Agnith's Promise: The Vildecaz Talents, Book 3
Page 25
Howei, Krunn [Hoh-WAY, KROON] – city magician for Valdihovee
Hunters’ Moon – in the Eleventh or Twelfth month
Hunting Mists – late autumn regional festival in most northern Provinces of the Porzalk Empire, and semi-autonomous northern states
hupslan [HOOPS -lahn] – standard male garment, similar to a Roman dalmatica, or a heavy, long-sleeved, ankle-length choir-robe
Hyacinth Moon – in the Third or Fourth Month, after the Crocus Moon
Hyneimoj, the Ineffable [HIGH-nay-mohzh] – goddess of mammals, hunting, games of chance, land-based storms, and going to war; the first daughter of Agnith, and mother of Hevomaj, among others, and twin to Analahor, the Inspirational
Ihntof [IHN-tohf] – the palace-master in the Svalen-Tu myth
Imperial College of Porzalk – the major university for the Porzalk Empire
Increasing Verdure – spring in the southern part of the Porzalk Empire, one of the five yearly festivals
ioraj [YOH-rahzh] – a gryphon-like creature, a winged feline with the head of a Gaz- owl.
irytex-wool [ihr-EYE-tehks] – soft, warm wool from an angora-like goat
Iseon [Ih-SAY-ohn] – god of the Boarthine Peninsula
Ixfeon [Icks-FAY-ohn] – god of reliability stubbornness, resolution, and fixity
jaem-cotton [ZHEYEM] – particularly soft cotton from the Zarzalk region of the Porzal Empire
jalai [ZHAH-lie] – caftan-like dressing-robe
Jaloin-geese [Zhah-low-EEN] – geese native to Pomig, prized for their rich, dark meat
Jampersi-Ayo [Zhahm-PEHR-see EYE-oh] – fortified northern market-town on Theninzalk
Janailee [Zha-NEYE-ley) – a city in the Warinach Mountains
jeneie-fur [ZHEH-nee-eye] – all but water-proof fur from a semi-aquatic fox-like creature native to Pomig
Jenmarach, Danyir [Jen-MAHR-atch, Dahn-YEER] – Provost Magsto of the Library of Duz Kinzyrach
Jenri-cordial [ZHEN-ree] – a very potent, twice-distilled berry cordial
Jenshaz [ZHEHN-shaz] – pony gelding
Jeth, Machrin [JEHTH, MATCH-rihn] – Vildecaz Castle guard officer
Jinoarthcaz [Zhih-noh-AHRTH-cahz] – ancient, legendary city on the west side of Theninzalk, now partially submerged
joahbi-knife [zho-AH-bee] – a hunter’s knife
joalliberries [zhoh-ahl-LEE] – something like a cross between blueberries and black raspberries
Jornisailaj, Ilmarti [Zhohr-nih-SIGH-lahzh, Ihl-MAHR-tee] – famous Ymiljesin Aym
kaimon-ink [KAY-mohn] – ink impervious to magic
kazelej-goat {kah-ZEH-lehzh] – long-haired northern goat from Haverartbow and Theninzalk
kazelej-wool [kah-ZEH-lehzh] – wool from a northern goat noted for warmth
Khalandriee tea [Khah-lahn-DREE-yay] – tea from the Khalandriee Mountains on Ymiljesai
Khalandriee Mountains [Khah-lahn-DREE yay] – on Ymiljesai
Kingdom of Harro-ae [HAHR-row-eye] – a client nation of the Porzalk Empire
Kingdom of Waniat [Wahn-YAHT] – northeast of the Porzalk Empire, usually on good terms with Porzalk
Kirath [Kee-RAHTH] – Porzalk Empire’s annual spring meeting of Provincial representatives, scheduled shortly after the time of the Vernal Equinox, in the Second or Third Month
Kloveon of Fauthsku [Klo-VEY-on FOWTH-skoo] – Mirkal of Fauthsku
Knot of Vitiation – a magical metallic twine that reverses the magical properties of whatever it surrounds
Konemaz [KOH-ney-mahz] – messenger at The Blue Hound
Koriat, Lumiren [ KOH-reyaht, Loo-MIH-rehn] – wife of Hoftstan Ruch and Justice of Valdihovee
Kovat, Horeion [KOH-vaht, Hoh-RAY-ohn] – Porzalk Court magician
Kozareon Sea [Koh-ZAH-ray-on] – south-east of Theninzalk and fronting the Bazdalt Ocean
kuatiree [kwa-TEE-rey] – a spirit living in rivers and streams
Kuyumai [Koo-YOU-my] – seal-human species
Kylomotarch, the Forgettor [Keye-loh-MOHT-artch] – god of all things lost to the memory of people, dreams, fire, innundation, catastrophe, and extinction; one of the Six Founder Gods and patron of the Drowned World
Lachnath spring [LATCH-nahth] – a spring renowned for purity
Lagee [LAH-gee} – a village northeast of Jampersi-Ayo
lantern-fruit – like a cross between a pear and a persimmon; an autumnal
larnija [lahr-NEE-zhah] – night-shift
Last Day – the final day of the year, like First Day, not part of any month
League of Korzareon Cities – [Kohr-ZAH-ray-on] – a mercantile federation of nine port cities in the south and south-east of Theninzalk, facing the Korzareon Sea.
Lenchmai, the Informer [Lehntch-MY] – god of knowledge, messages, information, records, cartography, and academia; one of the Six Founder Gods and patron of Ymiljesai
Lenj [LEHNZH] – a Firnal in the south-central section of the Porzalk Empire
Library of Buin Joam [Boo-EEN ZHOH-ahm] – major learning center in Tsorech Province
Library of Duz Kinzyrach [KIHN-zeye-ratch] – private college and book repository in Vildecaz
Limurgan-velvet [Lee-MUHR-gahn] - costly fabric from Limurj on Ymeljesai
Limurj [Lee*MUHRZH] – a city on Ymiljesai
Linthrovee Sea [Lihn-THROH-vay] – a sea in the Drowned World, noted for tricky waters
Liriz-Zai [LEE-reez-Zeye] – most westward island in The Tail
Locks of the Farmentij [Fahr-MEN-tihzh]Rapids – locks allowing water travel around the dangerous Farmentij Rapids
Loom, The – constellation on the ecliptic
Lorjoran, the Provider [Lohr-ZHOH-rahn] – god of planting, harvest, hunting, fishing, spices, herbs, kitchens, and cooking, the second son of the hermaphroditic sun and moon gods/goddesses Tahmei and Takzei.
Lost Times – the three or four centuries following the Cataclysm
Lymotaj [LIE-moh-taj] Sea – one of the most southerly of the Drowned World seas
machei-fruit [MATCH-eye] – a delicious, pulpy fruit similar to a cross between a honeydew melon and a strawberry; about the size of an orange
Maeshar of Otsinmohr [MY-shahr of Oh-TSIHN-more] – Riast’s cousin and governor of Otsinmohr Province, immediately across the River Dej from Vildicaz
Maestrich Ocean [MY-stritch] – ocean between the Drowned World and Haverartbow
Magstee [Mahg-STAY] – title of high-ranking female wizards, magicians, and scholars
magstelee [mahg-STEH-lay] – female life-partner
magstelon [mahg-STEH-lohn] – male life-partner
Magsto [MAHG-sto] – title of high-ranking male wizards, magicians, and scholars
Magsto Atoreon [Ah-toh-RAY-on] – dean of instruction at a magical university
Magstogorin [Mahg-stoh-GOH-rin] – the most powerful magicians
Mai, Zenoch [MY, ZEHN-otch] – healing-magician for Vildecaz Castle and environs
maitsee [MY-tsay] – nature spirits, sprites
Malific Interference – legal definition of a serious, interfering spell, usually intending harm
Maoaz, Toujin-Rai [MOW-ahz, TOO-zhihn-Reye] – Fahnine Ambassador to the Porzalk Emperor’s Court
Martsingoz [Mahr-tsihn-GOHZ] – old capital city of the Porzalk Empire, now a minor market-town in Tsorech Province
Mautsarej Ocean [Maowt-SAHR-edge] – northern, arctic ocean touching Theninzalk, the northernmost islands of the Drowned World, and the outer islands called the Crown of Ayo
Meadow-Stage House – a barge stage hostel on the River Dej
Meal Rite – ritual invocation before meals with family
Meal Rite for Visitors – ritual invocation before meals when guests are present
Meanaj, Dinenniet [Mee-NAZH, Dih-nehn-EE-eht] &% present Magstee of the Agnitheon
Meilianoz [May-lee-AHN-ohz] – the architect of Tiumboj Castle, four hundred years ago
Merinex, Heijoz [MEHR-ee-nehks, HEY-
zhohz] – Vildecaz Castle household magician of the Dyskeleoc School
Mindicaz – a small, independent Mirkalin between Cazboarth and the Kingdom of Waniat
Mindicaz, Ver [MIHN-dee-cahz, VAIR] – Cook-Major of Vildecaz Castle
Minnaeto, Bangli [Mihn-NEYE-toh, BAHN-glee] – Aycar of the Palace of Zaroga-Jin
Mintrij [MIHN-trihzh] – god of rain; one of the children of Reonoj
Mirkal [MIHR-kahl] – title of Porzalk Empire nobles of the third degree (slightly outranking a Duz)
Mirinkal [MIHR-een-kal] – children of a Mirkal
Mirkalin [MIHR-kahl-in] – the estates of a Mirkal
Mirkalor [MIHR-kahl-ohr] – wife or husband of a Mirkal
Monianaj [Moh-nee-AHN-azh] – goddess of rivers and streams
moon-hounds – a Boarthine species of wild dog, similar to a coyote, but with a touch of jackal; valued for their fur.
Moricaz, Rakin [MOHR-ee-cahz, RAH-kihn] – Kloveon’s servant; a weather-witch
Mozh-cloth - a luminous, durable cloth from the Fanine city of Mozh
Mysinjrau [Meye-SIHNZH-raow] – hermaphroditic god/goddess of beauty, creative arts, esthetics, music, amity, self-indulgence, and excess
Nard-marten – a marten that lives in nard-needle trees
Nard-Marten, The – a disreputable travelers’ inn
nard-needle tree – a shaggy fir tree with odoriferous needles
Nach-boar – large game animal native to the Warinach Mountains
Neitrij [NAY-trihzh] – god of chance; one of the children of Reonoj
Nejoch [NEHZH-ohtch] – groom at Vildecaz Castle
niedaj [nee-EH-dahzh] – the astral body of the dead – not a ghost
Niegee [Nee-EH-gey] – the southern-most Province in the Porzalk Empire
Niegee-satin – from the southern Porzalk Province of Neigee
Night Priests of Ayon-Tur [AY-on-Tuhr] – a supposedly extinct Order from Ayo, dedicated to destruction and malice
Ninianee [Nee-nee-AH-nay] – Duzna of Vildecaz, elder daughter of Nimuar
Nimuar [NIM-wahr] of Vildecaz – Duz of Vildecaz, father of Ninianee and Erianthee
Nyolach, the Unexpected [Neye-OH-lahtch] – goddess of turns in fortune, good or ill, of privilege and rank, and of desperate circumstances; she is considered dangerously capricious; sister of Daj, and of Bandikrion, mother of Dandolmaj
Nyon, Alejantoz [NEYE-ohn, Ah-leh-ZHAN-tohz] – Porzalk Court magician
Nyth-root [NEYETH] – something like ginger
Nytral – Vlidecazin horse
Ojenthee [Oh-ZHEHN-they] – goddess of autumn
Old Fox, The – disreputable Boarthine inn
Omen-falcon – a species of bird noted for its attraction to magical events, births, and deaths
Omen-Falcon, The – a hostelry at Janailee
Ondirpich, the Influential [Ohn-DIHR-pitch] – god of new endeavors, instructing children, seeking goals, protector of port cities and sailing ships, sometime consort of Hyneimoj
Ondirpikeon, the Cyclical [Ohn -dihr-pee-KAY-ohn] – god of eclipses, tides, seismic and volcanic activity, astronomy, geomancy, and inquiry; one of the Six Founder Gods and patron of Haverartbow
Onpoleneraz [Ohn-pohl-lehn-NEH-rahz] – river-man with a barge
Oofan [OO-fahn] – Fahnine noble of the second degree, or his/her consort
Oofaz [OO-fahz] – the landed estate of an Oofan
Oofite [OO-fyt] – of or pertaining to an Oofan or Oofaz
Oofon [OO-fohn] – male child of an Oofan
Oofonal [OO-fohn-ahl] – female child of an Oofan
Orchard Moon – in the Eighth or Ninth month
Otsinmohr [Oh-TSIHN- more] – the province immediately south of Vildecaz
Otsinmohrin [Oh-TSIHN-mohr-ihn] – of or pertaining to Otsinmohr
Ozhadin, Sinlaj [Ohz-HAH-dihn, SIHN-lahzh] – late landlord of The Ancient Song
pajiman grapes [pah-ZHIH-man] – from Haverartbow, grapes with dark-violet skins
Pajmin’s Landing [PAHZH-mihn] – river harbor near the Worjinranth Falls
Pajmintirij [Pahzh-mihn-TEE-rizh] – god of safety, marriage, preparation and forethought, village-and-city planning, and maintenance
Pareo, Rai [PAH-ray-oh, RYE] – secretary to Zervethus Gaxamirin
Parigoch-goats [Pah-REE-gotch] – long-haired species of curl-horned goats
Parmentoj [Pahr-MEHN-tohzh] – the god of measuring time and calendars; one of the children of Reonoj
Parumenz, Vazha [Pah-roo-MEHNZ, VAHZ-hah] – Heijoz Merinex’s apprentice
pelgar [PEL-gahr] – wide-skirted riding-coat; a step up from a dolaj
Perswipareon [Pehr-swee-pah-RAY-ohn] – town west-northwest of Tiumboj
Piebald Crane, The – an inn at Pajmin’s Landing
Pirkenee [Pihr-KEE-nay] – semi-autonomous Mirkalin on southwest Theninzalk
Plough, The – ecliptic constellation
Pomig [POE-mihg] – the Third World, a continent to the south by southeast of Theninzalk
Porcaz [POHR-cahz] – Imperial Province of the Porzalk Empire, where Tiumboj is located
Porzalk [POUR-zahlk] Empire – the largest territorio-political federation on Theninzalk
pourri-flowers [POOH-ree] – flowers used to make a tea-like drink
Priests of Dallan-Noj [DAHL-lahn-NOHZH] – an order dedicated to comfort and solace to those consumed by sorrow. They have a chapter-house on every continent, including the Drowned World
Priests of Mirvex-Doz [MIHR-vehx-DOHZ] – important training school for magicians in the Drowned
Provost Magsto – title of the head of a Library or a School
Pruferaj, Foreon [Proo-FEH-rahzh, Foh-RAY-ohn] – Imperial Councillor
puff-bread – fried batter-bread
Quaenach, Hoperinaz [KWY-nahtch, Hoh-peh-REE-nahz] – guide and scout
quaenaz-leaves [KWEYE-nahz] – tea from Ymiljesai
quansaj [quahn-SAHZH] – great-coat made of fur
quazmei [KWAHZ-may] – frond pom-pom-trees from Poemig
Rachnoraj [Ratch-NOHR-ahzh] – mythic defender of Jinoarthcaz
Rathmei-Ur [RAHTH-my-OOR] – mythic first love of Svalen-Tu
Reiqui, Sharax [Ray-KWEE, SHAH-rahx] – physician in Valdihovee
Researchery of Cynee, The – repository of magical records and information on Fah, loosely affiliated with the Agnitheon
Reaper’s Moon – full moon occurring usually in the Ninth or Tenth Month
redcoon – the Great World version of the Asian raccoon, technically called the Lesser Panda (not a bear on this planet, either)
remetrij [ray-MEHT-rihzh] – shapable magical energy
Reonoj, The Ubiquitous [RAY-oh-nohzh] – hermaphrodite god/goddess of the cosmos, water, creation, time, and destiny; one of the Six Founder Gods, rarely invoked, and patron of Theninzalk He/she has six self-created children: Aubindimei, Dinonthee, Guinee, Mintrij, Neittrij, and Parmentoj
respect – between making a leg and a sala’am; a sign of recognition of rank and of high regard
reverence – a gesture honoring a god, goddess, or lesser spirit
Riast II [REE-AHST] – current Emperor of Porzalk
River Dej [DEHZH] – the boundary between Vildecaz and Ostinmohr
Roba elk [ROH-bah] – smallish elk native to Ayo, but raised for game animals on Theninzalk and Haverartbow
Rocaz [ROH-cahz] – recently annexed neighbor duzky to Vildecaz; now part of the Porzalk Empire
Rocazin, Dochanee [Roh-CAHZ-in, Dotch-AH-nay] – Housekeeper-General of Vildecaz Castle
Rojmohr [ROHZH-mohr] Ocean – touching the Zihn-Fah, Ymiljesai, and the Drowned World, as well as four seas
Romonaj, Therin [Roh-MOH-nahzh, THEH-rihn] – Tiumboj Castle page
rourua [rohoo-ROO-ah] – Fahnine lounging robe, usually silk