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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

Page 42

by Ruth Anne Scott

  I laid there, watching him with a hatred that I had never felt before. I bucked my body, throwing him to the side, and even as he tried to keep hold of me I moved faster. He wasn’t totally in shape, his smoking didn’t help. It didn’t take long for his breathing to become a bit ragged.

  “Don’t mess with me. I won’t take shit from you. Hannah doesn’t want you, and she will never be yours. Get that through your thick pussy head.”

  Joey growled. “I’m no fuckin’ pussy. And you’re gonna regret touching me.” He wiped his lip where I’d cut him when I shoved him off of me. “Tell buttercup I warned her, and now he’s coming for her—and you.”

  Then he spit in my direction and strolled away. People around gawked at me. All of them too shocked to move. I glared back at them. “What?”

  They instantly stopped staring and moved on like nothing had happened. Humans were fucking weird. They got off on violence. It was no wonder their prisons were over full capacity. Hurting each other seemed to be their thing. Noxium fought and beat the shit out of each other, but they didn’t kill. We didn’t think that was the way to go. Apparently humans had no qualms about murdering in public. It was getting dark, but the sun hadn’t even fully set yet. He took a big risk.

  I picked up the food pissed I’d have to explain to her why I had a black eye. I felt it swelling shut already. There would be no way to avoid the conversation and I knew she was going to be pissed as hell. There was no way of avoiding it though. I knew he was going to hit me, at least once. He had a mission, and it was to keep me away and threaten her. It was when he called her those filthy names that I snapped. I would have been fine had he kept his damn trap shut about her.

  I sped to her dorm. Trouble was on its way, and she needed to be prepared. Joey wasn’t kidding. The head honcho would be here soon.

  Chapter 7


  Instantly I knew something was wrong. When my door opened it was slow like he was avoiding making his entrance. It had been 45 minutes since I got out of the shower. There was no way it would have taken that long to get food. I sat at my table nibbling my lip and fidgeting nervously. Had he left? Did something happen? All of my paranoia washed through my mind driving me crazy.

  Then, I saw him and gasped. His eyes and lips were swollen. I jumped up from my chair and went to him. “What the hell happened to you?”

  My voice must have raised an octave or two because he cringed. “Nothing to worry about, Princess.”

  “I call bullshit. You went to go get food an hour ago, and you come back beaten up?”

  “Hey, it’s not that bad.”

  “Right and I’m not hysterical.”

  He laughed and I glared. It wasn’t the time to laugh at me. I ran my finger over his lip and wiped his blood away and held my finger up. “Not bad, I suppose. It’s the eye that’s not so great. Who did you fight with?”

  He mumbled something I didn’t get and his good eye avoided mine. The hairs on my neck stood. “Wyser?” Hands on my hips, I waited to hear the inevitable.

  He sighed and walked past me and put the bag on the table. Then he proceeded to take my hands in his. It was then I saw the blood on his knuckles. “It seems like you got your own hits in.”

  He nodded and led me to the table. I was now starting to panic. He wasn’t talking, and he was acting weird. “I ran into a friend of yours.” The way he said friend was as if it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  I paled because I knew. “Who?” It came out as a whisper and my lip trembled. Already he’d gotten to him.

  “You’re good friend Joey. Things were fine until he disrespected you. I would have left him alone.”

  “You hit him before he touched you?” What the fuck was he trying to do; get himself killed?

  “Of course not, but I wasn’t going to allow him to talk about you that way. I didn’t like his little pet name for you either. You’re Princess, period, and you’re fucking mine dammit.”

  I ignored his possessiveness for the time being because he was clearly pissed. “Buttercup, yeah not too fond of it either. He’s called me that since I was a kid. Kinda creepy if you ask me.”

  He glared or at least it looked like it. “He’s a fucking pussy. He is a lot faster than I expected though, but he warned me to stay away from you—”

  “Of course he did.”

  “Then he said your dad is coming next if you don’t listen.”

  I knew he was leaving stuff out, but I figured if it was important he’d tell me. “Shit, he wasn’t bluffing either.”

  “I don’t care about him, though I won’t lie. I am concerned with your dad showing up here.”

  I huffed and blew my hair out of my face. “You and me both.” If that wasn’t an understatement I didn’t know what was.

  It looked like things were going to blow the fuck up—and soon.

  I couldn’t think about it—not yet. “I need to do my paper for class tomorrow.” I told Wyser. I felt numb.

  He seemed to sense my detachment and frowned. “Hey Princess, everything will be okay. We should just go to Ma’s now. It’s safe there. No human really venture over there, and I doubt your little friend would go there, not without your father’s order at least.”

  “I can’t go home with you now. Not when he’s here. He’d probably follow, and I refuse to bring my family to yours.”

  “You’re coming home with me dammit. I can protect you. It’s my fucking job. He has no idea who he’s fucking with. My family can take care of themselves. It’s you I’m worried about.”

  I shook my head and cried. “Don’t you get it? They are never going to let me be happy. For the rest of my life you and I will fight against the group, my dad, my brother, Joey; all of them.”

  He pulled me into his arms and held me even when I fought. I let out my rage and anger. I hated everything about my life. I didn’t want to bring hell to their door. If anything happened to him or anyone he cared about it would be my fault. He would resent me one day. It would never end, and I refused to watch him suffer because of me.



  My life has changed dramatically over the course of a few weeks. It’s ironic really, I left home to gain more control of my life, and now life was far more chaotic than ever. I had absolutely no control. I couldn’t hide behind my mask any longer. I just wanted a peaceful existence, far away from my father’s hatred. My relationship with Wyser, a Noxi, granted me the polar opposite of my desire… I know, I should be grateful, most people live a lifetime never finding true love. I had found it, but a large part of me would have rather lived in the ignorance of it all. It seemed more bearable that way. The harder I pushed Wyser away, the harder he pushed to be by my side. I could not control Wyser’s actions, but I could still control my own. Wyser wasn’t going to lose his life or his family because of me. I had to run away from everyone, but before I do, I wanted a little more time with Wyser.


  (Chapter One)

  I knew Hannah’s dad could be here at any moment. I was trying, with a bit of difficulty, to put on a happy face for Hannah. The truth was, Eli Nichols, his name alone made me cringe. The thought of having to face him made me feel afraid. Not for myself but for Hannah, I was afraid of being unable to protect her from his wrath. I was afraid of once again failing. For now though I needed to take care of Hannah, I could tell she was still in pain, not just physically but emotionally as well. I needed to make Hannah happy. I needed to get Hannah to stop worrying about the issues at hand.

  “Princess, we need to get you packed up for the weekend.”

  I told her nonchalantly, in hopes that I would be met with no opposition. To my surprise after a momentarily pause she responded.

  “Ok, sure.”

  I was completely caught off guard by her response that I almost missed the settle change in her demeanor. It wasn’t anger or fear, it was something else. I could see her mind racing bac
k and forth, she was distracted in thought. She was planning something, and she wanted to keep me out of the loop.

  I grabbed Hannah and gently laid her on the bed. I leaned in so I could closely examine her face. I needed to know what thoughts she was keeping from me.

  “Princess, what exactly are you thinking about doing?”

  She looked back at me with a forced smile, and responded.

  “I’m just thinking about what would happen if your ma didn’t like me, that’s all. I’m a bit nervous about meeting your family.”

  I smiled at her response.

  I could tell she was lying, but I couldn’t force the truth out of her. I just had to keep a close eye, and stay by her. She was my Princess, my mate, my future. I was going to protect her with my life. No asshole was ever going to harm her again

  “You are absolutely perfect, you’re breath-taking. My whole family will adore you.”

  I wrapped my palm around her face, and gently stroked her bruised cheek.

  “You are my mate, and I will protect you with my life.’’

  “That is exactly what I’m afraid of, if anything happened to you or to your family I could never forgive myself.” She responded, almost in tears.

  “It’s going to be alright Princess, nobody will harm me or my family. Like I said before, no human ventures near where I live, even if I were to tell you where it is. You would never find it, my home is hidden and shielded from outsiders. Now please, stop worrying.” She seemed more reassured. I could tell she was listening to my words, but she seemed to be occupied with her own thoughts.

  She leaned in close, and eased her expression into a smile.

  “I love you Princess. I am forever yours, and I am so excited to introduce you to my entire family. I never imagined that I would find a mate as captivating as you. You’re beyond perfect Princess.”

  She brushed her lips softly against mine, and I kissed her passionately. I pulled her into my embrace, holding her firmly next to me. She was captivating, nothing could hide that fact. Not even the nasty bruises left by that asshole. I almost wished I landed that jerk Joey in the hospital. I could kill him for what he did to my Hannah… I was starting to think irrationally now, blinded by red rage, thanks to him.

  “Wyser, please don’t do anything you’ll end up regretting.” She said, as if she had read my mind. “Just let it go, I can take care of myself. Joey is an asshole, but an idiotic one. I can handle him.”

  “Correction, WE will handle him.” I retorted.

  I know I need to keep my cool, at least for Hanna’s sake. If only we could just be together away from the hate, the bigotry. If only it were as simple as that.

  I pulled her down next to me, entwining my legs, and wrapping my arms around hers. I gently brought her face close to mine. She smiled at me contently, then I wet my lip and kissed her madly. I wanted her to know just exactly the degree of love I had for her. I was madly in love with this woman, and she was in love with me.

  No one was going to keep us apart. Not her dad, not Joey, not anyone.

  I gently put my hand around her face.

  Slowly I began to caress her neck with my tongue. Hannah started stripping off her clothes, piece by piece. She mesmerized me with every move. I was completely enthralled by her. She was intoxicating, and I was forever hooked.

  I slowly progressed down her body. Giving her a gentle bite on her shoulders. Slowly I flicked my tongue around her harden nipples. I grabbed at her breasts, and engulfed my lips around them. Licking them vigorously. I slid my finger inside her and she let out a loud moan in pure pleasure.

  I felt her body gush. Her eyes beckoned at me.

  I moved lower down her body, determine to make her cum. I spread her legs open. Burying my face in her wet lips. I pushed my tongue fervently inside of her, while fingering with increasing speed. Her breathing was heavier, and her moans more frequent.

  Damn, she was getting so freaking wet, I had to fight the urge to keep myself from putting my hard cock inside her. I was intent on making her climax.

  “Mhmmm… Faster Wyser…I feel it!”

  She bit her lips, concentrating on her climax. I continue to thrust my tongue inside of her, while fingering her vigorously.

  “Ahhh…WYSER…I’m cumming!” She screamed.

  Damn, she was gushing.

  She nudged me, motioned me to stop. She licked her lips, and brought her head to my groin. She pushed me down, so that I was laying on my back. Slowly Hannah eased my hard cock inside her mouth. Teasing me with a coy smile. Then she began to run my cock against her clit, slowly easing me inside of her. A rush of ecstasy overwhelmed me. I grabbed her and pulled her face close to mine. I kissed her fiercely.

  Hannah was my world, she was forever bonded to me.

  She rocked her body back and forth, increasing the intensity. It took everything within me to keep me from cumming at that moment. I turned her over. I wanted to make her climax once more. I kissed her neck passionately, and brought my fingers to her clit. I could feel her every desire, I understood her body. I knew what she wanted. I rubbed her clit back and forth. Pushing my cock within her. Her body tensed, and I sped up. Fucking her harder, and faster. It was getting harder to keep myself from exploding. Then her muscles contracted and I heard a loud moan. She was climaxing. I could feel her wet pussy gushing. I slowed down, while continuing to rub her clit.

  “Fuck me harder Wyser.” Hannah moaned out.

  I pushed my hard cock deep within her. All I could think about was how fucking sexy Hannah was. I couldn’t believe she was mine. I grabbed her breast and engulfed my mouth around them. Then I grabbed her waist pulling her towards me. I rocked her body back and forth, I was ready to climax. I was fucking her harder with more intensity. God, she was moaning loudly. I let out a groan, and climaxed. I laid next to her with feeling of absolute bliss.

  Kissing her softly I muttered “Hannah, I love you.”

  “I love you too Wyser.”


  (Chapter Two)

  When I first met Wyser I was completely infatuated by him, although back then I would have never in a million years admit that. Our relationship progressed so rapidly. Now, the thought of being without him scared me, but the thought of him being hurt or worse dead was by far much more terrifying. I wanted to make the next few days as incredible as possible for him. I wanted him to know that I was completely and madly in love with him. I didn’t want to run away from him, but I had no choice. I had to do it for Wyser’s sake. It was going to be hard to keep this from him. He can read my emotions with such ease. Life without him was going to be more bearable than living in a world without him.

  The problems left my mind as Wyser began to kiss me passionately. Wyser had a way of calming me. He was incredible that way, and the sexual chemistry we had was beyond magical. I stripped down for him. I wanted him badly. He made me feel orgasmic. In that moment I wanted nothing more than for him to put his hard cock inside me. When he finally did, I was immediately filled with a rush of pure ecstasy. In that moment we became one. This was nothing like the first time, having his cock inside me felt sensational. I could feel his every desire, and every wish. He wanted to please me, and he was doing a damn good job. My body was tingling, I felt light. While he was inside me his every touch felt almost magical. I couldn’t help but climax through it all. My body responded to his cock by encompassing it with my wet cum. I was moaning loudly. He grabbed my waist abruptly and pushed his cocked deep within me.

  “Ohhh… Fuck Wyser!” I screamed loudly

  “Mhmmm…” he groaned.

  He was fucking me much harder, I knew he was about to climax. I couldn’t help but feel slightly selfish. I didn’t want it to end. I was floating in pure ecstasy. My body kept gushing. I was no longer in control of it. Wyser held the reins, and I was more than happy to let him have it.

  Wyser moaned loudly through his climax.

  “I love you too
Wyser.” The words escaped me before I could begin to process it.

  Growing up in an environment fueled by hate, I didn’t know I was capable of feeling so much love for a being, especially so soon. Wyser definitely knocked my walls down. He was now my mate, I was his.

  Reality escaped my mind. I let myself imagine our future. Getting married, having children, traveling, and growing old together. I wanted it all… badly. With those thoughts in mind, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

  “Daddy, please, I love him.” I was pleading in tears.

  “Hannah, you are going to learn a valuable lesson. Never betray your own kind.”

  The sound of a shotgun went off

  “Wyser! NOOO!!” I yelled

  “Hannah, you’re dreaming, I’m laying right next to you. Everything is going to be alright. I’m okay. Your father can’t hurt me.” Wyser told me calmly.

  I woke up in tears, succumbed by distress, my emotions still raw. Everything felt so real, I had to take a moment to gather up my thoughts.

  “Princess, it’s alright, everything will work out. Please, stop worrying.” He implored.

  Consumed by my own thoughts, Wyser’s words escaped my ears. I was terror stricken. Wyser didn’t know my father like I did, he was definitely capable of murder. It wasn’t the fact that the dream felt real that left me frozen in my thoughts. I was shaken, because I knew that the dream was our future. That was the only reality for us if Wyser and I were to remain together. Tragedy had turned my father into a monster, and that monster was capable of murder. My visualizations of our future from last night was short lived. I was taken back into reality, awaken by my own dream.

  I could tell Wyser’s concern was growing by my silence. He was quietly staring, as if he was attempting to read my thoughts.


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