandy. We will chat at the conclusion of this.”

  “Thank you, Andrew.”

  The President chuckled.

  “That’s all I’ve had to do all these years is just let you have your way,” referring to being addressed by his first name.

  “Goodnight, Sandy,” he ended the call.

  She dropped back into the pilot’s chair confident that both men
had been on board with her from the onset. The phone rang again.

  “That was an uncharacteristically long conversation,” the Director said without saying hello.

  “It was a refreshing chat. I haven’t spoken with the President in far too long.”

  “I need two to three days to orchestrate this mission,” staying in form he got right to the business at hand. “You will need to remain on that side of the world until it is complete.”

  “I will be ready the minute you give the go ahead.”

  “Sandy, understand we do believe in your plan. But we would prefer to substitute another agent in your place. Knowing that will not transpire, you must understand there are going to be parameters in place that we expect you to operate within. If you alter them at all, the assignment will be aborted,” he said warning her that she would be on a short string.

  “Yes sir.”

  “I will be in contact once the logistics have been dealt with.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Sandy,” he continued.

  “Yes sir.”

  “Get some rest,” then he ended the call.

  Sandy smiled as she exited the aircraft. She informed the security detail that she was now ready to return to the Palace. Elated these two powerful men agreed to the plan, the stimulus of what was to come began to set in. During her tenure with the Agency, the majority of her efforts were restricted to gathering intelligence. There were a few secretive field missions that she participated in. All were successful and saw her encounter some form of physical altercations. It was during those times that she was at her best. It was the ultimate high. The sensation was exactly what frightened her. Could she give it up?

  Once back at the Palace, she tucked herself into the luscious bed. Now relaxed, it was time to return her husband’s calls. She dialed his number.

  It rang about five times before David answered. He and Renée had just boarded the plane for the return trip home. Once settled into his seat he answered.


  “What no 'hi babe' or 'honey',” trying to lighten up the mood she suspected he would be in since the call was long overdue.

  “Sandy, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you since yesterday.”

  “I apologize David. I’ve been so busy here. Everything seems to be happening at warp speed. Each time I went to call I would be interrupted,” explaining her delay on getting back to him.

  “That’s okay. We’ve been keeping a good pace going here also. If you haven’t heard, we won.”

  “Congratulations. You’ve worked hard for it.”

  “Actually I can’t take credit here. Renée stepped up to the plate and was awarded with her first stakes win.”

  He was proud of Renée’s handling of the horse and wasn’t afraid to acknowledge it publicly.

  “Extend my congratulations to her.”

  “You can tell her yourself. She’s sitting right beside me. We just boarded our flight home,” he said while handing the phone to Renée.

  Renée tried to wave him off, not wanting to talk to the wife of the man she had inside her a couple of hours before. Although she felt quite capable of acting like nothing happened between them, she feared Sandy might suspect something. David insisted, so she placed the cell phone to her ear.

  “Sandy,” she said trying to keep the tone of her voice as normal as possible. Then she added, “Hi.”

  “Congratulations, Renée. We always knew you had what it takes. I’ve been a supporter of yours from the beginning. You must be very proud,” complimenting her.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. How has your trip been? It must be exciting attending the wedding of a Prince and Princess.”

  “It will be breathtaking Renée,” she replied. “Again congratulations on your win. Could you pass me back to my husband? Take care.”

  It sounded like Sandy was being standoffish towards her. But then again, speaking to the wife of a man that you were just in bed with would make any woman border on paranoia. She passed the phone back to David.

  “Hi,” is all he said.

  “I didn’t realize you two were also traveling home together.”

  “Well in all fairness I haven’t been able to fill you in on much. You’ve been too busy to take my calls,” he had an agitated manner to his voice when replying.

  “David I’m not upset. It just caught me a little off guard.”

  “Ok. We can talk more about this when you come home. When might that be anyhow?” Realizing he had no idea when to expect the return of his wife.

  “I’m not sure, David. A couple of things have come up that might extend my stay. I won’t be certain until tomorrow. I promise I will call you as soon as I know. I promise.”

  “Ok. I need to go we’re about to take off.”

  “I love you, David. I really do,” she found herself emphasizing her love for him.

  “You too,” he answered not saying he loved her rather just alluding to it.

  He regretted not saying it out loud. There’s no way that Sandy wouldn’t pick up on it. She did. Both knew it was because Renée was sitting next to him. Renée also took note of the exchange.

  David hung up, turned to Renée, smiled and said, “well you played that cool. Your voice only went up about two octaves.”

  With a smirk on her face, she shrugged her shoulders and lightly jabbed her elbow into his ribs.

  All kidding aside, Sandy was envious of the time Renée spent with her husband. It was work. She understood that. However, Renée was a beautiful woman. She had a European look to her. Dark hair, dark complexion, brown eyes combined with her French accent although becoming less noticeable over time, a captivating young lady. Sandy was well aware that she was in no position to object to this working relationship. Besides she was the one spending less and less time at home. Hopefully someday soon that would change. But not right now. She fell asleep, a well deserved rest.

  David and Renée’s flight was uneventful. Both were tired from the past night’s activities. They chatted a little but mostly found themselves catnapping. They landed safely, which was always a good thing. He drove her home. No kiss goodbye. Their working relationship was quickly restored. Goodbyes were exchanged with plans to meet tomorrow at the track. Then David made his way back to the ranch. Renée knew chances they would share the same bed again were slim. She was a last minute replacement for Serge. He would most certainly be resuming his position for any upcoming weekend overnighters.


  Sandy slept for what few hours she could sneak in before having to prepare for the wedding. True to form she was one of the last to arrive at the Palace's Court where the ceremony was to take place. It was a spectacular event. Flowers, gold, gorgeous dresses wherever the eyes could see. All the bells and whistles one might expect for a Royal wedding of a Prince to his Princess. No expense was spared for the reception dinner. In the original seating plan the King had placed Sandy at the head table. Uncomfortable with the seating arrangement, she had the King alter it. Not an easy task as he didn’t take kindly to being second guessed. In the end Sandy won. She was seated with a number of well-to-do American business people.

  The wedding went off without a hitch. The memories of the lavish event would remain in the guest’s mind for quite some time. Sandy would stay on for a day or so at the King’s request. Then a decision needed to be made as where she would locate until word was received from Langley.

  Chapter 12

  Serge arrived at Heathrow airport Monday evening via the private jet Jacob arranged for him. The plan was to spend a day or two in London to get his bearings. He had yet to inform his relatives of the state of his health. An officer met the aircraft and quickly cleared him through customs. To his surprise, there was a gentleman standing beside an automobile on the tarmac near the aircraft. The man had a cultivated demeanor, well dressed, balding with a grayish goatee.

  “Good day Mr. Thompson,” he welcomed him as he opened the vehicle’s door. Then he continued
, “Mr. McGinnis asked if I would be available to meet you and make sure you arrive at your destination safely.”

  “Thank you,” Serge said as he offered his hand.

  “Oliver White,” the man shook his hand. “Please to meet you.”

  “Well Mr. Thompson, where can I take you?” He asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Serge answered. “My thought was that I would spend a day or two here in London. To be honest I wasn’t convinced of my plans until we were landing. I guess I will call around to see what accommodations might be available.”

  “If you don’t mind me meddling, I could make a call and reserve a room at a lovely Inn that I am familiar with,” Oliver offered.

  “That is very kind of you, thank you.”

  At that Mr. White dialed the number. Arrangements were confirmed for a suite, a quaint, but luxurious little Inn close to London’s main amenities. He had recommended these lodgings to a number of people. All had been pleased with his choice.

  They began to drive. Nothing much was being said. Serge wasn’t upset with Jacob’s intrusiveness. As independent as he was, there was something soothing about knowing you had a guardian angel looking out for you.

  “Mr. White, how long have you known Jacob,” Serge asked breaking the silence.

  “Quite some time now,” he answered. “I met Mr. McGinnis and his wife Hanna a few years before her passing.”

  “Oh, so you knew Hanna?”

  “Yes I did. She was an extraordinarily brave woman,” he replied.

  “That she was. I really don’t believe Jacob has ever fully recovered from his loss.”

  “One never recovers. Life goes on, yes. But we must reserve inner space, for those memories are never lost. We owe it to our love ones who have moved on,” Mr. White told him.

  Serge nodded but didn’t respond to what he had heard. Speaking about death, his mind became preoccupied by his own situation. There was one other thing on his mind. He was trying to recall why he had a faint recollection of the name belonging to the man steering the car. He was positive the name was familiar but knew he hadn’t met him before. Serge would have remembered his face. No, it was the name. Best way to find out is to pose the question, he thought.


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